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黄晶 《法制与社会》2010,(22):106-108
国际贸易救济措施是贸易自由与贸易保护在动态博弈中的均衡:一方面,国际贸易救济措施是贸易自由化的产物和保障,其价值取向的归宿是贸易自由;另一方面,国际贸易救济措施具有适度的自我保护性质,在客观上存有沦为新贸易保护主义工具的危险。正是在"贸易自由"与"贸易保护"这一矛盾体中,国际贸易救济措施才逐步形成、发展。面对金融危机下新一轮贸易保护主义浪潮的威胁,正确把握国际贸易救济措施的二重性对于我国保护国内产业安全、化解国际贸易摩擦、推动公平贸易发展具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

经过几年来对反倾销和反补贴基本法实施情况的调查与研究,欧盟委员会在2013年4月10日公布了"双反"基本法拟修改内容并对修改背景加以说明。虽然此次的拟修改内容有部分仅需要在执行时加以调整,但我们仍有必要对相关修改进行研读、分析,研判其对中国企业今后应诉可能产生的影响。经历了2007年的贸易救济绿皮书大讨论后,欧盟反倾销基本法在2009年进行了一次较大的修改。2012年,  相似文献   

欧盟贸易壁垒条例的实施状况与法律分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
欧盟贸易壁垒条例10年来的实践显示其已成为欧盟反击贸易壁垒和打开第三国市场的有效工具,凸现其将私人主体的诉愿转化至WTO争端解决机制的桥梁作用,因此倍受欧盟内部乃至国际社会关注。本文将综合分析TBR及其实施状况,检验贸易壁垒、损害/不利贸易影响和共同体利益等核心标准的应用,并展望TBR的发展趋势,以期裨益于处理中欧贸易关系和建立完善我国反贸易壁垒的机制。  相似文献   

反倾销是欧盟的一项重要贸易救济措施,其中关于市场经济国家的判断至关重要。目前欧盟对中国的市场经济地位问题的态度是既不承认也不否认,具体到出口商,仍需在个案中证明其是在市场经济条件下从事经营。欧盟关于市场经济国家的判断标准与美国和GATT的政策有一定关联性,并从企业的运营、会计制度、生产(融资)成本、企业法制环境和货币汇率环境五个方面提出了明确的市场经济条件判断标准。2004年欧盟委员会只认可中国在一项上达标。为早日扫清中欧贸易障碍,为我国出口商争取平等的竞争地位,我国一方面需要完善市场经济体制,另一方面需要与主要贸易伙伴加强了解与互动。  相似文献   

姜栋 《法商研究》2007,24(4):120-127
在贸易自由与贸易保护之间,美国反倾销法以牺牲公共利益为代价选择了维护特殊利益的贸易保护。实际上,无论是WTO的反倾销规则还是欧盟的反倾销法,均表明公共利益才是反倾销法所关注的对象。而美国现实的政治经济背景决定了其反倾销法对公共利益漠视的必然性。基于对美国反倾销法的利益分析,我们不仅可以寻求应对美国对华反倾销的新途径,而且也促使我国在对外反倾销中更加关注公共利益。  相似文献   

胡田野 《河北法学》2012,(12):151-156
2011年10月25日,欧盟颁布了编号为2011/83/EU的消费者权益保护的最新指令。该指令主要规定了经营者向消费者提供信息的义务,以及消费者撤销合同的权利,这些规定反映了欧盟消费者权益保护法上的信息透明、利益均衡和私权救济的立法精神。我国《消费者权益保护法》制定于1993年,到如今我国社会经济生活发生了很大变化,很多内容已经不能满足今天的消费者权益保护之需。欧盟最新的消费者权益保护指令对完善我国《消费者权益保护法》具有很好的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

并购审批机关对并购交易同意或禁止的决定,直接影响着并购当事人及利益相关人的权益.欧盟在并购决定救济方面有着完善的立法体系和丰富的实践经验.通过比较,可借鉴欧盟在并购决定救济原告资格、诉由、审查标准、期限等方面的成功经验,在现有行政诉讼法的基础上,确立专门的并购决定救济法律体系,切实保护并购当事人及利益相关人的合法权益.  相似文献   

自1988年欧共体委员会发表《版权与技术挑战绿皮书》以来,欧盟加快了知识产权协调保护的步伐,以适应欧洲一体化和欧盟信息社会建设的需要。为了推动欧盟一体化版权保护,欧共体委员会于1995年7月19日发表《信息社会版权与相关权绿皮书》。1997年12月欧洲委员会在单一市场总干事马里奥·蒙提(Hario  相似文献   

反倾销中公共利益原则的法理分析——从公平正义的视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
无论是按照功利主义的正义观或是道义论的正义观,进口国进口商、下游企业和消费者的利益都应先于进口国的生产商及其上游企业的利益受到保护。反倾销措施只能被认为是对于在全球竞争中的失败者的一种救济手段,故此,引入公共利益原则,均衡地考虑所有参与者的利益,避免救济措施过当是合理的。  相似文献   

欧盟是中国第一大贸易伙伴,中国和欧盟之间拥有巨大的经济和贸易利益。近年来,欧盟频频利用其技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)限制中国机电产品的出口。本文分析了欧盟近期颁布实施的指令和法规对中国机电产品出口的影响,并就机电企业应对欧盟TBT提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   

论欧盟原产地规则与反倾销法反规避条款的结合实施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李晓玲 《法学论坛》2003,18(4):87-91,75
在欧盟频繁运用反倾销反规避措施实施的贸易保护中 ,纷繁复杂的欧盟原产地规则扮演了重要角色。一方面 ,它是维护国际贸易正常秩序与遵守WTO诸原则 ,保证反规避措施合法性的平衡点 ;另一方面 ,在与反规避条款相结合 ,严格界定规避行为 ,以实施反规避措施的同时 ,又犹如“一双看不见的手” ,以较正常贸易条件下更为有力的手段 ,“迫使”外国高水平投资 ,达到产业导向和保护的双重目的。对于从观念到立法及实践都比较滞后的我国来说 ,具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

