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李忠东 《检察风云》2014,(21):53-55
在食品质量控制和安全保障方面,德国政府确定了三大目标:保护消费者健康,仅允许提供质量可靠和符合安全标准的食品:保护消费者不受欺骗,严防欺诈;保护消费者知情权,提供的信息必须实事求是。制定了七项原则:食品链原则、企业责任原则、可追溯原则、独立而科学的风险评估原则、风险评估与风险管理分离原则、预防原则和风险沟通透明原则。  相似文献   

一般认为,对于一门学术型学科而言,一套方法的存在及由此而形成的方法论至关重要。在德国,法律一直以来都是一门学术型学科。作为被称之为"法学"(字面意思是法律"科学",更确切地说是有关法律的学问)的研究对象,法律以具有一套专门的法学方法论为其特征。在德国大学法学院中,法学方法论是一门非常重要的讲授科目,且围绕这门课程有大量的法学文献。这些文献所讨论的是德国法律人如何(或者更准确地说:应该如何)开展法律工作。德语文献相关讨论中的一个特殊之处在于,在概念上区分"法律解释"与"法的续造"。方法论的讨论涉及制定法解释的各种相关要素、先决条件、不同层级,以及法的续造的合法性等问题。除此之外,还应意识到,对于德国法方法论的讨论是在不同的政治发展历程下展开的。基于此,本文从以下五个一般性话题展开对方法论的讨论:第一,德国、瑞士以及奥地利在方法论上的共性;第二,方法论讨论的规范特征;第三,不同法律领域中所出现的方法论上的差异;第四,法教义学与法学方法论的关系;第五,德国所讨论问题的历史背景。  相似文献   

Germany in the 18th and 19th centuries possessed a wealth of monthly political journals. The period after the Second World War saw a renaissance of monthly journals, which offered orientation to a populace disoriented by National Socialism and war. Today there is a limited number of monthly political journals and their total circulation does not exceed 100,000. But their readership constitutes the small group of citizens who take an interest in politics and in political discourse. Their quantitative influence cannot be measured, their qualitative influence cannot be overestimated. The article focuses mainly on the magazines Neue Gesellschaft/Frankfurter Hefte and Die Politische Meinung. The former is supported by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, the latter by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.  相似文献   

德国社会保障制度   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
一 概 述德国的社会保障制度建立于 1 9世纪 80年代。 1 881年 ,威廉一世皇帝 ,根据俾斯麦的建议 ,在其公告中宣布 ,“最大限度地保障需要帮助的人。”并且声明 ,这是立足于基督教道义基础上的国家的最高使命。 1 883年的工人医疗保险法、1 884年的事故保险法和 1 889年的养老保险法由帝国议会通过后 ,德国成为世界上第一个建立了广泛社会保险的国家 (第 8页 )。社会保险制度确立一百多年来的实践证明 ,德国建立广泛的社会保险是有远见的并且为其他国家起了示范作用。 1 91 1年这三个法律被汇编成帝国保险法。 1 91 1年还制定了职员保险法…  相似文献   

Forensic entomology in Germany   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Forensic entomology (FE) is increasingly gaining international recognition. In Germany, however, the development of FE has been stagnating, mainly because of the lack of cooperation between police, forensic medicine and entomology. In 1997 a co-operative research project 'Forensic Entomology' was started in Frankfurt/Main at the Center of Legal Medicine and the Research Institute Senckenberg. The aim of this project is to establish FE in Germany as a firmly integrated component of the securing of evidence from human cadavers in cases of suspected homicide. For this purpose we developed a forensic insect collecting kit, and policemen are educated for greater acceptance and better application of FE. The scientific programme focuses on the investigation of the insect succession on cadavers in urban and rural habitats. This also includes new indicator groups (e.g. parasitic wasps) for a more precise calculation of the late post mortem interval. Recently a DNA-based reliable and fast identification method especially for the immature stages of necrophagous insects became part of the project. Preliminary results are reported and two case studies presented.  相似文献   

