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This paper is a brief critical review of the present state of research and theory in the area of moral development. It poses a number of questions about the theoretical basis of Kohlberg's six stages and examines the nature of the evidence to date and the limitations of knowledge in the area. The writer argues for an extension of this theoretical approach to moral development, with a greater emphasis on structure, and a reexamination of the psychological implications of the definition of moral used in this area of research.This paper is a revised version of a paper presented to the British Psychological Society Social Psychology Section Conference, Bristol, September 22, 1973.Has a master's degree in psychology and is currently working toward a Ph.D. in psychology in the field of moral development.  相似文献   

This report is intended to clarify the relationship, observed in studies using Kohlberg's moral character model, between the character of college youth and their ideology. With a student sample, measures of three of Hogan's dimensions of moral character (moral judgment, socialization, and empathy) were correlated with sociopolitical ideology defined in terms of several indices of liberalismconservatism. Only the moral judgment dimension (ethics of social responsibility vs. ethics of personal conscience) as measured by Hogan 's Survey of Ethical Attitudes was related to ideology. These results indicate that in accordance with an ethics of responsibility, conservatives have a greater respect for the utility of rules in regulating human conduct and a greater tendency to attribute blame to the individual rather than the societal environment. The study provided no evidence to support conservative charges that radical youth possess delinquent predispositions or liberal and radical claims that conservatives are less concerned about the welfare of others.The research reported in this article was supported by a Faculty Research Fellowship awarded to the author for the summer of 1974 by the Research Foundation of the State University of New York.Received Ph.D. in 1973 from the Department of Psychology at The Johns Hopkins University. Major areas of interest are social psychology and the psychology of social issues.  相似文献   

The relationship between personality as embodied in the moral content of the Survey of Ethical Attitudes (SEA) and moral structure as measured by the Kohlberg Moral Judgment Interview (MJI) was investigated using 99 male college students. No relationship was found between scores on the SEA and Moral Maturity Scores on the MJI, although this finding was qualified by the fact that the MJI Scores for most students were restricted to Kohlberg's conventional range of morality. However, SEA scores were significantly correlated with the Moral Orientation scores obtained from the MJI. In contrast to scores on the SEA, scores on the MJI were significantly related to age. The problem of confusing content and structure in moral development research was explored. The theoretical implications of a personality component being involved in choice of moral orientation were discussed as well.This research was partly supported by a grant from the National Institute of Mental Health (MH-16899).Major interests are in the area of moral development and family theories of psychopathology.Received his Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University of Texas at Austin. Major interests are sociocognitive development of children and clinical child psychology.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present a methodology which outlines the kinds of real-life moral dilemmas adolescents spontaneously present in open-ended semiclinical interviews. A coding procedure is introduced which delineates three aspects of these moral dilemmas, conflicts, context, and content, and an analysis is done of the category labeled context. One hundred forty-eight adolescents from two school settings were interviewed. The results show that the majority of both boys and girls in these samples describe moral conflicts in the context of a relationship, particularly involving friends. However, boys are more likely than girls to focus on the the self as the context of the moral dilemma with no other relational context present and significantly more girls than boys focus on relationships rather than self.The authors thank the Dodge, Klingenstein and Kendall Foundations for funding these studies.Her Ed.D. is from Harvard University, M.Ed. from Boston University, and A.B. from Ohio University. She was the Project Director for Carol Gilligan on a coed high-school study. Her present research interests are preservice teacher training and women's development.She is the Project Director of a longitudinal study of moral and social development in female children and adolescents and is the editor ofA Guide to Reading Narratives of Moral Conflict and Choice for Self and Moral Voice. Her Ed.D. is from Harvard University and B.A. is from Ottawa University, Ottawa, Kansas. Her research focuses on a developmental analysis of narratives of relationship in girls.Her B.A. is from Brown University and her research interests are in female development and children of alcoholics.  相似文献   

In this investigation of the effects of modeling and cognitive induction on moral reasoning, 87 junior high school students were exposed to moral reasoning, characteristic of either one stage above (+1) or one stage below (?1) their dominant stage, as determined by pretesting. The presented reasoning was attributed to a model of either high, neutral, or low status/relevance to the content of the moral dilemmas used. A multiple-choice adaptation of the Kohlberg moral development interview was used at pretesting, at intervention/posttesting, and at delayed posttesting. Analyses of changes in moral reasoning included examination of direct and indirect effects on both an immediate and a delayed posttest. Results indicated significant and stable change in moral reasoning associated with the developmental stage of the message (+1 produced advances, but ?1 failed to induce significant regression) and significant temporary change associated with the characteristics of the model (high status/relevance models had greater influence than did neutral models). It is suggested that future research and educational efforts give attention to both the moral stage of the intervention and the nature of the source to which it is attributed.  相似文献   

