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The introductory statement accompanying the article Hong KongTrusts-A Moveable Feast? by Peter Hodson, Bank of Bermuda, HongKong, should have read: "The exportation of trusts from one jurisdiction to anotheris an established element in trust administration". The spelling was somewhat irregular. My apologies to Mr Hodson and the Bank of Bermuda Roger Shier  相似文献   

Our attention is drawn to the fact that Maples and Calder isthe name of a law firm in Grand Cayman. Maples and Calder, Europesituated in London and Maples and Calder, Asia situated in HongKong are separate law firms although some individuals are partnersin more than one of these distinct operations. TRUSTS & TRUSTEES may have inadvertently failed to makethis distinction clear in recent references to the firms. Weapologise for any confusion.  相似文献   

Revising the sentencing procedural process for convicted offenders is identified as being a key intervention point in reforming the current ineffective correctional system. A new procedural system for determining the disposition of convicted individuals is advanced which is designed to make correctional supervision more effective in curbing recidivism. If this proposed system is adopted by other countries, the rate of recidivism will be substantially reduced. Included in the recommendations are: requiring extensive testing of offenders' needs and goals in a community-based center prior to sentencing, reassignment of sentencing responsibility from criminal trial judges to a Dispositions Board, and giving supervisees an option to develop achievement contracts guaranteeing supervision release upon completion of the contract terms.  相似文献   

The dominant approach in Swedish corrections is to deinstitutionalize as many offenders as possible. This started in the 1960's when Sweden decided that rehabilitation, and secondarily deterrence, would be the overriding goals of its correctional program. This has remained true despite the statistical evidence indicating that the goal of rehabilitation has not been achieved to any significant extent. The dominant belief in Sweden is that prison is harmful and counterproductive when the overall aim is to reintegrate the offender into society.  相似文献   

社区矫正制度本土化构建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于目前社区矫正研究领域中占支配地位的是西方研究成果,其理论及实践均深深地根植于西方文化的土壤之中,而我国目前的社区矫正工作是在现行法律框架内试点进行的,两者之间在文化背景、法律基础等诸多方面均存在一定的差异。因此,对于我国社区矫正制度的构建而言,必须坚持本土  相似文献   

一、中国试行社区矫正工作势在必行 犯罪是全球性的问题,预防和打击犯罪,有效地矫正罪犯,是各国政府和社会共同的责任。世界各国都在不断地进行刑罚执行制度的创新,尝试用最有效的方式方法处理犯罪问题,用最有效的方式方法矫正犯罪人。从人类刑罚发展演进的历史来看,刑罚由重趋轻是一个普遍的规律。各国行刑实践中在保留适用监禁刑的同时,越来越倾向于非监禁刑的适用,尤其是自“二战”结束以来,社区矫正制度发展迅速,许多国家,如加拿大、美国、澳大利亚等,适用社区矫正人数大大超过监禁矫正人数。  相似文献   

社区矫正审前调查制度浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社区矫正作为一种新型的刑罚执行方式和罪犯处遇模式,因其蕴含的人道主义理念和实用的经济性价值而成为世界各国矫正罪犯的首选方案。审前调查作为社区矫正的前置程序,是判定被告人或者罪犯是否适合社区矫正的重要依据,是刑罚个别化在社区矫正中的具体体现,有利于实现刑罚效益的最优化。  相似文献   

一、中国试行社区矫正工作势在必行 犯罪是全球性的问题,预防和打击犯罪,有效地矫正罪犯,是各国政府和社会共同的责任.世界各国都在不断地进行刑罚执行制度的创新,尝试用最有效的方式方法处理犯罪问题,用最有效的方式方法矫正犯罪人.从人类刑罚发展演进的历史来看,刑罚由重趋轻是一个普遍的规律.各国行刑实践中在保留适用监禁刑的同时,越来越倾向于非监禁刑的适用,尤其是自"二战"结束以来,社区矫正制度发展迅速,许多国家,如加拿大、美国、澳大利亚等,适用社区矫正人数大大超过监禁矫正人数.  相似文献   

社区矫正是与监禁执行相对应的一种非监禁刑罚执行方式,其惩罚改造的对象是在社区内服刑的罪犯,由此决定了社区矫正首要特性应当是惩罚性。但从全国部分试点地区反映的情况看,社区矫正组织普遍重视教育矫正和帮扶工作,程度不同地存在着惩罚性措施不落实的现象。这不仅有悖于刑法的目的和任务,弱化了刑法预防、惩治犯罪的功能,而且可能导致社会公众尤其是受害人对社区矫正制度的质疑或否定。因此应当高度重视这一现象,认真研究并采取对策予以纠正,确保社区矫正试点工作顺利实施。  相似文献   

