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Tremendous transformations are underway in the world political and economic landscape for the first time in modern history.In essence,this highlights the transition from the post-Cold War period to the era of globalization,and from a unipolar to a multipolar world.  相似文献   

美国对中东政策的非理性正在破坏它已维持数十年的同盟关系 ,正在更大范围内激起对美国的仇视与不满 ,美国的政策还使中东所有的合法政府感到无所适从 ,甚至危机四伏。中东地区的国际关系正在酝酿新的变化 ,一些国家的政策及行为模式也将面临调整。一场新的动乱正在中东地区生成 ,由于这场动乱由美国直接导演 ,而且美国自己也深陷其中 ,因此 ,这场动乱很可能成为美国霸权的陷阱。  相似文献   

Historian John Lewis Gaddis has found precedent for the current war on terror in early American history, arguing that the British burning of the capitol in 1814 had an impact on defense policy similar to the terrorist attacks of 9/11, leading to an emphasis on preemption. In basic respects, Gaddis restates the consensus among diplomatic historians that the early republic's foreign policy focused on preemption, unilateralism, and hegemony. But these depictions of early American diplomacy conflate separate eras and ignore an opposing tradition that was more moderate and principled. They are not without some truth, but their imperious sway in histories of our country needs to be checked and balanced.  相似文献   

American Grand Strategy in a World at Risk   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
If there is no single long-standing American grand strategy, one nonetheless sees through the course of U.S. history the tracks of a grand strategy. It started with the idea of a U.S. monopoly in the Western Hemisphere, along with balances of power in the chief theaters of the world; with belief in the primacy of sea and air power and the need for an economic system to support these; and the objective of transforming international politics. Since 9/11, even if the strategic hierarchy, intensity, and political basis have changed, the Bush administration has largely been continuing in this same project, with a sensible strategy but poorly considered tactics.  相似文献   

Aseries of shocking events,including Brexit in Europe and the Trump ascendancy in the United States,has made people wonder:what is wrong with the West? Although the problems in the West emerged long before today,and vary among different countries,they can generally be categorized into three common phenomena.The first of these is a sluggish economy.Although the most difficult phase of the financial crisis has passed in the United States and Europe,the recovery process did not include what is now necessary:structural adjustment,a daunting task,as yet unfulfilled leaving the middle and lower classes without recovery and with lingering structural unemployment,increasingly wary about economic globalization.  相似文献   

“全球化”(Globalization)一词 ,可谓是冷战后世界最显眼且最常用的术语。全球化的益处人所渐知 ,全球化引起的弊端和问题也层出不穷。如何理解全球化进程给人类事务带来的变化 ,如何解决全球化发展引发的弊端和问题 ,《全球化世界的治理》(GovernanceinaGlobalizingWorld) 一书试图给人们提供一个答案和解决之道。与一般研究阐释全球化的著作和文章不同 ,该书首先从“全球主义”(Globalism)概念和特征来阐述全球化以及全球化带来的影响和问题。罗伯特·基欧汉和约瑟夫·奈认为 ,“全…  相似文献   

世界新格局下美国实力地位的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新兴大国崛起正在重塑世界格局,美国经济霸权地位面临着越来越大的挑战.未来中国等新兴大国与美国的实力差距将愈来愈收窄,但在相当长时期内,美国唯一超级大国地位仍难撼动.中国要全面超越美国仍有很长的路要走.  相似文献   

世界新热点与全球治理新挑战   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
进入21世纪,随着世界多极化、经济全球化快速推进和国际安全形势的深刻变化,各国在相互依存与合作不断深化与加强的同时,面临的共同挑战也愈益突出和严峻。尤其是近年来,太空、极地、气候等新热点问题升温,对现有国际规制和全球治理秩序提出了新的严峻挑战。  相似文献   

