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累人的礼节 在非洲布基纳法索国的最主要的土语--摩西语当中,我们这群皮肤颜色比较淡的外国人都被叫做NASALA,其实这就相当于台湾人从前叫外国人都一律称呼"阿斗仔"的意思一样.每当我在路上行走或骑自行车时,途中遇到的小朋友只要老远见到我,一定会冲上前来,对着我喊:"阿斗仔,你好!",即便是距离遥远,来不及冲到我面前来,也会隔着遥远的距离挥手对着我如此大声叫喊,所以出门一趟,就得要沿路不停地挥手说"你好、你好"地一个个回应过去,说实在地,这样子一路喊下来还真的是很累人的一件事情!  相似文献   

02泰国名胜@季锋  相似文献   

廖茂财 《法制博览》2009,(13):28-28
“冥婚”,顾名思义,就是人死后完婚的意思。这是我国的一种古老的封建加迷信的婚俗类型。古人认为人死后进入阴间,而阴间也有婚姻之义,所以凡男女生前未婚而亡,则两家父母或亲友为之举行婚礼使死者在阴间结为夫妇,而“宜室宜家”。冥婚俗称“鬼婚”,显然,这是作父母的过分疼爱子女之举,以解除心理上对子女夭殇之痛。冥婚又分“嫁殇”、“迁葬”两种方式。《小知录》说:“生非夫妇,而葬相从”即为指此,唐宋以后则普遍称为“冥婚”。  相似文献   

茶是当今世界最为普通的一种饮料.由于各国的风俗民情、生活习惯各不相同,在饮茶习俗上也是呈现出多彩多姿、风格迥异的各种习俗. 日本:日本人对茶情有独钟.自茶从中国传入后,受到日本人的喜爱,并在日本生根、发展.  相似文献   

陈彬 《当代世界》2009,(1):41-44
2008年12月15日,泰国国会召开特别会议,选举政府新总理。在国会泰国发展党(前泰国党)、为国党、泰自豪党(前中庸民主党)和泰人同心发展党的共同支持下,泰国传统老党民主党提名的候选人党主席阿披实以235票比198票的优势,击败泰国人民党主席沙诺提名的候选人为国党主席巴查,成为泰国第27位总理,也是泰国历史上最年轻的总理。阿披实的当选,  相似文献   

一年前,当年轻的电信大亨他信意气风发地走进泰国总理府,成为这个国家的第23位总理的时候,深感重塑泰国经济这份担子的沉重份量.1997年夏季的那场肇始于泰国的金融风暴,不仅吹破了五彩斑斓的经济泡沫,其后遗症影响长期不能得到根除.  相似文献   

尹鸿伟 《南风窗》2008,(14):80-82
"在泰国,政变就像自然灾害一样,谁能知道什么时候发生?"万幸的是,因为有宪政约束下自我克制政府的存在,才能让如此一场持续了两年多的激烈政治斗争还运行在和平的轨道上。  相似文献   

陶杰 《南风窗》2010,(12):94-94
<正>泰国红衫军包围总理府和国会。泰王健康恶化,一代君主偶像,操控局势无力,泰国承袭英国建立的君主立宪制,出现重大危机。泰国民众担忧,一旦泰王有什么三长两短,泰国的民主议会制度,将往向处去?泰国的君主立宪,是19世纪的朱拉隆功奠定的。朱拉隆功本来是太子,即位后成为拉玛五世。他是泰国史上的康熙皇帝,  相似文献   

在泰国目前的局面下,很难把一位保证要修复破损经济,而且广受欢迎的政界人物赶下台。无论如何,反对者必须明白,用暴动游行推翻一个民选领袖的行为,只会给本国尚未站稳脚跟的民主带来长期祸害。  相似文献   

正曾经一位摄像记者在参加采访活动时开玩笑地说,英拉是位大美人,凭这长相收视率就会高。她是第四代华裔,她称自己有25%的中国血统,早年在商界打拼时更是多次到过中国。曾经一位摄像记者在参加采访活动时开玩笑地说,英拉是位大美人,拍出来肯定好看,单凭这长相收视率就会高。现年47岁的英拉·西那瓦是西那瓦家九个孩子中的老幺,她是第四代华裔,她称自己有25%的中国血统,早年  相似文献   


