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建设现代化经济体系必须以供给侧结构性改革为主线。清晰地探讨供给侧结构性改革问题需建立一个层级结构的认识框架,可从宏观动力维度、中观产业维度和微观企业维度等三个维度去分析。从宏观维度看,经济增长有赖于劳动、资本、全要素生产率三大动力;从中观维度看,制造业、实体经济依然对GDP的增长具有举足轻重的作用;从微观维度看,企业的改革与发展是基础。在深化供给侧结构性改革的过程中,要注意增强改革的系统性、整体性、协同性,三个维度的改革统筹推进。  相似文献   

2017年是供给侧结构性改革深化之年,我国经济运行中出现的问题,虽然有周期性、总量性的因素,但根源是重大结构性失衡。推进供给侧结构性改革需要处理好四个方面的重大关系:政府和市场的关系、短期和长期的关系、减法和加法的关系、供给和需求的关系。  相似文献   

党内关系是党的建设中一个研究尚薄弱的领域.近二十年来,学术界对这一问题的研究,主要集中在党内关系的概念,特点,主要内容,作用,影响党内关系的因素,党内关系目前存在的问题,处理党内关系的原则、方法和党内关系的理想状况等方面,取得了一定的成绩,但党内关系研究仍需在多个方面作出努力.  相似文献   

金融高质量发展是新时代一个重大的理论和现实问题。从理论上说,需要反思当今时代全球一个影响力巨大的流派——新自由主义发展金融理论。该理论以"理性人"为研究起点,抽掉了现实金融世界中的"金融关系",开出的方案在现实中导致了金融脱实向虚和风险激增等问题。我们应该将金融发展问题拉回人间,以现实中切实存在的金融关系问题及其治理为视角深入思考金融高质量发展问题。从理论上推进"金融关系"视角的发展金融学研究,在现实中基于"金融关系"视角,从制度和文化双重维度考察实现金融高质量发展的路径和方法将成为新时代金融高质量发展中聚焦性理论与现实问题。随着中国发展金融理论在实践中的逐渐成功,将为人类贡献实现金融现代化的中国方案。  相似文献   

本文把角色意识与角色行为纳入领导者行为要素的研究框架,通过抽样调查的实证研究方法,从工具性和表现性两个维度,探讨工具性和表现性角色意识与工具型导向和人际型导向角色行为之间的内在关系。研究结果表明:领导者的角色意识兼有工具性和表现性特征,角色行为的人际型导向较为显着;领导者角色意识和角色行为存在相关性,但不一定是正相关,工具性角色意识也可能指向人际型导向的角色行为。  相似文献   

白领新移民与本地居民的社会支持关系及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过557位白领新移民相关数据的分析发现:大多数白领新移民与本地居民建立过社会支持关系,其中建立工具性支持和社交陪伴关系的白领新移民多于建立情感支持关系的人,但所有类型支持关系的总量均不多。从影响因素来看,女性、居住时间长、工作情境和居住小区中本地居民的比例越高的白领新移民,其与本地居民建立各种社会支持关系均会更多;拥有本地户口的白领移民与本地居民建立的工具性支持关系更多,但经济收入越高的白领新移民与本地居民建立的情感性支持关系反而更少。  相似文献   

供需关系是基本公共服务领域的重要课题,将获得感作为沟通基本公共服务供给侧和需求侧的桥梁,可以避免传统研究从"供给侧"谈"供给侧"的弊端,解决基本公共服务改革领域"如何改"和"改成什么样"两大问题。研究基本公共服务供给侧改革应当以需求侧的公众获得感提升为指引和凭依,通过导入中介环节构建新的供需关系模型,以此作为供给评价的理论基础。在对评价体系的探索性研究中,引入关键绩效指标法以KRA和KPA为研究工具,将获得感解构为六种基本感受,作为评价基本公共服务供给的总的标准和依据,即一级维度;通过十八个二级维度的建构将一级维度中的感受与基本公共服务的供给特征联系起来,从而将供给侧与需求侧的逻辑关系即基本公共服务供给与获得感提升的关联通过评价维度再现出来。  相似文献   

