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In this study, the prevalence, nature and consequences of violence against mental health care professionals are examined. Dutch mental health professionals working in clinical psychiatry were approached to fill in an online questionnaire on their personal experiences with physical violent incidents. It appeared that 67% of the 1534 respondents were victim of at least one physical violent incident in the past five years. In total, the 1534 respondents reported they had encountered 2648 physical violent incidents. In some cases, the consequences were very severe, not only for the victim but also for the employer. Some groups of professionals appear to have an increased risk of being victimized. The findings show that the violence that mental health professionals encounter is a substantial and severe problem that no longer should be disregarded.  相似文献   

There is mounting pressure at the federal (and state) level to require employers to provide health insurance to their employees. However, two quite different groups of workers could be affected by such a mandate. In addition, there are at least five major problems with requiring employers to provide health insurance. Chief among these is the further fracturing of the insurance market, so that the spreading of risk will be reduced, and only the young and healthy will be offered insurance at relatively low premiums. We should be designing a health insurance system that has both universal coverage and a cost-containment structure. Toward this end, we need to tackle issues that transcend alternative methods of financing health care in the U.S.  相似文献   

This article studies determinants of two important sets of laws regulating insurance coverage for mental health care: mandated inclusion of minimum coverage for psychotherapy, and mandated coverage for psychologist services, the so-called freedom of choice (FOC) laws. Political market models are developed and estimated to examine the passage of mandates and FOC laws among all fifty states from 1968 through 1983. Findings indicate that a number of groups influence whether these laws are passed, including psychologists and the state, which acts both in its own interests as a direct provider of services and to protect the public's interest. A state's political system and socioeconomic environment also influence the likelihood of passage of these regulations. Our findings run counter to the assumption often made by policymakers and researchers that regulations exclusively serve the interests of providers.  相似文献   

Police and court liaison and diversion services provide important specialist mental health input along critical stages of the criminal justice pathway. Effective sharing of information between the services and relevant justice agencies is essential. However, various problems exist with the flow of information between agencies and services across the criminal justice pathway. This service evaluation explored how clinically relevant information is transferred, by drawing on the perspectives of prison health care staff in a large urban UK male prison. A qualitative service evaluation was conducted using semi-structured interviews with a purposive sample of 11 prison staff. The main themes included: gaps in the transfer of essential information, (particularly concerning risk and offending information); information gathering to fill these gaps; the importance of professional relationships, information sharing between agencies; and information solutions. Improving information transfer across the criminal justice pathway could prevent treatment delays and ensure more timely mental health care in prison.  相似文献   

Market-oriented health policy reforms in the 1980s and 1990s generally included five kinds of proposals: increased cost sharing for patients through user fees, the separation of purchaser-provider functions, management reforms of hospitals, provider competition, and vouchers for purchasing health insurance. These policies are partly derived from agency theory and a model of managed competition in health insurance. The essay reviews the course of reform in five countries that had a national health service model in place in the late 1980s: Italy, New Zealand, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. Special consideration is given to New Zealand, where the market model was extensively adopted but short lived. In New Zealand, surveys and polls are compared to archival records of reformers' deliberations. Voters saw health care differently from elites, and voters particularly felt that health care was ill suited to commercialization. There are similarities across all five countries in what has been adopted and rejected. Some market reforms are more legitimate than others. Reforms based on resolving principal-agent problems, including purchaser-provider splits and managerial reforms, have been more successful, although cost sharing has not. Competition-based reforms in financing and to a lesser extent in provision have not gained legitimacy. Most voters in these countries see health care as different from other parts of the economy and view managerial reforms differently from policies that try to make health care more like other sectors.  相似文献   

The establishment of judicially acceptable standards of mental health care within a prison setting requires the adoption of a service-delivery model and a constant evaluation of that model in relation to individual and civil rights. This article reviews the experience of the department of corrections in one state in developing a constitutionally adequate mental health system. The report outlines the programs established, the legal basis for decisions, and recent constitutional challenges. Future trends in correctional mental health are also discussed.  相似文献   

Research on increased medical care costs associated with posttraumatic sequelae has focused on posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, the provisional diagnosis of Disorders of Extreme Stress Not Otherwise Specified (DESNOS) encompasses broader trauma-related difficulties and may be uniquely related to medical costs. We investigated whether DESNOS severity was associated with greater nonmental health medical care costs in veterans receiving mental health care. Participants were 106 men and 105 women receiving VA outpatient mental health treatment. A standardized interview assessed DESNOS severity. The dependent variables consisted of primary and specialty medical treatment costs. Sequential zero-inflated negative binomial regression was used to evaluate the variance in medical costs accounted for by DESNOS severity, controlling for PTSD severity and established predisposing, enabling, and need-based health care factors. Contrary to our hypothesis, in fully adjusted models, DESNOS severity independently added a significant amount of variance to lower specialty medical care costs, whereas PTSD did not consistently account for significant variance in medical care costs. Greater DESNOS severity appears to be associated with lower specialty medical care costs but not primary care costs. These findings may indicate that patients with DESNOS symptoms are at risk for being underreferred for specialty care.  相似文献   

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