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We compare the statistical fit of two developmental explanations of delinquent behavior using longitudinal sibling data. The transmission effects model relates future delinquency to prior delinquency, delayed sibling effects, and unique environment. The common-factor effects model adds to these influences a latent variable representing persistent causes shared by siblings. These two models were fit to longitudinal data on 470 sibling pairs interviewed on three occasions. The common-factor effects model fit the data more closely than the transmission model. Nonmutually exclusive interpretations of the common effects model include (a) personality dispositions and (b) unchanging aspects of the social environment such as concurrent sibling effects and siblings' common friends.  相似文献   

This paper follows earlier research (Rowe et al., 1992) in evaluating the basis of family influences on adolescent delinquent behavior. Delinquency is measured in a number of different ways to account for important theoretical distinctions that exist in the delinquency literature. We use recently identified kinship structure in a large national data set—the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth—to estimate genetic and shared environmental influences on self-reported delinquency scores. Our analytic model is based on DF analysis, a regression procedure used to estimate parameters reflecting genetic and environmental influence. Results suggest a consistent and moderate genetic basis to sibling similarity in delinquency and little evidence of a shared environmental basis. A large amount of variance is attributable to nonshared influences and/or measurement error. Our findings suggest that the search for environmental influences on adolescent delinquency should focus on those that are not shared by siblings.  相似文献   

Analyses based on individual- and family-level self-report data indicate that (1) delinquency incidents are disproportionately concentrated among households with adolescents, (2) families do not specialize in delinquency by producing certain types of offenders, and (3) adolescent levels of delinquency are predicted equally as well by the offending of an older sibling. the offending of a younger sibling, or by the average level of offending among all other adolescents in the household. Three sets of family characteristics (socioeconomic status, composition, and functioning) are used in multivariate analyses to examine the association among sibling delinquency levels. while sibling composition and family functioning are significant predictors of adolescent delinquency, only family functioning accounts for a small proportion of sibling resemblance in offending. These analyses add to the growing body of research that suggests that sibling similarity in delinquency requires additional consideration in theoretical and empirical investigations of juvenile offending.  相似文献   


The current study had three aims: (1) to explore whether there is over-time change in adolescent delinquency and negativity in the parent–adolescent, sibling and marital relationships during adolescence; (2) to examine the interactions of negativity across subsystems; and (3) to examine whether levels and changes in adolescent delinquency are predicted by levels and changes in negativity in all family subsystems. Data of 497 families participating in the RADAR-young study were used. Ratings of all family members were used to measure negativity in family relationships, and adolescent self-report was used for delinquency. Multivariate latent growth curve models showed over-time increases in mother-adolescent negativity and over-time decreases in sibling negativity, as well as significant individual differences in these changes. Second, evidence for both social contagion and compensatory processes in family negativity was found. Third, initial levels of parent–adolescent negativity were related to initial levels but not over-time changes of adolescent delinquency, whereas initial levels of sibling negativity were related to over-time changes but not initial levels of adolescent delinquency. Finally, increases in parent–adolescent negativity were related to faster increases in adolescent delinquency, and decreases in sibling negativity were related to slower increases in adolescent delinquency. Implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

This article examines the familial transmission of criminal convictions in families in the Cambridge Study in Delinquent Development. Our main analyses focus on the 344 families in the Cambridge Study with two or more children. Criminal convictions were highly familial because convictions in a parent increased the risk of convictions in a child. Correlations between siblings were stronger in same-sex siblings (.45 to .50) than in opposite-sex ones (.27). Sibling correlations did not vary by birth order. Convictions of mothers and father correlated .55. Parent-child correlations were about the same as within-generation correlations between siblings. LISREL models were used to assess whether the effect of parental convictions on child convictions was direct or mediated through the quality of the family environment (i.e., supervision. child rearing, and family size). The best fitting LISREL models suggested a direct effect of parental convictions on child convictions, without any mediation by family environment. These data on fill biological siblings, however, did not permit separate estimation of family environmental versus genetic effects. One environmental effect appeared, however—a socialization effect among siblings; in families with three sons, there appeared to be mutual influence of one sibling on another. Also, regression models based on the boys suggested that family environmental variables did add to parental criminality.  相似文献   

