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论房屋征收适足住房权保障原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
被征收房屋具有适足住房权保障属性,保障的对象包括被征收房屋所有权人、承租人、居住权人及违章建筑所有人。适足住房权保障原则应当在房屋征收立法中得到体现,应特别禁止非法强制搬迁。  相似文献   

张清  严婷婷 《北方法学》2012,6(4):82-92
适足住房权是指公民有权获得可负担得起的适宜于人类居住的、有良好的物质设备和基础服务设施的、具有安全、健康和尊严,并不受歧视的住房的权利。它主要包括:居住权、安全与健康权(或称舒适权)、住宅公平权、住宅隐私权、住房选择偏好权、住宅救济权以及住宅不受侵犯权和自由处分的权利。人权实现与国家义务之间存在密切的内在关联,对于人权的实现国家既具有消极义务,更具有积极义务。我国政府在公民适足住房权实现上具有不可推卸的义务,应从尊重、保护、促进和实现四个方面对国家义务进行分析,使之具有较强的体系性和可行性。  相似文献   

On 5 July 2002, South African treatment activists won a significant victory when the Constitutional Court ordered the South African government to make the antiretroviral drug nevirapine available in public hospitals and clinics for the purposes of preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV. The Court also ruled the government has a constitutional obligation to implement a program to realize the right of pregnant women and their newborn children to access health services to prevent transmission.  相似文献   

This article discusses the normative framework for the recognition of the right to adequate food under international and regional human rights law. It then examines the relevance of judicialisation of the right to food in India and South Africa. The article observes that while the right to food is not explicitly recognised in the Indian Constitution, the courts have purposively interpreted the Constitution with a view to holding the government accountable to its obligation under international and national law. It concludes by examining lessons South Africa can draw from the Indian experience.  相似文献   

In this first part of a two-part article education rights as protected by the South African Constitution are analysed. As background, the education rights protected by section 32 of the interim Constitution and the case law that arose from that provision are discussed. Section 29 of the 1996 Constitution is then discussed with reference to the right to basic and further education, the right to education in the language of one's choice, and the right to private education. Mention is also made of the way in which religious observances maybe conducted in schools. This first part of the article concludes with the observation that the education rights in the Constitution form the basis and the spearhead of the fresh start South Africa has made in education. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Critics of school governing bodies (SGBs) – both on the left and on the right – tend to rely upon arguments that ignore significant portions of the act that created SGBs – the South African Schools Act (SASA) – the exact nature of the changes to SGBs wrought by amendments to the act and the manner in which the courts, in interpreting the act, have both reinforced the autonomy of SGBs at the same time as they have set limits on those powers. The authors’ reading takes seriously all of the provisions of SASA, its amendments and various court constructions of SASA's provisions. This close reading of the South African Constitution, SASA, SASA's amendments and the case law reveals the lineaments of a fourth level of democratic government. Even with their uneven success as a fourth tier of democratic government, SGBs reflect, in many respects, the most important interactions that citizens have with the state. The authors contend that SGBs provide a vehicle for popular political participation that is quite real, and that participation is made no less real by the strictures imposed upon them by South Africa's constitutional and regulatory order. Despite concerns about their lack of capacity, SGBs enjoy popular acceptance and participation across class and language divides. The legal status of SGBs does not merely enhance various forms of local democracy, SGBs also maintain and create effective social networks that generate new stores of social capital. The ability to provide new forms of democratic participation and to create new stores of social capital suggests that SGBs have the makings of a great, new and rather unique ‘South African’ political institution.  相似文献   

利益衡量视角下“小产权房”的出路探究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
近年来,房价上涨引起"小产权房"热销的局面。在现有法律框架下,集体土地使用权不能自由流转,导致"小产权房"违法,其买卖合同无效。"小产权房"问题关系政府、集体经济组织、农民、购房者、开发商等多方利益,从利益衡量的角度分析,合法化更能体现社会公平。通过类型化处理是目前解决"小产权房"问题的合理做法,但要从根本上解决问题,还有待于集体土地使用权制度的改革。  相似文献   