政党关系和谐的基本内涵与当代要求   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘红凛 《理论探讨》2007,(4):112-115
政党关系不仅是一个规范性的理论问题,更是一个实践问题;不仅包括政党关系和谐的本质,还包括政党关系的内容范围与和谐程度。从本质上看,政党关系是各政党在政治实践中形成的一种互动关系,是一种动态的发展或平衡状态,其内容涉及到政党政治的各个环节、各个层次,这种关系有积极与消极之分、和谐与不和谐之别。政党关系和谐是政党关系的一种良好或理想状态,其本质在于和而不同、求同存异,配合得当、各尽所能,功能优化、利益共享,各得其所、彼此满足,协调发展、共同繁荣。在构建社会主义和谐社会的视野下,要结合和谐社会的本质要求与民主政治的时代要求来审视我国的政党制度与政党关系和谐,进一步坚持与完善我国政党制度。  相似文献   

赵婵 《学理论》2013,(20):114-116
权利表象是表见代理中一个值得研究的内容,因为司法实践中,要判断一个行为是否是表见代理首先就要从它是否具有表见代理的权利表象入手。将表见代理权的本质界定为基础法律关系和授权行为的综合表象,同时满足基础法律关系和授权行为的表象才能认定是表见代理权利表象。表见代理权利表象的本质的分析,对于全面深入的认识表见代理具有重要意义。这样才能将表见代理研究得更深入、细致,才能更好地指导司法实践。  相似文献   

人们视角与方法的不同 ,产生着不同的歧义理解。因此 ,对社会主义本质的认识 ,必须不断深化。要全面理解 ,不能断章取义 ;要从社会主义本质和公有制的关系上认识社会主义本质 ;要明确地认识到社会主义本质的实现是一个长期渐进的发展进程。  相似文献   

In Frontiers of Justice, Martha Nussbaum applies the “Capabilities Approach,” which she calls “one species of a human rights approach,” to justice issues that have in her view been inadequately addressed in liberal political theory. These issues include rights of the disabled, rights that transcend national borders, and animal rights issues. She demonstrates the weakness of Rawlsianism, contractualism in general, and much of the Kantian tradition in moral philosophy and shows the need to move beyond the limitations of narrow rationalism, nationalism, and speciesism. Nevertheless, Nussbaum fails to elaborate adequately the grounds for her own capabilities position or to face fundamental theoretical questions about the nature and implications of that position.  相似文献   

Abstract: A corporate management framework has been the basis for a transformation of Australian public administration in recent years. Program budgeting, corporate planning, performance contracts, program evaluation and new forms of efficiency scrutiny are among the techniques introduced. They stem from a dominant paradigm of technical and instrumental rationality, within which a framework of practical remedies and technologies of power carries the corporate management label. Four concepts underly this framework and its techniques: the product format, instrumentalism, integration and purposive action. The framework has fundamental problems. The product format is inappropriate for many public services and overvalues quantifiable, single-purpose outputs while denigrating claims of worth and effectiveness made on non-economic grounds; instrumentalism ignores the political dimensions of public organisations; integration denies the value of decentralised forms of service development and delivery and, paradoxically, contradicts current private management precepts; and purposive action displays an unwarranted optimism about the potency of technical rationality under central direction. The four principles must be reviewed as offering few prospects for genuine and lasting reform.  相似文献   

The most influential contemporary defences of liberal neutrality are premised on a contractual view of political legitimacy. For contractualists, perfectionist principles of justice are illegitimate because they cannot be the object of reasonable agreement among free and equal citizens. Several critics have challenged this connection between contractualism and neutrality by suggesting that the epistemic arguments commonly offered in its favour are self-defeating. This paper examines three recent expressions of this claim – those of Simon Caney, Simon Clarke and Joseph Chan – and finds that none of them succeeds. They fail because they mistake an ethical claim about how states should respond to disagreement for an epistemic one that explains why such a response is needed.  相似文献   

Over recent decades, normative theories of green citizenship have drawn upon observations that a long-prevalent dualistic understanding of society, as completely subjecting nature, is being displaced by growing political and cultural support for a holistic view of society, as participating in nature. Differences between avowedly liberal and civic-republican interpretations of green citizenship notwithstanding, the normative theories share five key social critiques: (1) the need to challenge nature/culture dualism; (2) to dissolve the division between the public and private spheres; (3) to undermine state-territorialism; (4) to eschew social contractualism and (5) to ground justice in awareness of the finiteness and maldistribution of ecological space (ES). This article offers a sympathetic provocation to normative theories of green citizenship. Adopting a critical realist perspective, it describes the partial and problematic realisation of these critiques in the contemporary types of social and political participation, contents of the rights and duties and institutional arrangements of the ‘stakeholder’ citizenship that has become established within the neoliberal or weak eco-modernising, global competition state. This perspective is important because it offers new insights into the discursive framework that encompasses contemporary debates over justice and injustice. In particular, injustice from within the post-industrial ecostate appears to be a diffuse whole-of-society problem, the by-product of unsustainable development that lacks an identifiable class of perpetrators. This makes the progressive task of enunciating claims that injustice is present in some senses difficult, while conservative ideological positions are simplified.  相似文献   

