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IT was 11 years ago when Chen Bei, then a high school student in Henan, stood at one of life's first crossroads. She, like several million other Chinese students, faced the annual "Gaokao," China's college entrance exam. Although it is equivalent to the SAT in the U.S. or the "A" levels in the U.K., it is considerably longer and more intimidating.  相似文献   

THE two-hour-long celebration in Tian'anmen Square on the morning of October 1 embodied the course of development that this nation has taken over the last six decades. The festivities were also about looking forward with best wishes for China's future. It became a focus of attention both domestically and internationally.  相似文献   

LIU JIE 《人权》2010,(2):13-17
China started to participate in the world's Human Rights (HR) development from the time when it began to reform and open up. The efforts over the past 30 years have made China one of the countries that are the best in respecting and protecting HR in the world. Not only has China made tremendous achievements in HR development but also attained a deeper understanding of HR that transcending ideology and the universal values for the mankind.  相似文献   

DUAN XIAOLEI 《人权》2010,(2):8-12
Toward the end of the 1970s, the United States began to implement its human rights (HR) diplomacy, trying to export its ideology by exercising hegemony as part of the cold war. Under its influence, some other western countries also introduced HR into their bilateral relations. The drastic changes in Eastern Europe and the disintegration of the Soviet Union gave the United States the chance of spearheading its HR attack against China.  相似文献   

WANG Tian's studio is tucked in a densely shaded section of Beijing's 798 Art District. Paintings featuring flamboyant colors and impressionist compositiou grab attention from passersby, but even more arresting is the sign bearing the facility name: "Autistic or Artistic? Art." This question is raised to the public by studio owner Wang Tian - can children with autism be cultivated into artists? Her answer is a resounding "yes."  相似文献   

ENTERING the WTO in 2001 has not only brought China a share in trade dividends but also opened up greater opportunities for the world economy.  相似文献   

In the run up to and the period after China’s accession to the WTO in 2001, the wolf is coming became a catchphrase among business and academic circles, re? ecting people’s fear of the coming global competition. In response to the new market landscape in the mak- ing, Chinese government and enterprises began to study WTO regulations and laws. China’s top leaders including President Jiang Zemin and Premier Zhu Rongji gave lectures to provincial governors on WTO-related topics.  相似文献   

IT is a common attribute of people absorbed in the humdrum of their daily lives that they fail to see the special qualities of the cities they call home. How many New Yorkers have never visited the Empire State building? How many Beijingers have never walked on the Great Wall nor explored the Forbidden City? We do not see what is directly around us when the pressures of the "real world" dictate how we spend our time and on what we focus our energies.  相似文献   

Transnational investments are a growing engine of globalization and have transformed world economic landscapes. They are also a crucial element of international exchanges and cooperation. The economic interdependence fostered by globalization has turned many old foes into mutually reliant trading partners.  相似文献   

索穷 《人权》2006,5(4):F0003-F0003
在拉萨市幸福新村,有一家远近闻名的曲珍孤儿院。孤儿院的创建者是现任院长尼玛的母亲仁增曲珍。从1997年开始,老人就在自己的家里抚养流浪的孤儿。由于附近的嘎玛贡桑小区是拉萨的城乡结合部,人员成份复杂,外来人口众多,包括朝佛的,经商的,过路的,还有盲流,出现了很多无人收养  相似文献   

THE sturdy earthen dwelling compounds known as tulou are typical of the residences to be found in mountainous Fujian Province, in southeastern China, and in July they were officially included on uNesCO’s list of World Heritage sites. According to the selection committee, the buildings represent exceptional examples of a building tradition that combines harmonious communal living arrangements with defensive needs, alongside a balanced relationship with nature.  相似文献   

《人权》杂志创刊于2002年2月,由在联合国经社理事会享有咨商地位的中国人权研究会主办,是中国人权领域第一份公开出版发行的国际性刊物,是中国人权理论建设、普及教育和中外人权对话的重要园地。  相似文献   

BAI ZHONGHONG 《人权》2008,(4):30-34
1. The International Protection of Women's Human Rights: Emergence of CEDAW
For a long time, women's rights have been excluded from traditional discourse on human right. The traditional discourse on human rights has developed without considering its impact upon women. Transforming this discourse to a perspective that will consider the needs and vindications of women is absolutely essential.1 Although international efforts addressing women's issues presumed to be associated with women began in the nineteenth century, it was in the postwar period that such activity gained a coherent focus under the auspices of United Nations.  相似文献   

克里丝汀·德尔菲在《主要的敌人:女性压迫的唯物主义分析》中,从女性介入的独特生产关系—家庭生产方式中找到了女性受压迫的物质性根源,使对女性问题的分析深深地扎根于历史唯物主义的理论领域,从而在马克思主义与女性主义之间找到了结合点,为解决当时女性主义面临的理论难题,进行了有益的尝试。  相似文献   

《人权》杂志创刊于2002年2月,由在联合国经社理事会享有咨商地位的中国人权研究会主办,是中国人权领域第份公开出版发行的权威性刊物。是中国人权理论建设、普及教育和中外人权对话的重要园地。  相似文献   

宁黎黎 《人权》2006,5(5):F0003-F0003
8月21日,由中华女子学院法律系和中华女子学院妇女人权研究中心联合主办的“就业性别岐视及其救济机制”国际研讨会在北京召开。来自中国人民大学、中华女子学院、中国社会科学院、最高人民法院及联合国妇女发展基金、哈佛大学等50余位中外学者出席了会议。  相似文献   

肖游 《人权》2006,5(2):F0003-F0003
3月17日,中国民间组织国际交流促进会(下称中促会)与联合国经社事务部非政府组织处在北京联合召开“千年发展目标论坛暨联合国非政府组织非正式区域网络/亚太区域网络启动会议“。联合国经社事务部非政府组织处处长哈妮法·梅佐伊博士,中国人权研究会等中促会成员组织、菲律宾亚洲土地改革和乡村发展民间组织联盟、越南友好组织联合会、日本和平之舟、巴基斯坦妇女政治学院、全印度妇女教育基金协会、泰国国家妇女院等33个组织的代表共40余人与会。中促会会长张志军在开幕式上致辞,联合国经社事务部非政府组织处处长哈妮法作了题为《联合国改革中加强同非政府组织伙伴关系》的主旨发言。  相似文献   

夏飞 《人权》2007,6(4):F0003-F0003
7月5日上午,中国人权研究会副会长兼秘书长董云虎在北京会见了由欧洲社会党主席、丹麦前首相波尔·尼鲁普·拉斯姆森率领的欧洲社会党高级代表团一行16人。  相似文献   

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