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中国人力资本投资状况及其政策选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人力资本投资状况对我国经济发展和劳动者个人收入水平有着至关重要的影响。虽然我国对人力资本的投资总量在逐年增长,但我国的人力资本投资支出还远远低于各国平均数,与物质资本投资相比较,人力资本投资的相对量还处于较低水平,投资结构也不尽合理。  相似文献   

农村人力资本投资的影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农村人力资本投资不但受到经济发展水平与风险因素的影响,还会受到政府投资政策与投资体制的影响。总得来看,由于政府财力有限以及在投资过程中的城市化倾向、农民收入增长缓慢和人力资本流动造成的风险使得农村人力资本投资水平比较低。  相似文献   

高校毕业生就业质量的高低反映了高校人才培养质量状况。影响大学生就业质量的因素很多,但从高校 的视角来看,人力资本、杜会资本对大学生的求职过程、职业稳定与职业发展以及就业满意度具有重要的影响和作用。 大学生和高校可通过对人力资本、社会资本的投资和积累促进就业质量的提升。  相似文献   

This is the beginning of an exploration of before as the thesis ‘before’ (temporally) and ‘be-fore’ (spatially) difference. Before denotes the origin and the desired destination. Before (in the double sense of ‘before’ and ‚be-in-the-fore’) opens up a space of pre-difference, of origin and of forgotten memory, as well as a space of desire, objective, illusion of teleology, unity, completion. Applied to the two domains of Human Rights and Sex/Gender, the space of ‘before’ yields two slightly different vistas: in human rights, a premodern, functionally undifferentiated society which had to invent human rights as its safeguards of functional differentiation. In Sex/Gender, ‘before’ brings a self-referential construction: that of ipseity, as the form of identity beyond comparison that does not play with id but with ipsum. Ipseity is inoperable but not useless. It is inoperable because it cannot be observed from anywhere without suffering rupture. It is not useless because it offers a ground for the reconceptualisation of difference, both through awe and desire.  相似文献   

人力资本与教育投资   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人力资本在经济发展中具有十分重要的作用 ,它是经济发展的根本性因素。人力资本的重要来源是教育投资 ,人力资本质量的高低也取决于教育投资的数量和质量。因此 ,增加教育投入 ,提高人口质量 ,建立有中国特色的教育体系是一项十分重要而紧迫的任务。  相似文献   

人力资本理论认为教育有助于工人工资的提高,但这一理论存在诸多问题。人力资本理论分析教育投资的均衡,假设教育投资边际回报递减,但经验研究显示,教育投资的边际回报递增。人力资本理论在解释教育对工资提高的作用时,没有把教育投资与劳动力市场的供给和需求相联系,而任何工资的变化如果不联系劳动力市场供给和需求的变化,就难以得到合理解释。为此,本研究就教育对工资提高的作用提出一个新解释:教育投资同时增加了受教育者在劳动力市场的稀缺性和需求,由此提高了其议价能力从而提高了工资。这一理论解释隐含,随着教育的发展,劳动力市场上受教育层次较高工人稀缺性降低,导致教育投资回报率下降。经验研究显示,随着高等教育毛入学率的增加,高等教育的回报降低,可视为是人力资本理论新解释的支持性证据。  相似文献   

我国在现代企业制度的建设方面必须要体现人力资本的地位,发挥人力资本在企业经营活动中的主导地位,给予人力资本所有者剩余索取权。人力资本所有者剩余索取权不仅仅要给予企业经营管理者、技术人员,更重要的是要给予居于企业主体的广大职工。因此,必须解决国有企业的人力资本产权虚置问题,把潜在的人力资本产权状况制度显性化,而以职工持股为主要手段的国有企业存量资产改革的实践运作,应该是我国国有企业改革的解决人力资本产权的主题之一。  相似文献   

Gender quotas have become a way to increase women’s participation in leading positions in economic life. Iceland enacted corporate gender quotas in 2013, requiring a minimum of 40% of each gender. These quotas were legalized after the financial collapse in 2008, which many blamed on male dominance of the economy. The focus of this paper is the timeframe of the turn to quotas, and the media discourse and parliamentary debate regarding men and women in corporate management. Van Dijk’s theoretical framework of critical discourse analysis was employed to examine data from the period 2009–2015. Firstly, we studied 150 articles in three online newspapers: Morgunblaðið, Vísir, and Viðskiptablaðið, written between 2009 and 2015. Secondly, we examined 132 parliamentary documents in which gender quotas were proposed and debated in 2009 and 2010. Three themes were highlighted: gender difference and opportunities during critical times; women and capability; and changed discourse. In order to shed light on the struggle for women’s influence, we examine how the debate manifested the Wollstonecraft dilemma. The results show a tension between gender-neutral arguments versus arguments about women’s alleged special traits and qualifications. Arguments emphasizing the importance of women’s special capabilities for the well-being of society and companies’ profitability were at the heart of the quota legislation, and as such proved successful. However, the findings also demonstrate the risk that female candidates are viewed as a signal of change in times of crisis. Hence, we claim that arguments matter; although women-centred arguments have contributed to gender balance within the Icelandic economy, they may also create barriers for women because they support patriarchal relations. Furthermore, the results indicate that societal difficulties call for drastic changes, and it seems as though a tailwind is needed for women to receive opportunities within the economic sector to push gender equality forward.  相似文献   


This essay traces the evolution of Chinese women and gender studies in academia since the 1970s through a discussion of a number of prominent Western-language book publications that reveal changing scholarly approaches and attitudes toward this subject. It makes evident that within several generations the field has developed from a study favoured by left-leaning academics to a subject fed by multi-disciplinary approaches and integral to China scholarship. The review demonstrates how researchers sought sources and means to expose the once-buried literary and artistic achievements of imperial era women while modern history and literary experts as well as anthropologists and other social scientists countered long-standing narratives of women’s oppression, and pursued alternative scenarios to show how Chinese men and women have transformed their culture and society. There is also attention given to publications about masculinity, same-sex cultures, and the one-child policy. The review concludes that more contact between Western and Chinese scholars on women and gender studies will enrich and expand the dimensions of this field.  相似文献   

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