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断口学理论和技术可以运用于刑事犯罪现场勘查和法医学鉴定,由此形成了法医断口学,利用骨折断面/断口特征分析其形成机制。骨折断口的重要特征包括骨镜和骨褶皱,可以观察到外力引起的经向裂纹、环状裂纹和锥形裂纹及裂纹分支,同时还可以观察到弓形线、止裂嵴、尾迹毛刺、悬臂式卷曲等,据此判断骨折的起点和终点,由此推断骨折的发生机制、致伤原因、致伤物等重要的法医学信息。  相似文献   

近年来,以酒瓶做为杀人、伤害他人的凶器,或酒瓶破裂方式与案情有关的案件时有发生.为此,笔者研究分析了酒瓶在坠落、抛掷、打击等形态下的破裂纹形态特征及区别.  相似文献   

由于嘴唇的表面,不仅能反映局部迹象的总体,监且往往还具个人的特征(如伤痕、裂纹等等),从而对人的同一认定也具有重大意义,所以,可以根据唇印,对一定的人作出同一认定。  相似文献   

1983年,我区某县发生一起重大盗窃案,现场勘查中仅提取到一枚残缺不全的立体赤足迹。经检验,足迹为后跟部分,反映出的后跟大小、形态、落脚点、重压面的形态位置等特征均与嫌疑人赤足足迹样本后跟部位反映的特征相同,但缺少特定、稳定的特征,后我们利用两者后跟后缘所反映出的裂纹痕迹形态和位置的关系,认定了作案分子,破获了此案。  相似文献   

利用金属疲劳断口痕迹查明误报盗割案件1例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
金属材料在交变循环应力或应变的循环加载下,在某些点会产生局部的永久性损伤,并在一定循环次数后形成裂纹或使裂纹进一步扩展直到完全断裂的现象叫做金属疲劳。疲劳断裂具有在时问上的突发性,在位置上的局部性及对环境和缺陷的敏感性等特点,故疲劳破坏常不易被及时发现且易造成事故。疲劳断口保留了整个断裂过程的很多信息,具有明显区别于其他任何性质断裂的断口形貌特征,研究和应用金属疲劳断口的痕迹特征可以帮助我们甄别案件的性质。笔者曾遇到一起误报盗割铁路器材案件,后运用金属疲劳的相关理论澄清了案件性质,报道分析如下。  相似文献   

被伐树木形成的整体分离痕迹有其独特性,反映出特有的规律。本文介绍了在盗伐林木案件中,运用整体分离痕迹检验原理、方法,检验被伐树木分离面、分离缘的形态,检验其凸凹断茬特征、虫眼特征、裂纹特征、空心特征等特殊特征以及节子特征、年轮特征、木射线特征、树皮纹理特征等固有特征。特别是在两对应的锯断面之间木质完全缺失情况下,综合运用上述特征有针对性地检验,解决了部分被伐树木整体分离痕迹检验中分离痕迹能否作为同一认定证据、分离体是否原为同一整体的问题。文中所述对被伐树木上的特殊特征和固有特征的研究和运用,拓宽了被伐树木整体分离痕迹检验中特征标记的范围,为丰富被伐树木整体分离痕迹的检验方法提供了参考。  相似文献   

目的 探究血迹在非渗透性客体表面的干燥过程,建立基于Image J软件的血迹遗留时间推断方法。方法选取塑料板、玻璃板、漆层木板、瓷砖和铁片5种常见的非渗透性客体作为血迹的承载介质,分析不同靶面血迹干燥特征的时序变化,运用Image J图像处理软件量化分析平均灰度值、血池比率和裂纹比率3项特征性指标与遗留时间的相关性。结果 塑料板和铁片表面血迹的平均灰度值变化率较小,裂纹比率较大。塑料板、玻璃板和瓷砖的血池比率较漆层木板和铁片的变化率大。依据血迹的特征量化指标拟合了不同时段血迹遗留时间的回归方程。结论 建立了非渗透性客体表面血迹遗留时间的推断方法,可为犯罪现场出血时间的判定提供依据,为智慧警务应用提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

利用板材标准M(T)试样研究了4种不同氢含量(0,200,450,730 (g/g) NZ2锆合金的疲劳裂纹扩展行为.发现不论含氢量的高低,裂纹稳态扩展区的裂纹扩展行为均符合Paris幂律关系,即 da/dN=C((K)n,但随着氢含量的增加,n值不断减小;含氢量增加导致NZ2合金塑性变形能力降低,疲劳裂纹扩展速率增加,尤其是氢含量较高时表现更为明显.  相似文献   

程玮 《公民与法治》2013,(12):53-53
有一位商人在南非用不菲的价格买下了一块罕见的钻石,这块钻石晶莹剔透,大如蛋黄。但美中不足的是,钻石中间有一道裂纹。商人带着心爱的钻石来找一位著名的钻石切割师帮忙。  相似文献   

最近几天,我用了几年的塑料杯子在倒入热水时总是发出咔咔的爆裂声,可是我竟找不到破裂之处。这天,我闲来无事,拿着杯子摆弄,不经意间发现了其中的秘密。原来,裂纹在杯子的塑料接缝外,由于正对接缝,从外面是看不出来的。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to give an overview of the tasks and the function of the Supreme Court of Justice in interaction with the other two “Highest Courts” of the Republic of Austria on the one hand, and the European Court of Human Rights as well as the Court of Justice of the European Union on the other hand. For this purpose introductory remarks will examine the Austrian understanding of the judiciary as a state power and judicial independence. The closing part of the article will particularly look into the role of the Supreme Court as highest instance in criminal matters.  相似文献   