住房权保障如何可能研究纲要   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张清  吴作君 《北方法学》2010,4(4):48-60
在公法意义上,早期的住宅自由是基本人权的住房权的雏形。历史经验表明,时代的发展和人权理念的更新不断地将新的内涵注入住房权权利体系。近年来,随着国际国内社会对住房权的普遍重视,在国内层面上如何实现对住房权的法律保障问题渐进凸显。在立法层面,宪法和住宅法应该成为基础与核心,而在司法实践中也应该尝试确认住房权的可诉性,实现对住房权的司法救济。  相似文献   

Hydraulic fracturing is in a planning stage in South Africa. Notices have been issued regarding pending administrative decision concerning applications for exploration rights to explore for natural (shale) gas largely in the Karoo region. Concerns, which are similar to those expressed in other jurisdictions regarding the process are also being raised locally. These concerns are exacerbated considering that a significant part of the population of the Karoo have limited understanding of the issues associated with hydraulic fracturing. Many of them are also poor, which may hinder their effective access to justice. The aim of this article is to examine the constitutional provision pertaining to the right of access to courts in South Africa vis-à-vis a theoretical underpinning of the right with a view to determining whether or not the provision can effectively be applied to guarantee the access of poor and vulnerable persons to the courts in the event of any potential violation of their rights by hydraulic fracturing. Recommendations are made in the conclusion, to reinforce the ability of poor and vulnerable persons to enforce the right of access to courts in the event that hydraulic fracturing becomes a reality in South Africa.  相似文献   

Since China’s reform and opening up in 1978, the housing system in China had undergone two major reforms; currently, the third major reform (also called the second housing revolution) has started. This article analyzes the historical course of the reforms, investigates the gains and losses of the reforms, seeks the directions for deepening the reform of housing system, and in turn, establishes the patterns of housing construction and consumption in accordance with Chinese actual conditions. The report of the 17th National People’s Congress pointed out that “housing guarantee” is a heavy task “to ensure and improve people’s living standard, to promote social equity and justice, and to build a harmonious society.” The Real Right Law of China plays a positive role to protect housing rights, but it only gives limited protection of housing right. Meanwhile, the Real Right Law itself introduces new problems to the housing security. In order to protect housing rights and achieve the objective of “housing guarantee,” China needs to further improve the housing system and advance the housing legislation. The main approaches in this article include: (a) carrying out the “three-three housing policies,” there are basically three types of housing systems, three means of land provision, and three teams involved; (b) employing the bidding method of “four decisions and two biddings” for land supply, it means that the government should take the responsibility to decide land prices, construction standards, tax rates and profit rate; and the bidder is determined by scoring each of the bidders as for his house price bidding and building program bidding; (c) establishing the system of habitation right in China’s Housing Law and maximizing its function of social security; and (d) further improving relevant regulations in the proposed housing act or housing security law and paying attention to the establishment and implementation of supporting measures.  相似文献   

刘建平 《河北法学》2008,26(3):177-180
南非是非洲大陆毒品危害较为严重的国家。南非突出的毒品犯罪恶化社会治安、危及政治稳定、阻碍经济增长,毒品的滥用也严重损害了民众健康。基于联合国和非洲区域性禁毒公约、禁毒机构的有力推动和国内民众的强烈呼吁,南非政府在完善相关立法、健全禁毒队伍建设、加强国际合作和提高国民禁毒意识等方面作出了努力,并取得了一定的效果。  相似文献   

Specialist anti‐social behaviour units are common within social housing providers, with many established in response to the policies of the New Labour governments of 1997–2010. These units now find themselves operating in a different political and financial environment. Following the English riots of 2011, the Coalition government, whilst imposing budgetary cuts across the public sector, called on social housing providers to intensify their role in tackling disorder. This article explores the habitus or working cultures within anti‐social behaviour units post‐New Labour. It does so through empirical research conducted in the aftermath of the English riots. The research finds that practitioners view their work as a core function of social housing provision. They have developed an understanding of human behaviour, which crosses the criminal and social policy fields with a wide skillset to match. A number of factors including national policy, community expectations, and multi‐partnership engagement influence their dynamic working culture.  相似文献   

