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残疾人无障碍设施建设的法律思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查发现,现在的城市残疾人无障碍设施建设情况不容乐观,究其原因,法制保障不健全是重要的原因之一。本文分析我国残疾人无障碍设施建设的相关法规,发现还有不少不完善的地方,宜进一步统一法规,明确管理主体,制定实施细则,真正保障残疾人无障碍设施的建设及管理维护。  相似文献   

南京市残疾人无障碍设施调查结果表明,无障碍的建设比较完善,但维护情况不是太理想,原因在于管理的缺位和市民意识的淡漠。本文认为应加强管理,扩大宣传教育,增强市民自觉维护无障碍设施的意识,方能解决城市残疾人出行难,社会参与度不高的问题。  相似文献   

南京:无障碍设施不合格工程不验收 2011年5月9日,受国家委托,由南京建工集团与江苏金陵建工集团共同主编、11家单位参编的《无障碍设施施工验收及维护规范》正式发布,6月1日起实施。新国标规定,新建、改建、扩建城市道路等建设项目,  相似文献   

特殊一课。拄着盲杖走上盲道 “《无障碍环境建设条例》的实施,给残疾人带来更多安全感。那么健全人怎样自觉爱护无障碍设施呢?宣传和贯彻《无障碍环境建设条例》尤为重要,我要做一名《无障碍环境建设条例》的义务普法员”阎建国在日记中写道。  相似文献   

第一条(目的和依据) 为加强对本市无障碍设施建设和使用的管理,根据法律、法规的规定,结合本市实际情况,制定本办法。  相似文献   

参与立法,见证一部法规诞生 在2008年3月的十一届全国人大一次次会议上,阎建国提交了《关于实施无障碍建设的建议》及《关于建立健全智力、精神、重度残疾人庇护安养机构的建议》,引起有关方面的关注。会议期间,他深入海淀区甘家口街道商场、学校、宾馆、居民区,调查了解无障碍设施情况,并提出了不少改进建议。4月24日,阎建国应邀赴北京列席十一届全国人大常委会第二次会议,参加《中华人民共和国残疾人保障法》的修订和通过。  相似文献   

邱景辉 《人民检察》2023,(17):32-36
无障碍环境建设法将检察公益诉讼作为监督管理的兜底保障措施,是公益司法保护制度创新在人权保障领域生动实践的标志性成果。检察机关应立足法律监督职能,坚持双赢多赢共赢理念与共建共治共享格局,优化检察建议前置程序,优先开展行政公益诉讼,更好更快将制度优势转化为治理效能特别是预防功能。依法能动履职,整体推进无障碍设施、信息、服务环境建设。严格履行监管责任与主体责任。关联耦合生态环境保护、国有财产保护以及妇女儿童、老年人、残疾人等特定群体权益保障,系统监督无障碍环境建设相关法律统一正确实施,在保障人民安居乐业的文明进步中彰显良法善治。  相似文献   

王晓阳  申腾 《检察风云》2023,(18):22-23
<正>“两个盲人车位中间是轮椅通道,这里以后应该做好标识,不能遮挡。”“无障碍厕所里的呼救按钮最好在抬手就能够到的地方。”全国助残日到来前,上海市虹口区人民检察院公益诉讼检察官受邀来到北外滩一开发项目板块,与虹口区建设管理部门、残联、质安监站等部门及残疾人代表一起,参与项目竣工验收前的无障碍设施试用体验。  相似文献   

李静 《中外法学》2023,(3):823-839
“无障碍”是联合国《残疾人权利公约》确认的基本原则之一。在数字时代,残障人的信息无障碍权具有特殊重要性,是残障人平等参与社会交往、充分享受经济社会权利的前提条件。学界主流意见将平等服务作为残障人无障碍权的理论基础,信息无障碍权被视为无障碍权利从物理空间向信息空间的横向延展。这样一个市场导向的、将残障人作为消费者的保护路径已经不能适应数字时代全面保护残障人信息无障碍权的要求。有必要在学理上引入数字公民身份理论,以此重构残障人信息无障碍权的基础理论,重申残障人保护的人权模式,关注残障人在构建信息无障碍过程中的主体性和参与性,通过残障视角来构架信息社会的秩序、标准、原则和价值。该理论要求从残障的视角批判地审视数字时代的信息基础设施建设和网络服务,积极推进我国信息无障碍法制建设,从而建设一个民主、包容、可持续、普遍参与、共同受益的信息社会。  相似文献   