The important role that corporate governance has played in a wide range of public companies is self-evident. Recent major corporate failures are more or less related to bad corporate governance and the increasing corporate scandals call for good corporate governance not only in China but all around the world. Corporate governance is principally about how companies are structured and directed, which is indeed a quite broad field. It is a good direction to discuss how to improve the overall corporate governance level in China through the perspective of perfecting shareholder protection. However, while running companies for shareholder interests is getting increasingly more criticisms, the so-called stakeholder model and entity model are raised as alternative approaches. Accordingly, it is the purpose of this paper to find the most appropriate corporate objective which could be applied as the starting point for future corporate governance discussion by providing a right direction for assessing and evaluating corporate performance and accountability of management. Through the comparative studies of the three models, this paper concludes that shareholder primacy is a more effective and efficient approach with regard to advancing social welfare and controlling director’s accountability among others; the other two models cannot justify substituting the shareholder model as the corporate objective.  相似文献   

The amendment of the Administrative Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China should especially emphasize the principle of protecting citizens’ legitimate rights and interests. It should establish this principle of completing the system of the administrative procedure. Regulations that do not meet the requirement of this purpose should be revised, such as extending the scope of jurisdiction, removing the restriction of qualifications of plaintiffs, increasing certain types of litigation, encouraging flexible methods of adjudication, raising the level of jurisdiction, simplifying the procedure of litigation, and adopting more stringent enforcement measures.  相似文献   

This article asserts that the deviant case method offers a potential avenue for enhancing theory directed at explaining crime by using more available information to better connect the process of analyzing cases with that of explanatory refinement and elaboration. This approach has facilitated theoretical development in other social sciences and has proven useful where applied in criminological inquiry. Extant research is reviewed, and an empirical example is presented to demonstrate how this approach might be operationalized in criminological inquiry using quantitative methods. Conclusions relevant to future research are considered.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article: Book Reviewed in this article: Shortly after this article was completed and accepted for publication, Congress passed the 1991 Civil Rights Act. In order to understand and appreciate the significant implications of the new legislation, it is first necessary to review the legislative and litigation history of disparate impact discussed here. Immediately following is a legislative update entitled “The Resurrection of the Disparate Impact Theory?”  相似文献   

This article describes the Chinese laws of marriage and divorce under the People's Republic of China and traces their historical antecedents. The actual laws are included at the end of the article in the appendixes. Fascinating changes are occurring in China and are documented in this article.  相似文献   

This article explores the practical skills that agents in the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office of Consumer Protection develop to accomplish their mandated objectives. In the situational structure and processes of discretionary decision making, we find a persistent surplus of enforcement capacity. Although the consumer protection law establishes a variety of sanctions and legal procedures to be used in enforcing the statute, agents frequently invoke infractions of other laws in the course of resolving consumer complaints. They have this flexibility only because laws, in general, are imperfectly enforced. This leaves scope in a particular situation for the invocation of a wide variety of potential violations of, for example, safety and building codes, zoning or license rules, and tax laws, all remotely if at all related to consumer protection. This article demonstrates the skill with which consumer protection officials exercise this discretion and argues that an adequate conception of the role of law ought to take account of the different ways in which law enforcement agents draw from this reservoir of un-enforced law.  相似文献   

根据足跟皮肤角化程度判断人体年龄的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
经常行走的人,脚跟的皮肤表面存在一个角化程度较为显著的区域,它的大小随着年龄的增长增大,通过测量和计算,可以推断人体年龄.  相似文献   

In a reexamination of the perceptual deterrence literature. Williams and Hawkins (1986) have suggested that previous tests of the deterrence doctrine have been guided by too narrow a conception of the deterrence process. In essence, they argue that the preventive mechanisms are triggered by formal sanctions should be included in the accounting of the deterrent effect of formal sanctions. In this paper, we test this expanded conception of deterrence. We find little evidence to support the argument of Williams and Hawkins. Alternative interpretations of the results and future directions for research are discussed.  相似文献   

Nearly 400,000 Africans may have been killed in racially motivated, lethally destructive, state supported, and militarily unjustified attacks on the farms and villages of the Darfur region of Sudan. Using victimization survey data collected from Darfurian survivors living in refugee camps in Chad, and drawing on conflict theory, we present evidence that the Sudanese government has directly supported violent killings and rapes in a lethally destructive exercise of power and control. In the language of the Geneva Genocide Convention, these attacks have inflicted on African tribal groups "conditions of life calculated to bring about their physical destruction in whole or in part." The data include explicit evidence of the central mediating role played by racism in the attacks. There is little or no evidence from the surveys to support the claim of the Sudanese government that the attacks have been aimed at rebel groups as a counter-insurgency strategy. The Sudanese government claims are by this analysis not credible as self-defense arguments, but rather of the exercise of power and control through denial. Further forms of such denial are considered, including the slowness of modern American criminology to advance the study of genocide.  相似文献   

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