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女性主义是唯一以性别作为理解世界政治的核心的理论。然而 ,以经典现实主义为代表的国际关系理论传统却忽视或否认国际关系中的性别问题。本文通过女性主义视角对权力政治加以重新评价 ,以反映性别与国际关系的关联性。第一部分主要借助汉斯·摩根索的著作来描述权力政治概念 ,揭示现实主义国际关系理论是构建在对政治人、国家和国际体系的男权主义表述上 ;第二部分则依靠性别对经典现实主义加以解构 ,主要从女性主义角度重新定义权力政治概念 ,并且通过对权力的多种来源、多层含义和广泛人性的表述 ,挑战现实主义理论范式 ;结论部分谈到女性主义将性别作为分析范畴引入国际关系研究的意义。  相似文献   

区域化、区域政治与区域治理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
区域化、区域政治与区域治理是全球化、全球政治与全球治理的重要组成部分,倍受重视,形式多样,并形成跨区域化与次区域化的突破.  相似文献   

We broaden the analysis of aid flows by investigating the effects of domestic and transnational electoral politics on Japanese overseas development assistance(ODA). We also consider measures of external financial balance and Japan's importance in the international trading system. We present a method for assessing shifts in Japanese ODA policy. We find that Liberal Democratic Party popularity affects the size of the Japanese ODA budget and the way that ODA is allocated. There is also limited evidence that ODA allocations are sensitive to the timing of U.S. elections. By contrast, Japan's changing importance in the international trading system and its current account and exchange rate positions account for little of the inter-temporal variation in Japanese ODA policy.  相似文献   

This essay calls attention to the work of sociologist Martin Spencer, who once offered an uncommon understanding of political communications in the United States. According to Spencer, public discourse not only propels action but constitutes action in and of itself on occasion. This means that political rhetoric can have both an injunctive effect on political actors and can also stand as a kind of completed “action” in its own right. The importance of these principles is examined here, and some of their implications are delineated.  相似文献   

2007年的马来西亚国内政局,前期比较平静,后期出现两场大集会,对政府是一个考验,但对马来西亚总体政治形势没有造成太大的冲击;经济发展受到美国次贷等因素影响,出口和制造业增长缓慢,但服务业等其他经济部门仍保持较强增长,全年经济增长依然维持6%左右的水平;对外关系发展比较顺利,与大国的关系及与邻国的合作都有所发展。  相似文献   

Sovereign creditworthiness is as much a function of politics as economic fundamentals. Previous research has focused on the relationship between creditworthiness and political factors such as regime type, regional effects, and international organization membership. These factors, while important, often change slowly and do not always capture the more dynamic political determinants of creditworthiness. As an alternative, this study focuses on the role of leaders. We argue that leaders’ tenure reduces uncertainty in the sovereign credit market. Time in power allows leaders to better manage expectations related to sovereign credit policy of both domestic supporters and market actors. As a result, we expect that creditworthiness improves as a leader’s tenure increases. We find supporting evidence for our argument using two distinct empirical approaches: panel data analysis and a natural experiment. Our findings provide a better understanding of the relationship between leaders, politics, and sovereign credit.  相似文献   

Extant work on status attribution has largely focused on major powers or state capabilities as key explanatory factors driving these social processes and suggests that status considerations increase conflicts between states. We argue for a more comprehensive approach to status attribution that considers international norms as another major factor that is weighed in the attribution process. We contend that states (policymakers) evaluate one another not only on the basis of economic and military capabilities but also on the extent to which there is behavioral conformance with normative expectations and reward one another dependent upon whether these expectations are met. However, this attribution of status is dependent upon the level of contestation pertaining to that norm. Using a data set that assesses consistency with six different norms (resource transference, multilateralism, economic liberalism, democratic governance, respect for human rights, and peaceful dispute resolution), we find that status attribution is associated with norm-consistent behavior but only when these norms are uncontested at the global level.  相似文献   


