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基本公共服务体系是一个复杂系统,复杂性体现在体系的外部环境、治理主体、资源配置等方面,同时这些要素之间的关系也是动态复杂的。复杂性是一种客观存在的事实,研究基本公共服务体系的复杂性就是要梳理体系内部要素之间的关系,降低复杂性结构耗损,降低复杂性不良影响,使复杂性变得可控,从而提高体系运转的效率、效果和效能,促进基本公共服务体系的良性运转。研究选取复杂系统理论作为理论基础,以环境复杂性、资源复杂性、主体复杂性为主线贯穿全文进行分析,提出驾驭复杂性的策略。  相似文献   

关于如何构建和谐社会问题,一直是政府和学者们关注的热点问题,产生了各种不同的观点.本文创造性地运用力学中的摩擦变形理论和复杂性科学中的复杂适应性系统理论探讨和谐社会的构建问题.和谐既是一种主体间关系的平衡状态,也是一个从局部均衡到一般均衡的演变过程.和谐的本质是主体的同一性,在实践中表现为主体边界的模糊性.随着主体边界模糊性的增加,主体边界发生了不一致变化,社会的整体涌现性逐渐增强,从而社会将变得越来越和谐.  相似文献   

崔晨 《理论视野》2024,(2):95-100
对主体问题的思考伴随了阿尔都塞整个思想生涯,以“反主体”为其理论表现形式,呈现出递进式的阐发层次:从其早期的认识生产到后期的主体生产再到晚期的主体空无。在这当中,偶然性成为反主体的理论枪头,分别体现为在历史唯物主义框架中过度决定作用之下社会整体结构的复杂性和在相遇唯物主义潜流中由空无带来的随机偶发性。当代西方马克思主义仍在阿尔都塞所开辟的主体维度中探索前行。  相似文献   

朱科松  龙安邦 《学理论》2011,(11):313-314
复杂性科学促进了教育思维方式向系统、关系、生成和非线性等复杂性思维方式转换,确立复杂性科学视域下的学生观是新型教育学思想体系建立的基础。复杂性科学至少包括了自组织原理、协同原理和适应性原理等基本原理。基于复杂性科学的基本原理,可知学生是教学系统中以发展自身为目的的适应性主体,主体性是学生的最重要性质,主要表现在自主性、建构性、能动性和交往性等方面。因此,在教学中要尊重学生的经验、建构过程,尊重并促进学生的教学交往。  相似文献   

具体行政行为自身的复杂性使之有着各种组合问题。不仅复合型、混杂型具体行政行为存在复杂的组合问题 ,而且看似简单的单一型也是一系列过程的组合形式。分析具体行政行为的组合问题 ,对于在实践中正确认识和掌握具体行政行为及其法律效力 ,准确划分其责任后果 ,分清责任主体等是十分重要而有益的  相似文献   

国家治理现代化的重要标志是将制度优势转化为治理效能,而政府治理体系和治理能力现代化是国家治理现代化的关键环节和核心任务。国家治理的复杂性要求政府治理体系所展现的功能与外在复杂性相适应:一方面,政府治理体系优化要根据"递归结构"实现体系纵向结构的科学定责、合理赋权,使每一层级的政府责任契合于国家治理的客观要求;另一方面,要实现横向结构中不同主体的功能协同、资源整合,使政府在处理跨地域、跨领域问题上能够有效地集中其他治理主体的力量,实现公共治理的"整体功能大于部分之和"。  相似文献   

随着Web 3.0时代网络技术的发展,Petri网的语用复杂性研究已逐步展开。Petri网的复杂性主要体现在彰显异步并发事件复杂的相关性,对事务自身状态描述具有复杂性,实现了社会的网络化,彰显了语用主体边界的复杂性,与语用技术融合发展具有复杂性,它本身具有自组织性。以语用网为核心的全球性研究阵营已经形成,如何发展语用技术的功能成为互联网实现下一次技术飞跃的关键问题。  相似文献   

跨域公共问题是我国经济社会发展变革过程中凸显出来的新问题。传统的政府单一权威治理模式因其"封闭性"和"内向型"已无法适应跨域公共问题"跨域性"和"外向型"的治理要求。跨域公共问题涉及利益主体的多元化及治理的复杂性,迫切需要在政府主导下,联合社会各主体展开合作治理。立足现实,应当按照民主协商与合作治理的要求,通过共同理念的确立、主体能力的提升、相关原则和机制的安排来构建合作治理体系,克服合作治理中面临的问题,进而不断增强跨域公共问题治理成效。  相似文献   

复杂性思维方式作为一种新的方法论,被人文社会科学的理论者广泛重视,它具有复杂性、非线性、自组织性,不可还原性等特征。思想政治教育过程本身是由多种要素和多个方面组成,多重环节展开并受诸多因素制约的复杂系统。这个复杂系统的自组织过程是主体生命活动的展现过程,是思想政治教育实践智慧施展的过程。思想政治教育的复杂性特点,内在地要求用复杂性思维去推进思想政治教育的主体性研究的创新,从而超越传统研究中的机械论、还原论等局限。  相似文献   

复杂性科学实现了对传统科学思维范式的超越和革命,运用复杂性思维方法审视利益冲突诱发原因、主要表征和治理机制具有重要启示意义。利益冲突的复杂性特征表现在四个方面:一是利益冲突主体的不确定性,二是利益冲突形式的多样性,三是利益冲突发生领域的多层次性,四是利益冲突发生环境的生成性。有效化解利益冲突,建立行之有效的利益冲突干预机制单用线性方法、略去非线性因素、用模型去描述、做局部先行处理是不可行的,需要用无序思维、分形思维和生成思维重新构设利益冲突防范与治理机制。  相似文献   

