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International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics - Based on the generally accepted view that the issues of climate change and the consequences of environmental pollution have no...  相似文献   

国际金融危机与新巴塞尔协议修改:动向与行动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩龙 《法治研究》2010,(3):5-11
当下在对金融危机的反思中,国际社会对金融监管制度进行了广泛而深入的审视,其中对新巴塞尔协议的审视尤为突出。目前,国际社会对于通过修改新巴塞尔协议来防范金融风险和危机主要有以下动向和行动:通过修改新巴塞尔协议的资本框架降低助周期性,改革和提高交易项目的资本要求,加强对证券化的风险监管,提高规制资本的质量和数量,改革国际规制的组织框架等。这些改革对包括我国在内的各国金融业具有重要影响.我国应进行深入的跟踪研究并审时度势地确定自己的策略。  相似文献   

有害废物越境转移对传统国家责任的挑战   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钭晓东 《现代法学》2004,26(1):126-130
保护环境、防止污染的跨界损害已成为国际社会的共同利益和共同责任。为有效防止有害废物的越境转移 ,须对传统的国家责任进行重新界定 ,在“相对主权原则”基础上 ,通过导入严格责任、补充国家赔偿责任、确立国家责任承担主体、承担附随义务等途径 ,以弥补传统理论的局限 ,适应环境保护及国际法发展的趋势  相似文献   

社会源危险废物的法律治理必须结合整体性的环境责任,使法律责任与伦理道德责任具有价值层面的一致性.整体性环境责任蕴含了道德基础规范,证成了社会源危险废物法律治理的正当性.治理制度的构建应注重程序的正当性、追求道德共识,使大多数人在情感上接受法律治理规范;治理制度的运行应使常态执法饱含尊重与关怀,逐渐消减违法者的负面情感,最终使得强制性法律责任能够促成人们自愿守法.  相似文献   

国际贸易惯例的性质及在我国的适用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戴琼 《政法学刊》2009,26(5):34-38
国际贸易惯例是在长期的国际贸易实践中经反复实践而形成的公认的、具有普遍适用性的行为规则。国际贸易惯例是法律,而且属于法律规范中的任意性规范。国际贸易惯例在我国的适用必须符合两个条件:一是需经当事人协商选择;二是不能违背我国社会公共秩序。  相似文献   

吴远富 《河北法学》2011,29(8):179-183
自1995至2008年14年里,越南工人罢工呈现逐年持续增加的趋势,这14年也是越南大力引进外资和经济高速成长的时期。罢工主要原因是工资待遇过低。各次罢工都不由工会发动和领导,属于自发性。罢工也不符合法定程序,具有非法性。越共政府开始注重通过建立劳资协商机制和增强工会代表性来建设和谐、稳定和进步的劳动关系,工会法修改注重强化工会的实际权力。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the UK government's proposal to incorporate the European Convention on Human Rights into UK law, and the consequences of incorporation for the individual in the context of education. The first part of the article explores the mechanisms proposed for bringing about incorporation, and stresses in particular the importance attached by the government to upholding the fundamental principle of the sovereignty of the UK Parliament. In this context it emphasises the government's decision to deny to the British courts the capacity to strike down legislative provisions as being incompatible with Convention rights. The second part of the article goes on to explore (highly selectively) a number of key areas in which incorporation of the ECHR has the potential to enhance individual rights in the field of education, including parental choice of school, collective worship and religious education, and aspects of the secular curriculum. The discussion emphasises strongly the likely significance of the UK government's reservation to the second sentence of Article 2 of the First Protocol to the ECHR. Broadly, the conclusion drawn is that the incorporation of the Convention will have only a very marginal impact on the reality of individual rights to education.  相似文献   

The Basel Convention is regaining attention for the potential entry into force of the heretofore stalled Ban Amendment. In this paper, we draw parallels between the current debate surrounding the Ban Amendment and contestations that occurred in the early years of the Basel Convention’s Technical Working Group (TWG) over defining ‘hazardousness.’ Like the present debate, TWG deliberations involved a contestation between two divergent discourses concerning how hazardous wastes should be regulated—as ideally managed versus actually managed in the global South. Scholars have shown how the TWG is a site for industry to press for a definition of hazardousness favorable to their economic interests. However, explorations of the specific processes by which this occurred—particularly, how a framework for defining hazardousness that privileges private technical expertise over concerns of precaution and equity was successfully institutionalized within the TWG—have yet to be completed. We show that it is important to reexamine this debate today in order to better understand current Basel Convention developments.  相似文献   

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