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《The Political quarterly》1973,44(3):353-382
Book reviewed in this article:
K ingsley : T he L ife , L etters and D iaries of K ingsley M artin . By C. H. R olph .
V irginia W oolf . A B iography . By Q uentin B ell .
A dministrative T heories and P olitics : A n I nquiry into the S tructure and P rocesses of M odern G overnment . By P. J. O. S elf .
L ocal G overnment : M anagement and C orporate P lanning . By T ony E ddison .
T he S cottish P olitical S ystem . By J ames G. K ellas .
L egal C ontrol of G overnment : A dministrative L aw in B ritain and the U nited S tates . By B ernard S chwartz and H. W. R. W ade .
L egal P roblems and the C itizen . By B rian A bel -S mith , M ichael Z ander and R osalind B rooke .
T he E nglish I deology : S tudies in the L anguage of V ictorian P olitics . By G eorge W atson .
T he V ictorians and S ocial P rotest . Edited by J. B utt and I. F. C larke .
T he Q uest for N ational , E fficiency
L iberals , R adicals and S ocial P ohitics
D emocratic T heory : E ssays in R etrieval . By C. B. M acpherson .
M ind and P olitics . By E llen M eiksins W ood .
T he M anagement of B ritain's E xternal . R elations . Edited by R obert B oardman and A. J. R. G room .
B ritish D efence P olicy E ast of S uez
T he L ong R evolution . Ry E dgar S now .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1969,40(2):213-217
Book reviewed in this article:
F reedom and rights . By A. J. M. M ilne .
T he P olitics and D ynamics of H uman R ights . By M oses M oskowitz .
P olitical R epresentation and E lections in B ritain . By P eter P ulzer .
British Parliamentary Election Statistics 1918-1968. By F. W. S. C raig .
T he B ritish V oter . A n A tlas and S urvey S ince 1885. By M ichael K innear
T he D evolution of P ower . By J. P. M ackintosh .
T he G rowth of the M odern W est I ndies . By G ordon K. L ewis .
P olitics and the L abour M ovement in L atin A merica . By V ictor A lba .
C hurch and S tate in L atin A merica . By J. L loyd M echam .
R epresentative G overnment and E uropean I ntegration . By W illarb N. H ogan .
E uropean U nity : C ooperation and I ntegration . By M ichael P almer , J ohn L ambert et al .
F orecasting and the S ocial S ciences . Edited By M ichael Y oung .
S ocial S cience and S ocial P urpose . By T. S. S imey (L ord S imey )
A H undred Y ears of S ociology . By G. D uncan M itchell .
S ocial T heory and S ocial P ractice . By P. F ord .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1981,52(3):367-398
Book reviewed in this article:
B ig B usiness . T heoretical and E mpirical A spects of C oncentration and M ergers in the U nited K ingdom . B y S. A aronovitch and M. C. S awyer .
E conomic C oncentration . S tructure , B ehaviour and P ublic P olicy . By J. M. B lair .
C oncentration in M odern I ndustry . By L. H annah and J. A. K ay .
C ompetition P olicy . Including a research annex, C ompetition P olicy and E conomic P erformance in the U nited K ingdom . By A. H ughes .
T he E volution of G iant F irms in B ritain . A S tudy of the G rowth of C oncentration in M anufacturing industry in B ritain 1909–1970. By S. J. P rais .
D iversification and C ompetition . By M. A. U tton .
I nternational H andbook on L ocal G overnment R eorganisation : C ontemporary D evelopments . E dited by D onald C. R owat .
O ffshore S afety . R eport of the C ommittee . C hairman : D r . J. H. B urgoyne .
T he N ew A uthoritarianism in L atin A merica . Edited by D avid C ollier .
G ood N eighbour D iplomacy : U nited S tates P olicies in L atin A merica 1933–45. By I rwin F. G ellman .
C hile : A n A ttempt at "H istoric C ompromise ": T he R eal S tory of the A llende Y ears . By J orge P alacios .
