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《Child & Youth Services》2013,34(2):187-194
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

深入推进职工董事、职工监事制度建设是完善企业法人治理结构的重要组成部分。当前在推进职工董事、职工监事制度中还存在较大难度,职工董事、职工监事运作缺乏规范,职工董事、职工监事不能充分发挥作用。必须大力宣传,引导和督促各类企业依法建立职工董事、职工监事制度;依法指导和规范职工董事、职工监事制度的运作;完善制度措施,为职工董事、职工监事发挥作用创造条件。  相似文献   

北京铁路分局工会在深入调研的基础上,以北京铁路职工培训中心为试点,把不同用工形式的进城务工人员吸收到工会组织中来,加大了维护其合法权益的力度.对提高其综合素质,推进农村城镇化和进城务工人员工人阶级化进程,起到了重要作用.  相似文献   

“劳模精神”是中国工人阶级在我国社会主义建设各个历史时期不断凝聚传承的宝贵精神财富。“劳模精神”与时俱进,不断丰富发展,是激励工人阶级投身社会主义现代化建设的强大精神动力。要以劳动模范为榜样,调动广大职工的劳动热情,充分发挥工人阶级在构建和谐社会中的主力军作用。  相似文献   

"劳模精神"是中国工人阶级在我国社会主义建设各个历史时期不断凝聚传承的宝贵精神财富."劳模精神"与时俱进,不断丰富发展,是激励工人阶级投身社会主义现代化建设的强大精神动力.要以劳动模范为榜样,调动广大职工的劳动热情,充分发挥工人阶级在构建和谐社会中的主力军作用.  相似文献   

职工代表大会是基层民主建设的重要内容和有效维护职工合法权益的重要机制,其作用理应得到不断加强和完善。职工代表作为职工代表大会的主体和实践者,其民主意识和民主投入能力的强弱,必然直接影响职代会的质量和效果。为此,就必须重视和提高其民主素质。  相似文献   

"爱岗敬业、争创一流,艰苦奋斗、勇于创新,淡泊名利、甘于奉献"的新时代劳模精神,继承了中国人民劳动的先进性和创新性、扬弃了资本主义劳动的外化性和异己性、展现了社会主义核心价值观的核心和精髓,体现出了劳模精神承担着对时代、国家、人民的强烈历史担当。探索弘扬劳模精神新途径,实现弘扬劳模精神制度化,必须始终坚持马克思主义在意识形态领域指导地位的根本制度,坚持以社会主义核心价值观引领文化建设制度。  相似文献   

当前工会组织在角色定位、服务领域、服务本领等方面存在缺失.要提高服务的有效性,需要更新观念、苦练内功、实化措施.  相似文献   

全总积极推进"两个普遍",其核心内容是普遍建立工会组织,普遍开展工资集体协商。然而,有些企业已建立工会,也开展了工资集体协商,却没能覆盖企业内一类特殊员工——劳务派遣工。据调查,劳务派遣员工加入用工单位工会组织比例普遍偏低,工资集体协商覆盖劳务派遣员工的更低。应积极吸纳劳务派遣员工加入用工单位工会,企业开展的工资集体协商应涵盖劳务派遣员工。  相似文献   

工人阶级是当前中国最大的社会群体,改革开放以来中国工人对社会、经济建设作出了巨大的贡献,但学界一直缺乏对媒介工人报道进行系统的研究.工人议题新闻报道的变迁可以为宏观社会研究或社会变迁研究提供一个微观的语言学视角,中共中央机关报《人民日报》和建国后中国第一份市场化报纸《华西都市报》改革开放以来关于工人的报道,报道量偏小,与工人群体现状有很大差距,工人议题报道在新闻源、工人媒介形象、工人媒介话语上表达具有固定的框架和模式,工人议题报道新闻源主要来自官方,工人议题报道中工人群体的话语表达比较缺乏且多正面,虽然各时期工人报道重点与工人群体状况变迁基本吻合,但是工人媒介形象和话语表达的固定框架影响工人舆情渠遘的畅通和媒介接近权.  相似文献   

This article presents conceptual and empirical analyses of several of the “best practices” of learning and instruction, and demonstrates how violent video games use them effectively to motivate learners to persevere in acquiring and mastering a number of skills, to navigate through complex problems and changing environments, and to experiment with different identities until success is achieved. These educational principles allow for the generation of several testable hypotheses, two of which are tested with samples of 430 elementary school children (mean age 10 years), 607 young adolescents (mean age 14 years), and 1,441 older adolescents (mean age 19 years). Participants were surveyed about their video game habits and their aggressive cognitions and behaviors. The first hypothesis is based on the principle that curricula that teach the same underlying concepts across contexts should have the highest transfer. Therefore, students who play multiple violent video games should be more likely to learn aggressive cognitions and behaviors than those who play fewer. The second hypothesis is based on the principle that long-term learning is improved the more practice is distributed across time. Therefore, students who play violent video games more frequently across time should be more likely to learn aggressive cognitions and behaviors than those who play the same types of games for equivalent amounts of time but less frequently. Both hypotheses were supported. We conclude by describing what educators can learn from the successful instructional and curriculum design features of video games.
J. Ronald GentileEmail:

Douglas A. Gentile   is Assistant Professor of Psychology and Research Fellow at the Institute of Science and Society, Iowa State University; he is also director of research for the National Institute on Media and the Family. He received his Ph.D. from the Institute of Child Development at the University of Minnesota. His major research interests are focused on positive and negative effects of media on children and adults, including effects of advertising, television, video games, and media violence. He is the editor of the book Media Violence and Children: A Complete Guide for Parents and Professionals (2003: Praeger Press), part of the series Advances in Applied Developmental Psychology. He is also coauthor of Violent Video Game Effects on Children and Adolescents: Theory, Research, and Public Policy (2007; Oxford University Press). J. Ronald Gentile   is SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus of Educational Psychology, University at Buffalo, State University of New York. He received his Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from Pennsylvania State University. His major research interests include learning, memory, and instruction; mastery learning; and grading practices. He is the co-author of the textbook Educational Psychology (3rd Ed., 2005; Kendall-Hunt), and of Standards and Mastery Learning: Aligning Teaching and Assessment So All Children Can Learn (2003; Corwin Press).  相似文献   

Frontline youth workers’ ability to form strong, positive relationships with program youth is a key element in maximizing the benefits of program participation. A recent National Collaboration of Youth (2006 National Collaboration for Youth. ( 2006 ). Capturing promising practices in recruitment and retention of frontline youth workers. Retrieved from http://www.nydic.org/nydic/documents/CompletePublication.pdf  [Google Scholar]) report identified six elements associated with youth workers’ competency to complete their professional roles: compensation, training opportunities, supportive work environment, clear work roles, sense that work is valued, and networking opportunities. The current study investigated whether having these elements predicted 459 youth workers’ self-reported job competency in forming positive relationships with youth. Regression analyses revealed that job efficacy, clarity of work roles, and benefits significantly predicted competency in forming strong relationships with program youth. Findings are discussed in relation to practice implications for the youth work field.  相似文献   

影响职工代表议政会质量的原因及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职工代表议政会愈来愈成为企业基层单位组织职工代表参政议政的重要手段,职工代表对议政会的理解程度、议政会议题的具体性、职工代表的素质高低、会议各环节的组织等因素都影响着职工代表议政会的质量。全面加强职工代表素质的培养、进一步转变企业基层领导的管理作风、把职工代表议政会看作职工代表参政议政的一个过程是提高职工代表议政会质量的重要途径。  相似文献   

随着人口老龄化进程的不断加深,北京市非公医疗机构迅猛发展。这些企业数量多,分布广,规模小,职工流动性大,企业管理薄弱,劳动关系很不稳定,侵犯职工合法权益的现象时有发生。因而对非公医疗机构职工收入分配状况进行分析,找出存在的突出问题并探讨解决途径,对于非公医疗机构的健康发展,职工权益的保障会有非常大的促进作用。  相似文献   

Using a Web-based survey, this study examined youth workers' professional development participation, preferences, and levels of agency support and the relationships between these variables and youth worker characteristics. Results revealed a positive relationship between participation in professional development opportunities and youth workers' self-reported job competency but also indicated low levels of agency support for participation in continuing education. Though perceptions of critical training topics varied among program staff from different geographic areas, most youth workers reported similar training experiences and interests regardless of their individual characteristics. Collaborative approaches to training and professional development may result in increased exposure to a broad range of professional development opportunities and significantly enhance the quality of youth programming.  相似文献   

The potential influence of violent video games on youth violence remains an issue of concern for psychologists, policymakers and the general public. Although several prospective studies of video game violence effects have been conducted, none have employed well validated measures of youth violence, nor considered video game violence effects in context with other influences on youth violence such as family environment, peer delinquency, and depressive symptoms. The current study builds upon previous research in a sample of 302 (52.3% female) mostly Hispanic youth. Results indicated that current levels of depressive symptoms were a strong predictor of serious aggression and violence across most outcome measures. Depressive symptoms also interacted with antisocial traits so that antisocial individuals with depressive symptoms were most inclined toward youth violence. Neither video game violence exposure, nor television violence exposure, were prospective predictors of serious acts of youth aggression or violence. These results are put into the context of criminological data on serious acts of violence among youth.  相似文献   

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