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美国公共服务的市场化改革   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
作为决策与执行分离在中观层面上的体现,公共服务市场化逐渐走入了我国行政改革的视野,一些地方政府开始在实践中进行相关的探索。应当看到,公共服务市场化在美国已经推行了数十年,在取得显著效益的同时也暴露出一些问题,对之进行研究,可以深化我们在公共服务市场化上的认识,更  相似文献   

本研究通过对渝北地区S村的实地调查,提出了代内剥削概念作为分析和探讨光棍产生的新工具,认为在低度代际责任的情况下,能否有机会外出获取婚姻机会,对于农村的未婚男子能否成婚非常重要。在兄弟多的家庭里,长子囿于长兄如父责任伦理限制没有机会外出务工获得经济资源和女性资源而沦为光棍。以往对光棍问题的研究主要集中在男女性别比严重失衡、经济困难、个人身心残缺等层面,但学者们都常忽视了兄弟之间对家庭有限资源和机会的争夺这一重要因素。  相似文献   

民族民主革命是摆脱了殖民地桎梏的民族争取社会主义的革命斗争实践所提出来的迫切问题之一。这是一个十分复杂而认识很不一致的问题。我国理论界对此尚研究得很不充分,对它的本质、性质、动力、规律性以及发展前景都需要作进一步的深入理论研究。近几年苏联出版了为数不少的关于民族民主革命的本质和性质的著作,其作者们要么把这一革命说成是“新型革命”、“特殊类型的革命”,要么说成是“过渡类型的革命”、“资产阶级民主革命”,也有说是“社会主义革命的一部分”。  相似文献   

费孝通社区研究方法考析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许化宁 《学理论》2010,(2):70-71,75
费孝通继承了吴文藻社区研究概念,吸取欧美社会学的精华,发展了社区研究方法。首先,构建应用类型社区比较研究方法,不仅开阔了社区研究的视野,而且在一定程度上深化了人们对中国社会发展及其现代化道路的认识和了解;其次,开创了从实地社区研究转变为社会结构分析的先河,为人们提供了更全面、更深刻地认识中国基本国情的方法;第三,引用社会人类学的实地调查方法,研究中国现社区制度与经济生活,使社会人类学成为一种名符其实的应用科学。这些研究方法的创新,在国际社会学界奠定了社会学中国学派的基础。  相似文献   

互联网视野下高校思想政治教育的对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗湘明 《学理论》2009,(28):185-186
当前,网络己经成为影响青年学生成长的重要因素,它不仅能使青年学生更便捷地掌握科学技术,也可以成为加强对他们思想品德和理想信念教育的重要手段。如何更好地将网络文化引进校园,把网络文化与校园文化有机的结合起来,建设一种良好的校园网络文化将是一个值得我们思考和研究的问题。本文针对互联网对高校思想政治教育的正反两方面影响,论述了互联网视野下高校搞好思想政治教育应采取的具体对策。  相似文献   

一个社会的本质、特征和理想追求集中表现为该社会的核心价值观念。过去很长时期,我们对社会主义的认识一直停留在制度和特征层面上,认为社会主义就是生产资料公有制、计划经济、按劳分配、无产阶级专政等一系列经济政治制度,而对社会主义核心价值取向问题的认识重视不够。要超越单纯从具体制度和特征上认识社会主义,就需要从价值视野来深化对社会主义本质的认识。就现实而言,核心价值观是一个国家和社会的精神支柱。  相似文献   

黄海 《瞭望》2004,(20)
再过几天就是5月20日,是陈水扁所谓“就职”的日子。从“3·20”,台湾地区领导人选举揭晓之日到“5·20”,短短的两个月,人们集中看到了动荡不安的台湾政局,集中看到了由于陈水扁的所作所为导致的持续僵持并渐趋紧绷的两岸关系,也集中看到了美国因素在台湾问题上的更加凸显。  相似文献   