2012年6月28日,国务院总理温家宝签署国务院令,公布《无障碍环境建设条例》,《条例》自2012年8月1日起施行。日前,国务院法制办负责人就《条例》的有关问题回答了记者的提问。问:请您简要介绍一下《条例》出台的背景。无障碍环境是保障残疾人平等参与社会生活的必要条件,同时也为老年人等其他社会成员提供生活便利。《中华人民共和国残疾人保障法》和联合国《残疾人权利公约》对无障碍环境均作了规定。近年来,通过举办残奥会、世博会等重大国际活动,我国的无障碍环境建设水平有了很大提高,但也存在一些亟待解决的问题:一是无障碍设施建  相似文献   

An urgent need exists for trained specialists to manage organizational policies and practices involving arts programs and activities in healthcare facilities. This article introduces the field of arts in health and argues for what is currently needed within the academic and professional field of arts management to advance this emerging arena of arts management theory and practice. The authors integrate key references from existing scholarship alongside additional survey data to offer recommendations for developing professional management of the arts in healthcare facilities like hospitals, hospices, and long-term care centers. The article provides an overview of the responsibilities of arts managers in healthcare institutions, as well as insight into the knowledge, competencies, and skills that arts managers require to effectively work in these settings. The article concludes with articulating a conceptual framework for a long-term research trajectory to inform further advancement of this distinct sub-field of arts management.  相似文献   

目的:评价某市城区餐饮业餐饮具消毒管理干预效果,为建立该市餐饮业餐饮具消毒长效监管机制提供决策依据。方法:采用实验流行病学研究方法,对某市城区2012年度餐饮具抽检不合格的88家餐饮单位进行干预。干预项目包括餐饮具消毒间改造、消毒设施设备配备、消毒管理、人员管理等方面的10项措施,并对干预措施效果进行评价。结果:与干预前相比,干预后被干预单位的餐饮具消毒间配置率、专间专用率、卫生状况合格率、消毒与保洁设施合格率、消毒制度建立率、消毒流程合格率及人员管理等方面都均得到明显提高,餐饮具的抽检合格率也由57.73%提高到87.05%。结论:该市餐饮具消毒管理干预效果较好,为建立长效监管机制提供依据,为其他类似地区提供借鉴经验。  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the legal aspects of corporate computer usage policies including their creation, management, and their relevance to corporate computer forensic investigations. Misuse of corporate computing facilities cannot only lead to a reduction in employee productivity and network bandwidth, but can also increase the risk of infection of such facilities by computer viruses and other malicious code. Moreover, it may lead to the risk of liability and legal action.  相似文献   

雷珉 《行政法学研究》2006,(2):20-23,92
我国高校内部管理体制超越传统官僚科层制模式的一个有效办法是推行新公共管理模式。为此,高校的组织形态应当从设施型转向团体型,将知识管理确立为高校内部行政管理的核心内容,通过目标协议将命令性的管理转变为合意性的治理。  相似文献   



To undertake the first exploration of the nature of the relationship between internal crime (those that happen within facilities) and external crime (those occurring outside but in the nearby locale of facilities). The following questions are addressed. Do those localities that suffer high volumes of crime internally within their facilities also suffer high levels of crime in their immediate external environment? How is this influenced by the distribution of internal theft across facilities? What are the likely mechanisms for any relationship found?


Spatial regression is used to explore these relationships using data for 30,144 incidents of theft from a Metropolitan area of the UK arranged into small 50 × 50 m grid squares. Variables used in the analysis include counts of external and internal theft, counts of victimized and ‘risky’ facilities, indicators of land-use and a proxy for the on-street population.