论《物权法》草案中的若干争议问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
因为征收和征用的适用情形、法律后果不同,所以物权法草案中宜将两者作分立规定.对于"公共利益"的界定可采取概念加列举的方式,以兼顾法律的弹性和可操作性.征收拆迁的补偿标准可准用中介机构的市场评估价格,在此基础上再根据具体的情况加以调整.关于建设用地的续期及相关的一系列问题,物权法可仅做原则性的规定,具体的适用条件、程序由单行法规定.对于设定了承包经营权的耕地,土地承包经营者可以将该耕地抵押.这样不仅符合法理,也是现实的需要;其负面影响可以通过配套制度设计予以控制.对特许物权,可在物权法中列出名称,由特别法规定相应的制度.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine whether prior research had accurately conceptualised community correctional officers' experience of role conflict on the basis of officers' role preferences. It was hypothesised that officers who were welfare workers or punitive officers would experience inter-role conflict while those who attempted to combine the welfare and punitive roles (protective agents) would experience intra-role conflict and role ambiguity. Furthermore, an exploration of how inter-role conflict, intra-role conflict, role ambiguity, and officers' role preferences were related to occupational burnout was conducted. It was found in this study that officers' preferences for the role of welfare worker, protective agent, or punitive officer were not related to the level of inter-role conflict, intra-role conflict, or role ambiguity experienced by officers. Officers' role preferences were not related to burnout. Inter-role conflict and intra-role conflict were associated with emotional exhaustion. These findings call into question the whole tradition in the community corrections literature of inferring role conflict from officers' role preferences and necessitate that the whole issue of whether officers experience role conflict be revisited by employing direct measures of role conflict.  相似文献   

加强社区矫正文化建设之思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文化不仅是精神意义上的财富,而且是人们观念的集中体现。谁占据了文化发展的制高点,谁就拥有了强大的文化软实力,谁就会立于不败之地。中国的社区矫正文化是随着2003年社区矫正工作的试点,迅速在全国全面展开而初步形成的。作为司法行政机关,注重发展和加强先进的社区矫正文化建设,是推动社区矫正工作快速、协调、全面发展的必然要求,是现代法治和社会文明的必然要求,是促进社会稳定和建设和谐社会的必然要求,且尤其紧迫。  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市高级人民法院、人民检察院、公安厅(局)、司法厅(局),新疆维吾尔自治区高级人民法院生产建设兵团分院、新疆生产建设兵团人民检察院、公安局、司法局、监狱局: 经中央批准,2003年以来,先后分两批在全国18个省(区、市)开展了社区矫正试点工作,另有9个省(区)在党委、政府领导下先后进行了试点。社区矫正试点工作取得了明显成效,达到了预期目标。  相似文献   

胡敏 《行政与法》2010,(10):24-27
社区矫正作为一种经济、有效、人道的新型刑罚执行方式,在黑龙江省尚处于试点、起步阶段。历经不断的探索与实践,社区矫正试点工作已初步形成了自己的体系和运行规则。本文依托于对黑龙江省社区矫正试点工作情况的调研,介绍了黑龙江省社区矫正试点工作的现状及成功经验,分析了实践中存在的一些问题,并有针对性地提出了解决的办法,以期为完善我国社区矫正法律制度做一些有益的探索。  相似文献   

李岚林 《河北法学》2020,38(10):101-114
当前世界各国对未成年人犯罪的处遇越来越向非刑事化、轻刑化和非监禁化的方向发展,对未成年人采取特殊保护的理念在国际上已经达成共识。特殊保护理念在我国未成年人社区矫正中,可以理解为与成年犯矫正有着本质区别的"柔性"矫正理念和措施的应用。"教育刑""国家亲权"和"儿童利益最大化"等理论可以合理的诠释"柔性"矫正的逻辑起点和理论依据。在我国新颁布的《社区矫正法》里,"柔性"矫正的相关原则亦有具体的立法体现。我国未成年人社区矫正应当重视社会控制理论的应用,运用该理论"社会联系"中"依恋""参与""抱负"和"信念"四个要素,重新认识未成年人犯罪的原因,并分别从家庭治疗、社区融入、认知行为干预和重塑角色认同等方面矫正干预,充分发挥"柔性"矫正在未成年人社区矫正工作中的效能。  相似文献   

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