感觉了的东西,我们不能立即理解它;而理解了的东西,才能更深刻地感觉它.这是毛泽东同志提出来的一个深刻的哲学思想.在群众路线问题上,我们往往也会经历这样一个认识过程.今年3月间十三届六中全会通过了《中共中央关于加强党同人民群众联系的决定》,群众路线的问题又重新摆到了全党面前.许多党组织认真组织学习这个决定,从中央到地方,广大党员干部身体力行,深入基层,深入群众,党和群众的血肉联系得到了进一步的加强.但是也应当看到,有一些同志对群众路线的认识还停留在表面的浅层次认识上.他们认为,只要到工厂、乡村、学校里转一转,逢年过节对群众表示一下慰问,或者象征性地参加一些体力劳  相似文献   

金融全球化在推动世界经济发展的同时,也从根本上改变了国际市场的结构,并且会使局部金融危机在国际间迅速传染.从次贷危机引发的经济危机中我们可以对一些金融规律和经济规律有更理性和更深刻的认识,特别是对于在危机中被广泛评判的杠杆化应该有更清醒的认识以避免盲目的行为.  相似文献   

梁林 《学理论》2010,(12):49-50
从人类个性的角度对全球化加以认识和剖析,可以看到全球化是人类活动的重要组成部分。本文从全球化对人类个性发展的正反两方面的影响出发,牵引出中国人个性重建的历史境遇与自主探索,重点分析全球化视野下中国人个性的实现。  相似文献   

中国社会转型期性别失衡带来的男性婚姻挤压问题对农村养老的影响是中国人口社会可持续发展的重大问题之一。本文利用2008—2010年的三次农村人口专项抽样调查数据,从性别、年代、婚姻、区域、人口流动等多视角综合分析了性别失衡背景下农村居民的养老意愿、代际支持行为以及男性失婚对父母生活满意度的影响,并探讨了婚姻挤压对中国农村养老带来的挑战及政策建议。研究发现,男性婚姻挤压问题已经对农村养老产生了重要影响:大龄未婚男性成为打算依靠政府救济养老的主要人群;大龄未婚男性给予父母的代际支持较弱、父母的生活满意度较低。文章丰富和发展了养老研究的视角,初步识别了性别失衡给农村养老所带来的负面后果,研究有利于进一步认识性别失衡的人口社会后果,并为综合治理性别失衡问题提供现实依据。  相似文献   

Regionalization processes across Western Europe have triggered analyses of regional policy divergence. Yet, in a number of cases, regional governments appear to have deliberately strived to achieve policy conformity. Previous research tends to emphasize exogenous explanations of regional policy convergence. In contrast, this paper addresses the issue of regional policy convergence by focusing on endogenous explanatory factors. Its objective is to carry out an investigation of when, how, and with what effect a ‘desire for conformity’ arises, and contends that regional governments may actively cultivate policy similarity as a strategy to develop or secure their policy capacity. Specifically, the paper argues that the adoption of this strategy is contingent upon two requirements that may or may not be met, and that its outcome is the convergence on targeted dimensions of regional policies. The two requirements are: (i) a countrywide public preference for policy uniformity in the policy area of concern, and (ii) the presence of a threat posed to regional policy capacity by various political entrepreneurs, including the central state, who blame regions for providing divergent policies on particular dimensions. This paper is based on the comparison of two case studies where regional governments deliberately pursued policy conformity on targeted dimensions of their education policy: school-building policy in France and curricula policy in Germany. The two case studies also present dissimilar features that make it possible to investigate the effects of institutional setting and policy distribution on the adoption and operation of the active-cultivation-of-policy-similarity strategy.  相似文献   

Predispositions and orientation toward cooperation or competition with other jurisdictions can play a critical role in implementing regional collaboration. By examining collaboration at the micro level, this article investigates how individual factors, including perceptions of cooperation and competition, as well as institutional and environmental factors, are related to regional collaboration. In particular, the authors assert that competitive motivation may support the emergence of regional governance mechanisms. This article explores the relationships between competitive/cooperative motivations and interlocal collaboration networks based on a network survey conducted in the Orlando, Florida, metropolitan area. The authors apply a quadratic assignment procedure regression analysis to examine how dyadic conceptual ties of cooperation and competition, along with the effect of community characteristics, affect policy network structures for economic development. By comparing estimated coefficients with sampling distributions of coefficients from all of the permuted data sets, the regression results indicate the influences of perceived competition/cooperation on the network exchange.  相似文献   

