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国外学习型组织理论源于企业经营方式的变革,研究内容主要包括学习型组织的内涵、特征、模型、原则以及组织形式等。从总体上看,组织学习是一个持续的过程,目的是为了持续适应环境的变化而产生应变的能力;其本质特征是以学习、变革、创新为核心价值观的组织文化;其基本模型除了"圣吉模型",还有"沃尔纳五阶段模型"、"瑞定第四种模型"等。创建学习型组织应遵循的原则主要有:承诺原则、起步稳健原则、目标明确、行动一致原则、集中精力原则和灵活机警原则;创建机制包括:组织机制、学习机制、评估机制、激励机制和创新机制。学习型组织文化为我们观察社会提供了一种行之有效的理念。  相似文献   

梁睿琪 《学理论》2014,(6):62-63
本研究以142名企业知识型员工为研究对象,采用组织支持感调查问卷和离职倾向调查问卷,研究POS与离职倾向的关系。结果表明:知识型员工的POS与离职倾向在个体和组织因素上有显著差异。知识型员工的POS与离职倾向存在显著负相关,且POS对知识型员工的离职倾向有预测作用。  相似文献   

优秀的组织之所以能够不断发展壮大,一个十分重要的原因就是它成功地创造了一种能够使员工衷心认同的核心价值观念,这种组织文化会影响人们的思维模式和行为模式。组织的领导者都希望自己的员工能够产生组织公民行为,但并不是所有组织都能够达到这样的目标,组织文化的培训体系对于组织文化的传递是很重要的。本文试图探讨如何构建优秀的组织文化培训体系。  相似文献   

组织归属感在人力资源管理中的作用及其培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
企业作为一个经济与人融合的组织,始终处于一个变动的发展过程之中,在这样的组织中,培养员工的组织归属感对企业人力资源管理工作有重要意义。本文从组织归属感理论、组织归属感在企业人力资源管理工作中的应用以及如何培养员工的组织归属感等方面进行了论述。  相似文献   

王树武  金妍 《学理论》2011,(14):75-76
伴随着经济社会的快速发展和全球化竞争的不断加剧,本国企业之间、外国企业之间、本企与外企之间的竞争不断激烈。企业之间的激烈的竞争归根结底是企业人力资源,尤其是企业高级人才之间的长远竞争。企业人力资源潜能的充分挖掘与开发,对于提升组织竞争力、实现组织收益最大化,有效调动员工的积极性和创造性大有裨益。而在企业人力资源潜能开发过程中,组织文化创新无疑发挥着举足轻重的作用。  相似文献   

随着组织越来越关心保留有价值的员工,对员工流动管理的研究在组织层面上逐渐得到加强。本文从员工流动对组织绩效的影响、员工流动与组织社会资本、企业文化的关系、以及人力资本保留的相对地位理论等方面介绍了国外的研究成果。最后对这方面的研究进行了简单的述评。  相似文献   

叶迎 《各界》2007,(2):52-53
将个体人力资本不断转化为企业组织资本,减轻人才流失给企业带来的损失,已成为在知识经济时代企业日益重视的焦点问题。该文将从个体人力资本和企业组织资本的含义、特性入手,研究组织学习和知识共享机制在企业组织资本增长过程中的作用原理,并在此基础上探讨企业组织资本增长的促进性因素。  相似文献   

企业价值观与企业精神的概念及二者间的关系,是当前企业文化理论中观点不甚一致而又亟待廓清的问题之一。论者既有认为前者为属概念,后者为种概念,前者包容后者的,又有持完全相反观点的。准确地把握企业价值观与企业精神的概念,不难对二者关系得出明晰的共识。何谓企业价值观?企业价值观是直接指导企业员工行为取舍的观念体系与评价标准,包括企业目标规、发展观;员工对本企业与国家、社会关系的认识;企业管理观、是非观、人才观、分配观等C企业价值观同企业文化一样,是同企业共生相伴的一种客观存在,即不论主观是否进行价值观建…  相似文献   

1986年,美国心理学家南茜·艾森博格(Nancy Eisenberg)等人通过研究发现,学术界在探讨员工与组织之间的关系时,大都主要强调员工对组织的承诺,而很少关注组织对员工的承诺.在此基础上,他们提出了组织支持理论(Organization Support Theory,OST).该理论提出了“组织支持感”(Per-ceived Organization Support,POS)的概念,主要是指员工常常会在工作过程中形成有关组织如何评价员工的贡献以及是否关注其福利的综合直觉.组织支持感是员工对于组织重视其贡献和关注其幸福感的全面看法,组织的支持能够满足员工的社会情感需求,如果员工感受到组织愿意而且能够对他们的工作努力进行回报,员工就会为组织的利益付出更多的努力.  相似文献   

基于委托——代理关系的知识型员工管理策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在知识经济条件下,企业与知识型员工之间存在代理成本高,委托与代理人目标不一致,信息不对称,劳动过程难以监控和劳动成果难以衡量等委托--代理特征.因此,企业管理者应通过建立战略性合作伙伴关系和风险共担利益分享机制,在团队管理中打破报酬预算平衡及重视知识型员工个体成长与自主工作的需要等方式取得员工与企业的双赢.  相似文献   