High Risk Behaviors Among Victims of Sibling Violence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite the fact that sibling abuse has been documented as the most common form of intrafamilial abuse, it has been largely overlooked. Using data from the 2007 Delaware Secondary School Student Survey (N = 8,122), this paper focuses on four objectives: to estimate prevalence of sibling abuse, examine the relationship between sibling violence and high risk behaviors such as substance use, delinquency and aggression, explore the interplay of sibling abuse and other forms of family violence in predicting high risk behaviors, and test theory. Results suggest that sibling violence occurs more frequently than other forms of child abuse. Results also confirm that sibling violence is significantly related to substance use, delinquency, and aggression. These effects remain significant after controlling for other forms of family violence. The data suggest support for feminist theory and social learning theory.  相似文献   

Retrospective recall of physical aggression and sexual behavior among siblings was investigated. Participants described behaviors between themselves and siblings in the family, their estimation of the appropriateness of the behavior, and their current relationship with their siblings. Additionally, participants completed measures of family structure and stress. Results indicated that rates of physical aggression among siblings was high, with varying severity. Rates of sexual behavior were lower. For both physical and sexual behaviors, participants were more likely to believe that the behaviors were abusive in retrospect than when they actually occurred. No differences were found in family structure among abusive and nonabusive siblings, but siblings who reported physical or sexual behaviors also reported higher levels of intrafamilial stress. Certain types of stressors may predict particular sibling relationships.  相似文献   

Drawing on a large sample of genetically related pairs of adolescents from the Add Health, we examine the influence of sibling deviance on adolescents' participation in minor deviance compared to the influence received from mutual friends (i.e., friends shared between siblings) and influence from unique friends (i.e., friends unique to each sibling). Multivariate analyses that control for genetic relatedness using DeFries‐Fulker regression (1985) indicate that after aspects of the shared and non‐shared environment of siblings are accounted for, the heritability effect, capturing genetic relatedness in sibling deviance, is no longer significantly associated with deviance. The deviance of siblings' unique friends accounts for a large portion of the heritability effect of sibling deviance.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between parental attachment and delinquent behavior among adolescents between the ages of 13 and 18. 133 subjects completed self-report questionnaire packets, which included a demographic survey, an attachment inventory (assessing parental attachment and attachment to the father and mother separately), and a delinquency questionnaire. The relationship between sex, delinquency level, and attachment score was statistically tested using a multivariate analysis of variance. Results indicated a significant relationship between delinquency level and parental attachment, attachment to father, and attachment to mother, suggesting that the more attached adolescents are to their parents, the less delinquent they are. The effects of sex on attachment were not significant, nor were the effects of sex by delinquency on attachment. Mean attachment scores to the mother were not significantly higher than mean attachment scores to the father and females reported far less criminal activity, but more delinquent activity, than did males. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Negative physical and verbal interactions occurring between early adolescents and their closest-spaced sibling were examined. Two hundred forty-four junior high school students provided information concerning their experiences as victims and perpetrators of aggressive and agonistic behaviors. Results confirm earlier studies' findings that siblings engage in numerous hostile interactions and that females and males perform these behaviors to an almost equal extent. Participants' self-reports suggest that parents may underestimate sibling use of physical force to resolve conflicts. Findings indicate there is further need to examine sibling interactions in order to better understand family functioning and family violence.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a developmental issue concerning longitudinal patterns of sex differences in delinquency. Hirschi and Gottfredson argue that the age-delinquency relation is invariant across sex and that sex differences in delinquency are invariant over time as well. A combination of these two propositions generates a hypothesis, called here the sex-invariance hypothesis, that sex differences in delinquency are invariant over developmental stages of adolescents. To test the sex-invariance hypothesis, nine waves of panel data collected from a representative urban sample of African American adolescents are analyzed. The overall findings show that sex differences in delinquency tend to vary as the subjects grow older, rather than remain constant as the invariance thesis posits. Specifically, sex differences in delinquency peak at the age of 15 and thereafter declines with age. We also find that parental supervision significantly explains sex differences in delinquency for younger adolescence, but not for older adolescence.  相似文献   

