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本研究以37名19-29岁之间的未婚男性为被试,探讨了他们在信息板上作出择偶决策时的线索偏好及信息加工方式。结果显示:男性择偶时优先考虑的线索依次是价值观、性格、健康状况、品德、外貌,而对候选人是否有恋爱经历并不重视;被试在信息板上间接表现出的线索及线索方向性偏好与主观评估的线索及线索方向性偏好并不完全一致;男性选择价值观、品德、健康状况、性格与自己相似的女性作为自己的配偶;在任务较简单和复杂情况下,男性在择偶时倾向于运用启发式的信息加工方式,而在任务中等难度情况下,则倾向于运用复杂式的信息加工方式。  相似文献   

采用虚拟征婚启事、访谈法、问卷调查等研究方法,本文对573名未婚男性在择偶过程中的主要偏好进行了研究。根据结果,我们有如下一些基本发现:在选择配偶时,未婚男性主要看重女性的外形、性格及道德品质,其中漂亮、温柔、独立是他们最为看重的三种特质;未婚男性倾向于选择身高在160-165cm左右、具有本科学历的女性,绝大多数未婚男性不介意女性配偶的学历比自己高、薪水比自己高;已有工作的未婚男性比较看重女性的"独立"、"孝顺"等特质,而还未工作的大学生则更为注重女性的"可爱"特质;自尊水平、价值观是未婚男性择偶过程中的重要影响因素。  相似文献   

择偶观指的是人们对择偶问題的看法和态度。它大致可以分为三个方面:①什么时候择偶?即理想的谈恋爱和结婚年龄问題。这个问題上的两种对立观点是早恋早婚观和晚恋晚婚观。②求什么样的偶?即配偶的理想模式问題,这又可分为求偶的相对标准和求偶的价值定向问題。前者指的是,对于同一标准,男女之间谁高谁低的问题。例如,在年龄上,一般倾向于男大女小。这种男大女小就是择偶年龄上的相对标准。后者指的是择偶标准上的价值观,如有人以德为主,有人以经济地位为主等等。③以什么样的方式求偶。有人主张自由恋爱,有人主张由媒人来牵线搭桥,有人主张遵从父母之命。下面,我们依此顺序来依次分析择偶观的三个方面。我国早婚早恋的历史和现状  相似文献   

李艳艳 《学理论》2012,(28):88-89
择偶作为适龄男女双方选择自身结婚对象的过程,是个体一生中的重要里程碑,它是缔结婚姻、成立家庭乃至繁衍人类的前提,也是影响婚姻幸福、家庭稳定乃至社会稳定的重要因素。以2000年以来发表在中国学术期刊杂志上的相关文章为研究对象,从社会心理学研究角度综合叙述了近十余年来国内有关择偶标准问题的研究状况,对择偶标准研究在研究主题、对象、方法、理论等方面的不足进行了分析。  相似文献   

杨宏源 《学理论》2013,(8):61-62
择偶是构建婚姻家庭的最重要前提;而在当今社会,公众选择配偶都会持有特定的标准体系、具体规则,无规则、无差异的现象几乎是不存在的。以征婚广告为切入点,研究人们的择偶标准,受到众多学者的青睐。以此为视角,对我国当代社会公众择偶标准性别分层作粗浅研究。  相似文献   

择偶模式和性别偏好研究--西方理论和本土经验资料的解释   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
本研究描述当代中国青年的择偶标准、行为和观念的现状及其变迁特点.理论讨论围绕社会学的"交换理论"、"同类婚假设"和社会心理学的"相似性原则"展开,在对西方理论以实证资料进行检验的基础上,探索当代青年择偶及性别偏好的本土化模式.研究发现,择偶双方的相似相容以塑就幸福稳定的婚姻是择偶标准的主旋律;但在市场化转型过程中,传统的两性资源交换模式依然留存,并出现一些新的特征;同时,择偶标准中对社会地位的相似性和同类婚的偏好相应弱化.  相似文献   