His research interests are political sociology, organizational analysis, and social theory. His books include Chicago Lawyers,coauthored with John P. Heinz.  相似文献   

This paper looks at one of the members of the ‘dark triad’ of managers with malevolent personalities and investigates whether Corporate Psychopaths are to be found at greater levels of incidence in any particular type of organization. The paper introduces the topic of research into the characters of leaders and explains why this is important. It then discusses who Psychopaths and Corporate Psychopaths are in comparison with the other members of the ‘dark triad’; Machiavellians and Narcissists. The paper discusses some of the theoretical implications of having Corporate Psychopaths in organizations and then presents some evidence that they are to be found at greater incidence levels in financial service institutions and the civil service rather than in primary industries and retail services. The paper looks at the implications of the presence of Corporate Psychopaths in terms of lower levels of corporate social responsibility and mentions that Corporate Psychopaths also influence productivity and organizational constraints. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In multi-tiered organizations, individuals can engage in unproductive rent-seeking activities both within and between the divisions of the organization. Nevertheless, a multi-tiered organizational structure can induce efficiency gains by decreasing rent-seeking. We present a model of production and simultaneous internal and external rent-seeking, assuming a logistic contest success function. In equilibrium, there is generically either internal or external rent-seeking, but not both. A multi-tiered organization leads to less rent-seeking and higher welfare, even though the production technology gives no reason for any specific organizational structure. Our findings constitute a new efficiency rationale for multi-tiered organizations.  相似文献   

公共部门组织文化是以“公共服务理想”和“公共精神”为基础的一套价值观体系。在我国政府再造过程中 ,公共部门组织文化发挥着巨大的作用。我们应打破传统官僚文化的影响 ,实施文化战略 ,创建适合我国国情的“企业家文化”。  相似文献   

As the number and putative importance of political action committees have grown, so too has scholarly attention to this new breed of political organization. Yet this attention has been uneven. Although much is now known about the aggregate spending patterns of PACs, much less is known about their internal lives. The present study attempts to open the PAC black box to empirical inquiry. Drawing on interviews with the managers of 70 Washington-based political action committees, we suggest how theoretical perspectives about formal voluntary associations may be usefully applied in explaining the behavior of PACs. After examining the relationships among several variables — organizational goals, constituency relations and decision making, strategy, and interorganizational relations — we show how these forces affect the behavior of corporate, trade/membership, labor, and nonconnected PACS.  相似文献   

Abstract. This article joins two public policy approaches often employed separately: the analysis of changes in programme expenditure, and of organizational change. The first section reviews a series of alternative propositions about their relationship: organizations constricting programme innovation, or promoting efficiency or inefficiency; programme changes causing fission or fusion in organizations; increasing programme expenditure by replicating service delivery units rather than re-organization; and the place of symbolic and ad hoc political priorities. After considering problems of analyzing programme and organizational changes empirically, the article examines changes since 1945 in two major policy areas of British government, health and social security, and trade and industry. The empirical evidence emphasizes the dominance of political priorities, symbolic as well as programmatic: the capacity of organizations to grow at the base, by replicating service delivery units while formally remaining unchanged at the top, and of organizations growing at the top, by formal re-organization, while programme budgets and service delivery units are unaffected by symbolic reshuffling.  相似文献   

取消农业税後,中国各地正紧锣密鼓地进行乡镇机构改革试点,大规模的改革已箭在弦上。本文对乡镇机构改革试点中出现的一些问题,如政府责任、机构对应、交叉任职、公共物品供给、经济职能、乡村撤并、社会稳定以及上级政府的呼应性改革等进行了讨论。  相似文献   

As the public policy curriculum and teaching faculty were synthesized from a set of existing fields two decades ago, political science was included because the policy school graduates needed some of the knowledge of the structure and processes of government the discipline possessed. But subsequently there has been a profound shift away from this traditional content to a more actor-centered form of analysis in the political and organizational part of the policy curriculum. This paper examines this content and a basic intellectual issue challenging the faculty who are responsible for this part of the policy curriculum. Their efforts will succeed only as they alter the structure of the discipline or develop a clearer algorithm for an actor-centered political analysis.  相似文献   

Traditionally, social research has relied on systematic methods to control variation in the collection of data in order to validate relationships observed among the social phenomena under study. Ironically, many critical problems in the actual operation of public organizations are not amenable to such rigorous controls. An alternative mode of analysis, action research, may prove more useful since it takes into account the dynamic nature of organizations, emphasizing the production of valid information, the element of Fee and informed choice by organization members, and the goal of engendering commitment to action by those involved. Simulated operations designed to enhance the performance of public agencies in unforeseen emergencies provide a setting in which to evaluate the effectiveness of action research as a tool for organizational problem-solving.  相似文献   

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