There is found to be a strong positive relationship between internal and external theft that appears to be strengthened by the existence of facilities suffering particularly high crime volumes. Results suggest that internal theft problems precede external ones and that the physical concentration of chronically risky facilities is a particularly strong predictor of external theft problems.


An argument is made that risky facilities act as crime ‘radiators’, causing crime in the immediate environment as well as internally. This has implications for crime prevention policy in terms of facility placement and management.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the national practices of psychotherapy services for male offenders with mental illness (OMI) in state correctional facilities. Participants consisted of 230 correctional mental health service providers from 165 state correctional facilities. Results indicated that mental health professionals provided a variety of services to OMI that can be conceptualized by six goals considered important in their work: mental illness recovery, emotions management, institutional functioning, re-entry, risk-need, and personal growth. Mental health professionals in this study generally viewed mental illness recovery, institutional functioning, and personal growth as significantly more important and spent more time focused on these goals than emotions management, re-entry, and risk-need. Mental health professionals tended to believe the services they provided were effective across four key treatment foci including mental illness, skill development, behavioral functioning, and criminogenic needs with more progress perceived in areas related to mental illness and skill development than their ability to effectively change behavioral functioning. Implications of these findings and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

基于现行土地管理法律规范并没有赋予土地行政管理机关行政强制执行权,针对非法占地建筑物和设施所作的行政决定的强制执行,需要向人民法院申请,由人民法院强制执行。由于非法占地建筑物和设施形成的原因及强制执行,与其他非诉行政执行案件有诸多不同的特点,由法院进行审查并执行的"审执一体"模式,弊端日益凸显。为有效破解土地非诉行政案件"执行难",本文以数据、案例等为基础,在分析现有模式的前提下,对土地管理领域的非诉行政案件实践"裁执分离"模式,从适用范围、理论基础、法律依据、实践经验等方面展开论证,提出在宏观层面完善立法、中观层面建立协作、微观层面细化规定,构建土地非诉行政案件"裁执分离"新型模式。  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between management‐based regulation and occupational health and safety through two case studies. The first describes how corporate occupational health and safety systems and standards were interpreted and implemented differently at different mine sites within the same company and examines the particular role of trust between workers and management in explaining variations in occupational health and safety performance. The second explores the difficulties of moving from a highly devolved system of responsibility to a more centralized approach, and the incapacity of externally mandated management‐based regulation to change behavior at site level in the absence of a supportive workplace culture. The article argues that notwithstanding the heavy emphasis currently being placed on both internal (company‐driven) and external (government‐driven) management‐based regulation, a commitment at corporate level does not necessarily percolate down to individual facilities where ritualistic responses or resistant subcultures may thwart effective change. The findings have important implications for the effectiveness of management‐based regulation and meta‐regulation more broadly.  相似文献   

This article deals with the growing interest in the privatization of correctional institutions. It focuses on the corporate context of this trend because modern privatization is being done by corporations which have been formed specifically for this purpose or are specialized subsidiaries of large conglomerates. The article reviews the theoretial, legal, political, regulatory, economic, management, and labor issues involved in corporate privatization, taking into consideration the aspects of organizational climate and corporate deviance. Finally, the article points out that corporate involvement in the private management of correctional facilities should be analyzed carefully and taken into consideration in the privatization debate.  相似文献   

This final rule revises and responds to comments on certain laboratory requirements issued pursuant to the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA), Pub. L. 100-578. Specifically, this final rule sets forth requirements for certain quality control (QC) provisions and personnel qualifications; consolidates and reorganizes the requirements for patient test management, QC, and quality assurance; and changes the consensus required for grading proficiency testing challenges. To ensure a smooth transition to the new provisions for directors of high complexity testing who are not board certified (but who have doctoral degrees), we will not be holding facilities out of compliance with the provisions of the rule concerning directors who are not board certified until the effective date of this new rule, to the extent the facilities are otherwise in compliance with the requirements for laboratory directors.  相似文献   

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