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Ban Zhao, the first known Chinese woman historian, lived during the Eastern Han Dynasty( 25-220 A.D.), and is renowned for her contribution to the completion of Han Shu( History of the Han Dynasty), which covers the entire Western Han period( 206B.C.-24A.D.). As China's first book on dynastic history, it constitutes the second volume in Twenty-Four Histories, and sets the style of writing for the rest of the dynastic annals. Han Shu consists of 120 volumes divided in to four parts: Biographies of the 12 Western Han emperors and major events during the reign of each emperor, the "Eight Tables," chronologically listing the names of princes, the emperor's in laws and the leading officials; the "The Registries," dealing with rules and laws and Biographies of 70 outstanding personalities. Of the four parts, the "Eight Tables" was compiled by Ban Zhao.  相似文献   

I first heard the name LeiJieqiong on June 23, 1946,at the time of the XiaguanTragedy in Nanjing. Theeight-year War of Resistance against JapaneseAggression had just ended, and the Chinese peoplelooked forward to a peaceful life. However, in order tomaintain his rule, Chiang Kai-shek, the KMT leader,had plans to launch a civil war, which the Shanghaipeople opposed by setting up the Shanghai Union ofPeople's Organizations. On June 23, 1946, a union del-egation, consisting of ten social…  相似文献   

Icouldn't stop traveling once I statred.Wherever I went,I had completely different feelings as I experienced each place,  相似文献   

As they watch the bright moon gradually disappear,villagers shout,"The Celestial Dog is eating the moon!" and race home to fetch the nearest acoustic implement to hand.The entire village then takes to the streats and makes as big a commotion as possible-setting off firecrackers,beating drums and gongs,and banging pots and pans-until the moon completely reemerges.  相似文献   

WANG Qiuyang's slightbuild and ostensiblydelicate demeanor couldnot be more misleading.She has proved herselfcapable of withstanding hardship thatwould test the fittest of men her age.An Armyman's DaughterWang Qiuyang was born and raisedin a mountainous area of Fujian Prov-ince, her father a deputy commander ofa field army stationed there. As a childshe was always, what is termed in theWest, a tomboy, preferring to climb treesand rocks rather than play with dolls.During her childhood Wang…  相似文献   

农村妇女教育地位研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本研究以湖北省第二期妇女社会地位抽样调查问卷为基本素材,运用社会学理论与方法,从教育程度、受教育机会、学业成就三个方面描述了农村妇女的教育地位状况。并通过不同时期农村妇女以及农村妇女与城市妇女教育地位的比较分析,得出了农村妇女的教育地位是由农村生产力发展水平决定的,提高农村妇女教育地位是一个历史的自然过程的结论。  相似文献   

当代中国新社会阶层的特点解析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
文道贵 《理论月刊》2004,4(1):141-143
当代中国新社会阶层产生于改革开放这个特殊的时代背景;他们与工农阶级有着天然的血缘关系和不可分割的密切联系;他们同样是“中国特色社会主义事业的建设者”;新社会阶层成员的身份和职业具有非稳定性特点,变动频繁;他们大多就业于新兴产业和高科技领域,年轻化、知识化特征明显,是推动我国先进生产力发展和社会进步的一支重要新生力量;他们与工农阶级之间在根本利益一致的基础上存在着大量的非对抗性矛盾。  相似文献   

MARIE is a tour guid from France's Cote d'Azure. She didn' waste a minute of her 20-day tour ofChina. In addition to the usual sight- seeing and eating out in restaurants, she and her companions also attended an intensive Chinese training course. Marie wants to be a Chinese tour guide in her native land. She reckons that as France attracts more and more Chinese students, knowing the language will get her a better job. The current "Chinese language craze" was not inspired simply by the co…  相似文献   

论新世纪中国马克思主义哲学的发展道路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
站在新世纪的起跑线上 ,迫切需要明确今后百年间中国马克思主义哲学的发展道路。为此 ,就要正确处理一系列的关系 :当做中国人民当代实践的指导思想去研究的马克思主义哲学和当作学术去研究的马克思的哲学 ,对马克思主义哲学本质的一元性理解和对它的形态的多样性阐释 ,以毛泽东、邓小平哲学思想为历史前提去推进中国的马克思主义哲学和以东西方各种哲学为思想资源去发展马克思的哲学 ,对马克思主义哲学精神的继承、发扬和对马克思主义哲学理论的发展、创新等。这是一条理论和实践相结合、继承和创新相结合、一元性本质的深刻发展和多样性学理的广泛阐发相结合的道路。中国需要一支强大的马克思主义哲学家队伍 ,需要在坚持和发展马克思主义哲学中作出重大理论创新的大哲学家的问世。  相似文献   

