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Methods for chemical enhancement of muddy footwear impressions were compared in order to differentiate between utilisation at the scene of crime, the local (regional) police laboratory and the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI)  相似文献   

Institutions that have been set up by riparian states to internationally govern shared water resources—international River Basin Organizations (RBOs)—play a key role in river basin governance. Despite an increased attention paid to RBOs in international relations and water scholarship, there has been little focus on defining and conceptualizing RBOs and, subsequently, on comprehensively identifying the RBOs that exist around the world. This has challenged research around RBOs in both methodological and theoretical ways. This paper aims to meet this challenge by offering a theoretically grounded definition of an international RBO and crafting a comprehensive list of international RBOs. We do so deductively, building from the larger neo-institutionalist research and international water resources governance literature. Our definition identifies three broad categories of constitutive elements: internationalization, institutionalization and governance. We apply this definition to potential cases to better identify the extent of RBOs around the world today and outline which cases qualify as RBOs and which cases fail to meet our constitutive criteria. This allows us to compile a comprehensive list of all existing international RBOs, including the identification of RBOs with specific characteristics. The article concludes by crafting an agenda for future research around RBOs that builds on this more complete understanding of RBOs.  相似文献   

Abstract: Critics of the Voting Rights Act claim that electoral structures used by city councils lead to racially polarized legislatures in which African American members are consistently outvoted by white majorities. Using council votes from six cities, this study shows that the critics' claim is exaggerated. In only one city were African American council members generally less likely to be on the winning side of votes because of their race. Polarization is more of a concern for particular issues: members with large black constituencies were less likely to be on the winning side of votes on housing or police affairs in four cities.  相似文献   

Global warming poses significant challenges to society at every level, evading easy definitions that would make the usual instrumental approaches to policymaking and regulation a relatively straightforward task. The embeddedness of the carbon economy in contemporary methods of industrialization and development means that climate protection is at once a problem of environment, the global economy, and human rights. It requires us to understand the strengths and limitations of a regulatory approach, to tease apart the intricacies of international law and governance to find ways to turn economic, legal, and cultural norms toward creating climate justice. Sector specific approaches to dealing with human rights and refugees, as well as international relations based on interstate relations, also have limitations. These include insufficient capacity to appreciate the differentiated responsibility of various actors in the creation of this ecological crisis as well as creating obstacles in finding appropriate ways to motivate those with the most ability to reduce our impact on the climate. Mutual reinforcement and “virtuous” arbitrage across fragmented regulatory regimes might create new synergies with potentially positive transformative effects for climate protection. To achieve this, the development and maintenance of legitimacy is central. The articles in this edition tackle these issues and, taken as a whole, provide a springboard for future scholarship.  相似文献   

时下,在中国入世后跨国公司不断拓展中国市场的大背景下,司空见惯地发生着跨国公司通过诉诸法庭寻求解决和中国一些兼有市场管理职能的行政机构的纠纷,例如日本住友化工状告陕西省质监局案,美国“强生”与浙江名企“康芙娅”英文商标异议遭驳回  相似文献   

The article examines contemporary controversies over the rights of Muslim women to wear various forms of the veil, in both France and the United Kingdom and argues that despite their apparent differences as political ideologies, both multiculturalism and secularism are deployed as techniques to govern difference. It traces a common philosophical lineage of these two ideologies, and their shared genealogical relationship to the subject of Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment thought. Drawing on Marx and Hegel, it argues that at the core of secularism and multiculturalism there lies the germ of a subject and law formed through a concept of culture that was to a great degree indivisible from religion. While secularism ostensibly decouples culture from religion to produce a common political culture, and multiculturalism purports to accommodate a diverse range of cultural and religious practices, both fail to accommodate difference that stretches the bounds of a citizen-subject defined according to Anglo-European norms of culture, which implicitly includes Christianity.  相似文献   

一韩日两国之间有一座小岛,韩国称为独岛,日本称为竹岛。长不过200米,全是礁石。这座小岛在韩日关系中的地位,犹如中日之间的钓鱼岛。独岛是一个面积比较小的群岛,分为东西两个主岛,由36个岩岛和暗礁组成。距韩国东海岸215公里,距日本岛根县海岸212公里。就是这样一个既小又不适合人居住的岛屿,却是日韩两国的必争之地,矛盾起源于经济利益。资料显示,由于独岛周边为寒流与暖流的交叉水域,所以海底暗礁里鱼类、贝类等海洋产品极为丰富。同时,虽然还没有被开发但根据鸟粪的遗迹而形成的磷矿大约可推定为16万吨。特别是加级鱼和明  相似文献   

This article is a satire of sociology and field anthropology research on comparative police behavior; it uses humorous anecdotes to make a serious point. The author argues that until police supervision is undertaken by civilian review boards, police behavior will never conform to community morality despite attempts at police reform. To support this argument, the author compares U.S., German, Italian, Russian, and French police subcultures in an attempt to calculate (a) the correlation between police behavior and its conformity to community morality, and (b) whether a high correlation results from a high degree of civilian oversight. The author concludes that, because no country has appreciable civilian oversight, and because the police of no country conform to community morality, there is therefore a perfect correlation between lack of civilian oversight and lack of police conformity to community morality.  相似文献   

David M. Rabban and the Libertarian Tradition That Time Forgot   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

The 1964 decision by the Supreme Court of the United States in New York Times Co. v. Sullivan transformed libel law by extending constitutional protection to the publication of false and defamatory statements about public officials made without actual malice, that is, without knowledge of falsity or reckless disregard for the truth. Less well recognized is the decision's advancement of advocacy advertising and unhindered news coverage as a means to counter racism in the United States. Civil rights history, increasing visibility of advocacy advertisements and the Court's reliance on thin legal precedent suggest the decision embodies judicial realism and social activism.  相似文献   

根据世贸组织的统计,今年上半年世 贸组织成员一共发起了104项反倾 销调查,其中有16项针对中国。中国已经成为了世界上遭受反倾销调查最多、受害最大的国家。诸如温州打火机应对欧盟反倾销诉讼,美国商务部圈定我国的四川长虹、TCL、康佳、厦华4家彩电企业作为倾销幅度调查阶段中的单独调查对象,美国纺织品制造商协会(ATMI)第二次向美国商务部提出申请,要求控制中国纺织品出口,美国家具行业可能会对外国进口的木制家具提出  相似文献   

To Arbitrate or To Litigate: That Is the Question   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The benefits of interjurisdictional competition, particularly with a customary law option, are discussed. Arbitration can be a mechanism for choosing among systems of substantive law if effective sanctions back arbitration. Powerful groups capture wealth by manipulating monopolized law, however, and arbitrators' decisions must correspond with expectations about how they will be viewed under review if a coercive monopoly provides sanctions, so conditions necessary for establishing alternative sanctions are explored. Finally, historical efforts to eliminate or absorb customary commercial law are discussed in light of the analysis of interjurisdictional competition, and the potential for encouraging such competition in emerging markets is considered.  相似文献   

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