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Geographically,India is not a country in the region of the South China Sea,nor is it a country concerned in the issue on a geopolitical level or a US ally in the Asia-Pacific region.It has been very cautious to avoid taking sides in the South China Sea issue.However,since Modi took office in 2014,changes have taken place in the external environment that India faces,in maritime safety strategy,as well as in India's policies toward the US and China.India is becoming increasingly active in the issue of the South China Sea,voicing criticism and taking precautions against China.While India's policy on the South China Sea will not be completely the same as that of the United States and Japan,due to concerns for its own interests in the future,it is quite possible that India will take advantage of the issue of the South China Sea and will adopt more comprehensive ways to get involved in the issue.  相似文献   

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the end of the World War II and the victory of the Anti-Fascist War. The WWII is an unprecedented disaster for humanity and, however, it can never be guaranteed that world wars will not break out again in the future. Just as wars can be classified as cold wars and hot wars, peace can also be defined as cold peace and real peace. Cold Peace, as an unstable state in the international relations, may bring misleading perception of peace, where peace is taken for granted, and potential crises may lead to international conflicts/ wars. This is clearly reflected in concerns of western scholars as exemplified by what is called Kissinger’s Worry and Haass’s Question. This paper approaches the question from a strategic and historical perspective and draws the following three conclusions: 1) historically, it takes a long time for people to realize the negative impacts of wars; 2) currently, we are in a dangerous stage of cold peace in terms of international security; 3) the Sino-US and Sino-Japanese relations will be crucial to the major power relations that affect China’s the national security in the future. China should find ways to deal with the two major relations and play its role in maintaining the world peace.  相似文献   

正In this column,I would like to focus on the issue of planning for the future in terms of the policy development process.Much of the argument will be made by comparison of key features in this process between China and Central and Eastern Europe,on the basis of the experience from a study visit to China made in April 2015 at the invitation of CAFIU as a member of a delegation  相似文献   

The next 5-10 years will be a pivotal period in which China will implement its " 11 th Five-Year Plan" and accelerate its construction of " a moderately prosperous society." It will also be an important period for Russia's resurgence. Sino-Russian relations are therefore facing new challenges and will be steadily developing. Under these new circumstances, clearly defining China's national interests in Sino-Russian relations will be an important prerequisite of ensuring the healthy and stable development of bilateral relations and of safeguarding China's peace and security. For the foreseeable future, China's national interests in Sino- Russian relations will be the further consolidation of mutual trust between the two countries and increasing Sino-Russian security cooperation so as to maintain peace and security in China 's northern border areas. As the two countries are both in a phase of social transformation, they can nevertheless learn from each other throughout this process. China will continue promoting diversity of cultures and the multi-polarization of world. China should also exploit Sino-Russian economic cooperation and try to frame a joint strategy with Russia in order to achieve common development and prosperity. Consequently, the two countries will be able to march forward side by side along the path of economic reforms and structural adjustment." In the 21st Century, China and Russia not only need to maintain a good neighbor relationship and guarantee their joint security, but also build a closer cooperation in their common development.  相似文献   

We must take into account China's unique national conditions when deciding how to build a "think-tank cluster".China is a huge country,its billion-plus population is three times as large as Europe's,four times that of the US and 10 times bigger than Japan's.That means that Chinese elites and intellectuals should also outnumber their European,American,and Japanese counterparts;they number in the millions.Each year there are about six million new university graduates in China,which is about the population of Singapore.Another special feature of China's national condition is how the public is concemed about governance;this concern can now be said to be a part of the Chinese DNA.  相似文献   

As China’s economy and global influence increase,its international relations are quickly changing.As more credence is given to predictions of a"China Century"to follow the"American Century,"interest is also increasing in the adjustments China is making to its strategic diplomacy as it prepares to take the first chair from the United States.The conceptual innovation in China’s diplomacy in 2014 is a significant harbinger in the eyes of many as to how this China Century will shape up.While China’s new diplomacy is praised,opinion differs on its future intentions.After a series of proposals were put forward at summit meetings of CICA(Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in  相似文献   