T he A rmy and P olitics in A rgentina 1945–62: P erón to F roxdizi . By R obert A. P otash .
D efence P olitics : A B udgetary P erspective . By A rnold K anter .
D owning S treet D iary . By H arold E vans .
E uropean E lections and B ritish P olitics . By D avid B utler and D avid M arquand .
T he P eople's B udget 1909/10: L loyd G eorge and L iberal P olitics . By B ruce K. M urray .
T he L eo A mery D iaries . V olume O ne : 1896–1929. Edited by J ohn B arnes and D avid N icholson .
T.U.C. T he G rowth of a P ressure G roup 1868–1976. By R oss M artin .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1967,38(2):200-223
Book reviewed in this article:
T he P olitical S ystem of C hile . By F ederico G. G il .
T he M exican P olitical S ystem . By L. V incent P adgett .
A cción D emocrática , E volution of a M odern P olitical P arty in V enezuela . By J ohn D. M artz .
T he A lliance for P rogress . By J. W arren N ystrom and N athan A. H averstock . [ D. van Nostrand Co .
A H istory of M odern B razil 1889–1964. By J osé M aria B ello . Translated from the Portuguese by J ames L. T aylor . With a new concluding chapter by R ollie E. P oppino .
T he P olitics of F inancial C ontrol . By G ordon R eid .
I nfluencing V oters . By richard rose.
T he B ritish G eneral E lection of 1966. By D. E. D utler and A nthony K ing .
H obbes's S cience of P olitics . By M. M. G oldsmith .
P olitical B ehaviour in I ndia . A C ase s tudy of the 1962 G eneral e lections . By V. M. S irsikar .
M inority P olitics in the P unjab . By B. R. N ayar .
S uccession in i ndia. A S tudy in D ecision -M aking . By M ichael B recher .
A tomic E nergy P olicy in F rance under the F ourth R epublic . By L awrence S cheinman .
P hilip S nowden . By C olin C ross .
T he A ccountability and A udit of G overnments . By E. L. N ormanton .
T he P aranoid S tyle in A merican P olitics . By R ichard H ofstader .
I ronies of H istory : E ssays on C ontemporary C ommunism . By I saac D eutscher .
M odern T rade U nion L aw . By C yril G runfeld .
T rades U nion L aw . By H. S amuels .
T he B lackcoated W orker . By D avid L ockwood .
W hite C ollar T rade U nions . Edited by A dolf S turmthal .
W orkers , U nions and the s tate . By G raham W ootton .
D e G aulle and the W orld : T he f oreign P olicy of the F ifth F rench R epublic . By W. W. K ulski .
C entral and L ocal G overnment . By R. E. C. j ewell .
T he L ife of the M ind in A merica . By P erry M iller .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1966,37(3):333-353
Book reviewed in this article:
M unicipal E ntertainment and the A rts in G reater L ondon . By S. K. R uck .
R uin and R esurgence 1939–1965. By R. C. M owat .
B ritish P olitics 1918–64. By L. J. M acfarlane .
S ince 1945: A spects of W orld H istory . Edited by J. L. H enderson .
P olitics in W est A frica . By W. A rthur L ewis .
H alifax : T he L ife of L ord H alifax . By T he E arl of B irkenhead .
T he B ritish C ommunist P arty . I ts O rigins and D evelopment U ntil 1929. By L. J. M acfarlane .
P ower and the S oviet é lite —"T he L etter of an O ld B olshevik " and other essays. By Boris Nicolaevsky. U npersoned : T he F all of N ikita S. K hrushchev . By Martin Page and David Burg.
M arxism in the M odern world . Edited by milorad M. drachovitch.
T he P olitics of B ureaucracy . By G ordon T ullock .
T hailand and the S truggle for S outheast A sia . By D onald E. N euchterlein .
S outh E ast A sia in T urmoil . By B rian C rozier .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1965,36(2):228-231
Book reviewed in this article:
S ystems of I ntegrating the I nternational C ommunity . Edited by E lmer P lischke .
