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本文分析了政策冲突中的中央与地方关系的表现形式,指出中央与地方关系之所以表现得错综复杂,实质在于利益关系的不同。双方对利益最大化的追求又需要权力得以实现,在此基础上制定的公共政策必然表现出一种集权与分权的矛盾。丈中根据不同的情况提出了相应的协调机制,以便更好的规范政府政策行为,实现中央与地方利益的双赢。  相似文献   

公共政策执行是一个动态的过程,也是将政策观念形态的内容转化为实际效果,从而实现既定政策目标的活动过程。现实的政策实践表明,某些政策付诸实施以后,并不能取得政策效果。这是因为在执行过程中会遇到各种因素的干扰和影响。本文旨在探讨影响公共政策有效执行的主要因素,以利于在政策执行过程中,趋利避害,保证其顺利执行。  相似文献   

公共政策的价值取向影响着政策问题的构建、公共政策的制定和执行、公共政策的评估。价值取向关系着公共政策是否能有效解决社会公共问题,协调社会多元利益,实现和维护社会公共利益的目标。  相似文献   

公共政策价值选择是公共政策制定过程中的核心要素,决定着公共政策目标的实现。逆境常态化使各级政府公共政策价值选择偏失加剧,这种问题不仅使政策达不到治理逆境的效果,认清逆境中政策价值选择的重要性是各级政府首要课题。  相似文献   

政策失灵是世界各国共有的现象。我国学界主要从理论和实践两个方面分析了政策失灵的内涵、类型、成因、对策等,不断加深对政策失灵问题的认识。但目前政策失灵研究还存在基本概念界定不清、理论创新不足、视角较为狭窄、研究深度不够等问题。深化政策失灵研究,需要在学理上对其内涵进行清晰界定,构建政策失灵的分析模型;将政策失灵与政策过程相结合,将思辨分析与实证分析相结合,分析政策失灵的具体表现、内在机理、应对思路,增强政策失灵分析的中国特色和理论创新。  相似文献   

公共政策议程的成本分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立公共政策议程是公共政策制定过程中的起始阶段,公共政策议程决定着社会问题成为公共政策问题,并直接影响着公共政策质量。本文从成本角度分析了公共政策议程,指出公共政策议程有决策成本和外部成本,依此分析了公共政策议程不同类型的成本原因。在公共政策议程中由于成本的存在,当代中国公共政策议程具有内在推动特征。  相似文献   

公共政策执行在公共政策活动中处于关键环节,对于公共政策能否达到预期目标具有至关重要的作用。本文分析了公共政策执行偏差产生的原因并提出相应的措施:加大公共政策宣传力度,确保对公共政策实质的认识;提高公共政策执行认知程度,确保公共政策"利益超脱";提高公共政策执行人员的素质,强化公共政策的预测性;提升公共政策的质量,确保公共政策执行有序推进;提供有效的制度设计,建立有序的公众参与机制。  相似文献   

本文从公共政策执行的本义出发,提出公共政策执行链的概念,并应用这一结构对公共政策执行过程中的政策传递问题进行了初步分析,得出一些初步的结论。  相似文献   

张顺 《行政与法》2005,(4):10-12
钱学森所提出的综合集成方法论或大成智慧工程是现代技术思维方式的具体体现形式,也是解决复杂性系统问题的方法论。从思维方式上看,公共政策设计属于技术思维模式;从思维的对象上来看,公共政策面对的是复杂性的社会系统。综合集成方法论或大成智慧工程对公共政策设计具有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

入世以后,中国原本存在的政策制定系统方面的问题将会更加突出。在政策对象、政策风险、政策成本、政策制定系统的设置、政策制定系统人员的素质和观念等诸多方面都会遇到许多问题。只有明确问题的所在,才有可能找到解决问题的办法。我们应该转变观念,加大投入,改良政策制定人员的素质,优化政策制定机构的设置,提高政策制定系统的整体能力。同时,也要下大力气去优化政策大环境。  相似文献   

公共政策的非公共性——公共政策研究的新视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共政策的公共性是公共政策的应然属性,公共政策的非公共性则表现为公共政策的实然属性。公共政策的非公共性主要表现为公共政策主体的垄断性和自利性、公共政策问题的主观性、公共政策目标的非公平性、公共政策信息的非共享性等。公共政策的非公共性为公共政策研究提供了一个新视角,对其研究具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

孙德厚 《行政与法》2005,(12):50-51
构建和谐社会,落实科学发展观,离不开对“三农”问题的研究。长期以来,在关于“三农”问题与村民自治的公共政策制定和理论研究中,由于对“农民”与“村民”概念的片面理解和不规范使用,产生了严重的负面影响,对其规范使用已是势在必行。农民与村民本是两个外延不同,内涵既有同质性,但又有异质性的概念,二者不可相互替代。对其规范使用,有利于在公共政策制定和“三农”问题的理论研究上发挥正确导向和规范作用。  相似文献   

公共政策的工程品格   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
张顺 《行政与法》2004,(12):20-22
公共政策具有工程活动的所有特征,政策活动是改造社会的工程活动。社会科学是公共政策的理论指导,公共政策是社会科学理论在实践中的综合应用。公共政策学应借鉴工程学的研究方法,实现公共政策理论与实践上的创新。  相似文献   