This article argues that U.S. leaders navigated their way through World War II challenges in several important ways. These included: sustaining a functional civil-military relationship; mobilizing inside a democratic, capitalist paradigm; leveraging the moral high ground ceded to them by their enemies; cultivating their ongoing relationship with the British, and embracing a kind of adaptability and resiliency that facilitated their ability to learn from mistakes and take advantage of their enemies’ mistakes.  相似文献   

拉美国家作为发展中成员,陆续从参与关税和贸易总协定(GATT)各回合的货物贸易谈判开始,到“乌拉圭回合”启动前后的服务贸易谈判、与贸易有关的知识产权谈判,再到世界贸易组织(WTO)成立后,在“多哈回合”启动的新一轮多边贸易自由化谈判等一系列世界多边贸易自由化进  相似文献   

The decline in the United States’ relative position is in part a consequence of the burdens and susceptibilities produced by unipolarity. Contrary to the conventional wisdom, the U.S. position both internationally and domestically may actually be strengthened once this period of unipolarity has passed.  相似文献   

Since the end of the Cold War, there has been a marked increase in the sale of military services by private security companies (PSCs).1 ?1. The term private security company is used throughout the article instead of private military companies or private military firms. View all notes These companies sell anything from combat support for government military operations to military training and assistance, logistical support and more conventional security protection services. They have undertaken operations in countries as diverse as Sierra Leone, Croatia, and Columbia and now Iraq and Afghanistan. The presence of these companies on the international stage raises fundamental questions about the way war is now being fought. Unfortunately, the legal issues raised by their presence in conflicts have not yet been properly addressed. This article sets out to examine the suitability of international law in defining and controlling the activities of PSCs on the battlefield. It then goes on to discuss the problems associated with national regulation. Here the focus is on the attempts by the United States (US), South Africa, and United Kingdom (UK) governments to introduce effective legislation to control the industry.  相似文献   

Since the beginning of the 21st century, with the rapid deveopment of multi-polarization and economic globalization and profound changes in the international security situation, countries in the world are becoming more interdependent and deepening their cooperation, and at the same time facing increasingly grave common challenges. Particularly in recent years new hot issues relating to outer space, the polar regions, and climate change are looming large, posing new serious challenges to the current international rules and regulations and order of global governance.  相似文献   

今年美国当地时间5月1日深夜,奥巴马总统发表全国电视讲话,宣布在“9·11”恐怖袭击发生近10年之后,事件元凶——“基地”组织领导人本·拉登终于在巴基斯坦阿巴塔巴德市被美国海豹特种部队击毙。拉登时代已经结束,但是这并不等于恐怖主义和“基地”组织的消亡。其实早在这之前,美国人眼中的世界“头号恐怖分子”已经易主。  相似文献   

近 2 0年来 ,专门撰写与出版揭露美国帝国主义和霸权主义的书 ,似乎已是一种“久违”了的学术现象。现在摆在我案头的这本题为《帝国霸权与拉丁美洲——战后美国对拉美的干涉》(以下简称《干涉》,徐世澄主编 ,世界知识出版社 ,2 0 0 2 )的书 ,正是这样一本“久违”了的书 ,所以  相似文献   

In 1987–1988, a national debate erupted in Canada on the desirability of entering into a free trade agreement with the USA and its potential effect on Canadian culture, society, and national sovereignty—as well as its economy. A national coalition of labour unions and civil society groups emerged to oppose such an agreement with the USA, and later its expansion to Mexico as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The coalition was hailed by members as a groundbreaking alliance between labour unions and civil society, as well as a new grassroots challenge to the neo‐liberal economic policies of the government at the time. The experience led to a longer‐term pattern of collaboration between unions and NGOs in Canada, but the coalition also experienced difficulties in reconciling the different approaches and goals of participants, which were resolved with varying degrees of success. This paper discusses the coalition in relation to gendered attitudes and practices; issues of representation and accountability; different approaches to organisation, hierarchy, leadership, and decision making; resource conflicts; class‐based versus new views of challenge and social movements; and views within the Canadian labour movement on coalition work with civil society groups.  相似文献   

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