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NESTLED near the mouth of Hu-bei's Xiling Gorge, Yichang is becoming an ever-stronger tourist magnet in the revamped Three Gorges area. Many traditional tourist spots have made way for China's huge navigation and hydroelectricity project on the Yangtze River, but Yichang, dubbed "Pearl of  相似文献   

YLING District of Yichang City, Hubei Province, near the Yangtze liver Xiling Gorge, marks the midway spot between the river's upper and middle reaches. It is site of the Gezhouba Dam and the Three Gorges Project dam, and has consequently been dubbed gate to the Three Gorges. With a territory of 3,424 square kilometers, Yiling is the largest and most populous district of Yichang City.Urban construction-The district has invested one billion yuan in urban construction which has expanded the urban area to 8 square kilometers. The local infrastructure, transportation and environment have also been upgraded.  相似文献   

YICHANG is animportant city incentral China'sHubei Province,as well as thestarting point ofthe Yangtze River Three Gorges.More significantly, Yichang is thelocation of the world's largestwater control Project ─ the Three-Gorges Dam ─ and serves as theconnecting link between the upperand lower reaches of the YangtzeRiver and eastern and westernChina. Yichang City plays a strategic role within China's plans todevelop the west.ImpetusThe Three Gorges Projectaccounts for the largest a…  相似文献   

THE year 2004 saw the20th anniversary of thenational-level develop-ment zones. Having longbeen part of the centralgovernment's macroeconomic plans,the Yichang Development Zone andhundreds of others like it are now en-tering an era of post-development, inwhich business management, local ser-vices and facilities will all be upgraded.From this new perspective, high-techzones large and small are looking to thefuture. As a pioneer in the fast-devel-oping Three Gorges regional economy,the Yichang…  相似文献   

Floodwaters are released from the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River in Yichang,central China’s Hubei Province,on July 20.The dam,China’s largest flood control project,acts as a buffer for the worst flood-ing in decades as it blocks more than 40 percent of upstream water.The peak influx into the Three Gorges Reservoir topped 70,000 cubic meters a second on July 20,the highest level since the dam was completed last year.The flow is still 30,000 cubic meters below its designed capacity.The discharge has been kept under 40,000 cubic meters a second to help flood-fighting efforts in downstream areas that have been plagued by weeks of heavy rainfalls.The Three Gorges Reservoir has a capacity of more than 20 billion cubic meters with a maximum water level of 175 meters.  相似文献   

The Three Gorges International Tourism Festival was held in Yichang, Hubei Province, from 1st to 7th October. The festival is a key component of the Chinese Folk Arts Tour sponsored by the China Tourism Administration. The program of 20 events included the opening ceremony, the Three Gorges carnival, the evening fireworks party, the China netizen tourism festival, the Zhaojun tourism festival, the  相似文献   

Chen Kezhi:a prestigious oil painter and a household name in Chinese fine arts circles,is add- ing luster to the cultural prosperity of the country with his artistic efforts.The latest sensation is over his masterpieces of the Three Gorges area.Since 1996,he has devoted himself to the Three Gorges series.These paintings reproduce the original impression of the Three Gorges area that will never be seen again.The paintings deliver the mystic atmosphere of the orient and the majestic scenery of China.Chen recently sat down with Beijing Review reporter Huang Jun to share his views and experience on these masterpieces.  相似文献   

Visting Households In the Three Gorges In Hubei Province, located in the heart of the Chinese mainland, a visitor is standing at an intersection of cultures and terrains. Not only does Hubei boast splendid Three Gorges scenery, but also the magnificent and unrivaled Three Gorges Dam. Situated in the Dengyingxia Gorge, the famous Households of the Three  相似文献   

<正>Guarding Against Floods The water level of the Three Gorges project in central China’s Hubei Province on September 10 before a full-capacity storage test.The Three Gorges project initiated the test that day to increase its water level to the design maximum of 175 meters above sea level,as required by the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters.The project’s reservoir is  相似文献   