Design thinking has become a popular approach for governments around the world seeking to address complex governance challenges. It offers novel techniques and speaks to broader questions of who governs, how they govern, and the limits of rational instrumentalism in policy making. Juxtaposing design thinking with an older tradition of policy design, this article offers the first critical analysis of the application of design thinking to policy making. It argues that design thinking does not sufficiently account for the political and organizational contexts of policy work. Design thinking also errs in universally privileging one particular policy style over others, and fails to account for the reality of policy mixes. Despite these deficiencies, it is argued that design thinking can inform and enrich governance by helping policy designers produce more adaptable designs, better appreciate the behavioral dynamics of public sector design, and leverage networked approaches to social problem solving.  相似文献   

Ideological dimensions and vote choice: Age group differences in Austria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
How and how much are ideological dimensions associated with vote choice among different age groups? Distinct socialisation experiences and life-cycle effects should lead to age group differences in the use of ideological dimensions. We test our hypotheses using a 2009 Austrian cross-sectional survey. We find that the extent of the association between ideological dimensions and vote choice is significant and similar across all age groups. However, the nature of the association depends on the type of party considered. Positions on the socio-cultural dimension are associated with voting for New Politics parties far more than positions on the socio-economic dimension; the latter distinguishes well between support for the two Old Politics parties. Overall, age group differences are surprisingly small in both the extent and nature of the association between ideological views and vote choice: there is only isolated evidence that the use of ideological dimensions differs across age groups.  相似文献   

We discuss below difference between the concepts of accountability and responsibility, in the context of government administration. We argue that New Zealand's public sector reforms, in particular, have depended on an essentially mechanistic as distinct from an organic interpretation of public organisations. A mechanistic approach focuses disproportionately on notions of organisational accountability at the expense of responsibility, and as a consequence may prove counterproductive over the longer term in maintaining high standards of ethical probity. A concept of responsible accountability needs to be developed further as a means of countering this possibility. We speculate on whether the emphasis on contractualism has enhanced or undermined an integrity-based as opposed to a compliance-based ethics regime, and the possible implications of this for the maintenance of ethical standards.  相似文献   

Abstract In this article we identify instrumentalism in budgetary processes with regularity in the annual change in the appropriation, and non-instrumentalism with irregularity in the annual appropriation change. This definition focuses interest on structural changes in the underlying budget processes. These changes may be isolated using a combination of statistical and more conventional techniques. Other meanings of incremental, we argue, are appropriate to different objectives in studying budgeting. We attempt to clarify the confusion surrounding the meaning of incremental and to answer some of the critics of our previous work.  相似文献   

The study of organizational task for understanding how organizations behave and evolve has been one of the classic topics in organization theory and public administration. Reputation scholarship has appeared as a promising perspective to understand internal and external organizational dynamics. Reputation scholars, too, emphasize the critical importance of task. Despite this recognition, the literature is characterized by a lack of theorization, and large-scale comparative analyses on how task characteristics are related to reputational dynamics. This study aims to address these concerns, relying on an extensive longitudinal dataset on the media reputation of 40 agencies in two countries to explain organizations' likelihood of attracting reputational threats (both in general and targeting specific reputational dimensions) through different task characteristics. Our main finding is that as agencies perform tasks of a more coercive and authoritative nature (regulatory tasks and, to a lesser extent, redistributive tasks), they are more likely to attract reputational threats (both in general and to all dimensions).  相似文献   

Abstract. The paper examines existing classifications of electoral systems, discusses their merits and limits, and proposes a more appropriate classification. It shows that it is possible to extract from the definition of an electoral system three basic dimensions: the ballot structure, the constituency structure, and the formula. It also shows that it is possible to distinguish three components of the ballot structure: the object of the vote, the number of votes and the type of vote, and two components of the constituency structure: its nature and its magnitude. It is argued that the classification proposed here is superior to existing ones. It clarifies and refines existing distinctions. It enables one to identify the basic dimensions of electoral systems as well as the logical connections between them. Finally, it has the property of applying the same criteria to all systems.  相似文献   

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