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盲摸器开启轿车用弹片锁形成痕迹的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究盲摸器开启轿车用弹片锁形成的痕迹。方法解剖盲摸器开启的弹片锁后,观察比对弹片上痕迹位置和形态。结果4s店购买的锁具较小商品市场购买的锁具不易形成痕迹;经验丰富的开锁人员较经验少的开锁人员不易形成痕迹;盲摸器二较盲摸器一不易形成痕迹。结论盲摸器开启汽车锁形成的痕迹与锁具材质、开锁人员及工具形态有关。  相似文献   

近年来,随着磁卡锁的逐渐普及,犯罪分子有针对性地研制出了一种开锁工具。这类工具制作简单,操作方便,开锁时间短,遗留痕迹少,开锁时电脑控制系统无开门记录。笔者就近年来在实际勘查工作中,对利用工具开启磁卡锁案件的作案特点及遗留痕迹进行分析。  相似文献   

机械防盗锁是指具有防钻、防锯、防撬、防拉、防冲击、防技术开启功能,通过机械传动装置进行门闩开启,锁芯为非单排弹子结构的锁,主要包括用钥匙开启的防盗安全门用防盗锁和防盗保险柜用机械密码锁。防钻是指锁头及锁身的关键部位抵抗便携式电钻钻切、并用钢丝拔动工具拔开锁具的能力。防撬是指锁具处  相似文献   

在刑事案件中,经常遇见利用特殊工具开锁的现场,笔者遇一起利用口香糖开锁的案件,介绍如下:1案情简介2002年10月27日,浙江省某通讯器材商店被犯罪分子窃走现金、充值卡、手机等物品共计损失3.5万元。现场为一间坐北朝南一层沿街营业房,分为南北两间,中间有门相通。技术员到达现场时发现,通讯商店卷闸门呈半开状,门及门锁均无明显撬压痕迹;卷闸门东侧地面上有一弹子挂锁,锁呈开启状,室内地面散落有手机包装盒、塑料袋等物,且柜门及抽屉均有不同程度的开启;在收银台上发现弹子挂锁一把,也呈开启状,还有“7”字形工具一把(头部被人为加工成扁平…  相似文献   

T形工具开启挂锁遗留痕迹特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来 ,笔者在刑事案件的现场勘验和物证检验工作中 ,发现一种专门用于开启直开挂锁的专用工具 ,因其形状与英文大写字母“T”十分相似 ,故将其命名为T形工具。此种工具一般选用具有较高韧性与硬度的钢片制作而成 ,其结构主要分为柄部 (可分为左、右柄 )和刃部。开锁时 ,将工具刃部紧贴挂锁锁梁内侧 ,从锁梁与锁孔之间的缝隙插下 ,并用左右手通过左右柄部向下加力 ,刃部下端作用在锁舌斜面上 ,使锁舌克服锁舌弹簧的作用力向锁舌孔内移位 ,从而解除锁舌对锁梁的约束达到开锁目的。为便于使用 ,工具刃部及刃部下端边缘常加工成弧形 ,刃部的…  相似文献   

本文对开启十字匙锁的万能钥匙开锁的原理、方法、痕迹特征等进行研究,探讨了判断十字匙锁是否被万能钥匙开启过的方法。  相似文献   

1案例资料1998年以来江西铜鼓县城一金银加工店3次被盗,卷闸门锁被撬。前两次锁芯未见,门上留下一空孔,孔周围的铁板上有擦划痕;第三次锁芯扭断,留在门上,锁芯外套一金属套筒(特殊的扭锁工具),并遗有一根小铁杆。通过检验研究,这是一种特殊的扭卷闸门锁的工具,并留有特殊的痕迹,介绍如下:卷闸门锁锁芯一般有1cm左右伸出铁皮孔外,锁芯直径2.5cm。用2.6cm的套筒(图1、2)套住露出的锁芯,扭紧螺杆,即套紧了锁芯。当逆时扳动铁杆时,锁芯连同套筒一同旋转,锁体内固定锁芯的两个小螺杆即被扭断;锁芯带动锁内齿…  相似文献   