In 2006, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees reportedthat an average of 211 million people each year were directlyaffected by the accumulated impact of natural disasters.1 Thisis approximately five times the number of people thought tohave been affected by conflict over the past decade.2 It iscommonly expected that, as a result of climate change, populationgrowth and inappropriate urbanisation, the incidence, severityand impact of natural disasters will continue to rise. And yetwhile the obligations of states in situations of armed conflicthave been extensively debated, the applicability of human rightslaw in the aftermath of natural disaster has not been so widelyexamined by regional or international human rights bodies. Thispaper considers the obligations of governments in the aftermathof natural disasters, with a particular focus on the right tohousing. The applicability of human rights law (and specificallyeconomic, social and cultural rights) in the aftermath of naturaldisaster is considered in a general sense, followed by a discussionof the content of the right to housing, and the obligationsof governments to respect, protect and fulfil this right inthe course of responding to disaster. The question of whetherstates have an obligation to provide restitution, compensationor other form of reparation to those who have lost homes, landand property by reason of natural disaster is also discussed.The paper draws on examples from the Indian Ocean tsunami (2004),the Pakistan earthquake (2005) and the South Asian floods (2007),and identifies specific elements of government obligations thatare of particular importance in ensuring the right to adequatehousing in the aftermath of natural disaster.  相似文献   

The author criticizes the argument in Dyzenhaus (1991) that a study of South African judicial decisions establishes the superiority of Dworkinian anti-positivism over legal positivism. Among the claims criticized are: (1) Positivism and anti-positivism each imply a specific theory of judicial duty, and the decisions of South African judges are explained by their adherence to one or the other of these theories; (2) resistance to South African government policy was morally required of judges; (3) the only theory which supports this resistance (anti-positivism) is therefore the correct one; (4) the cases establish that judges do not have discretion in hard cases; (5) Dworkin's theory does not imply that South African judges are required to apply the wicked principles embedded in their legal system; (6) positivism involves a pragmatic contradiction.  相似文献   

The trend towards the financialisation of housing since the 1980s and the global financial crisis exposed a dramatic lacuna in the legal protection of the right to housing. Yet, the right to housing features not only in national and international human rights instruments, but also in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. Charter rights are increasingly finding expression in the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). In particular, drawing on the Charter, the CJEU's interpretation of EU consumer law is moving towards a recognition of housing rights as inherent components of consumer protection. On the basis of such developments, this article examines whether there is scope to extend this human rights approach to new areas – namely, to the Mortgage Credit Directive (2014) – a major EU harmonising measure – and to the work of EU institutions now responsible for banking supervision. The article concludes that, if guided by the Charter of Fundamental Rights, the case law of the CJEU and the practice of supranational banking supervision could significantly enhance the protection of the right to housing, both at EU and Member State level.  相似文献   

Victimology and criminology have been spectacularly unsuccessful in confronting the way that governments victimise their opponents. This paper is concerned with state violence against opponents who are based ouside the national territory, political exiles. Throughout their time in exile in the United Kingdom, South Africans connected to the African National Congress were subject to physical and symbolic violence from the South African government through a series of ideological, administrative and paramilitary measures. In this paper, I use the example of counter-exile activity in London to argue that researchers must contemplate research agendas that challenge state policy when the causes of violence have been the direct result of state policy even if that policy has been fundamental to the continuing existence of the regime. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The AIDS Law Project, the recipient of the 2nd Annual International Award for Action on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights, has been at the forefront of the struggle for human rights for people living with HIV/AIDS in South Africa. It has played a major role in convincing the South African government to implement a national HIV treatment plan.  相似文献   

The right to a free and fair trial is one of the most basic human fights afforded to mankind. In South Africa, prior to 1994, this right was afforded to accused persons by common law only. The criminal justice system in South Africa however has been changing radically since 1994 due to the inception of first the Interim Constitution and later the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996. South Africa has a history of human rights abuses-also with regard to criminal trials. The right to a fair trial is now constitutionally enshrined and protected by the Bill of Rights. As a result thereof the application of this right by the South African courts has also changed and what would have passed muster in this regard prior to 1994 would not necessarily do so now. This paper seeks to explain what the right to a fair criminal trial in a democratic South Africa entails with reference to South Africa's international obligations in this regard as well as the provisions of the South African Constitution and case law.  相似文献   

姬新江 《政法学刊》2011,28(1):55-62
现行《城市房屋拆迁管理条例》将其定位为一种拆迁人与被拆迁人之间的民事关系,是存在合宪性争议的。同时,政府在城市房屋拆迁中并非处于"配角"的地位,政府应当对公民的私有财产权承担不作为义务和保护义务。由于我国的相关法律没有强调正当程序对财产权的保护,导致了拆迁权的滥用,激化了社会矛盾。  相似文献   

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