The THAAD issue stirs up the strategic security situation in Northeast Asia and the world,damaging mutual trust between China and South Korea as well as that between China and the United States,testing China's ability to safeguard strategic security interests and handle relations with neighboring countries and among major powers.China's reaction attracts wide attention,including misunderstanding and criticism.There is a view that the alliance between the United States and South Korea is dominated by the United States and followed by South Korea,marked by deployment of THAAD.China's countermeasures should be targeted at the United States.China should not set the South Korea as the main target.There is also a view that China overreacted,and that China should confine responses to military matters and ought not to expand them to areas of economy and trade as well as cultural exchange.Other opinions hold that the deployment of THAAD is related to the North Korea issue and that China should oppose North Korean nuclear buildup instead of THAAD.  相似文献   

China and Africa: An Initial Analysis of the Involvement of China's State-owned Enterprises in the Construction of the Three Grand Networks in Africa
Zhi Yuchen
China's cooperation with Africa in constructing the three grand networks in Africa not only reflects China's economic and trade policies towards Africa, but also meets the needs of the social and economic development in Africa. The active participation of the Chinese state-owned enterprises in such projects on the bases of their advantages not only imply their needs of internationalization, but also facilitates the state-owned capital to make contributions to China's external economic and trade strategy. This paper, based on the facts of China's investment and achievements in the construction of communication infrastructure in Africa as well as the reality of African planning and construction of communication networks, has meticulously analyzed the major concerns of the five sub-regions in Africa and talked about the significance of Chinese stateowned enterprises' participation in the construction of the three grand networks in Africa as well as the governing principles and possible routes.  相似文献   

Will 2014 be remembered as a chaotic year a decade or two in the future?Not necessarily so.Looking back at the post-Cold War years,only two major developments stand out:the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the rise of the emerging countries such as China.They both mark a shift in global power distribution,from major powers to smaller stakeholders,from the Atlantic to the Pacific,and from the developed to the developing worlds.From this perspective,nothing that extraordinary happened in 2014.purchasing power parity(PPP).Trans-Pacific rivalry also escalated in the first half of the year,particularly in the East China Sea and the South  相似文献   

Over recent years, the oil dispute in the East China Sea has become a new contradictory focus in Sino-Japanese relations after the issues of the Yasukuni Shrine and history text book. This article tries to take the oil dispute in the East China Sea as a penetrating point to analyze the basic line of thinking in Japan's China energy policy adjustment so as to better recognize the current situation and future of Sino-Japanese energy relations.  相似文献   

China’s presence in Africa has a long history of cordial interaction spanning from ancient to contemporary times.The history of China-Africa relations is held in high esteem by the two sides,as both share a history of foreign invasions and of solidarity for a common destiny.However,new narratives promoted by antagonists of China’s presence in Africa are constructed to portray China in a negative light without recourse to history.Arguably,the Chinese exploration of Africa can be said to have started many centuries before the arrival of Europeans on the continent.  相似文献   

In order to address the increasingly complicated and volatile security situation at home and abroad, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has put forward clear strategic requirements “to improve the national security system” and taken as its general goal “to institute a centralized, unifi ed, effi cient and authoritative national security system,” which gives full expression to the important position of a national security system in the work of national security. China’s national security system refers to the sum total of the specifi c institutions and codes of conduct for the administration of national security and is aimed at providing institutional support to ensure that China is a secure state and has the capacity to remain so. The division of functions of national security, the administration system of state security organs, the management system of human resources for national security, the power-responsibility mechanism and legal guarantees are the essential elements that constitute China’s national security system. We can clearly understand the characteristics of China’s national security system in different periods and trace its development by studying its history. Besides, we must be fully aware that such problems as insufficient research into the national security system, unclear division of the functions of national security, lack of strength in the building of state security organs, and a lag in the construction of the legal system concerning national security, inhibit the full functionality of China’s national security system. If these problems are not solved in a timely manner, China will have diffi culty resolving the various challenges to its national security. Therefore, the most effective ways to improve China’s national security system are: to defi ne in a scientifi c and rational style the functions of China’s national security at the present stage, give full rein to the powers of the National Security Committee of the CPC Central Committee; and forge a high-quality national security force.  相似文献   

