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The Medicine War     
While the rest of the wor ld is embracing trad i t i o n a l Chinese medicine (TCM), in its birthplace it is facing a li f e- o r -d e a th situati o n .An Internet petition to rem o ve traditional medicine from Ch i n a ’ s healthcare system has brought the predicament into the spotlight. Its vanishing legac y, the prob le m a tic situation of both TCM practices and the medicine market, and its res t r ic t e d de velopment due to the prevalence of Wes t e r n medicine remind us that TC…  相似文献   

The emblem of the 2007 Shanghai Special Olympics is an eye with two tumbling athletes in the center, whi c h res e m b les the shape of a blossoming yu l a n , the city’s flo wer .The crea tor of the emblem, Zhou Baomei, a teache r , said she is most impres s e d by the look in the eyes of mentally disable d students. “Tha t look is about their longing for lo ve, care and success,” she said. “Tha t’ s also a look of att e n t i o n . ” Ne xt October, the Special Olym p i c s will tak…  相似文献   

Following the extraordinary success of Cityscape Dubai, the world ’ s largest interna tional B2B real estate event for inves t o r s and de vel o p e r s, IIR Middle East, the organ i z er of Cityscape , pres e n t e d the Cityscape brand concept to a gath e r ing of top real estate indus- tr y prof essionals here in Beijing to for ma l l y launch the even t ’ s lat- est oriental exp o r t, Cityscape China.Neil Hickman, Exhibition Director of Cityscape China, said, “T his is the fir …  相似文献   

On October 14, Xu Chuang said more in one day than he had in an entire wee kthree years ago. During the Invi t a ti o n a l Games held in prepa r ation for the 2007Special Olympics Wor ld Summer Games in Shanghai next October, Xu, 19, made a sp e e c h at the opening cerem o n y of a he a d s - o f - d e l e gation seminar, as a SpecialOl ympics Global Messenger , a Special Olym p i c s Athlete Leader and an athlete from the host city. His me s s a ge drew gen e r ous app l a u s e . T…  相似文献   

正THE year 2014 is a Jiawu Year a c c o r d i n g t o t h e C h i n e s e sexagenary cycle.This tradi tional method of numbering days and years adopted by many Asian countries through history no longer has any significance in modern calen drical matters.But it is still relevan in Chinese contemporary astrology and fortune telling.It was during the Jiawu Year 120 years ago that the Sino-Japanese War broke out.Known in China as the Jiawu War,it com pletely reversed the national status o China and Japan,and led to a long term state of war between the two countries.Nowadays,we see constan disputes and friction between China  相似文献   

Fairness and mutual responsibility are likely to become key notions in China - European Union (EU) rel a - tions, exp e r ts say. In a rec e n t l y released policy paper on China, thesixth the European Commission has adopt- ed since 1995, “fair” and “res p o n s i b i l i t y ” ar e the wor ds that claimed the most att e n - tion from Chinese analysts. Ac c o r ding to Feng Zhongping, Direc t o r of the Institute of European Studies at the China Institutes of Contemporar y Interna …  相似文献   

AS globalization deepens,inter-state interconnections and interdependence draw c l o s e r t o g e t h e r.N o s i n g l e country can prosper in isolation.There is consequently global consensus on the need to enhance cooperation on global economic governance,and to deal with the problems of insufficient representation of developing countries,imbalanced governing organizations,and low efficiency.Humankind must now address the critical issues that affect everyone.They  相似文献   

Walking the streets of Beijing, a Westerner , glancing at the ma n y news p a pe r s being rea d by Chinese, might think that Ch i n a ’ s media is vas t l y under-de vel o p e d . In fact, the media industry has been mo ving for w ar d in leaps and boun…  相似文献   

正Benedict Cumberbatch and NT Live productions tour ChinaWhen Zhang Yifan enrolled in the C e n t r a l A c a d e m y o f D r a m a i n Beijing to start his master’s degree,he was given a set of textbooks containing a number of the world’s classic dramas.There were four plays by William Shakespeare among them—Hamlet,King Lear,Macbeth and Twelfth Night.  相似文献   

正Speech Extracts from the International Dialogue on the Chinese Dream ForumFOR countries in transition,a national dream is a national project.In China,the Chinese Dream m e a n s n a t i o n a l r e j u v e n a t i o n,a project driven by Chinese leadership.Thus the Chinese Dream is a growing and developing vision or a goal for the future.These visions are normally far removed from reality,and difficult to  相似文献   