Criminologists bemoan their lack of influence on U.S. crime policy, believing that the justice system would be improved if their research findings were more central in decision making. I had an opportunity to test that notion as I participated in California’s historic attempt to reform its prisons over the past 4 years. I became an embedded criminologist, where I was able to observe and contribute to the inner workings of state government. This article reports on my accomplishments with respect to fostering research activities and shifting the department’s focus towards prisoner reintegration. It discusses some of the lessons I learned, including the personal toll that such work entails, the importance of the timing of policy initiatives, and the power of rigorous methodology and clear communication. I conclude by recommending that other policy-oriented criminologists seek out similar experiences, as I believe our academic skills are uniquely suited and ultimately necessary to create a justice system that does less harm.
Joan PetersiliaEmail:

In 2009, two seminal documents were published by the United Kingdom (UK) government concerning healthcare services for offenders. The Bradley review into diversion for people with mental health problems and learning disabilities emphasised a need to improve offender health, not least because of the high economic costs to society as a whole resulting from unresolved mental illness, physical ill-health and substance abuse problems commonly experienced by offenders. The Bradley review made wide-reaching recommendations for change, requiring strong partnership between health and justice agencies at both central government and local levels. A framework for the delivery of Bradley's recommendations has been set out in Improving health, supporting justice, the Department of Health's offender health strategy which sets out the direction of travel for the next 10 years.This paper discusses the reality of working toward improving health services for this marginalised group in the context of the influence of the current straitened financial climate on the allocation of resources to publically funded healthcare in the UK; it examines the historically based, and widely held, belief in the principle of “less eligibility” within our society, whereby there is much public and media resistance to allocating resources to improving care for offenders when other, more “deserving”, groups are perceived to be in continuing need.  相似文献   

梅林 《行政与法》2005,(6):47-49
北京出租车换型事件所引起的思考不仅仅是行政上的,更是法律上的。制定公共政策尽管在传统上被认为属于行政管理学的范畴,其作为一种科学活动不应与法律发生联系。但是,法治化的进程不可避免的影响到这一行政管理的传统领地,公共政策制定的法治化是公共政策行为发展的大方向和新动力。  相似文献   

Though community treatment orders (CTOs) were first used in 1986 in Australia, debate about their clinical and ethical merits continues even today. For some, the benefits of reduced frequency and duration of involuntary hospitalizations are believed to adequately outweigh the harms of restricted liberties in community living. For others, however, such benefits are believed to be achievable by simply arranging integrated, devoted community resources sans any threat of forced re-hospitalization. In response to this enduring controversy, this article examines the ethical merits of community orders using a novel approach. “Novel” because the examination is based on research ethics and its foundational principles.When hospital and community clinicians, family members, consumer/survivors, and advocacy groups discussed the idea of amending Ontario's mental health legislation to permit CTOs in the late 1990s, evidence of their effects and efficacy was very limited. Moreover, an order was characterized much like standard pharmacological or medical therapies because the person or an appropriate substitute decision maker's consent was necessary to authorize the order or make it valid. These two factors prompted this retrospective analysis: if CTOs - as a public policy initiative - had been treated like most other promising therapies, would any different ethics-related concerns have been raised that, in turn, would have benefited the public debate and the legislature's decisions? In other words, if respected safeguards that apply to new drugs and medical devices had applied to CTOs, would anything have changed?  相似文献   

We examine here some of the interactions of research and policy over the past several decades. The “rehabilitation period” was effectively terminated by nulleffect evaluations of various rehabilitation techniques. The “just deserts-utilitarian period” was fed by research estimates of the deterrent and incapacitative effects of criminal justice activities. The more recent “overt politicization period” saw the earlier attempt to bring rational and theory-based perspectives to policy development replaced by much stronger emphasis on political concerns. We explore possible ways to reestablish the research-policy connections. This paper was prepared for the Plenary Session,Journal of Quantitative Criminology 10-Year Anniversary, 1995 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Boston, MA.  相似文献   

宋菲 《华中电力》2022,(1):62-77
在国家处于应急时期时,最高人民法院单独或联合出台司法政策已成为非常态社会治理的重要方式。应急时期的司法政策具有出台快速性、效力临时性、目的明确性、主体联动性和运行政治性特点,并通过"作为裁判依据"和"作为裁判背景"的方式化解社会矛盾、维护社会稳定。鉴于司法政策本身的定位不清,其对秩序的追求和紧急权行使与基本法治原则相抵牾,以及"成本—收益"理论阐释该时期政策与法律选择的非自主性,应急时期的司法政策在实现法治价值的同时也极易被不当运用,如直接将行政政策转化为司法政策,为达成维稳目标致使司法政策"运动式"运行,政策的"短期化"削弱司法公信力,以及笼统地将司法政策用作裁判依据等。针对可能风险,我们应基于法律与社会的"诉求—回应"关系,厘清特殊时期司法政策与公共政策的区别,结合教义学体系明确司法政策运用的具体要求,借助案例指引作用阐释司法政策蕴含的裁判规则,以及通过法律论证增强援引秩序价值说理的可接受性。  相似文献   

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