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This article is based on select results taken from a survey of NGO and provincial government policy workers. The purpose is to provide an empirically based assessment of how government and non‐government policy workers engage with one another in the policy process. The data suggest that policy co‐construction and co‐production are a significant feature of the process but there is some need for nuance. The data presented here indicate that the extent of policy engagement may not be as broadly inclusive as the proponents of New Governance suggest.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the enforcement practices of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) and compares them with its predecessor, the Investment Dealers Association of Canada (IDA). The study collected data from IIROC's tribunal cases decided between June 2008 and December 2019 and compared them with data on the IDA's enforcement of complaints from 1984 to 2008. The findings reveal no statistically significant difference in the fines imposed by the two regulatory bodies. Furthermore, IIROC has refrained from issuing lenient penalties such as retaking examinations/courses or mandating terms and conditions for offenders. The results also indicate no significant impact on the number or distribution of offense types committed in the industry over time. Most notably, the Ontario Securities Commission, the Canadian Securities Regulators, and the new Self-Regulatory Organization of Canada should consider these findings when formulating policies concerning the role of self-regulation in the financial markets.  相似文献   

The article reports on ongoing reflections on how to improve the structures and processes by which relevant research findings produced outside Canadian government departments (for example, in universities, think tanks or other research institutions) can be more effectively found, assessed for potential biases, synthesized and disseminated to provide support to government analysts, advisers and decision makers. The focus is on how to structure and routinize research use by government analysts and advisers within a large Canadian department that has a strategic research directorate and many program divisions. Our starting point is the current situation where literature reviews that are produced and used by government analysts and advisers do not correspond to the systematic review standards. We discuss four alternative models. In two models, the whole production process would be controlled from within the department. In the other two models, external actors such as university‐based teams or independent non‐governmental evidence centres would carry the leadership in producing those reviews.  相似文献   

Canadian gender equality policy has taken a “technocratic turn” that favours bureaucratic expertise to monitor and measure (in)equality rather than participatory and consultative mechanisms. While the processes and impacts of this shift are well documented at the federal level, less is known at the provincial level. This article takes stock of provincial gender equality mechanisms, demonstrating variations in women's policy agencies (WPAs) across the ten provinces. It then links these variations to the discursive politics of gender equality within each province. We demonstrate that the potential for transformative orientations of gender equality emerges in WPAs with broad consultative mechanisms.  相似文献   

Abstract. The point of departure of this study is the question whether differences in political structures also lead to differences in the policy alternatives selected for practical use. The study examines the influence of federal/unitary, parliamentary/balance-of-power, and administrative/judicial structural aspects on the selection of policy alternatives for air pollution control in Canada, Sweden, and the United States. The examination indicates that these structural differences have had an influence on the choices of such policy elements as (a) the basic approach to pollution control, (b) the distribution of authority among different levels of government, (c) the methods of enforcement, and (d) public participation. As a result of these influences, considerable differences exist between the three countries with regard to air pollution control policy. This is all the more remarkable in view of the similarity of the problem of air pollution and the availability of similar techniques for pollution control in all industrialized countries. The paper ends with an outline of an ‘ideal’ policy of air pollution control, and discusses the structural problems of all three countries with regard to the adoption of such an ‘ideal’ policy. Sommaire. Le point de départ de cette étude, c'est la question des différences structurales politiques, si elles produisent aussi des différences de choix politiques pratiques. L'étude examine l'influence des aspects structuraux du gouvernement tels que les systèmes féderal/unitaire, parlementaire/équilibre des puissances, et administratif/judicial sur le choix de politiques destinées à réglementer la pollution de l'air au Canada, en Suède, et aux Etats-Unis. Une telle examination indique que ces différences de structures politiques ont exercé une influence sur le choix d'une politique de base, la division d'autorité entre divers niveaux gouvernementaux, les méthodes de réglementation, et la participation publique. Le résultat, c'est qu'il existe des différences considkrables entre les trois pays à l'egard de la réglernentation de la pollution de l'air — ce qui est curieux, étant donné la ressemblance des problèmes et la diffusion de pareilles techniques de réglementation dans toutes les nations industrialisées. La conclusion de ce papier, du point de vue d'une politique idéale de réglementation, c'est qu'aucun des pays possède une structure tout à fait propre à résoudre le problème de la réglementation de la pollution de l'air.  相似文献   

A construct is a phenomenon of theoretical interest, and is divided into reflective construct and formative construct. Public service motivation is a constructive or reflective construct, and there is some consensus among the academic circles that the first order of public service motivation is reflective.But there is a debate about the nature of the two order construction. It is found that the predictive ability and the degree of fit of the "first order reflective and second order reflective" conception of public service motivation in structural equation model are higher than the "first order reflective and second order formative".The direction of the relationship between public service motivation and its first-order potential variables in the context of grassroots public administration in China is from public service motivation to first-order potential variables, and public service motivation should be defined as a "first-order reflective second-order reflective" construct. In the future, researchers in public administration should carefully consider the nature of the constructs of public management and the effect of the nature of the constructs on the model.  相似文献   

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