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<正>A foreigner WeChats her way into life in China By Kylee MclntyreLast August,when all my paperwork was in place and it finally became clear to me that I was going to be working in China,I spent some time sitting alone in my kitchen,staring off into space because my life seemed too surreal.That period lasted for about 10 minutes,over which I slowly devolved into a state of panic.I didn't know the first thing about living in China.I immediately sent out a mass text to everyone I knew who'd spent even a little time in China.The responses came back almost instantaneously,telling me the same thing—get WeChat.I didn't know how a social media app was supposedly going to save my life,but then again,what did I know?It felt a little redundant downloading yet another messaging app in my kitchen in the  相似文献   

Every day, I take the same road on my way to the office and back home. Few people know how that road was given its name or ask themselves about its meaning. That old road, Henan Street, has a history of over 300 years. In my childhood, my grandfather told me about it and other stories about my city's past.That city is Jilin, located in the province of the same name, in the northeast part of China. The Songhua River, in a beautiful wide vista, divides the city into two parts, which is the only city in China that shares the name of the province to  相似文献   

I lean on the southern window and let my pride expandI consider how easy it is to be content with a small spaceEveryday I stroll in my garden for pleasure...And walk round my lonely pine tree, stroking it. -Tao Yuanming, 4th century AD  相似文献   

Zhao Yixin never thought she was actually suffering from a disease.She hadn't even come across the word--procrastination. As a senior student at Beijing Union University,Zhao has been researching and writing her graduate essay for almost half a year but hasn't succeeded in finishing even half of it. "I know I always put off tasks so I started earlier than other students," Zhao said."But I still haven't managed to finish it while most of my classmates already completed the essay." Zhao said that her habit of putting off tasks can be dated back to primary school years,when she didn't want to do her homework and always put it off to late night."I sat at the desk all the time but my mind couldn't concentrate," Zhao said."I kept making promises to myself that I'll do the homework in 10 minutes,but after many 10 minutes,I still couldn't start.I don't think I am the only one in my class acting like this.It seems that we are all like this when we chat about our homework."  相似文献   

NANXIONG,a county-level city in northeastern Guangdong Province,is where I was born.In my dreams,I often return to this town of my childhood,where there is no hustle and bustle of the city life,but tranquil streets,murmuring rivers and lush grasslands,all bathed in sunshine.I have had the impulse to go back many times.But on starting to pack,fear of urbanization and the changes it would make to the hometown of my dreams and memory have stopped me.  相似文献   

For someone who was practically weaned on a diet of Chinese food through most of my teenage years,I didn't exactly take to the cuisine like fish to water when I first arrived in China.In fact it was a whole year before I ventured into a Chinese restaurant in Beijing and sampled,rather cau- tiously,a bowl of rice and a mushroom dish.The result was something of a culture shock to the digestive system: The difference between  相似文献   

The wit and resourcefulness of the Chinese people never cease to amaze me. Yesterday, one of the small pouch zippers on my expensive but well-used backpack broke as I opened it to retrieve my sunglasses and wallet. Immediately, I began wondering where to go and how much it would cost to buy a new one. I needed this backpack for my daily sojourns and for grocery shopping.  相似文献   

I read China Today with great interest, especially Language Corner at the end of the magazine. One thing I would like to be able to do is use my computer for word processing in Chinese. I use it for practically everything else, but I don't know any way of entering Chinese into a word processor.  相似文献   

On 30 June 2002 I sat in heaven - that is, the third tier of Yokohama stadium, watching the World Cup Final be- tween Brazil and Germany. At that moment footballwas life, in the same way it is when I step out on the field,wearing my team's uniform, waiting for the whistle. It's all thatmatters... run and score... win or lose... life or death.Melodramatic, I know, but true. What I didn't know then wasthat at the same time another final was being played high in theHimalayas, this one a comp…  相似文献   

When I first arrived here a few months ago, I couldn't help but notice several work projects going on all around me. A new dorm was being built on campus where I would be teach-ing, as well as a courtyard being repaved and bricked in front of the female students' dormitory, and a building next to my gym was being renovated. I wondered how long it would take to finish these large tasks, espe-cially the courtyard, as school would begin in about a week, and it would be a mess for students to have to walk through mud, over piles of sand, and around stacks of bricks to get where they wanted to go.  相似文献   