Over the last few years, international criminology has increasingly focussed parts of its research on whether there has been a rise in punitiveness in certain nations, and, if so, to what extent it is linked to social developments. In particular, the spread of globalisation corresponding fears and worries have been introduced into the discussion as possible influencing factors. Analyses often refer to the situation of the USA or Great Britain. The situation in continental Europe, however, is obviously a different one. In this contribution especially the situation in Germany will be described. The differentiated levels of punitiveness include attitudes in the population, legislation, sentencing, and enforcement of sentences. As concerns the attitudes within the population the results are partially contradictory, which particularly is due to the blurry concept and the different operationalisations of punitiveness. Overall the results of surveys show a tendency of slightly rising harshness for the population’s attitudes. On the level of legislation the criminal laws have in parts become harsher over the last decades. More statutory definitions of offences have been established, while comparable measures of decriminalisation have fallen away. Here a more distinct development towards punitiveness becomes evident. Case law, especially in the field of sentencing, also tends to become tighter. Eventually, for certain groups of criminals like sex and violent offenders a tendency towards a declination of early releases can be found. Today, these offender groups have to serve a larger proportion of their sentence than they had to in the 1970s. Overall these results in Germany indicate a slight rise of punitiveness that is most distinctly seen in the area of legislation. As to the attitudes to punishment within the population the data hardly suffice to claim a rise in punitiveness.  相似文献   

德国实行联邦制,全国划分为联邦、州、地区三级,联邦和各州均有自己的立法机构、行政机构及司法机构,并根据《德意志联邦共和国基本法》之规定履行各自权力。一、审判制度 (一)德国法院的设置、管辖和审级。 德国主要设有六类法院:即宪法法院、普通法院(包括专利法院)、行政法院、财政法院、劳工法院、社会福利法院。此外还设置有纪律法院。1、宪法法院。德国设有联邦和州两级宪法法院。两  相似文献   

德国司法鉴定制度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
德国的司法鉴定制度,既体现了大陆法系的传统,又体现了时代特征和本国特色。司法鉴定严格处于中立地位,诉讼当事人具有比较充分的鉴定权利,法律授权行业组织对司法鉴定活动实施有效监督管理,司法鉴定业务领域广、技术质量要求高、从业人员条件严。这些,对我国司法鉴定工作改革发展都具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The European GCP Directive has been implemented into German law in sect. 40 ff. AMG (German pharmaceutical law). Unlike the Directive, German pharmaceutical law basically differentiates between three constellations of clinical trials on minors: clinical trials on healthy minors, clinical trials on ill minors with an individual benefit for the individual participant, and clinical trials on ill minors without direct benefit for the individual participant, but with a so-called "group benefit". Particularly the latter possibility of conducting clinical trials on minors even if no individual benefit can be expected is not a matter of course in Germany since due to historical experiences a sceptical attitude towards clinical research on humans prevailed for a long time. German legislature has availed itself of the option granted by Article 3 of the GCP Directive to establish a higher level of protection of clinical trial subjects than the European level.  相似文献   

德国《股份法》在借鉴了他国规定,对股东资格进行必要限制的同时,以诉前审查程序———诉讼许可申请作为股东派生诉讼的前置程序,通过法院的依法审查来保证诉讼的正当性;股东论坛的设置,开通了股东之间交流联系的快捷网络通道,以方便其达到法律规定的权利行使条件;特别的诉讼费用承担设计,在减轻股东诉讼风险的同时,为强制公司自主行使权利施加了潜在压力。  相似文献   

法律科学文献的悠久历史与法律丰富渊源形式的多样性是德国法律图书馆研究的根本.大陆法律体系是欧洲漫长历史发展的产物,法律图书馆作为特殊的行业在图书馆文化领域中逐渐独立而出为一个分枝部分是其宪政历史演变的结果.它最终产生的目的是将综合性科学图书馆与法律专业图书馆在不断积累重要的法律文献过程中通过合作手段被充分利用,使各类图书馆馆藏的专业文献通过法律图书馆的形式来充分体现出来,使它成为保障公共利益在使用方面的支持整体.在德国查询法律文献通常利用其专门的法律图书馆和综合性图书馆两大类型的馆,本文重点介绍前者的分布体系并扼要的介绍后者的基本概况.  相似文献   

<正> (一)联邦司法部的任务 联邦司法部(BMJ)首先是立法和顾问部。它从分配给它主管的法律内容范围拟订法律和法规草案,例如民法、刑法以及诉讼法。联邦司法部的顾问任务包括,在准备立法计划时注意它在总体上是否与宪法一致以及拟订工作是否遵守统一的形式。 而对各司法管理机构,即对法院和检察机构的管辖权则主要归联邦各州的司法部掌握。这同基本法第30条普遍的,也是对行政管理领域有效的准则是一致的。根据这一条的规定,原则上联邦各州负责行使国家的权限和完成国家的任务,联邦只是在基本法明确允许时,才完成这些任务。 因此,除了联邦独立的宪法机构联邦宪法法院外,在联邦一级只设立了联邦最高法院(基本法第95  相似文献   

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