T he R ole of T heory in I nternational R elations . Edited by H orace V. H arrison .
A ction and R eaction in W orld P olitics . By R ichard N. R osecrance .
W alter L ippmann's P hilosophy of I nternational P olitics . By A nwar S yed .
U nited N ations F orces . By D. W. B owett .
T he B ureaucratic P henomenon . By M ichel C rozier .
P olitics in G hana , 1946–1960. By D ennis A ustin .
L ocal G overnment in G hana . By J. K. N sarkoh .
T he C ongo S ince I ndependence : J anuary 1960 to D ecember 1961. By C atherine H oskyns .
D ocuments on C hina's R elations with S outh and S outh -E ast A sia 1949–1962. Edited by G. V. A mbekar and V. D. D ivekar
S outheast A sia , I llusion and R eality in P olitics and E conomics . By L ennox A. M ills
G overnments and P olitics of S outheast A sia . Edited by G eorge M c T urnan K ahin . S aul R ose
T he C onservative P arty in O pposition , 1945–51. By J. D. H offman .
P lekhanov . T he F ather of R ussian M arxism . By S amuel H. B aron .
M en and W ork : T he A utobiography of L ord C itrine .
A D ictionary of the S ocial S ciences . Edited by J ulius G ould and W illiam L. K olb .
E nglish C onstitutional T heory and the H ouse of L ords 1556 to 1832. By C orinne C omstock W eston .
T he G enesis of P arliamentary R eform . By G. S. V eitch
C hartist P ortraits . By G. D. H. C ole .
T he E ssentials of P arliament D emocracy . By R. B assett .
G reat B ritain and G hana D ocuments of G hana H istory 1807–1957. By G. E. M etcalfe .
T he S ocialist C ommonwealth of N ations . Organisation and Institutions. By K azimierz G rzybowski .
B ritish P olitics and the A merican R evolution . By B ernard D onoughue .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1979,50(2):249-268
Books Reviewed in this Article:
L eonard W oolf . A P olitical B iography . By D uncan W ilson , G.C.M.G. Assisted by J. E isenberg .
I srael : T he E mbattled A lly . By N adav S afran .
C oastal R esources M anagement . B eyond B ureaucracy and the M arket . By R obert B. D itton , J ohn L. S eymour and G erald C. S wanson .
M anaging the S eas L iving R esources . L egal and P olitical A spects of H igh S eas F isheries . By G ary K night .
T he R esurgence of C lass C onflict in W estern E urope S ince 1968. Edited by C olin C rouch and A lessandro P izzorno .
P olicy and P olitics : E ssays in H onour of N orman C hester . Edited by D avid B utler and A. H. H alsey .
G. K. C hesterton : R adical P opulist . By M argaret C anovan .
T he B ritish R ight . Edited by N eill N ugent and R oger K ing .
T he P olitics of L egitimacy : S truggles in a B elfast C ommunity . By F rank B urton .
W orking at S tormont . By J ohn A. O liver .
E ducation and the P olitical O rder . By T ed T apper and B rian S alter .
T he P olitics of E ducational C hange . By M aurice K ogan .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1990,61(4):486-504
Book reviews in this article:
N ational C urriculum H istory W orking G roup : F inal R eport .
T he B ritish I sles : A H istory of F our N ations . By H ugh K earney .
B ritain : A P lural S ociety : R eport of A S eminar .
P atriotism : T he M aking A nd U nmaking of B ritish N ational I dentity . Edited by R aphael S amuel , 3 Vols.
G ames with S hadows . By N eal A scherson
T he E nchanted G lass : B ritain and its M onarchy . By T om N airn .
T he D ivided K ingdom . By J ohn O smond .
T he P olitics of I llusion : R epublicanism A nd S ocialism in M odern I rleand . By H enry P atterson .