在犯罪现场上常见的破锁方法以撬、拧、拨、剪、敲击等不同的形式来破坏锁体,从而达到作案的最终目的。1995年3月,宝鸡市连续发生数起破坏保险柜锁子盗窃案件。同年7月,当罪犯再次实施作案时被发现而逃掉,在现场遗留有罪犯随身携带,自备的一整套作案工具。为掌握组合式破锁工具的构造、破锁方式及形成痕迹的规律特点,笔者对此工具进行了初步地研究和探讨。1自制破锁工具的构造及组合特点自制组合式破锁工具由螺杆、横梁、支柱、旋转支筒、螺母板手、卡筒、卡环及固定套等机件组成。2自制组合式工具的破锁方法根据锁子的种类、…  相似文献   

近年来,随着科学技术应用水平的不断提高,刑事犯罪分子的作案手段也在不断发生变化。尤其是各种入室盗窃案件,尽管人们对防盗门及防盗锁的结构和质量进行了大幅度的改进和更新,但是入室盗窃案件仍然占居所有盗窃案的70%—80%以上。犯罪分子除了利用传统的暴力破锁方法入室作案外,利用多种工具采用技术和技巧性开锁手段入室作案的犯(2)插片在门缝内呈弯曲状,上下移动会受到防盗门橡胶密封压条的阻力,仔细观察防盗门的橡胶密封压条,在锁以下部分的压条上会发现纵向擦划痕迹。3讨论(1)插片开启高级防盗门锁入室作案,对锁具性能无损坏,也不留下…  相似文献   

韦茂 《刑事技术》2001,(5):36-36
1案情1998年12月22日,供电部门发现广西某开发区机械厂内一个电表柜上的锁头用原配钥匙无法打开,经查电表,发现被盗电力15000多度,损失价值70000元左右,为查清案情,遂向我公安机关报案,要求鉴定锁头是否被人用原配钥匙以外的工具或方法打开。2检验思路经检验,锁头为弹子锁,用原配的钥匙不能开启。根据弹子锁的结构,推测可能有以下原因:锁内零件已损坏;锁内弹子有错位现象。前者可以是自然造成,也可以是人为造成,后者只有人为所致。如果用万能锁匙之类的工具打开过,造成原配锁匙不能打开的可能性极小。因…  相似文献   

曹华 《政法学刊》2009,26(2):119-121
“十字锁肘”是一种既省力且杀伤力很强的关节控制技术,它是通过杠杆、反关节等原理来迅速攻击人体较为脆弱的肘关节,以达到迅速制服对手目的。“十字锁肘”技术简单易学、科学实用,而且可以举一反三,在公安实战中不但可以主动控制犯罪嫌疑人,而且也是一种很好的被动反擒拿技术。  相似文献   

Informational, distributive and partisan theories offer competing interpretations of the role of restrictive rules in the US House. Empirical tests in this literature focus almost exclusively on the amendment restriction portion of special rules, treating open rules as friendly and restrictive rules as unfriendly to the minority party or chamber as a whole. Oddly, however, there is a significant amount of conflict - partisan conflict in particular - connected with open rules. This suggests that the structuring of amendment possibilities cannot be the only relevant feature of special rules and that an exclusive focus on amendment restrictions might cause analysts to underestimate the importance of partisanship in the rules process. We find that partisan conflict on special rules results not only from the restrictiveness of the rule, but also from specific types of waivers (especially blanket waivers and waivers protecting legislative language in appropriations bills) and other under-studied features of special rules (such as time caps and pre-print requirements).  相似文献   