The central argument of this paper is that suicide has had a long and explicit role in politics and in conflict. Turning to historical examples for insight offers many advantages to current efforts to understand and respond to suicide terrorism. In particular, it facilitates greater objectivity and a calmer consideration of the actors and circumstances than can often be the case with contemporary events. Explanations of suicide in terms of madness, brainwashing, coercion, and fanaticism ring hollow with many of the historical cases, and other explanations, causes, and processes take on greater significance. By considering a number of case examples, this article shows how improved historical awareness can provide badly needed objective insight and help reveal strategic trends and issues. The article illustrates how historical cases offer valuable material and insight which is often extremely difficult to acquire on contemporary protagonists. Lessons and issues for research and policy are highlighted.

I balanced all, brought all to mind,
The years to come seemed waste of breath,
A waste of breath the years behind
In balance with this life, this death
—W. B. Yeats 1 1. W. B. Yeats, “An Irish airman forsees his death.” The Poems (London: Everyman, 1919/1990).
An earlier version of this paper was presented at “Suicide Terrorism Research Conference,” October 25–26, 2004, Washington, D.C.  相似文献   

2003年是马来西亚社会发展中相当重要的一年。是年马来西亚受到伊拉克战争、“SARS”肆虐等事件的猛烈冲击 ,与邻国和西方国家仍时有纠纷 ,甚至一度掀起轩然大波 ,政局虽然比较稳定 ,但政府依然面对反对党的严峻挑战。而特别令人注目的是 ,随着任职22年之久的前首相马哈蒂尔退休 ,马来西亚正式进入后马哈蒂尔时代。一、2003年政治2003年 ,执政党 ,特别是最大执政党巫统仍然面对同是马来人政党的最大反对党———伊斯兰教党的严峻挑战。伊斯兰教党党员将近百万人 ,目前控制着丁加奴和吉兰丹两个州政权 ,声称下届大选时要夺取吉打、彭亨等马…  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to advance our understanding of how negativity affects voters’ assessments of the positions candidates take on issues. We argue that the inferences people make about candidates’ positions on issues differ depending on whether the information they encounter comes from attack or self-promotional statements. Specifically, we posit that attacks offer two pieces of information to voters—insight into the positions of the target and the sponsor—whereas, positive information only affects perceptions of the sponsor. Further, we contend that attacks offer important correctives to candidates’ often misleading self-promotional claims. By drawing attention to the differences between the informational content of negative and positive appeals, we offer new insights into the inferences voters make about candidates’ positions on issues. We support these claims using data from an internet-based experiment employing a nationally representative sample of nearly 4,000 people. The paper concludes by teasing out a series of implications that arise from these insights.  相似文献   

This article argues that 'Meciarism' represented an inevitable phase on Slovakia's way towards democracy and a market economy - it was the 'Slovak must'. 'Meciarism' as a distinct phase of development was determined by the fact that state-building and democratic transition took place at the same time and were fostered by peculiar traditional features of Slovak political culture. The first substantive section of the article introduces the theory and practice of 'Meciarism'. The attempt to clarify core features and their ideological roots is illustrated by a selection of examples that depict the reality of 'Meciarist rule' and the coalition government's political style. The second section investigates the political environment on the civic level, which was favourable to the emergence of 'Meciarism', and argues that 'civic incompetence' was the main reason for Prime Minister Meciar's political success. Finally, the third section explores the historic origins of 'Meciarism'. It shows how distinctive historical conditions and constellations shaped Slovak society's political culture to such an extent that 'Meciarism' was an inevitable feature of the first years of national independence.  相似文献   


This paper examines the factors influencing the support for Russia’s Ukraine policy. Western sanctions imposed on Russia have crippled its economy and the general well-being of its people. However, support for Moscow’s Ukraine policy remains firm among the Russian population, who believe that the West has malevolent intentions toward Russia. The Russian elite has skillfully utilized identity politics for national consolidation and to mobilize support for its Ukraine policy by manipulating Russian history, beliefs, and worldviews. Russians see themselves as righteous people who are highly capable of dealing with difficulties and certainly as winners in the conflict with the West.  相似文献   

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