P arental C hoice and E ducational P olicy . By M ichael A dler , A lison P etch and J ack T weedie .
G overnment B y M oonlight: the H ybrid P arts of the S tate . By P. B irkinshaw , I. H arden and N. L ewis .
T he S ocial and P olitical T hought of R. G. C ollingwood . By D avid B oucher .
D ivided S ocieties : C lass S truggle in C ontemporary C apitalism .
F eminism /P ostmodernism . Edited by L inda J. N icholson .  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
I nside the T reasury . By J oel B arnett .
G etting and S pending . By L eo P liatzky .
T he G overnment's E xpenditure P lans . By T he T reasury and C ivil S ervice C ommittee , Fifth Report 1981–82 Session H.C. 316.
P ublic E xpenditure and S ocial P olicy . Edited by Alan Walker
B ig G overnment in H ard T imes . Edited by C hristopher H ood and M aurice W right
T he P olitics of R etrenchment . By C harles H. L evine , I rene S. R ubin and G eorge G. W olohojian
P roperty and P olitics 1870–1914. L andownership , L aw , I deology and U rban D evelopment in E ngland . BY A vner O ffer .
O rganizing I nterests in W estern E urope . Edited by S uzanne D. B erger .
P ower , P roperty and C orporatism . By J ames S immie .
T he C hallenge of C orporatism . By O tto N ewman .
P ower and P arty in an E nglish C ity : an A ccount of S ingle -P arty R ule . By D avid G. G reen .
E nvironmental P rotest and C itizen P olitics in J apan . B y M argaret M c K ean .
THE G ate of H eavenly P eace . the C hinese and T heir R evolution , 1895–1980. BY J onathan D. S pence .
T he U ses of S ocial R esearch -S ocial I nvestigation in P ublic P olicy -M aking . BY M artin B ulmer .
T he C reation of the A nglo -A merican A lliance 1937–41: A S tudy in C ompetitive C o -O peration .
T he P olitical I deas of the U topian S ocialists . By K eith T aylor .
G ramsci's P olitical T hought : H egemony , C onsciousness , and the R evolutionary P rocess . By J. V. F emia .
M aking G ood : P risons , P unishment and B eyond . By M artin W right . Foreword by B arbara W ootton .
T he S ocialist N ovel I n B ritain . T owards the R ecovery of A T radition . Edited by H. G ustav K laus .
R ecount . By C liff P rothero .
T ony C rosland . By S usan G rosland .  相似文献   

T he N atiosalisation of B ritish I ndustry 1945–51. By S ir N orman C hester , C.B.E.
P ower , V iolence , D ecision . By W. J. M. M ackenzie .
E xplorations in G overnment , C ollected P apers 1951–1968. By W. J. M. M ackenzie .
O swald M osley . By R obert S kidelsky .
T he I mpact of H itler . B ritish P olitics and B ritish P olicy 1933–1940. By M aurice C owling .
T he T ransfer of P ower , 1942–47. Edited by N icholas M ansergh . Volume V, The Simla Conference, September 1, 1944-July 28, 1945.
T he P ast M asters : P olitics and P oliticians 1906–1939. By H arold M acmillan .
C ommittees of I nquiry . By G erald R hodes .
T he P arliamentary O mbudsman . By R oy G regory and P eter H utchisson .
S ociology and S ocial P olicy . By P. T ownsesd .
S ocial P olicy and A dministration R evisited . By D. D onnison et al.
T he P olitical I deas of M arx and E ngels : V ol . 1: M arxism and T otalitarian D emocracy 1818–1850. By R ichard N. H unt .
M arx W ithout M yth . By M aximilien R ubel and M argaret M asale .
M arxian and P ost -M arxian P olitical E conomy . By A run B ose .
M arx and M odern S ocial T heory . By A lan S wingewood .
M arxist A nalyses and S ocial A nthropology . Edited by M aurice B loch .
T he S tudy of G overnment . By F. F. R idley .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article.
