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法治与现代化的关系问题是现代化理论中的重大问题。通过司法改革促进法治是当今拉美国家现代化的必然要求。在法治与政治的关系方面,法治为政治的有序运转提供保障,拉美国家正在通过司法改革推进政治的现代化和民主化。法治与政治互动反映出各国政治发展不同阶段的两种情况:司法政治化和政治司法化。在暴力和独裁逐渐远离政治的现代化进程中,法治必将发挥更大的作用。法治与政治的良性互动有利于现代化的推进。  相似文献   

While fighting insurgency, both state and non-state groups depend on the local population for valuable resources such as food, intelligence, and security. By using a repertoire of subsistence coping mechanisms available to households in the context of the local political economy as an indicator of grievances and mechanisms of interactions between local households and the state and insurgents, district level data from Nepal on Maoist conflict is used to test hypotheses regarding state and insurgent violence. The analysis confirms that the state was more likely to kill people in a district where the number of households that borrowed to cope with subsistence was high. The Maoists were more likely to kill in a district with a higher number of subsistence sufficient households.  相似文献   

罗国强 《西亚非洲》2007,1(8):34-37
在伊朗核问题上,当前一般适用的实在国际法主要有:国际条约(包括《核不扩散条约》、《全面禁止核试验条约》、《部分禁止核试验条约》,以及《限制地下核武器试验条约》);国际习惯;联合国安理会决议;单方法律行为。目前的实在国际法由于在诸多方面存在缺失,因而在调整伊朗核问题时显得力不从心。伊朗在国际条约上仅仅承担了某种纸面上的义务,有关的国际习惯尚未形成,联合国安理会有关决议因受地缘政治因素的影响难有作为,而指望靠单方承诺解决伊朗核问题也是不现实的。当实在国际法不能很好地调整国际关系时,强行法可以被直接适用来弥补这一缺失。  相似文献   

There is a danger that the Rule of Law Assistance Unit of the United Nations Peacebuilding Commission will employ the same dominant but problematic paradigm that the international development community has pursued across the globe. This top-down, state-centred paradigm, sometimes known as ‘rule of law orthodoxy’, stands in contrast to an alternative set of strategies: legal empowerment. Legal empowerment involves the use of legal services, legal capacity-building and legal reform by and for disadvantaged populations, often in combination with other development activities, to increase their freedom, improve governance and alleviate poverty. It is typically carried out by domestic and international non-governmental organisations (NGOs), but also by governments and official aid agencies. This alternative approach focuses directly on the disadvantaged and integration with other development activities, which means it often operates under the de facto rubric of social development. Legal empowerment strategies vary among countries and NGOs. But their impact includes reforming gender-biased, non-state justice systems in Bangladesh; ameliorating the legal system's corruption in post-conflict Sierra Leone; keeping the human rights flame burning in post-conflict Cambodia; advancing natural resources protection and indigenous peoples' rights in Ecuador; and strengthening agrarian reform in the Philippines. Addressing such priorities can help alleviate poverty, ameliorate conflict and prevent chaos or repression from dominating the disadvantaged, particularly in conflict or post-conflict societies.  相似文献   

俄罗斯社会转型与法治之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
俄罗斯社会转型包含着丰富而又独具特色的内容,既有直观层面的政治转轨、经济转型及全球化的冲击,也有更深层次的生活方式的转换和人们观念的变革。这些变化蕴涵着俄罗斯对法治国家的实践诉求。在西化法治模式与俄罗斯固有文化传统的碰撞过程中,俄罗斯法治之路的特殊性日益显露出来。在法治国家的生成上,单纯的演化形式不能适应俄罗斯法治国家构建的紧迫性,单纯的建构模式不能与其特定的历史文化传统相融合。俄罗斯转型期的现实情势与历史传统的共同作用,决定了其法治国家建设应走一条演化与建构相互交融的实践共生之路。  相似文献   

正In October 2014,the Fourth Plenum of the 18thCPC Central Committee put forward the general objective of taking faster steps to build a country which is governed by law.The conference also reviewed the achievements and experience of the rule of law in China,and drew the blueprint of sticking to and  相似文献   

This article outlines and compares two different ways of making sense of counterterrorism and the configuration of political power in its context. Against the backdrop of US homeland security, it first outlines Agamben’s thesis on the permanent state of exception. Despite its resonance with key aspects of homeland security, this thesis is found to be analytically limited and theoretically brittle. To overcome its shortcomings and provide a better understanding of contemporary organisation of political power, a strategic-relational approach is suggested, derived from Poulantzas’s state theory.  相似文献   

Investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) cases have increased dramatically in recent decades, and the institutions of investment arbitration to resolve investor-state disputes constitute the core of the modern investment regime. In this article, we seek to explain the variation in the host governments’ risk of being challenged by foreign investors before international arbitration tribunals. We argue that such risk is greatest at the intermediate level of democracy where some democratic elements such as elections are strong, but the system of rule of law remains weak. In those regimes, “regulatory risk” runs higher than in autocratic regimes as the host governments are under greater pressure for regulating matters of broad public concern. At the same time, more traditional political risk of arbitrary, discriminate, and abusive acts remains considerable at that level of democracy due to weak rule of law, exacerbating the former risk. Empirical analysis provides a good deal of support for the argument.  相似文献   

This article explores the implications of Giorgio Agamben's genealogy of government for our understanding of critique. Agamben argues that the providential government of the world of Christian theology has bequeathed to the West an ontology of will and command. Replacing the pantheistic world of Stoic late Antiquity, the Christian world must be other than it is. The lack that this introduces is central to Agamben's account of nihilism, as it was also for Nietzsche. But what does this mean for critique? Does critique belong to the nihilistic tradition of the West; occupying the still-warm seat of God inasmuch as it finds the world wanting as if from the outside? Does this mean we are left only with affirmation—passively acceding to the world as we find it? Or is this alternative of world-rejection/world-affirmation a false one? Agamben's concept of use seeks a way out of it.  相似文献   

当代俄罗斯法治国家构建的文化探寻   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
当代俄罗斯法治国家的定位已无可置疑 ,但专制主义的传统使西化法治在俄罗斯的生成举步维艰。俄罗斯国家历史深层积淀形成的文化传统 ,即俄罗斯思想既是法治国家生成的本土资源 ,也是作为生活方式的法治生成的最大障碍 ,因此 ,俄罗斯法治国家构建中的文化批判显得尤为重要。基于此 ,笔者从俄罗斯思想的内涵入手 ,对俄罗斯法治国家生成的困境与出路进行尝试性的研究。  相似文献   

印度尼西亚是世界上穆斯林人口最多的国家,独立后对伊斯兰教法进行改革,制定1974年婚姻法,编纂《伊斯兰教法汇编》,完善伊斯兰法庭,加强了伊斯兰教法的规范化、制度化、专业化,使之适应现代社会,同时加强了国家对伊斯兰的控制。  相似文献   

邓峰 《东北亚论坛》2005,14(1):72-75
自 1789年第 1部关税法颁布以来,贸易保护主义一直是贯穿于美国关税及贸易法案中的主线。从1828年的可憎关税法至 1930年的斯慕特—霍利关税法,美国顽固地推行高关税政策。即使南北战争前的一段低关税时期,也只具有相对的意义。1934年的互惠贸易协定法使关税不再通过立法的形式表现出来,而是由总统与他国的贸易谈判来确立。但国会在贸易上的立法权直接决定了总统在谈判中的关税底线。从这个意义上讲,贸易法取代了关税法。在第二次世界大战结束后,虽然美国大力倡导自由多边贸易政策,但互惠贸易协定法的局限性使之黯然失色。  相似文献   

道德与人类交往共始终.国际法在一定意义上可以说是人类基本道德的法律化.道德是一定经济状况的反映,也是人类社会本性的体现.作为国际交往的基本要求,正义、人权、和平、稳定等道德内涵构成了国际法的重要基础.  相似文献   

试论国际民间组织在国际法中的法律地位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从国际民间组织的特征及演变着手 ,分析了国际民间组织在国际法中的法律地位问题 ,并通过研究国际民间组织对国际社会及国际法秩序的影响 ,论证了国际民间组织具有一定的国际法律地位。最后 ,提出国际民间组织为了追求更广泛权利而导致的对法律地位的追求 ,是为了国际法理想的实现。  相似文献   

论全球治理与国际法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
全球治理是解决全球问题的重要途径。它超越了以往的国家治理及国际治理模式,是一套全新、更有效的管理和解决全球问题的国际制度。构建能够为国际社会共同遵守,对全球公民都具有约束力的国际法是进行全球治理的关键和前提。  相似文献   

试论解决领土争端国际法的发展与问题--最新案例剖析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际法院在2002年连续对两个有关领土争端的案件作出了判决。笔者认为,通过这两个判决,国际法院在解决领土争端的国际法方面已经形成了一套相对明确的处理规则,即首先考察的是有关的国际条约是否已经对相关问题作出了规定;在没有相关国际条约规定的情况下,国际法院将在综合审查双方提交的证据之后,直接依据“有效控制”原则进行判决。对此,笔者认为,国际法院有必要在以后的此类案件中进一步发展相关的法律原则,以便能够在法律原则的确定性和维护争端地区稳定的必要性之间找到适当的平衡点。  相似文献   

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