中原地区村落社会中青年择偶观及其变化——以西村为例   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
一、传统婚姻中理想的配偶条件 传统中国婚姻的目的是“传宗接代”,择偶标准是为这种目的服务的。在这种婚姻中,感情因素是次要的,那种完全出于当事者性魅力的相互吸引、一见钟情的浪漫婚姻是极少见的,毋宁说这种婚姻在传统婚姻中是受贬抑的,因为这种婚姻通常没有那种通过明媒正娶、仔细权衡各种条件后缔结的婚姻来得稳定。因此,同注重个人感情因素的现代婚姻形式相比,传统村落社会中的婚姻具有实际、理性和慎重的特点。这种婚姻更接近商品交换,即在  相似文献   

武汉地区大学生的择偶标准   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
我们最近在武汉进行了一次题为“当代大学生择偶标准”的调查研究,其主要内容包括以下几点:(1)大学生择偶的标准考察,(2)对大学生择偶标准的取向作出合理的理论解释。(3)就其择偶标准作比较研究,包括群体内的比较和群体间的比较。 调查的发放问卷的方式进行。采用整群随机抽样的方法,抽取了包括武汉大学、华中理  相似文献   

中国女性择偶标准的产生,富有深厚的时代特点。中国女性的择偶标准因女性所处的时代、地位、身份不同和所接受的教育不同而有所差异,千篇一律公式化的择偶标准是不存在的。  相似文献   

本文利用"全国百村个人调查"数据比较分析了农村残疾男性的婚恋机会和婚姻策略。分析发现,农村残疾男性的婚恋机会不容乐观,单身状态持续时间更长;已婚者婚姻的"同类匹配"程度降低;为了增加结婚机会,未婚者被迫降低择偶标准,采取婚娶有婚史女性、实施入赘婚姻和婚娶残疾女性的婚姻策略。研究有利于从婚姻挤压角度认识农村残疾男性的婚恋困境。  相似文献   

本文使用2000年人口普查数据验证传统生肖婚配习俗在现代婚姻中的现实影响力。分析发现,人们一般会对生肖匹配的忌比合更在意;各种民间生肖婚配俗语和六害因大五婚歌而广为流传而在民间有较强的影响力。  相似文献   

American politics has become more polarized. The source of the phenomena is debated. We posit that human mate choice may play a role in the process. Spouses are highly correlated in their political preferences, and research in behavioral genetics, neuroscience, and endocrinology shows that political preferences develop through a complex interaction of social upbringing, life experience, immediate circumstance, and genes and hormones, operating through one’s psychological architecture by Hatemi et al. (J Theor Politics, 24:305–327, 2012). Consequently, if people with similar political values produce children, there will be more individuals at the ideological extremes over generations. This said, we are left with a mystery: spousal concordance on political attitudes does not result from convergence over the course of the relationship, nor are spouses initially selecting one another on political preferences. We examine whether positive mate assortation—like seeks like—on non-political factors such as lifestyle and demographics could lead to inadvertent assortation on political preferences. Using a sample of Internet dating profiles we find that both liberals and conservatives seek to date individuals who are like themselves. This result suggests a pathway by which long-term couples come to share political preferences, which in turn could be fueling the widening ideological gap in the United States.  相似文献   

Mates appear to assort on political attitudes more than any other social, behavioral, or physical trait, besides religion. Yet the process by which ideologically similar mates end up together remains ambiguous. Mates do not appear to consciously select one another based on ideology, nor does similarity result from convergence. Recently, several lines of inquiry have converged on the finding that olfactory processes have an important role in both political ideology and mate selection. Here we integrate extant studies of attraction, ideology, and olfaction and explore the possibility that assortation on political attitudes may result, in part, from greater attraction to the scent of those with shared ideology. We conduct a study in which individuals evaluated the body odor of unknown others, observing that individuals are more attracted to their ideological concomitants.  相似文献   

Abstract. Different strategies apply in the Netherlands and in Germany when TV channels have to decide how often politicians are mentioned or shown in the news during national election campaigns. Extensive content analyses in the 1990s suggest that Dutch political and media traditions promote a more equally distributed attention to different political positions. In Germany, TV news focuses almost exclusively on the incumbent candidate for the top function of the national government (the office of Chancellor) and his challengers. The likely causes are not only the political system and the particular circumstances of the 1990s (with the pre–eminence of Helmut Kohl), but also recent developments in the way in which German journalists define their task.  相似文献   