C ities in F lood: T he P roblems of U rban G rowth. ByP eter S elf.
T he C hinese E conomy. ByS olomon A dler.
F ar E astern A ffairs. No.I.EditedbyG.F.H udson. St.Antony'sPapers,No.II.
T he C risis of the O ld O rder ,1919–1933.ByA rthur M.S chlesinger , Jr.
T he N ew C ambridge M odern H istory. Vol.I.TheRenaissance1493–1520.Vol.VII.TheOldRégime1713–1763.
E urope S ince N apoleon. ByD avid T homson.
W ives W ho W entto C ollege. ByJ udith H ubback.
U nholy A lliance. ByG erald F reund.
G erman R ule in R ussia 1941–1945.ByA lexander D allin.
T he L ife and T imes of B aron H aussmann. ByJ.M.andB rian C hapman.
T he S ocial A spects of P rescribing. ByJ.P.M artin, withaForewordbyP rofessor R.M.T itmuss .
A n A frican S urvey. Revised1956.ByL ord H ailey.
T he U nited S tates in W orld A ffairs, 1956.ByR ichard P.S tebbins.
D ocuments on A merican F oreign R elations ,1956.EditedbyP aul E.Z inner.
T he S tructure of P olitics at the A ccession of G eorge III.ByS ir L ewis N amier. Secondedition.
T he Y ear B ook of W orld A ffairs, 1957.EditedbyG eorge W.K eeton andG eorg S chwarzenberger.
M achiavellism; T he D octrine of R aisond 'É tatandits P lace in M odern H istory. ByF riedrich M einecke. TranslatedfromtheGermanbyD ouglas S cott.
C urrent L egal P roblems 1957.EditedbyG.W.K eeton andG.S chwarzenberger.
T he S tatesman. By H enry T aylor.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《The Political quarterly》1974,45(1):125-151
Book Reviewed in this article
W age P atterns A nd W age P olicy I n M odern C hina 1919-1972. B y C hristopher H owe .
R evolutionaries . B y E. J. H obsbawm .
T he R eformed L ocal G overnment S ystem . B P eter G. R ichards .
L ocal G overnmest . By R ichard B uxton .
T he P olitics O f P olicy I n L ocal G overnment . By J ohn D wrlove .
C ity P olitics A nd T he P ress . By H arvey Cox and D avid M organ .
H idden C osts O f T axation . B y C. T. S andford .
P olitical P urpose I n T rade U nions . By I rving R ichter .
L abour : T he U nions A nd T he P arty . B y B ill S impson .
B aldwin , T he U nexpected P rime M inister . By H. M ontgomery
C hina : A H andbook . E dited b y Y uan -L i W u .
T he L ong M arch T o P ower : A H istory O f T he C hinese C ommunist P arty , 1921-72. B y J ames P inckney H arrison .
T he C hinese H igh C ommand : A H istory O f C ommunist M ilitary P olitics , 1927–71. B y W illiam W. W hitson w ith C hen -H sia H uang .
C hinese S trategic T hinking U nder h ho T se -T ung . B y W. A. C. A die .
T he C hinese R oad T o S ocialism . By E. L. W heelwright and B. M c -F arlane .
T he B eliefs O f P oliticians . B y R obert D. P utnam .
K nowledge A nd B eliefs I n P olitics . E dited B y R obert B enewick , R. N. B erki A nd B hikhu P arekh .
C orps D iplomatique . By E ric C lark .
R adicalism A gainst W ar 19061914. T he A dvocacy O f P eace A nd R etrenchment . B y A. J. A nthony M orris .
C ause A nd M eaning I n T he S ocial S ciences . B y E rnest G ellner .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1973,44(2):236-241
P olitics A nd S ocial W ork . By R ay L ees .
L egal P roblems of an E nlarged E uropean C ommunity . Edited by M. E. B athurst , K. R. S immonds , N. M arch H unnings and J ane W elch .
I ndustrial R elations in T he C ommon M arket . By C ampbell B alfour .