Sibling effects refer to the immediate influence one sibling may have on another or to indirect influences through their embeddedness in a common friendship network We used three aspects of sibling mutual interaction—warmth, conflict, and frequency of contact with mutual friends—to evaluate sibling effects on delinquency and substance use in 135 brother pairs, 142 sister pairs, and 141 mixed-sex pairs in the Arizona Sibling Study (primarily aged 10–16 years). We hypothesized that sibling relationship variables would condition the behavioral resemblance of the younger and older sibling. For both substance use and delinquency, this prediction was confirmed for warmth and mutual friends: Sibling pairs who reported warmer mutual relationships or greater contact with mutual friends were more alike behaviorally. The statistical sibling effects were not explained by social class, parental substance use, or rearing styles. We interpret them as the influence of one sibling on the other and as the influence arising from sharing common friends. Given the existence of sibling effects, the strength of shared familial influences of other origins must be revised downward.  相似文献   

The present study examined actor and partner effects of the Big Five personality traits, assessed by the NEO Five-Factor Inventory, on physical aggression within sibling dyadic interactions. Data were collected from 86 target adolescents receiving counseling services, their mothers, and closest-age siblings in South Korea. Mothers rated their children’s personalities. Target adolescents and siblings reported their own personality, as well as their sibling’s and their own perpetration of physical aggression against one another. Substantial self-other (i.e., mother and sibling) agreement was found for personality traits. Both actor and partner effects were found for the negative associations between extraversion, openness to experience, and conscientiousness and physical aggression among siblings. The current findings increase our understanding of personality traits implicated in physical aggression in general, and specifically aggression among siblings.  相似文献   

Attention is called to several recently advanced lines of evidence underscoring the role of contagion in antisocial behavior. One line of evidence consists of findings that the onset of antisocial behavior in one sibling increases the risk to other siblings. A second line of evidence shows that the tendency of monozygotic twins to be more concordant for antisocial behavior than dizygotic twins can be explained by contagion as well as heredity. In addition, there are differences in prevalence between same-sexed and opposite-sexed twins that contagion can explain, but heredity cannot, at least not without numerous ad hoc auxiliary suppositions. Third, behavioral contagion is also able to explain, and very precisely, the temporal course of aggregate delinquency through adolescence. Fourth, evidence has been presented that antisocial behavior is an equilibrial phenomenon, that is, that it depends on a balance between antisocial and prosocial forces, a balance (or imbalance) that would explain the sudden leaps and falls that crime statistics sometimes take. Finally, programs to combat drug use are often modestly successful and almost all such programs presuppose that drug use is contagious. The paper closes with two sections on the implications of these findings, first for theory and research and then for policy and practice.  相似文献   

判别函数在同胞鉴定中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探讨判别函数法在全同胞与半同胞鉴定中的应用价值。方法根据360对全同胞、90对半同胞及360对无关个体的15个STR基因座分型结果,计算全不同(X0)、半相同(X1)和完全相同(X2)的基因座数目,分别根据DFS1=3.898X0+3.973X1-19.481,DHS1=5.687X0+5.300X1-35.112及DR1=7.309X0+5.533X1-44.941的全同胞/半同胞/无关个体判别函数、DFS2=3.872X0+3.931X1-18.895及DR2=7.303X0+5.473X1-44.298全同胞/无关个体判别函数和DHS3=10.227X0+10.436X1-66.102及DR3=11.863X0+11.089X1-79.494半同胞/无关个体判别函数进行判别。结果判别准确率:①用全同胞/半同胞/无关个体判别函数,全同胞组为83.61%,半同胞组为81.11%,无关个体组为83.06%;②用全同胞/无关个体判别函数,全同胞组为96.39%,无关个体组为98.61%;③用半同胞/无关个体判别函数,半同胞组为88.89%,无关个体组为85.00%。结论本文3种判别函数可应用于同胞鉴定,尤其运用全同胞/无关个体判别函数判断同胞关系准确率高,有较高的应用价值。  相似文献   