The diffusion of presidentialism to Latin America has led to its distortion. The North American constitutional pattern, termed presidentialism under separation of powers and its most distinguishing feature, presidential leadership, while modeled in Latin America, has rarely led to democratic–constitutional government a la the United States. The institution of the presidency in Latin America is also typical for nondemocratic regimes in the region. One of the most widely accepted and widely professed facts in Latin American politics is the dominant role of the president but, curiously, most discussions of presidentialism are limited to the US and comparisons with Great Britain. Few studies of Latin American chief executives lend shape to the corpus of scholarly literature, despite the region's long experience and ejecutivismo. The gap, and this article, should be taken as a stimulus for more systematic explication, analysis, and research.  相似文献   

革新是我们的传统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
5月23日,德国社民党为庆祝建党14O周年,举行了主题为“革新是我们的传统”的庆典活动。德国总理、社民党主席施罗德发表讲话,总结和回顾了社民党的历史,并就党的建设和发展问题做了一些原则性阐述。现将有关内容摘要如下:  相似文献   

This article addresses the question of whether the culture of masculinity, which is dominant in the water bureaucracy of Thailand, has been changing since the country officially adopted the international paradigm shift towards an integrated approach that emphasizes, among other things, gender equality and women's participation in water resources management. Despite official rhetoric, masculinities have held sway in organizational structure and behavior. Women in both traditional and new water agencies, and those under their mandates, continue to be disadvantaged and excluded. More potent change measures, such as strong gender-sensitive capacity building, are needed. To succeed, such measures may also require broader reforms in state bureaucracy.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Leaders of the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO), Malaysia's ruling party, invented 'Malay tradition' for the purpose of maintaining control not only over the domestic political process, but also in their own ranks. Yet, this did not deter challenges to the leadership which were also legitimised on the basis of tradition. In this regard, the rhetoric of tradition also functioned as a barometer assessing the stakes and the levels of support for the contestants. When the stakes of political contestation became extraordinarily high, the major protagonists were quite willing to depart from tradition to determine outcomes. Realising its instrumental worth, the UMNO elites manufactured tradition to legitimise deviations from established norms. But in the process of reinventing the wheel, the leaders of UMNO inadvertently contributed to the construction of ethnic identity.  相似文献   

2010年5月19日,泰国遭遇“现代史上最黑暗的一天”,军方出动装甲车驱散示威人群,红衫军领导人随即宣布自首。泰国这场旷日持久的示威行动终于在付出血的代价后宣告结束。示威共造成至少75人死亡,1800人受伤,示威还对泰国的经济造成严重冲击,泰国旅游业损失惨重.股市大跌.全国经济面临衰退危险。  相似文献   

1月24日,泰国总理他信家族将所持有的西那瓦集团49.6%的股份出售给新加坡淡马锡控股,这笔原本要价10.5亿美元的交易最后以18.7亿美元成交.作为西那瓦集团的最大股东,他信年仅23岁的大女儿得到5.3亿美元.这起貌似普通的交易有着复杂的背景,他信本想通过此次交易证明自己的清白,不料却引发了泰国大规模反对他信的游行,使他面临从政以来最大危机.  相似文献   

周方冶 《当代世界》2008,(10):23-25
2008年9月9日,泰国宪法法院宣布,沙玛·顺通卫在总理任职期间,四次主持电视烹饪节目,并收取报酬8万泰铢(约合2300美元),违反宪法第267条款,立即剥夺总理职务。随后,经过一周的内部协商,以人民力量党为首的执政联盟于9月16日提名颂猜·翁沙瓦参选总理职位。9月17日的众议院表决中,人民力量党副主席颂猜以298票对163票压倒反对派候选人——民主党主席阿披实·维乍集瓦,成为泰国第26位总理。  相似文献   

今年6月12日,曼谷阿南达沙玛空王宫显得格外热闹,在当今世界29个保持君主统治的国家中,除了沙特、萨摩亚和尼泊尔之外,包括日本明仁天皇、摩纳哥国家元首阿尔伯特二世亲王、柬埔寨国王西哈莫尼等12位国王或国家元首,以及13个国家王室代表相聚于此,向登基60周年的普密蓬国王表示祝贺.世界王室聚会曼谷,成为难得一见的历史盛况.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the findings of a study carried out in 1970 by a small team of Thai and foreign research workers under the auspices of the National Education Council of Thailand. The study consisted essentially of (1) a statistical analysis of the structure of personal earnings in Greater Bangkok as revealed by a household survey specially conducted for the purpose; (2) an analysis of the costs of education in the entire country from data gathered by a mailed questionnaire to public and private schools; and (3) a calculation of private and social rates of return on educational investment in Thailand, making use oj (1) and (2).1 An earlier paper reported on the statistical analysis of earnings (Blaug 1974). The present paper concentrates on the rate‐of‐return calculations, with a passing glance at the cost figures.  相似文献   

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