This paper examines the alliance that Derrida makes between his notion of justice as undeconstructible and a certain spirit of Marx's emancipatory promise. By following some of the precautions that Derrida undertakes in distinguishing the undeconstructibility of justice from the deconstructible justice should not be viewed as a contradiction in terms. I also argue that while the themes of justice, ethics, and politics can be rendered self‐present. Rather, Derrida's response to the injunctions of Marx suggests that it is precisely because justice and the emancipatory promise cannot be given over to the present that they are situated as undeconstructible. As such, taking responsibility for the heritage of Marxism involves working and sorting through the many spectres of Marx that inhabit the same injunction, where the promise remains as that yet to come.  相似文献   

Bruce Yandle 《Public Choice》2010,142(3-4):339-353
Using historical, theoretical and empirical arguments, this paper puts forth the notion that it was the rise of US national TV networks in the late 1960s that led to the expansion of federal social regulation and a simultaneous decline of federal economic regulation in the 1970s. The paper argues that national TV networks changed the relative position of national versus local and regional producers and sellers of goods and services. Instead of preferring state and local social regulation, the emerging national firms preferred federal social regulation. Since national markets were emerging, the same national firms lobbied for regulatory reform in transportation and communication services. The rise of national markets associated with national TV networks also stimulated a demand for mergers and consolidations. Data describing these various phenomena are provided in the paper.  相似文献   

He has published numerous works on family sociology and contemporary Chinese social organization. He is currently involved in a comparative study of mate choice and marital relations in China and the United States. His latest book is Dating, Mating, and Marriage.  相似文献   

The literature regards clientelism as a negative practice because of its particularism, informality, inequality, and inefficiency. At present, we know little about whether citizens in communities where clientelism is prevalent share this assessment. However, their evaluations are the ones that are critical for the persistence of clientelism. We explore the attitudes of citizens towards clientelism with conjoint experiments administered with respondents from two poor communities in South Africa and Tunisia, and a sample of academics that we use as benchmark. On average, Tunisian and South African respondents evaluate clientelism more favorably than academics. All groups see particularism and inequality as negative features but only academics care about informality. Clients are evaluated much more positively than patrons in the exchange. Our findings suggest that clientelism persists not only because communities fail to coordinate around a programmatic candidate but because clientelism is considered as a legitimate strategy to access resources.  相似文献   

Party affiliation is considered one of the most important factors explaining voters' party choice, but also a strong intervening variable when it comes to the effectiveness of electoral advertising. The question raised in this study is to what extent party affiliation explains voters' judgments of electoral advertising, which was investigated by using data carried out during the Swedish general election campaign 2010. The results show that party affiliation still functions as a filter when voters are exposed to electoral advertising. The findings are suggested to be understood against the background of cognitive dissonance theory and selective exposure according to which people try to avoid a state of cognitive dissonance by avoiding information that conflicts with their attitudes.  相似文献   

This study did an analysis of the Western and Third world coverage of World News using the broadcast stations (CNN and Channels TV) as case study. In other words, the study sought to examine if the Western and Third World nations are still guilty of imbalance, bias and distortion in their treatment of news. The findings showed that both the North and South nations are guilty of bias and imbalance in their coverage of World News and that each nation seeks to promote their interest rather than a true world interest or the interest of their counterpart nations. The study further revealed that the Third World media still depend heavily on Western media sources for its news albeit their standpoint on the News Flow debate. About 50% of the entire World News stories on Channels TV were sourced ‘outside’, while about 40% were unidentified. Only 10% were from the in‐house personnel. It was also observed that about 55 and 67% of World News coverage by Channels TV and CNN, respectively, were focused on ‘bad news’; an age‐long controversy that has bedeviled news coverage globally. In view of the foregoing, it has been recommended that there is need for the acceptance of ‘imbalance’ as a major feature of all media systems as well as a re‐evaluation of the standards and values of news evaluation. The rapid industrialization of Third World economies will also go a long way to stop the one‐way traffic in international communication which is what encourages media dependence. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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