There has been a large increase in research in the last 10 years or so on the nature, extent, and causes of female delinquency, especially on how patterns differ from those of male delinquency. Few research efforts, however, have systematically examined sex differences in the reliability and construct validity of the most common technique used in causal research-the self—report method. The present study addresses this issue by empirically examining male-female differences in self-report reliabilities and the effect of the prevalence and incidence of delinquent behavior on official contact (i.e., arrest, court referrals). Multiple-group covriance structure models are employed to test hypotheses of measurement and structural invariance. The major conclusion is that while self-report measurement parameters (e.g., reliabilities) may differ, the structural link between the prevalence and incidence of delinquent behavior and official contact is generally invariant with respect to sex.  相似文献   

ITO法和判别函数法在同胞关系鉴定中的应用   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:3  
目的探讨ITO法和判别函数法在全同胞、半同胞关系鉴定中的应用价值。方法根据500对全同胞、50对半同胞及500对无关个体的15个STR基因座(PowerPlex^TM 16体系)的分型结果,采用ITO法分别计算全同胞关系指数(FSI)、半同胞关系指数(HSI)及其比值(FSI:HSI)。比较三组配对个体的等位基因匹配情况,计算分型结果全不同的基因座数(x0)、半相同的基因座数(x1)和完全相同的基因座数(x2),利用SPSS 13.0分析软件建立全同胞、半同胞和无关个体的判别函数。结果(1)以FSI≥19、FSI〈1作为全同胞与无关个体的判别标准,交互准确率为96.4%;以HSI≥19、HSI〈I作为半同胞与无关个体的判别标准,交互准确率为85.3%;以FSI:HSI≥1、FSI:HSI〈1作为全同胞与半同胞的判别标准,交互准确率为87.5%。(2)分别建立了全同胞-半同胞-无关个体、全同胞-无关个体、半同胞-无关个体、全同胞-半同胞4组判别函数.判别函数交互准确率为84.4%~97.7%,其中同胞-无关个体判别准确率最高。结论ITO法与判别函数法在全同胞、半同胞鉴定中均具有较高的应用价值。  相似文献   



The current study sought to determine whether sex moderated peer mediation of the externalizing-delinquency relationship as part of a larger test of the gendered pathways theory of crime.


Data gathered from 4,144 (2,079 males and 2,065 females) members of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth-Child sample were subjected to simple correlational and moderated mediation analysis.


Externalizing behavior and delinquency correlated equally in boys and girls but in testing a full moderated mediation model it was discovered that sex moderated the mediating effect of perceived peer pressure on the externalizing–delinquency relationship. Whereas externalizing behavior predicted delinquency in both boys and girls, perceived peer pressure only mediated the externalizing-delinquency relationship in boys.


These results support the gendered pathways to delinquency model to the extent that the relationship between childhood externalizing behavior and delinquency was mediated by perceived peer pressure in males but not females. The implications of these results for theoretical refinement of the gendered pathways approach and crime prevention and intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

There is little research to date on the role of sibling relationships in mitigating attachment-related trauma. This paper is a clinical case study that illustrates the therapeutic process involved in working with siblings as well as the parent–child dyad, following a history of intra-familial trauma. We present an attachment-based treatment approach that recognizes and makes clinical use of a secure sibling attachment system. The process of facilitating therapeutic change in children with an insecure attachment style in relation to their parents, contrasted with a relatively secure sibling attachment system, is discussed. The implications of improved parent–child relationships on family outcomes, as well as on sibling relationships, are also explored.  相似文献   

Many theories of crime have linked low levels of socioeconomic status (SES) to high levels of delinquency. However, empirical studies have consistently found weak or nonexistent correlations between individuals' SES and their self-reported delinquent behavior. Drawing upon recent theoretical innovations (Hagan et al., 1985; Jensen, 1993; Tittle, 1995), we propose that this apparent contradiction between theory and data may be reconciled by recognizing that SES has both a negative and a positive indirect effect upon delinquency that, in tandem, results in little overall correlation between the two. We tested this proposal with longitudinal data from the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study. We used measures of parental SES recorded at study members' birth through age 15, social-psychological characteristics at age 18, and self-reported delinquency at ages 18 and 21. We found that low SES promoted delinquency by increasing individuals' alienation, financial strain, and aggression and by decreasing educational and occupational aspirations, whereas high SES promoted individuals' delinquency by increasing risk taking and social power and by decreasing conventional values. These findings suggest a reconciliation between theory and data, and they underscore the conceptual importance of elucidating the full range of causal linkages between SES and delinquency.  相似文献   

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