Q: Mr. Gan, could you pleasegive us an overview of theChongqing relocation project?A' Relocating people from theThree Gorges reservoir area is animportant part of the Three GorgesProject and will have a greatimpact on the economic development and social stability of thereservoir area and all ofChongqing. The success of therelocation project will largelydetermine the success of theGorges project itself. Chongqingwill be responsible for the bulk ofthe relocation work.State leaders and the l…  相似文献   

AT the end of 2008, Zhongxian County of Chongqing Municipality produced China's .first cup of pure, undiluted citrus juice, a natural beverage free of additives and antiseptics. According to industry insiders, Zhongxian County in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area follows only Florida in the United States and Sao Paulo in Brazil to become a provider of high quality citrus juice to the world.  相似文献   

THE global financial crisis has impacted consumption in China,and tourism is one area that has been hit particularly hard.So,in an effort to stimulate the industry,some of China's tourist hotspots have launched special coupons to attract more travelers to visit their sites and sample their delights.  相似文献   

AFTER a decade of construction, the Three Gorges Project targets are being realized on schedule, which means that the Hubei Xingfa Chemicals Group Co., Ltd. has unlimited scope for development.Construction of the Three Gorges Project necessitated Xingfa's predecessor, the Xingshan County Chemical General Works',  相似文献   

Standing on the highest point of the Three Gorges worksite, a vast expanse of white building structures comes into view, a new town nestling deep in the green hills and blue water like a mini-landscape pot decorating the huge Three Gorges Dam just one kilometer away. This is the youngest county town in the present-day China. Living in it are 45,000 people displaced by the mammoth Three Gorges Water Project on China's longest river of the Yangtze. One could see no overhead lines in the town or chimneys on top of the roofs or walls on the four sides. Rainwater and sewage water go down into separate pipelines, with rainwater discharged directly into the Yangtze  相似文献   

The Three Gorges Project Months From Completion
The last stage of the Three Gorges Project will be finished at the end of 2009 after 17 years of work. Upon the completion of construction, the power plant will be able to generate 100 billion kWh annually. Up to the end of June 2009, RMB 184.9 billion had been invested in it, generating more than 320 billion kWh.  相似文献   

The Three Gorges area on the middle reaches of the Yangtze River is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and exciting places in China,and the perfect destination to admire China's natural and manmade marvels.In May,I followed my inner siren call and visited the area on a sunny weekend with my boyfriend.We took a cruise on the Yangtze.The ship was swarming with domestic tourists and several foreigners,many of us leaning over the railings in awe.I had booked seats on the top deck,and we were not disappointed as the panorama of the Xiling Gorge passed us by along with the lush vegetation on the hills and teal waters of the Yangtze.  相似文献   

On December 14, 1994, on behalf of theCommittee of the Chinese CommunistParty and the State Council, Premier Li Pengannounced the official commencement of con-struction of the Three Gorges Project, a dreamof the Chinese people for generations. The Pro-ject will prevent floods in the middle and lowerreaches of the Yangtze River and bring new op-  相似文献   

China Enterprise to Build Myanmar’s 1st Wind Farm The China Three Gorges Corporation(CTG)signed a wind power project agreement with Myanmar on February29,2016.The Chaungtha Project in Ayeyawady Region of Myanmar is the  相似文献   

Shanxi Beckons     
YOU might think that one of China’s major coal producing prov- inces would make for a poor tourist destina- tion, but in the case of Shanxi, you’d be wrong. The province in North China supplied 70 percent of the country’s coal requirements for the development of its heavy industry, but now its many visitors are pleased to see that its abundant tourist attrac- tions are also generating far cleaner revenues.A Land of Mountains, Waters and Colorful History Located on the middle reaches of …  相似文献   

The Three Gorges Dam holds up two flood flow peaks in less than two weeks China’s Three Gorges Dam on the swollen Yangtze River stood its second test this year on July 28,holding back flood flows  相似文献   

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