B elfast : A pproach to C risis . By I an B udge and C ornelius O'L eary .
E mile D urkheim , H is L ife and W ork . By S teven L ukes .
T he E uropean P arliament : S tructure , P rocedure and P ractice . by S ir B arnett C ocks .
T he F ellow T ravellers . by D avid C aute .
U nemployment and P olitics . by J osé H arris .
T he P olitics of E xpertise . By G uy B enveniste .
S tudies in the G rowth of N ineteenth -C entury G overnment . Edited by G illian S utherland .
I nside V iew . By R ichard C rossman .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1974,45(4):493-518
Book reviewed in this article
C onservative P olitics I n F rance . By M alcolm A nderson .
M aking I nstitutions W ork . By S ir G eoffrey V ickers .
T he C onsumer and C orporate A ccountability . Edited by R alph N ader .
T he R adical A ttack on B usiness . By C harles P errow .
C ontemporary T hought A nd P olitics . B y E rnest G ellner .
T he P rivate G overnment O f P ublic M oney . B y H ugh H eclo and A aron W ildavsky .
D ivorce L aw R eform IN E ngland . B y B. H. L ee .
M arx A nd M ill : T wo V iews O f S ocial C onflict A nd S ocial H armony . B y G raeme D uncan .
T he I deology O f O rder : A C omparative A nalysis O f B odin A nd H obbes . B y P reston K ing .
W ith G reat T ruth AND R espect . T he M emoirs O f P aul G ore -B ooth .
A gainst T he S tream : C ritical E ssays O n E conomics . B y G unnar M yrdal .
T ransport O rganisation I n A G reat C ity— T he C ase O f L ondon . B y M. E. C ollins and T. M. P haroah . Foreword by P rofessor A. R obson .
T he C onservative P arty 1918–1970. By T. F. L indsay and M ichael H arrington .
T he C onservative P arty . By P eter L ane.
T he O rigins O f T he C ultural R evolution . B y R oderick M acfarquhar . V ol . 1: C ontradictions A mong T he P eople .
T he A byssinian C risis . B y F rank H ardie .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1976,47(3):344-368
O il , P ower AND P olitics . C onflict I n A rabia , T he R ed S ea A nd T he G ulf . By M ordechai A bir .
A rab S tates O f T he L ower G ulf . P eople , P olitics , P etroleum . By J ohn D uke A nthony .
T he N ew O il S takes . By J ean -M arie C hevalier .
O il A nd P olitics . By H enry M adelin . Translated from the French by M argaret T otman .
A P lain M an's G uide T o O i . By P hilip W indsor .
T he S even S isters . T he G reat O il C ompanies A nd T he W orld T hey M ade . By A nthony S ampson .
T he C ritical P hase I n T anzania 1945–1968. N yerere A nd T he H eagence O f A S ocialist S trategy . By C ranford P ratt .
I ndustrial R elations I n F leet S treet . By K eith S isson .
T he F oreign P olicy P rocess in B ritaik . By W illiam W allace .
L loyd G eorge . By P eter R owland .
T he P olitics of R eappraisal 1918–1939. Edited by G illian P eele and C hris C ook .
B ritish G overnment 1966–1975: Y ears of R eform . By F raxk S tacey .
L essons of U lster . By T. E. U tley .
T he O rigim of U lster U nionism . By P eter G ibbon .
T he E dwardiass : T he R emakixg OF B ritish S ociety . By P agl T hompson .
N onconformity in M odern B ritish P olitics . By S tephen K oss .
B ritish P ublic O pinion and the A byssinian W ar 1935–36. By D aniel W aley .
P ower A nd P arty B ureaucracy in B ritain . By D avid J. W ilsox .
T he C ommonwealth . By P eter B. H arris .
T he O ffice of P rime M inister . By R obert B lake .
