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Professor Ali Farazmand has written a manifesto for administrative action in an effort to improve public governance and administration capacity not only for today but also for tomorrow, which is highly volatile and uncertain. Farazmand's earlier works, especially his essay "Globalization and Public Administration" (PAR, November/December 1999), are familiar to many students and scholars in public administration around the world.  相似文献   

The United States (US) launch infrastructure is at a crisis point. Human access to space embodied in the Space Shuttle is due to be phased out by 2010. Currently, there are no heavy lift, 100 ton class launchers to support the US national vision for space exploration. Medium and large expendable launch providers, Boeing's Delta IV, and Lockheed-Martin's Atlas V Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicles are so expensive that the Delta no longer carries commercial payloads and the Atlas is unlikely to show significant growth without equally significant cost reductions and commercial traffic growth. This set of circumstances questions US dependence on these launch vehicles for national security purposes. High cost growth also exists with small launch vehicles, such as Pegasus, and the promising new field of small and microsatellites is little developed in the US, while foreign efforts, particularly European, are expanding largely on the availability of low-cost Russian boosters. One bright point is the emerging private sector, which is initially pursuing suborbital or small lift capabilities. Although such vehicles support very limited US Department of Defense or National Aeronautics and Space Administration spaceflight needs, they do offer potential technology demonstration stepping stones to more capable systems needed in the future of both agencies. This article outlines the issues and potential options for the US Government to address these serious shortcomings.  相似文献   

WTO规则要求其成员方政府在货物贸易和服务贸易等领域实施行政许可时遵循公开、公平、公正、透明、效率等原则,而我国目前制定和实施的《中华人民共和国行政许可法》的基本原则和一系列便民措施及有关制度正回应了这些要求。  相似文献   

A great deal of attention has been focused on the human capital crisis in the public sector since the mid-1990s. Experts and practitioners give many reasons why the current crisis emerged. This article examines the important factors that led to the crisis, what is being done about them through presidential agendas, legislators, oversight agencies, professional societies, and public policy think tanks. Concerns are many in terms of a large number of upcoming retirements, early retirements, unplanned downsizing, difficulty in attracting new generations to public service, and the changing nature of public service. However, the human resource crisis also presents an opportunity to fundamentally change those features of public sector human resource management practices that have become outdated for contemporary organizations and position government agencies for the twenty-first century by meaningfully reforming the civil service. This transformation would require public sector organizations to take a more strategic view of human resource management and to give greater policy attention to human capital issues.  相似文献   

From a European perspective as referring to EU member states, which are receiving European financial assistance, the idea of assessment of the countries' administrative capacity represents a priority and an issue of concern not only for the new member countries but also for the all the member countries. Based on its functions, public institutions should perform an evaluation or measure their administrative and organizational capacity performance when significant changes occur, in order to facilitate the necessary improvements for their organizational and administrative capacity. Following these considerations, after studying the literature concepts about the administrative capacity and based upon an empirical research, this article aims: (1) to classify the European countries (EU27) according to their administrative capacity, based on some relevant identified indicators as following the European Commissions' reports from the official websites; and (2) to identify and analyze the influence and effects that strategic management and project management have on the administrative capacity of Romanian public administration using a survey which analyses the performance of the Romanian public administration.  相似文献   

一年前 ,江泽民同志提出了“三个代表”的重要思想。它把党的建设同当今世界政治经济文化的发展趋势结合起来 ,同巩固和发展社会主义的历史任务、同实现中华民族伟大复兴的奋斗目标联系起来 ,提出了党在新世纪加强自身建设的伟大纲领 ,回答了如何把建设有中国特色社会主义伟大事业全面推向新世纪的关键性问题。从而为我们党在新世纪继续发挥工人阶级先锋队作用 ,推进党的建设新的伟大工程 ,有效应对新的世界格局尤其是经济全球化指明了根本方向。一、经济全球化为我们带来机遇的同时也带来了挑战经济全球化指的是在当代科技巨大进步的推动下…  相似文献   

Federalism and U.S. Water Policy: Lessons for the Twenty-First Century   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Gerlak  Andrea K. 《Publius》2006,36(2):231-257
This article traces five historical streams of water policyin the United States, revealing the strain and stresses of intergovernmentalrelations pertaining to water resource management. It findsthat water policy is increasingly characterized by pragmaticfederalism emphasizing collaborative partnerships, adaptablemanagement strategies, and problem and process orientation.The evolving nature of federal-state relations, characterizedby expanding federal authorities and increased state capacity,coupled with a rise of local watershed groups and greater ecologicalconcern, calls for improved coordination. Yet challenges resultingfrom policy fragmentation and ecosystem complexity remain. Continuedcalls for greater integration will likely be heard as federal-staterelations continue to evolve.  相似文献   

In responding to Professor Lynn's criticism that the field of public administration has been insufficiently attentive to law, this article offers an alternative perspective on the source of administrative legitimacy. Leonard White understood that public administration is shaped by its broader context. It does not assert its own values but, in an effort to maintain legitimacy, reflects the political and cultural values of its environment. In White's time, the extraordinary challenges that the state faced, and its subsequent transformation, demanded a management capacity that previously had not existed. While the role of law as a formal means of control is generally accepted, it must take its place with management and other administrative values in the exercise of legal discretionary behavior. Asserting law, or any other single administrative value, as dominant undercuts other values that act as sources of legitimacy.  相似文献   

以全球化与行政改革、西方应对全球化挑战的治道变革为背景,在分析全球化对中国传统行政权力的挑战的基础 上,提出并分析了集中和分化是中国行政改革的现实选择,有重要意义。  相似文献   

Throughout the advanced economies, public policy has become ever more deeply involved in developing the capacities of communities to help themselves. Until now, this has been pursued through facilitating the development of community-based groups. The aim of this paper, however, is to critically evaluate the implications and legitimacy of this public policy approach that views developing community-based groups and community capacity building as synonymous. Drawing upon empirical evidence from the United Kingdom, it is here revealed that this third sector approach of developing community-based groups privileges a culture of community involvement that relatively few engage in and is more characteristic of affluent populations, while disregarding informal acts of one-to-one engagement that are both a more popular form of community involvement and also more characteristic of the participatory culture of less affluent populations. The paper concludes by exploring how public policy might respond, especially with regard to the finding that less affluent populations have relatively informal cultures of engagement.  相似文献   

侵占罪是我国现行刑法新增加的罪名,从刑法条文规定来看,本罪之侵犯对象应为代为保管的他人财物、他人的遗忘物及他人的埋藏物三类.但在司法理论及实践中,有关这三类财物的具体范畴还是众说不一,有待深入研讨和分析的.本文作者从理论及实践角度对这三类财物应注意把握和界定的有关问题作了较为具体的论述,这对于正确理解和把握侵占罪是十分有益的.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我们正是依靠马克思主义意识形态的创新指导了20多年的制度创新进程,在全球化浪潮冲击面前保持着当代中国改革向前推进的活力。但是,今天支撑中国制度创新的意识形态,面对深刻的全球化态势给我们带来的日益复杂的矛盾和问题,仍然更加需要自觉地进一步加强建设,才能继续支撑起今后长期的制度建设和创新。  相似文献   

刍议电子警务的应用与发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
电子警务是一种新的公安工作模式 ,它的产生和发展 ,体现了科技强警和信息化时代对公安工作的要求。本文通过对电子警务概念 ,电子警务的特征 ,电子警务发展中出现的问题 ,电子警务的建设途径的研究 ,论述了对电子警务前景的展望 ,旨在对电子警务的有关问题提出有益的见解 ,从而进一步推动电子警务的健康发展。  相似文献   

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