As one of the victorious Allies of World War I,China attended the Paris Peace Conference in 1919.To a certain extent,the conference can be regarded as the true beginning of global governance.It was followed by the establishment of the Versailles-Washington System,the first international pattern with world participation.Although it was involved in global governance from the outset,China has experienced four periods of twisting and turning,in which both China and the international pattern have exerted profound influence on one another.It is clear that China has gradually turned from passive to active in this process.  相似文献   

Over recent years, Japanese right-wing conservatist forces have launched a media and diplomatic attack of shifting the blame of "hindering the development of Sino-Japanese relations" on to China. They said that China was playing the history card, seizing Japan's historical fault as a handle against Japan. Some public figures in China also advocate sheltering the issue of the perception of history in order to improve  相似文献   

This article argues for the confirmation of Marxist philosophy as the ideology that guides international relations (IR) studies in China. Justification comes through the following points. According to Marxism, correct theoretical guidance serves as the prerequisite for correct practice. Marxist philosophy embodies, by nature, righteousness, in opposition to political hegemony. Accordingly, practice under its guidance represents fruitful revolutionary realism. Finally, advanced studies of international relations in this country cannot be separated from philosophical thinking. Using these arguments as background, this article specifically advocates materialism, patriotism, and service to the people as the corner-stone of China's IR theory building.  相似文献   

At the beginning of the year, the editorial staff of this journalinvited some of the senior research professors of China Institute of Con-temporary International Relations to a pen-discussion to express theirviews on the world's political, economic and security prospects in 1997.We hope their analyses would be of some interests to our readers. As al-ways, the views they expressed here do not necessarily represent the viewsof China Institute of Contemporary International Relations.  相似文献   

Global oil markets are increasingly jittery because of the recent political turbulence in North Africa and the Middle East,prompting China to seek more cooperation with other countries in the field of unconventional energy resources.Considering form the perspective of a hedging strategy,China should expand its cooperation with developed energy-exporting countries.China and Canada are highly complementary in the areas of energy exploration and mutual trade and this provides a broad space for their energy cooperation.However,up until now,this potential has not yet been fully explored,and there have been few substantial achievements in bilateral energy cooperation.Various reasons,including economical and political,can be attributed to this.The Chinese government and enterprises should both make efforts to overcome obstacles and make good use of all advantages to further develop energy cooperation with Canada,so as to realize greater energy politics and economic interests.  相似文献   

正This is Victor Gao, on behalf of CCG(Center for China and Globalization). It is our great pleasure to attend this important meeting. In today's world,many developing countries have the utmost need to develop economy to build up their capacities. I would urge all countries in the world to provide as much support as possible to the economic development of these developing countries, including both equity and debt. I think nation-building and capacity-building is a very important way to create more jobs and to lift people out of poverty in many parts of the world.  相似文献   

China-U.S. relationship is the most important one between two big powers in the world today. It is both bilateral and global by nature. How to handle this relationship is closely linked with the fundamental interests of the U.S. and China, as well as peace and stability in the Asia Pacific region and even in the world. So, a profound examination of the nature of U.S. strategy toward China and its evolution over the years will help to fully understand the opportunities and challenges China will meet in the course of peaceful development.  相似文献   

正The relations between China and global governance can be defined and explained in the following aspects:history of China's presence in global governance institutions,China's current relations with global governance institutions,China's role in leading institutions of global governance(such as UN Security Council and G20)and China's future contribution to global  相似文献   

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