对国际格局的认知是中国外交政策制定的基础之一.2008年以来国际战略界对极化问题的讨论体现了各国对未来国际格局的期望和推动,背后隐藏着国家利益之争."单极化"、"多极化"、"无极化"、"集极化"和"非极化"的争论既体现了各国学者认知上的不同,也反映了各国利益上的差异.理论上的争论与创新当然有其自身的意义,但更重要的是揭示现象背后的政治利益冲突.实际上,学者们对国际格局的理解非常相似,对当今世界的真实描述应是"立体蜘蛛网"模式.各国在政治上的争斗是因为分属不同阵营:"单极化阵营"、"多极化阵营"或"非极化阵营".对于中国外交来说,回归国家利益、构建对国际格局的新认知,及时反思和调整国际战略非常必要.  相似文献   

只要有一个女人觉得自己坚强因而讨厌柔弱的伪装定有一个男人意识到自己也有脆弱的地方因而不愿再伪装坚强  相似文献   

我国农业的“新四化”就是规模化、标准化、生态化和信息化。“新四化”是我国农业加入WTO后,积极参与国际竞争的必然要求和取胜法宝。  相似文献   

王中桥 《理论月刊》2001,1(2):14-17
文化产业是文化生存和发展的载体和动力。文化产品的商品属性决定文化产品必须进入市场,文化市场决定文化必须产业化经营。要遵循文化规律和市场规律,调整结构,着力进行体制和科技创新,促进文化产业健康发展。  相似文献   

Editor'sNote:Inthepast50yearsChinesefineartshaveundergoneatremendousburgeoning.GroupsofartistshavemadegreatendeavorstoincorporatethecreamofinternationalartwiththeexcellenttraditionalcultureofChina,asameansofenrichingtheircreativescope.Thissenseofmissionhasresultedinacollectionofworksofthehighestartisticlevel.Inthe21stcentury,Orientalartswilldrawtheattentionoftheworld.OurpurposeinopeningthiscolumnistoarouseawiderinterestincontemporaryChinesepaintersandtheirworks.ITHINthelonghistoryofChines…  相似文献   

顾士敏 《思想战线》2001,27(1):8-13
中国哲学的起源是中国哲学史上的一个重要问题,也是世界哲学史上的一个重要问题,自<庄子·天下篇>、<汉书·艺文志>以迄胡适<中国哲学史大纲>都曾探讨过这一问题,并一致认为中国哲学起源于某种"文明"的崩溃.这一崩溃了的"文明"是什么?就是在传说中被不断憧憬着的西周"礼乐文明"."礼坏乐崩"中"乐"从"礼"中的释放、"文化"从"政治"中的解放,就是中国哲学的原点.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,随着我国事业单位改革的整体推进,教育事业单位改革也不断走向深入,有力地推动了我国教育事业的发展。文章对近年来我国中央和地方政府在基础教育事业单位领域,围绕现代学校制度建设、人事制度改革等进行的一系列改革举措进行了较为全面的梳理,剖析了改革取得的成就,并重点分析了各地改革实践中存在的普遍性问题,以期为深化我国教育事业单位改革提供一定借鉴。  相似文献   

<正>The Chinese zodiac consists of 12 different animals that rotate around a 12-year cycle.Starting with rat and ending with pig,they take turns to accompany the lunar calendar.For centuries,it has been held that there exists a special relationship between human beings and their zodiac animals,similar  相似文献   

THE c o v e r of t h e J u l y 11 is-sue of Business Week bearsthe legend: Stars of Asia:25 Leaders at the Forefrontof Change. It is a tribute toprominent businesspeople for their crisisleadership, managerial know-how andinnovation. Cher Wang, chairwoman ofVIA Technologies Inc of Taiwan, is theonly woman in this exalted company.Her name also appears in the Wall StreetJournal's Top Ten Asian Women Entre-preneurs.Cher Wang is initiator and chairwom-an of VIA Technologies Inc. a lead…  相似文献   

新世纪中国警方面临的七大挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在刚刚到来的 2 1世纪里 ,中国警方既面临着前所未有的机遇 ,也面临着空前严峻的挑战。这种挑战主要来自七个方面 :一、公安工作乘势而上的要求对现行体制的挑战 ;二、社会变革对警察政治生活角色地位的挑战 ;三、新形势下犯罪活动出现的新情况对警察队伍素质的挑战 ;四、维护社会稳定繁重任务的挑战 ;五、公安队伍建设的紧迫性对各级公安机关领导者的挑战 ;六、警务实践中新问题层出不穷对中国警察理论匮乏的挑战 ;七、现代生活的多元化对警察应对能力的挑战  相似文献   

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