This study presented a Ferris wheel accident case. A Ferris wheel is composed of many parts, and the outmost ring of it is assembled using a lock pin. This accident occurred because the lock pin caught the door of a gondola and the gondola overturned. Five of the seven passengers in the gondola fell to the ground, along with the gondola's viewing window. The investigation revealed that the gondola became stuck when its door was caught by a lock pin at the Ferris wheel's three o'clock position. The contact between the door and the lock pin was due to a structural problem: There was not enough space allotted between the door and the lock pin. Therefore, if a passenger pushed on the gondola's door, the potential existed for contact between the door and the lock pin.  相似文献   

我国证券市场的制度性缺陷及其克服   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国已经启动了《证券法》修改工作。尽管我国《证券法》颁行的时间并不长,但《证券法》中的许多规定大多带有阶段性,不能适应市场发展的需要,也无法应对我国加入WTO证券市场对外开放所带来的机遇与挑战,这与我国证券市场的制度性安排有着密切的关系。因此,对我国证券市场的制度性缺陷进行反思,探讨我国证券市场存在的问题,将有助于拓宽我国《证券法》修改的思路。  相似文献   

Microscopic examination of the tumblers of pin and disc tumbler lock cylinders may indicate whether an attempt has been made to pick the lock. If an attempt has been made to pick the lock, it is often possible to determine what type of pick was used. Lock cylinders of five manufacturers, employing tumblers of several different compositions, were examined. The lock cylinders were picked with rake, hook, and bounce picks made of spring steel. The cylinders were disassembled and examined for pick marks. The location and appearance of the marks are discussed. Briefly mentioned are the effects of other types of picks and the effect of ball bearings in the pin wells. Photographs are included to show the pick and wear marks.  相似文献   

Most commercial CO-oximeters pose warning flags in their measured carboxyhaemoglobin (COHb) levels when total haemoglobin (tHb) concentrations in the samples are below a certain threshold, typically about 3-4gdl. The warning flags acknowledge the fact that the haemoglobin levels are outside the ranges these instruments are designed (or validated) for. By using a parallel GC method and special sample treatment methods prior to CO-oximetric measurements, this study demonstrates that CO-oximeters could actually produce valid COHb results for samples with tHb as low as 1g/dl, and that the warning flags have no bearing to the accuracy and precision of the measurements. This study also indicates that warning flags due to high methaemoglobin (MetHb) and sulphaemoglobin (SHb), and often turbidity did not affect the validity of the CO-oximetric measurements.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(5):811-836
Existing research on stress among police assumes the presence of uniform stressors across job roles and borrows upon generic stress instruments to tap stress types and levels. The present study draws upon interviews with 26 members of a metropolitan homicide unit to provide an inductive vantage point on stress perceptions within a specialized area of policing. We provide evidence that the occupational and organizational forms of stress detailed by these officers are shaped largely by the unique nature of homicide work. Among the unique task-related stressors observed include the complexities of homicide crime scenes, time pressures, cases assignment factors, paperwork demands, and long-term ownership over individual case files. A series of structural issues from both within and outside the police agency are identified as organizational stressors unique to homicide work. We conclude with a proposed theory of homicide investigator stress and implications for future research.  相似文献   

全球化对传统法理学体系结构的封闭、研究对象的狭隘和理论视角的片面提出了挑战。特瓦宁教授提出要复兴一般法理学,为描绘世界的总体法律图景提供适当的概念工具,为在更广阔的背景中审视法律现象选取有效的观察视角,为提炼和概括超越特殊法律文化的元语言(meta-language)探求实际可行的道路。尽管他的理论设计是完美的,却难以付诸法理学研究的实践。  相似文献   

This paper examines and compares the existing privacy instruments of VIS and US-VISIT systems in addressing the specific legal issues and challenging the privacy-invasive behaviour in the world of biometrics. A biometric scenario is presented to give a vision of a future society in 5 years from now when biometric technology is more widely used. The objective here is to open up the scope of considering the potential legal risks of the use of biometrics, based upon the present passport and visa application plans in the EU and USA.  相似文献   

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