在法律解释活动中,探求法律解释目的的通常有主观说和客观说两种方式,前者在于探求立法者制定法律时的意图,后者在于探求一个内在于法律的意旨,但是这两种解释方法都不周延,无法完整阐释法律解释目的。而从立法者、法律文本、法律解释者3方做整合性阐释时,既能追寻历史意义,又考量了现实文本,照顾到客观因素,所以整合性阐释融合主观说和客观说的合理性,开辟了新的解释路径。  相似文献   

On the basis of a survey that the authors conducted in 80 villages in West Bengal in 1981–82, separated into five clusters of neighbouring villages, they find some significant, though varying, evidence of territorial segmentation of the rural labour market and of limited labour mobility even within adjacent territories. Personal connections between employers and employees, mutual trust and credit relationships turn out to be more important determinants of labour mobility than short‐run wage differences.  相似文献   

Three samples of college students were tested on Hogan's Survey of Ethical Attitudes (SEA) and Rest's Defining Issues Test (DIT), a test of moral reasoning ability in the Kohlbergian tradition. In addition, one of the samples took Collins's revision of Rotter's Internal-External Scale (I-E) while another sample took Snyder's Self-Monitoring Scale. There was a small but reliable tendency for subjects who endorsed the ethics of personal conscience, as measured by the SEA, to show greater maturity in moral reasoning, as assessed by the DIT. This result was seen as raising some interesting questions about the relation between liberalism-conservatism and moral maturity. The subjects who advocated the ethics of social responsibility tended to show more internal locus of control as measured by the I-E scale. There also was a tendency for subjects who preferred the morality of conventional role-conformity, as measured by the DIT, to have high scores on the Self-Monitoring Scale. The correlations between personal conscience and mature moral reasoning, while significant, were small enough to make it seem that people of various social and political attitudes are likely to achieve maturity in moral reasoning.Received his Ph.D. from Michigan State University in 1973. Current research interests include moral judgment, family interaction, and alcoholism.Received his Ph.D. from Temple University in 1972. Research interests include attribution theory, social comparison theory, moral judgment, and the relation between personality and cardiac health.  相似文献   

空幻意识是历史小说《三国演义》的主导倾向之一 ,本文拟以发展中的事物、类似事件、语言意义和诗词 4方面着手 ,梳理《三国演义》空幻艺术的审美特征 ,并从时代人文环境的角度对其进行文化阐释。  相似文献   

时代的变迁使高校思想道德建设工作面临着许多新情况、新问题。因此,加强高校思想道德建设工作,增强实效性和针对性,保持与时俱进的精神状态,是当前德育工作的重要任务。当前加强高校思想道德建设,认清思想道德建设领域存在的矛盾是前提,创新思想道德建设的载体是关键,实现思想道德建设局面的转变是保障。  相似文献   


This article presents the main arguments used in debates on affirmative action. A distinction is made between individual and social justice and utilitarian arguments. The claim put forward is that debates on affirmative action tend to become locked within a discrimination-non-discrimination controversy. This perpetuates the defensive position of affirmative action advocates. I identify three strategies to break with this dominant controversy. First, a shift in focus from non-discrimination to a "right to be treated as an equal" opens the way for affirmative action. Second, a stressing of the special contribution of women in male-dominated fields transfers the focus from discrimination to the benefits of including women. Third, I argue for transferring the "burden of proof" from those advocating equality to those defending the status quo - the question should not be "why women?" but "why not women?".  相似文献   

面对社会主义市场经济条件下经济高速发展而思想道德建设跟不上的新情况 ,必须大力加强思想道德建设 ,树立起与社会主义市场经济相适应的价值观、道德观 ;坚持社会主义意识形态的主导地位 ;道德建设必须与市场经济、法制建设相结合 ,理论与实践相结合。  相似文献   

义利观问题是人们的世界观、价值观中的根本问题 ,也是现实生活中人们必须面对的理论问题和实际问题。我国市场经济的建立和现代化建设事业的不断发展 ,引起了社会利益格局和利益关系的新变化。义利关系 ,不仅是个人私利与社会公共利益的关系 ,同时也是伦理道德与物质利益的关系。当代青年树立社会主义的利益观 ,有利于加强思想道德建设 ,促进社会主义物质文明和精神文明建设的协调发展。  相似文献   

Eighth graders, 11th graders, and college sophomores wrote open-ended essays that characterized their own approaches to moral reasoning. Their essays were scored for the presence of various themes. Students also responded to three dilemmas from the Defining Issues Test (Rest, 1979). Students then rated their own use of justice and care orientations in moral reasoning, using a previously developed instrument (Ford and Lowery, 1986; Lyons, 1983). Characterizations of moral reasoning became more multifaceted and thorough with grade, and correlated with many traditional measures of moral reasoning. Males and females showed some, but relatively few, differences in characterizing their own moral reasoning, although females tended to respond more thoroughly to the open-ended task. Gender differences, when they occurred, were mostly found on measures that assessed so-called feminine issues or concerns, but not on traditional measures of moral reasoning. Characterizations of moral reasoning clustered into five dimensions, raising questions about the utility of the constructs of justice and care orientations.The first and third authors received financial support from a Ford-Mellon grant made to Carleton College. Results of this study were presented at the 1990 meeting of the Society for Research in Adolescence.Received Ph.D. in Psychology and M.S.E. in Computer and Information Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania, and has research interests in the development of reasoning skills, decision making, and conceptual development.Received Ph.D. in Counseling and Guidance from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and has research interests in adolescent development and adolescent psychopathology.Received B.A. in Psychology from Carleton College in 1990. Has interests in adolescence and chemical dependence.  相似文献   