Subnational governments have become more numerous and more powerful around the world, increasing the importance of subnational elections. However, we still know little about the impact of regional electoral outcomes on citizens' political support, and there is no systematic comparison of the impact of election outcomes on citizens' satisfaction with democracy. In this research note, we provide such a comparison by investigating how the winner-loser gap in citizens’ satisfaction with democracy differs across regional and national elections. Using data from Canada, Germany and Spain, we first show that there is a winner-loser gap in satisfaction with democracy following regional elections. The winner-loser gap at the regional level is, however, substantially smaller than the one generated by national election outcomes. Next, we find heterogeneous effects for voters who believe that the regional government strongly influences their quality of life. We conclude by discussing the implications of our findings.  相似文献   

The article is a summary of a research programme utilising aggregate data at the communal level to explore regional variations in Social Democratic and Communist electoral strength. These variations have persisted since the party split of 1920. The most important factors explaining electoral strength seem to be geopolitical, geoeconomic, or organisational in nature. Political developments preceding the Civil War do not seem to be very significant.  相似文献   

Academic scholarship regarding the role of political parties in the Arab world remains largely underdeveloped in comparison to analyses focusing on the role of political Islam or on authoritarian resilience. Although both of these fields of research contain useful paradigms for explaining aspects of the region’s political development, this overemphasis means that there is a lack of meaningful analysis of political participation. This article seeks to analyze the role of political parties in the light of regional transition processes since the Arab uprisings, claiming that the region’s political history and sociocultural makeup can help in explaining that much of the popular mobilization in the Arab world following the Arab revolutions took place outside of institutionalized politics. First, the article reviews and analyzes relevant theories of political parties. Second, the article presents a comparative analysis of existing theories and case studies of political parties being part of transition processes in Latin America and Eastern Europe. Taking this as starting point, the article, by looking at the Egyptian and Tunisian cases, demonstrates the limited role of political parties in connection with the regional transitory processes, with the ambition of presenting some relevant analytical tools as well as useful hints for further analyses of political transformation processes in the Middle East.  相似文献   

While the European Union’s Lisbon Treaty has important implications for regional parliaments with legislative competences, most studies have focused on cross-country differences or examined the activities of regional parliaments at the EU level. This contribution shows the existence of substantial intra-country differences in the formal scrutiny rights of regional parliaments. We analyse how German regional parliaments (Landtage) have addressed the challenge of controlling their governments in EU affairs. Using fuzzy-set comparative qualitative analysis, we find that institutional and partisan factors (vote share in the second chamber, economic potential, and conservative governments) explain the differences found among German Landtage particularly well. Landtage with otherwise weak parliamentary prerogatives were successful in using the reform momentum to strengthen their rights in the field of EU policy. Combined with the party political salience of EU policy-making, the integration process has thus empowered formally weaker Landtage.  相似文献   

Research shows that electoral systems, gender quotas and a country's socio-economic development affect women's legislative representation (WLR). Less attention is paid to the effects of the rise of regional political arenas and multilevel politics on WLR. Due to less costly and competitive electoral campaigns, women can have easier access to regional legislatures. We argue that this relationship is mitigated by the distribution of competences between the different levels of the political system and that decentralization's effect on WLR at the regional level is dependent on the regions’ political power. To test this, we use an original dataset on WLR in 383 regional parliaments in 19 European countries from 1970 to 2018. Results of the three-level models show that more political authority vested into regions leads to a lower level of WLR in the legislatures of the more politically powerful regions in comparison with not only the regions possessing less authority but also with the national parliament. Possible explanations for this effect, such as the attractiveness of these positions to the mostly male political elite and, consequently, increased costs and competitiveness of electoral campaigns, are suggested.  相似文献   

司法鉴定样本是指从受审查客体中抽取的用于进行比对和分析的样品或标本.司法鉴定样本可以分为比对样本和分析样本两大类.司法鉴定样本的种类、数量以及收集样本的主体、程序和方法等,对鉴定意见的客观性和合法性都会产生直接或间接影响.要确保司法鉴定的客观性和合法性,收集和制作司法鉴定样本必须坚持同类性原则、重复性原则、相近性原则、充分性原则和合法性原则.  相似文献   

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