The delegation of the Salvadorian Association of Friendship with the People’s Re- public of China (SAFPRC) headed by Juan Manuel Flores, mayor of Quesaltepeque visited Beijing, Xi’an and Shanghai from April 19 to 28 at the invi- t a t i o n o f t h e C PAF F C . Uyunqimg, vice chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, and Li Xiaolin, vice president of the CPAFFC, met with and entertained the delegation on separate occasions. Vice Chairperson Uy…  相似文献   

Foreign Trade China ’ s for eign trade volume is exp e c t - ed to hit $1.7 trillion in 2006, a yea r -o n - year increase of more than 20 percent, said Fu Ziying, Assistant Minister of Co m m e r ce Ac c o r ding to Fu, the country’ s for ei g n tr ade volume has risen from sixth to third in the wor ld during the past five yea r s, with im p o r t and exp o r t volume growing at an aver age annual rate of 24.6 percent. China has set the goal to kee p for ei g n tr ade volume at $2.3 tril…  相似文献   

Modern Man     
WHEN the Chinese C o n t e m p o r a r y opened in London’s posh Mayfair dis- trict in 1996, a neighboring gallery owner wandered in to snigger, “Don’t tell me you’re sell- ing this to English people.” It was the f irst gallery in London – and one of Eu- rope’s f irst – to sell contemporary Chi- nese art, and few British dealers gave it a chance. But the 38,000 British pounds it cleared in that fi rst year of business has multiplied many fold since, says co- director Ludovic Bois…  相似文献   

As the most significant part of its traditional culture,Confucianism has had a largenumber of fol lowers in China over the past 2,000 years because of its leading role in ancient moral values.In recent yea r s,however,the rej u-ven a tion of Chinese culture has drawn more people back to the wisdom ofConfucian philosophy and the res e a r ch ofits classics.Courses aimed at prom o t i n g Confucian thought have been opened insome academic institutions and social orga-ni z a tions in the hopes …  相似文献   

正DURING the week-long 2014National Day holiday,tourism to and from the Chinese mainland saw a sudden rise,with the number of tourists to South K o r e a a n d T a i w a n s o a r i n g.M a i nland tourism to Singapore and other hotspots also increased to different degrees.However,in the same period tourist revenues of Hong Kong are reported to have shrunk.The news is worrying.  相似文献   

OPINION Free Education Could Restore Teachers’ StandingIt was rec e n t l y disclosed by Tan Songhua, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Society of Education, that the Chinese Gover nment is planning to offer free education to students in six normal univer si - ties direc t l y under the Ministry of Education. The news is ext r em e l y wel c o m e , given the increasing blame on ed u c a tion in recent yea r s. Sever al yea r s of commerci a l i z a tion of the education sector have erode…  相似文献   

Wang You hong ’ s life has been in a whi r l ever since the res t a u r an t whe r e he is the head che f opened six months ago. Wan g , 34, wor ks in a res t a u r ant inno r th e r n Beijing that specializes in herbal cu i s i n e . Ever y day he is bu…  相似文献   

<正>At the end of 2013,theGraduate School of theC h i n a U n i v e r s i t y o fPolitical Science and Laworganized a symposium on HumanRights Construction and Reform andactivities at the university in com-memoration of the 65th anniversaryof the adoption of the UniversalDeclaration of Human Rights.LuoHaocai,who was vice chairmanof the 10th National Committeeof the Chinese People’s PoliticalConsultative Conference and presi-dent of the China Society for HumanRights Studies(CSHRS),PresidentHuang Jin of the China Universityof Political Science and Law,andnearly 50 scholars from the Civil andCommercial Law School,China-EUSchool of Law and the InternationalInstitute of Confucianism also at-  相似文献   

正MENTION logistics,and p e r h a p s a b u s y p o r t comes to mind.We may then recall how Rotterdam was unarguably once the world’s busiest port,for 40 years.Yet,in just a few years this logistical crown was usurped by Singapore,among the most thriving of countries in Asia.Soon,Chinese cities such as Shanghai,Ningbo,Shenzhen,Qingdao,Guangzhou and Tianjin also began to contend.  相似文献   

Now that Democrats have won con- tr ol of the U.S . Congress for the fir st time since 1994, it is exp e c t - ed that there will be signific a n t cha n g es in Americ a ’ s diplomati cand trade policies. Critics of Pres i d e n tGe o r ge W. Bush’s fo…  相似文献   

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