Iremember that when I was a child two peonies grew in the courtyard of my house. One was white and the other was pink. As well as tending to them, loosening the soil and bringing them water, I often observed and drew them. I saw how it requires persistence and patience for a peony to survive the harshness of winter and come forth in spring to bring its beauty to the world. From this early interest, my ambition has always been to be a painter specialized in these fascinating flowers. Later when I became an adult and gained more knowledge and experience,  相似文献   

I used to be amused by the commonly held belief among my friends back in Canada who spoke about China in a certain way. Whether they had ever visited the country or not didn't matter, China was, to them, quaint. They considered it a "backwater." This is a slang term in English used to describe an area that is perceived to be culturally or economically stagnant.  相似文献   

For as long as I can remember,my dad had talked of the jewel in China's western territory,Tibet Autonomous Region.As a student of international relations and Chinese,I have been living in China for the past three years.Tibet was a region I was desperate to see but its remoteness and my inability to find the right time to go delayed my journey.After a few e-mails back and forth with my dad,who is based in the UK.  相似文献   

正IN 1995,a group of Chinese mountaineers reached the summit of Haba Snow Mountain,5,396 meters above sea level,making it the highest snow peak in Yunnan Province to be conquered by humans.The mountain,in the eyes of professional mountaineers,is"entry level."However,to amateurs,it is a game for the brave.At 10 a.m.on October 5,2013,I,along with 17teammates and a group coordinator,reached the top of Haba.Standing next to the altitude mark,I texted"I made it!"to my family.The message was simple but we all knew it was hard earned.  相似文献   

Family First     
My decision to come to China was a pretty simple one:curiosity.I am originally from Holland,but have always been fascinated with China-this mysterious and rising oriental superpower.I bought books and movies on the country,wishing to satisfy my questions.On the contrary,it only inspired more.With China’s economy booming,many amazing career opportunities are currently open to foreigners like me.It was a very natural decision for me to come to explore the possibilities in China.Beijing brims with opportunities and ancient Chinese culture,which is the reason I have made it my home.  相似文献   

Eating Rites     
Food is also very important in building relationships"Try this;it's good for your health,"Chen Lin said,smiling.She deftly picked up a shiny black wood ear mushroom and plopped it in my plate."Isn't there anything not good for me?"I answered,fumbling in my attempt to direct the slippery morsel into my mouth."And why is  相似文献   

The noise in my apartment was relentless: day in, day out, the construction crew chinked and drilled and hammered as they laboured on the plumbing and electrical lines in the unfinished part of the building. As usual, the volume seemed to get louder when it was time to do my tutoring lessons. I had to escape... go outside, into the blazing heat of the sun, and once there, to where? As is common with my lady friends, we are acquainted with the lobbies of nearly every hotel within a one-mile radius of our favourite haunts.Three reasons why women are on a  相似文献   

Culture and tradition are the soul of a country.When a country loses its culture and tradition,it is difficult for it to make progress.Chinese people protect their culture and traditions.I have learned about Chinese culture and tradition at school.It is visible everywhere in China but I did not really understand it in the beginning.Then I realized sometimes I have to experience something in order to understand it.  相似文献   

May 8 Women's Day "I will never sink with the waves. For the sake of the most beloved ones, I must be strong, no matter how hard it is; the dream is there, with the heart; there is true love between heaven and the earth; there are successes and failures in life; it is nothing but to start anew......"  相似文献   

New Journey     
正It was fantastic to be selected from more than 80 staff at my media house in Rwanda to participate in the 2017 ChinaAfrica Press Center fellowship program,which is now in its fourth year.As a fi rst-time visitor to China,the fellowship was a chance to sharpen not just my career as a journalist,but also to settle all my curiosities about China,the culture and its people.I arrived in Beijing,the first time I had ever flown,on February 20 and immediately felt the warmth and hospitality of the Chinese.  相似文献   

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