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Major public sector changes in Australia and New Zealand over the past decade have produced significant shifts in the beliefs, training and outlook of public servants. Using data from surveys in 1986–87 and 1994–95, this article tracks key attitudinal changes. It finds more marked change in Wellington than in Canberra, perhaps reflecting the more radical public sector agenda on that side of the Tasman  相似文献   

本篇文章主要分析了目前我们国家公务员职业道德建设的大背景,以及国家为什么如此重视公务员职业道德建设,中间存在的问题与现状,并且从这些问题中找出解决的方案和创新的途径,使得公务员队伍在"美丽中国"深化改革中发挥更健康积极的作用。  相似文献   

In recent years literature on public administration in Australia has often referred to the increasing politicisation of both the federal and state public services. Increasingly, senior members of the bureaucracy are appointed on contract. Such contracts can often be terminated without the need to give reasons. Presumably some dismissals will be motivated by partisan, or party‐political, considerations. Where this is so, what role might there be for anti‐discrimination legislation, particularly that denying discrimination on the grounds of political belief or activity in the workplace?  相似文献   

本文以提高公务员激励功效和解决当前公务员腐败难题为主旨,从分析高薪养廉的理论依据和方法缺陷着手,以公共选择理论中的租金理论为依据,分别运用经济学和政治学双重方法,着力寻找我国公务员激励失效的根源,并对当前我国充分有效地发挥高薪激励的杠杆作用提出了相应的方案。  相似文献   

出于实现公平正义的价值理念和促进公务员依法行使职权、履行职责的考虑,现代国家普遍建立了行政追偿制度。机关先行履行赔偿义务以及公务员存在明显的主观过错是对公务员行使追偿权的前提条件。根据我国《公务员法》的有关规定,可以认为,执行上级命令不能成为免除公务员责任的绝对理由。在因公务员执行上级命令导致的行政赔偿案件中,仍应根据公务员的过错状况决定是否对其行使追偿权,而不应一概免除公务员的赔偿责任。  相似文献   

公共行政学研究中,对政府公务人员的深入研究是必不可少的,在这一研究中,应注重揭示这一群体中人的行为特征及其机制。而影响政府公务人员行为的十大矛盾机制是成本与收益;个体与群体;规范与自由裁量;职业与特权;向上与向下;本我、自我与超我;程序与实质;待遇的高与低;法治与法制及定性考核与定量考核等。  相似文献   

行政作风实际上就是政府机关及其国家公务员的工作作风.良好的行政作风将极大地提高政府部门的执政能力,促进国民经济的快速发展和维护社会的稳定,因此,必须大力加强国家公务员的行政作风建设.  相似文献   

This article of top civil servants in Danish central and local government sheds new light on politicization. A survival analysis shows that since 1970, the risk that a top civil servant will be replaced has increased. There is no evidence of politicization in central government while city managers' risk of replacement increases both when a new mayor, representing another party and holding an absolute majority, and when the shift of mayor takes place within the same party. We interpret these results as evidence of the adaptability of the merit civil service and political executives' stronger insistence on their authority to make discretionary replacements.  相似文献   

培育和弘扬公务员精神与公务员的能力素质建设是紧密联系在一起的。然而,公务员目前的能力素质现状与公务员精神所预期实现的目标还存在一定的差距。造成这些差距的原因来自于理念上的“关系本位”和“学历本位”,以及公务员职位分类制度、考核用人制度和培训制度中存在的不足。在遵照《公务员法》的规定的前提下,突破公务员能力素质建设的瓶颈有赖于针对以上症结的一系列制度创新,包括:以职位分类为基础,建立公务员能级管理制度;改革公务员录用制度,提高初任公务员的知识存量;改革公务员培训制度,突出培训重点,提高现有公务员的能力素质;贯彻“引咎辞职”和“过错追究”,建立公务员行政责任制度;借鉴“暂时退休”制度,协调领导职务和非领导职务公务员的比例;推行公务员合约聘用制度,加大公务员的流动性,刺激公务员能力素质的不断提升。  相似文献   

公务员因其职业的特殊性存在着激励的难点:进取心的不足;自利心的错位;公共服务意识的淡薄。构建一个公务员综合激励体系应包括这样一些内容:基于公务员能力培养和职业生涯发展的培训和学习机制;合理灵活又与绩效相关的薪酬机制;注重公务员实际能力和功绩的晋升机制;及时、有效、科学的奖励机制;科学可量化的便于评估的绩效考核机制;完善的、行之有效的监督、处罚和退出机制;积极发挥社会公众评价作用的反馈机制。  相似文献   

The article shows that civil servants who believe that the long-term interest of society is best served by their detached policy advice to policy-makers also hold on to their opinion more than any other actor involved in policy development. However, more civil servants currently emphasise responsiveness, at the expense of detached analysis, owing to increased exposure to international consultancy and forums. As a consequence, the attitude of civil servants in developing public policy is more likely to be indistinguishable from that of actors who have political functions, without significant variation from country to country. Evidence supporting this argument is provided by an analysis of the results of a survey first conducted in 2006 and repeated in 2008. The two waves of the survey drew responses from civil servants, interest group representatives and non-governmental experts who contribute to biotechnology policy development in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France and the European Union.  相似文献   

Competence is a frequently used but complex concept. This article explores various recent uses of the concept, with particular attention to political conditions favoring an emphasis on neutrality or responsiveness. We close with a brief comparative analysis of the quest for responsiveness in administration.  相似文献   

The interaction between political executives and civil servants rests on a delicate balance between political responsiveness and the duty of civil servants and ministers to respect legal and other normative constraints on executive authority. In Danish central government, this balance is stressed by norms that define the correct behavior when the civil service provides ministers with political advice and assistance. Organizational factors strongly influence civil servants' behavior when they have to balance responsiveness against constraints on their role as political advisers. Moreover, civil servants working closely with ministers pay more attention to legal constraints than their peers among agency officials and specialists. Agency officials and specialists are much more prone to prioritize professional standards. We argue that this pattern can be generalized West European systems.  相似文献   

在公务员制度中,公务员的权利与义务是对等的。但是,在现实生活中,公务员权利与义务的享有、履行却不对等。通过对中外公务员的义务进行比较,提出“公务员义务本位”理念及其法制化的途径在于:在公务员法的立法中体现公务员义务本位理念;通过制定各级各类公务员的行为准则和工作规程体现公务员义务本位理念;建立公务员义务本位的监督体系;通过公务员录用、上岗、培训、晋升、奖惩、退休待遇等各个环节体现公务员义务本位。  相似文献   

公务员的工资制度是公务员制度的重要组成部分,在新时期它的功能主要表现为,补偿公务员的体力和脑力消费,提升公务员的素质和能力;激励公务员的工作积极性,为公务员廉洁奉公提供物质保障;吸引优秀人才进入公务员系统,确保公务员队伍稳定。我国公务员薪酬管理制度的改革或创新应把握这几方面:我国公务员的薪酬制度管理必须体现和把握新一代中央领导集体崭新的执政理念和价值取向;应进一步裁减冗员,把提高公务员队伍素质和政府管理效率结合起来;既要借鉴国外公务员制度的成功做法,又要考虑我国的基本国情。  相似文献   

公务员是代表国家行使公共权力、执行公务的人员,其人文素质的重要性日益凸显,主要是:公务员的人文素质是建设高素质公务员队伍的前提、公务员的人文素质是提高行政效率的关键、公务员的人文素质是维护政府良好形象的有力保证、公务员的人文素质是促进国家稳定与发展的基础。  相似文献   

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