The educational community lacks tools for assessing the nonacademic growth of students — their growth as persons and as social beings. This paper describes the development of an attitude inventory based on an interdisciplinary model of psychosocial maturity. The Psychosocial Maturity Inventory, a self-report instrument, is comprised of nine subscales and is suited for the assessment of youngsters in the approximate age range 11–18. Among the studies reviewed are ones which (1) specify at various age levels the internal consistency of the subscales, (2) report the association between the subscales and various measures of academic achievement, and (3) describe the relationship of the subscales to other measures of personality such as faking good, anxiety, and self-esteem. Factor analyses of the Inventory provide an empirical base for testing the proposed theoretical structure of psychosocial maturity.Preparation of this paper was supported by funds from the National Institute of Education, Contract No. NE-C-00-3-0013.Received Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Radcliffe College. Main interest: personality development from childhood through adolescence.Received Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Michigan. Main research interests: the psychology of adolescence and the psychology of women.Received Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Maryland. Main interests: measurement theory and the measurement of human performance.  相似文献   

The central aim of this article is to try and assess, on the basis of the existing evidence, what influence, if any, the technological innovations that have been introduced into Indian agriculture since the mid‐1960s have hadupon class formation and class action in the Indian countryside. An attempt is made, further, to suggest, if only briefly, the significance of this for urban class formation and class action. The nature of the new technology and some of its implications for the labour process in agriculture are identified and it is held that the distinction between biochemical innovations and mechanical innovations, to the extent that those who make it argue that technological innovation can be limited to the former, is a false one. It is stressed that partly because of the intensified time constraint brought about by the application of biochemical innovations the pressure to mechanise is likely to be strong, as mechanisation becomes increasingly profitable. The evidence reveals that the new technology has meant certain class‐in‐ itself changes. It has hastened the social differentiation that was already in motion, although in complex ways that have yet to work themselves out fully. Some of the characteristics of a process of partial proletarianisation are noted and the’ nature of the emerging rural proletariat and of new relations between rural labourers and dominant classes analysed. What these changing structural features have meant with respect to the class consciousness and class‐for‐itself action of the rural proletariat is given attention, and the indeterminate nature of the outcome indicated by the contrast between north‐west India (where class action has been relatively weak) and the Tanjore district of Tamil Nadu (where the organised power and militancy of agricultural labourers have achieved substantial success). The growing emergence of a rich peasantry as a class‐in‐itself and a powerful class‐for‐itself is treated and some of the political implications of this drawn, especially in relation to Indian state power and its class basis.  相似文献   

In this study, the relative fits of three different factor-structure models of adolescent reckless behavior were examined using the Reckless Behavior Questionnaire (RBQ) with individual samples of college and high school students. Both one- and two-factor models were found to be satisfactory representations of the RBQ with both samples. In order to test the construct validity of the one- and two-factor models, relations between instruments generally associated with reckless behavior were examined by gender. Using the two-factor model, gender differences were found for both the college and high school samples; thus, it was determined to be the more parsimonious fit of the data given previous research supporting gender differences. Findings are discussed in terms of current conceptualizations of factor patterns of adolescent problem behavior and implications for future investigations.B.A. from Oberlin College, and M.A. and Ph.D. in Psychology from University of Virginia. Research interests are development of aggression and correlates of reckless behavior.B.A. from University of Akron and M.S. from University of Pittsburgh. Research interests are addictive behaviors and psychopathology in adolescence.Formerly Assistant Professor at Ogelthorpe University (1985–1988). Received B.S. from Michigan State University, and M.A. and Ph.D. from University of Virginia. Research interest is development of reckless behavior.Received B.A. from Yale University, and M.A. and Ph.D. from University of Virginia. Research interests are developmental psychopathology and adolescence.  相似文献   

An autobiographical account of acting out of character at a life turning point is presented as a window on a young person's identity crisis. Analysis of that account reveals (1) that the play of the tentative identities reflects the concurrent crisis in the character of that person's society, (2) that the story the person now has to tell sets forth the range of the psychosocial issues active in his life, (3) that the mysteries generated identify for the person the specific issues at crisis, (4) that the novelty of the event itself catalyzes called for changes, and (5) that the metaphor of the out of character actions serves to preview the ultimate resolution.Received M.D. from Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York, in 1964, and psychiatry training at Yale. Interests lie in the area of psychotherapy with disturbed youth, careers of young people who become psychiatric aides in mental hospitals, and group homes for adolescents.  相似文献   

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