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The definition of the term "corpse" is relevant for medicine in general and most particularly so for forensic medicine, as it has direct consequences on practical work: legally, postmortems and autopsies may only be performed on corpses. With this in mind, the legal term "corpse" was examined on the basis of German State Law regulations and provisions. Approximately half the burial acts include a definition of "corpse", but even here there are certain variations. The definitions for "corpse" can be divided into four categories: 1) according to the lack of vital signs or sure signs of death 2) according to the degree of decomposition and/or cohesion of body parts 3) on the basis of severed body parts, and 4) terminological differentiation of stillbirths and neonatal fatalities from miscarriages. Laws vary greatly in their definition of the term "corpse". Therefore, the decision whether or not human remains or parts thereof qualify as a "corpse" should be left to medical discretion.  相似文献   

The technology of education for adult subjects, i.e. the scientifically-sound system of andragogic principles for the education of adults (both teachers and learners), is considered. Putting these principles into practice leads with a high degree of probability to the achievement of the sought goals of education. These principles as well as the andragogic educational model itself are recommended for a wider application to the system of education for senior students, junior physicians, and resident medical practitioners with a view to improving the efficacy of the educational process.  相似文献   

正当我国法医学鉴定体系处于机构重叠、人员分散、三家鼎立、政出(鉴定)多家的无序状态时,新刑诉法(指1997年1月1日起施行的<刑事诉讼法>)第120条的规定又重新增添了法医学鉴定机构,即省级人民政府指定的医院,来负责对有争议的人身伤害案件进行法医学重新鉴定.这一规定施行两年以来,使我国原本就十分无序的法医学体系,更加混乱不堪,种种弊端和隐患在短时间内迅速地暴露出来,给我国法医学事业造成了严重的负面影响.  相似文献   

A brief history of forensic medicine in the Indo-Pacific region followed by the extent of medical education imparted to undergraduates and current practice in various countries of the region are examined.  相似文献   

鉴定启动的“令状主义”与“随意主义”   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
鉴定的启动是鉴定制度的核心内容.本文对世界各国鉴定启动模式的利弊和变化趋势以及鉴定启动的目的进行分析后发现,鉴定启动的法官控制模式更合符启动鉴定的目的,同时为克服法官控制模式启动鉴定的弊端,应当赋予当事人平等的请求鉴定权,并建立与之配套的技术顾问制度.  相似文献   

关于"法律"一词是如何使用的,在中国的康熙时期和孟德斯鸠时期进行比较具有重要意义.因为,它们之间存在间接而又重要的联系.经过比较,我们可以发现并且深入理解"法律"一词的"世界流通"问题,进而从新的角度理解中西法学关系.而知识社会学的方法对近代这段历史研究有着重要启发.  相似文献   

沈菊生 《行政与法》2004,(11):81-84
如何对行政垄断进行科学分类,是反行政垄断必须解决的问题.目前我国理认界和法律实务界对行政垄断两种形态即地区垄断和部门垄断虽然有较为一致辞的认识,但因两存在较多的交叉重叠,也由于两者在然害性质和然害手段上基本相同,所以无论在实践上还是在理论上,两者的区分意义不大.  相似文献   

Mainstream medical philosophy and practice differ in many respects from those of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), differences which are explored in this article. Because of a resurgence of CAM therapies, courts and tribunals will scrutinise CAM in more and more contexts in the future. Such court cases may require the resolution of conflicts between opinions of CAM and medical experts. This article considers how courts evaluate such opinions where experts hold conflicting ideologies or philosophical approaches, and addresses the following questions: Do the opinions of CAM practitioners qualify as "expert" opinions in court? How do the courts examine the basis of such opinions? Are they systematically given less weight than the opinions of mainstream medical practitioners? Will recent procedural reforms for hearing expert evidence make it easier for courts to resolve these issues?  相似文献   

商标先用权的立法确认及其在司法实践中的适用,既体现了“使用”的价值得到了立法者和司法者的认可, “使用”在商标权取得过程中的地位藉此得到了明确,也充分弥补了我国商标注册制的缺陷与不足.但由于我国《商标法》相关规定的局限性,商标先用权在适用过程中仍然可能出现困难.为此,应当将对“商标”的保护延伸至“商业标识”,并强调商标的实际使用及其在先性而非其影响力,同时应当正确理解商标在先使用的主观状态.  相似文献   

姜明安 《法学家》2004,(1):13-15
为深化经济体制改革,促进我国经济社会的全面发展,<中共中央关于完善社会主义市场经济体制若干问题的决定>规定了一系列相应的重大措施.其中之一即是"转变政府经济管理职能".  相似文献   

未经注册取得医师执业证书的实习医师非法行医问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在医患关系紧张的今天,实习医师这样一个特殊的群体,由于法律层面与实践操作中的诸多分歧,在临床实践中面临着重重法律风险,存在着颇多争议。医疗事故出现时,实习医师的行为很容易成为被问责的对象,那么未经注册取得医师执业证书的实习医师在医疗活动中的行为究竟是否构成非法行医,是否符合非法行医罪呢?本文希望通过结合相关的案例,对实习医师、非法行医等问题进行理论分析和论证,以期缓解医患关系,加强患者与实习医师之间的理解与信任。  相似文献   

李兰英 《现代法学》2005,27(4):74-78
德国关于间接故意与有认识过失的合一论的主张与我国学者所提出的复合罪过的概念各有特定含义,“合一论”的罪过形式的出现有其特定的类型划分和观念为前提。复合罪过现象的原始含义不同于合一论。应该结合我国《刑法》分则的具体罪名来进行真正复合罪过形式的研究。  相似文献   

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