P.N. GRABOSKY 《Law & policy》1994,16(4):419-448
The article begins with a review of recent trends in the devolution of state functions to nongovernment institutions, and discusses how private interests may be enlisted in furtherance of public policy. It then outlines a variety of institutions and instruments which might comprise a system of regulation for environmental protection, and suggests some of the forms of interaction between them. The focus then turns to commercial activity which can further the interests of environmental protection. It summarizes eight emerging trends in “green commerce” and concludes that in some settings, the constructive influence of commercial forces can exceed that wielded by government agencies.  相似文献   

Since 1990, minority rights have enjoyed an extraordinary renaissancein Europe. Ironically, this has occurred at precisely the timewhen Europe's largest ethnic minority, the Roma, has faced anunprecedented crisis, particularly in post-Communist states.This article explores the various problems facing the Roma inCentral and Eastern Europe and considers why minority rightsregimes have had a marginal impact on the situation confrontingthis minority. In addition, the article reflects on whethercurrent conceptions of minority rights are well suited to suchan extraordinarily heterogeneous ‘people’ as theRoma, many of whom have lost the cultural and linguistic featuresthat formerly distinguished them as a minority.  相似文献   

The justification of the child's right to know her origins andthe fundamental interests underlying it have attracted a lotof attention in recent years. This article goes one step furtherand assesses that right's enforcement in practice together withits guiding principles. It starts by restating what the rightconsists in and what interests it protects according to differentinternational human rights instruments. It then reveals theconflicts of rights that lie at the heart of the implementationof the right to know and explain its complexity. After consideringthe competing interests present, the article argues that noneof these interests and rights should be regarded as absoluteand suggests ways in which they can be balanced against eachother. The recent evolution in the European Court of Human Rights(ECtHR) case law with its more nuanced balancing of the competingrights is contrasted with the Convention on the Rights of theChild (CRC)'s focus on the child's paramount interest. The articleargues that these different approaches are reflected in nationallegal orders in Europe. By tracing the origins of this divergenceback to those conflicting international legal paradigms andby proposing abstract adjudication principles to guide the concretebalancing of competing rights, the article hopes to contributeto a better understanding and ultimate reconciliation of thechild's multiple identities – social and biological.  相似文献   

低碳壁垒对我国出口贸易的实质影响与应对思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
低碳关税是发达国家借保护环境之名而发明的新词语,早在哥本哈根气候大会召开之前就有两个国家对此表现出浓厚的兴趣,并极有可能成为阻碍我国产品出口的又一道新绿色贸易壁垒。与此前的绿色壁垒相比,低碳关税的打击力度更大,波及范围更广。因此,研究低碳关税,有针对性地采取预防措施,做好应对诉讼准备不仅必要而且具有重大意义。  相似文献   

The true governance challenge within Europe remains the resolution of conflict within the Internal Market and the identification of efficacious solutions, to its regulatory and redistributive problems. Absent the legitimising sovereign power once furnished by the national constitutional settlement and without recourse to a pre-political principle of pluralist self-limitation, Europe's law must supply a pluralist and contested internal market polity with authoritative adjudication on the meaning and content of institutions of market governance, including 'law' itself. In the endeavour to 'socialise the market', or to re-establish the determinative links between society, politics, and the market place caste asunder by a rationalising process of European economic integration, Europe's law is seemingly returning—via judicial dialogue between national and European courtrooms—to the ancient legal grammar and semantics of 'reasonableness' and 'equity'. Such an adjudicative return serves: (i) the processing of reasonable pluralism within the market in the light of deliberative values: and (ii), the re-establishment and maintenance of the law's factual (non-natural), logical (internally coherent and impartial) and moral (real-world) legitimacy.  相似文献   

朱淑娣 《现代法学》2008,30(2):118-125
国际贸易行政诉讼是在国际法与国内法交融、公法与私法交融过程中生成的行政诉讼特殊类型。在我国法制语境中,国际贸易行政诉讼是指在WTO制度的框架下,人民法院依法审理国际贸易行政案件并做出裁决,以保障和补救受损方国际贸易权益的具有专项性、涉外性与国际性的诉讼活动与制度。国际贸易行政诉讼具有特定的制度结构、主体结构与利益结构。考察其影响,它具有国际法定义务履行功能、国际贸易行政争端解决功能、国际贸易权益救济等复合功能。  相似文献   

The Trade Barriers Regulation can be seen as an example of the European Union's role in the international trading system. A neoliberal wave of thought notwithstanding, countries continue to be characterised by the existence of different market economy models. From an external point of view, this implies a need for the EU to influence strongly the developments of the international trading legal framework. Unfair trade instruments such as the Trade Barriers Regulation, can be one way of doing this. From a domestic point of view, market diversity within the EU implies a constant conflict during the definition of EU trade interests. The shifting balance between domestic diversity and the need for external efficiency has lead to a Common Commercial Policy characterised by an ambiguous system of multilevel governance and second-best outcomes as reflected in the Trade Barriers Regulation.  相似文献   

The Court of Appeal in Sportswear considered the interactionbetween the EU principle of free movement of goods and respectfor trade marks rights. In overturning the decision of Mr JusticeWarren to strike out an Article 81 defence to trade mark infringement,the court found that there was a sufficient nexus between theArticle 81 defence and the trade mark infringement claim.  相似文献   

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