T he T iger : T he L ife of G eorces C leyenceau 1841–1929. By E dgar H olt .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1963,34(4):419-448
Book reviewed in this article:
T orture : C ancer of D emocracy. By P ierre V idal -N aquet.
E ducational S trategy for D eveloping S ocieties : A Study of Educational and Social Factors in Relation to Economic Growth. By A dam C urle.
C ommunist E ducation. By E dmund J. K ing (Ed.)
P ower and P olitics in B elgian E ducation 1815–1961. By V ernon M allinson.
T he B ritish P olitical E lite. By W. L. G uttsman.
T he P olitics of S carcity. By M yron W einer.
T he F oundations of N ew I ndia. By K. M. P anikkar.
N ew D irections in C omparative P olitics. By B ernard E. B rown.
L essons of P ublic E nterprise. A Fabian Society Study. Edited by M ichael S hanks.
N ationalisation. A Book of Readings. Edited by A. H. H anson.
T he M anagement of C apital P rojects. Studies in the Coal, Transport, and Electricity Supply Industries. By R. J. S. B aker.
T he N ature and L imits of P olitical S cience. By M aurice C owling.
S ocial S cience and P olitical T heory. By W. G. R unciman.
T he A rabs and T he W orld. By C harles D. C remeans.
C hanging L aw in D eveloping C ountries. Edited by J. N. D. A nderson.
T he C.E nemy. A programme of radical reform for the 1960s. By C. A. R. C rosland.
M asters of I ndecision. By G eorge K. Y oung.
D emocracy D ecentralisation , and D evelopment. By H enry M addick.
A merican S cientists and N uclear W eapons P olicy. By R obert G ilpin.
T he A ppeasers. By M.G ilbert and R ichard G ott.
B ritain D ivided. The Effect of the Spanish Civil War on British Political Opinion. By K. W. W atkins.
B ritain and T he U nited S tates. By H. G. N icholas.  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1978,49(3):363-366
Book reviewed in this article:
T he M ilitary and P olitics in M odern T imes . By A mos P erlmutter .
T he M ilitary C oup D'E tat as A P olitical P rocess ; E cuador 1948–1966. By J ohn F itch .
T he T ransfer O f P ower , 1942–47. V ol . VII: T he C abinet M ission , 23 M arch -29 J une 1946. Edited by N icholas M ansergh .
H arold L aski . By G. E astwood .
E ssays in L abour H istory 1918–39. Volume 3. By A. B riggs and J.S aville .
T he O rigins of B ritish B olshevism . By R. C hallinor .
T he N orthern I reland S ocial D emocratic and L abour P arty . By I an McA llister .
L abour and the L eft in the 1930s. By B en P imlott .
T he C onservatives : A H istory F rom T heir O rigins to 1965. Edited by L ord B utler
I nside R ight : A S tudy of C onservatism . By I an G ilmour .
P lanning and P rofit in the U rban E conomy . By T. A. B roadbent .
E nergy P olicy : A C onsultation D ocument .
T he W indscale I nquiry : R eport . By T he H on . M r . J ustice P arker . Vol. 1, Report and Annexes.
C oal on the S witchback : T he C oal I ndustry S ince N ationalisation . By I srael B erkovitch .
T he P overty of P ower : E nergy and the E conomic C risis . By B arry C ommoner .
L a B abel N ucleaire : E nergie et D eveloppement . P ar L ouis P uiseux .
S elf -H elp and H ealth : M utual A id for M odern P roblems. By D avid R obinson and S tuart H enry.
E strangement , A lienation and E xploitation. By J ohn T orrance.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
T he U niversity T eaching of S ocial S ciences : P olitical S cience . A Report prepared by W illiam A. R obson .
T he U niversity T eaching of S ocial S ciences : I nternational R elations . A Report prepared by C. A. W. M anning .
A n E ssay on R acial T ension . By P hilip M ason .
S cience and S ocial A ction . By W. J. H. S prott . ( Watts. 164 pp. 15 s .)
T he P sychology of P olitics . By H. J. E ysenck .