本文尝试从主体、资源和过程层面来探讨公共政策中的公平争议问题,然后探讨市场体制下的效率问题,并提出公共政策的实践就是针对市场失灵现象进行政策干预,既追求市场配置资源时的高效率,更追求主体和资源层面的社会公平。最后,本文探讨公平和效率的关系问题,提出当公平的结果实现的是主体追求更高目标的手段而不是直接实现其目标时,公平才能与效率相协调。  相似文献   

要给治安案件下一个比较完整的定义,很有必要对案件构成、案件事实、行为构成与行为事实、法律事实等概念进行梳理。案件事实是程序性事实与实体性事实相互作用的结果,缺一不可。案件事实是查处主体对作案主体或嫌疑主体的行为进行认识的结果。案件事实是由实体事实和程序事实两大类事实共同作用而构成,把案件事实构成要件中的实体事实等同于案件构成的全部要件是不妥当的。治安案件的构成要件应该从案件性质的定性、案件事实构成的表述以及案件本质特征的表述、案件法律责任的担当上去把握。治安案件定义应当涵盖案件的构成要件。  相似文献   

Collaborative modeling offers a novel methodology that integrates core ideals in the policy sciences. The principles behind collaborative modeling enable policy researchers and decision makers to address interdisciplinarity, complex systems, and public input in the policy process. This approach ideally utilizes system dynamics to enable a multidisciplinary group to explore the relationships in a complex system. We propose that there is a spectrum of possibilities for applying collaborative modeling in the policy arena, ranging from the purely academic through full collaboration among subject matter experts, the general public, and decision makers. Likewise, there is a spectrum of options for invoking collaboration within the policy process. Results from our experiences suggest that participants in a collaborative modeling project develop a deeper level of understanding about the complexity in the policy issue being addressed; increase their agreement about root problems; and gain an appreciation for the uncertainty inherent in data and methods in studying complex systems. We conclude that these attributes of collaborative modeling make it an attractive option for improving the decision-making process as well as on-the-ground decisions.  相似文献   

This essay reviews some of the recent criticisms of positivist science. It interprets this criticism, more generally, as directed towards the complexity of social science phenomena and the difficulty of dealing with complexity epistemologically and methodologically. Rather than ignoring complexity, changing the subject matter or explaining it away, we argue that complexity may be acknowledged and studied systematically withn the context of post-positivist approaches. The essay than proposes several strategies for conceptualizing and researching complexity (at a "meta-level" from substantive policy research) that are based in systems theory.  相似文献   

公平问题是当前的一个热点问题,时代要求构建公平正义的和谐社会。马克思恩格斯的公平观实现了科学性和价值性的统一,是当代正确合理的公平观,本文试从马克思主义哲学的基本精神方面重新理解公平问题的实质。  相似文献   

Since the work of Downs (1957), spatial models of elections have been a mainstay of research in political science and public choice. Despite the plethora of theoretical and empirical research involving spatial models, researchers have not considered in great detail the complexity of the decision task that a candidate confronts. Two facets of a candidate’s decision process are investigated here, using a set of laboratory experiments where subjects face a fixed incumbent in a two-dimensional policy space. First, we analyze the effect that the complexity of the electoral landscape has on the ability of the subject to defeat the incumbent. Second, we analyze the impact that a subject’s “mental model” (which we infer from a pre-experiment questionnaire) has on her performance. The experimental results suggest that the complexity of a candidate’s decision task and her perception of the task may be important factors in electoral competition.  相似文献   

本文从国学的研究对象、逻辑起点、学科构架、教材编纂、研究方法和比较优势等六个方面探索论证国学在高等院校的学科定位问题,提出了明确的正面意见。  相似文献   

This paper examines the dimensional complexity in voter perceptions of party left-right locations. Most of the theoretical and empirical research on electoral politics treats left-right party locations as based on a one-dimensional ideological spectrum. We measure variation in the complexity of voters’ perceptions of left-right party locations and demonstrate that the dimensionality varies widely. First, we generate a measurement of the complexity of perceived left-right party placements and apply this to data from the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES). This measure, based on the dimensional fits of scaled party placements, allows us to compare left-right complexity cross-nationally. We then examine several possible correlates of this cross-national variation, finding relationships with political polarization, party nationalization, and democratic experience. We conclude with a comparison of left-right complexity to the concept of issue dimensionality using data from the European Election Study (EES).  相似文献   

解放思想是重大政治问题,又是理想生活问题。它是人与社会发展的共同需要,是一种与思想活动、生活行动和社会运动相互贯通的总体性和长期性过程。解放思想作为思想意识的形态,说明它不等于但又依存于、倾向于思想解放,它和思想解放融合在主体的生活世界之中。这是基于哲学世界观的认识维度。解放思想作为生活意识的形态,就是主体直面生活的开放态度、是主体从容生活作为发展意识的形态,说明它是推进全社会更彻底的思想解放、更协调的科学发展的社会精神气质。这是基于哲学发展观的建构维度。  相似文献   

The extent to which municipal policy is determined by the preferences of residents is a topic of growing importance. Recent work on the subject has challenged conventional wisdom and found that municipal policy is often, but not always, responsive to the ideology of residents. This paper takes up an important potential implication of these findings, exploring how resident ideology may interact with issue severity in the adoption of municipal policy. Hypotheses suggest that resident preferences will have the greatest effect in the presence of high issue severity and that issue severity will have the largest impact when residents have ideological preferences in line with policy solutions. I test hypotheses using municipal water rates, with models showing that the effects of resident ideology and water scarcity interact with each other to influence water conservation policy.  相似文献   

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