G ladstone : A B iography . By P hilip M agnus .
T empestuous J ourney : L loyd G eorge , his L ife and T imes . By F rank O wen .
G eneral U nion : A Study of the National Union of General and Municipal Workers. By H. A. C legg .
T he S ystem of I ndustrial R elations in G reat B ritian . Edited by A llan F landers and H. A. C legg .
A n I ntroduction to A merican P olitics . By D. W. B rogan .
F ive H undred B orstal B oys . By A. G. R ose .
I nternational R elations : T he W orld C ommunity in T ransition . By N orman D. P almer and H oward C. P erkins .
T he S py W eb : A S tudy in C ommunist E spionage . By F rancis N oel -B aker .
S ocial S ecurity in T he B ritish C ommonwealth . Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. By R onald M endelsohn .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1975,46(2):210-241
Book reviewed in this article:
P arliamentary S crutiny of G overnment B ills . By J. A. G. G riffith .
P ower and A uthority in B ritish U niversities . By G raeme C. M oodie and R owland E ustace .
I ndependence and D eterrence , B ritain and A tomic E nergy , 1945–1952. By M argaret G owing .
P ollution , S ocial I nterest and the law . By N eil G unnincham .
C hile 'S R oad to S ocialism . By S alvador A llende .
C hile 'S M arxist E xperiment . By R obert M oss .
R evolution and C ounter -R evolution in C hile . By M ichael R aptis (translated by J ohn S immonds ).
M odern T urkey . By G eoffrey L ewis .
E dwardian R adicalism , 1900–1914: S ome A spects of B ritish R adicalism . Edited by A. J. A. M orris .
T he S ocial P roblem in the P hilosophy of R ousseau . By J ohn C harvet .
R ousseau : S toic and R omantic . By K ennedy F. R oche .
G reedy I nstitutions . By L ewis A. C oser .
T he C onservative N ation . By A ndrew G amble .
T raditionalism , C onservatism and B ritish P olitical C ulture . By B ob J essop .
S ocial P olicy . By R ichard T itmuss . Edited by B rian A bel -S mith and K ay T itmuss .
U ncertain P assage : C hina 'S T ransition to the P ost -M ao E ra . By A. D oak B arnett .
T he C ollected W orks of W alter B agehot . T he P olitical W orks . Volumes V (449 pp.), VI (407 pp.), VII (455 pp.) and VIII (455 pp.). Edited by N orman S t . J ohn -S tevas .
D emocratic T heory and L ocal G overnment . By D ilys M. H ill .
THE E vangelistic B ureacrat . By J on G ower D avies .
T he H ouse of C ommons : S ervices and F acilities . Edited by M ichael R ush and M alcolm S haw .
B ritish C abinet M inisters : the R oles of P oliticians in E xecutive O ffice . By B ruce H eadey .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1991,62(2):294-313
Book reviews in this article:
T he B ritish C onquest and D ominion of I ndia . By S ir P enderel M oon .
T he E conomic F ailure of N uclear P ower in B ritain . By A lex H enney .
T he I maginary W ar: U nderstanding the E ast -W est C onflict . By M ary K aldor .
E unomia : N ew O rder for a N ew W orld . By P hilip A llott .
T he P olitical T heory of S wedish S ocial D emocracy: T hrough the W elfare S tate to S ocialism . By T im T ilton .
S weden : S ocial D emocracy in P ractice . By H enry M ilner
I deology and S trategy : A C entury of S wedish P olitics . By L eif L ewin .
L ords of F leet S treet : T he H armsworth D ynasty . By R ichard B ourne .
R awls : A T heory of J ustice and its C ritics . By C handran K ukathas and P hilip P ettit .
S tate , C ommunity and H uman D esire : A G roup C entred A ccount of P olitical V alues . By A ntony B lack .
P olitics in the S treets : T he O rigins of the C ivil R ights M ovement in N orthern I reland . By B ob P urdie .  相似文献   

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