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随着算法的不断演化及其在计算、通信、仿真、数据分析、信息管理、信号处理及指挥控制等领域的不断优化,有关算法所引发的一系列安全问题也开始引起人们的关注。算法安全源自于人工智能相关技术在社会生活各个领域的深度嵌入所带来的安全问题,从国家安全视角来看,算法安全具有逻辑操纵的政治性、行为影响的颠覆性、场域渗透的隐蔽性等显著特点,并且会深度影响国家安全的各个维度。具体而言,算法安全对国家安全的挑战表现在深刻改变国家间权力结构对比、导致隐性算法依赖和逆向算法攻击等方面。近年来,随着算法安全风险逐渐显现,加强算法安全治理已经成为国际社会的共识。在结合算法安全的特点和世界各国有关算法安全的应对举措的基础上,我国可以通过提高算法风险意识、培养算法专业人才、完善算法监督体系等方式来进行有关算法安全的秩序重构,以强化人工智能时代的国家安全治理。  相似文献   

北京市居民安全感研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本从社会治安评价和小区治安评价两个方面,围绕北京市居民对社会治安状况的主观感受与评价这一主题,进行了大量的实地调研和数据分析。本发现,居民对于公共安全的评价与对小区治安的评价,两高度相关;警察可见度、警察工作效率和警民关系,是影响居民安全感的重要因素。本提出了社区警务与统一的公共安全体系协同建设,以及加强社区建设的对策。  相似文献   

民间组织是构建社会治安防控体系的主体之一。在构建"打、防、控"一体化的综合社会治安防控体系的过程中,除了发挥公安机关的主导地位外,还要充分依靠治安保卫委员会、治安联防队、单位内部保卫组织、保安服务公司等各种非政府(民间)组织,充分发挥其在构建治安防控体系中的基础性作用,以强化社会治安综合治理,实现社会的和谐稳定。  相似文献   

根据《行政处罚法》和《治安管理处罚条例》等法律的有关规定 ,公安机关实施治安行政处罚履行告知程序的形式和内容是规范、系统和有层次的。其中公安机关在作出治安行政处罚决定之前 ,应当告知当事人作出治安行政处罚决定的事实、理由、依据和当事人依法享有陈述权、申辩权、要求举行听证权和确认权等 ;公安机关作出治安行政处罚决定之时 ,应当告知当事人依法享有的申诉权、起诉权、提出国家行政赔偿权和暂缓执行权等 ;公安机关在作出行政处罚决定之后 ,应当告知当事人依法享有的拒绝缴纳罚款权、暂缓或者分期缴纳罚款权 ;公安机关在实施治安行政处罚的过程中 ,应当告知当事人依法履行改正违反治安管理行为、协助公安机关进行调查、履行治安行政处罚决定和承担民事责任等法定义务。  相似文献   

论内保工作发展趋势——走社会保安服务之路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统内保工作体制受到市场经济的挑战,改革这种体制是大势新趋.本文认为内保工作走社会保安服务之路是社会化分工的需要,是经济发展的趋势,是西方发达国家政府鼓励发展的方向,它比传统的内保工作具有明显的优势,走社会保安服务之路是今后内保工作发展的趋势.  相似文献   

To usefully discuss security, one must analyze the security providers states utilize to enhance international and domestic security. These are the armed forces, police, and intelligence agencies. This paper analyzes the implications of democratization on the requirements—posited as strategies, resources, and coordination institutions—these providers require in order to achieve the goals civilian leaders set for them. In analyzing case studies of how nations implement six different tasks, it becomes clear that the absence, or weakness, in any of the requirements leads to serious weakness in implementation. Two findings from the case studies are particularly important for policy. First, presidents, who are elected directly and for fixed terms, may ignore or even abolish institutions, including national security councils, that are created to coordinate policy. Second, as civilians are in control, if they lack clear incentives they are not willing to provide the necessary requirements for the security providers.  相似文献   

We discuss how the Registered Traveler (RT) program can enhance simultaneously aviation security and passenger convenience. We point out some of the potential weaknesses in the program from both a security and civil liberty perspective. The RT program is a public–private partnership between the Transportation Security Agency (TSA) and the private sector. As in any partnership between private enterprises and the public sector, there are tensions that must be monitored, managed, and resolved. We note that financial distress of a RT service provider will place increased pressure on TSA resources. We review the resources allocated by the public and private sectors and the natural tensions that exist between companies investing capital with the expectation of earning a market rate of return and an agency of the Department of Homeland Security, the TSA, with one of its responsibilities being to assure the safety and security of air travel.  相似文献   

公共安全产品质量与成本及其价值探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文借助于厂商理论,从一个非传统或新管理主义的研究视角,较为详尽地讨论和分析了公安产品、公安产品质量以及公安产品质量成本的概念,并在此基础上提出并探究了这些概念的价值所在.从而在一定程度上为公安降低成本、提高效率与效益,以及最终改进公安质量提供了一个新的视窗或一种铺垫。  相似文献   

This study examines U.S. public opinion on civil liberties and security in response to the politically pivotal events of September 11, 2001—what shape it is in, what shapes it, and what it shapes. Public opinion is a critical restraint on political and administrative action today because so many regulators, rule makers, and law enforcers are making decisions or advocating policies that directly affect the balance between liberty and security. The general importance that is popularly attributed to terrorism is gauged by its ranking among the most important problems. The ostensibly contradictory public attitudes toward civil liberties are analyzed, as is the supposed inconsistency between perceived personal impact and the general significance attributed to the attacks. The data rebut the allegation that the public is readily disposed to restrict civil liberties as the price of security. Findings show the public does not perceive a personal or immediate threat to civil liberties. The implications for further research and good governance are laid out.  相似文献   


Transitional justice and security sector reform are critical in post-conflict settings, particularly regarding the reform of judicial systems, intelligence services, police, correctional systems, the military, and addressing systemic massive human rights abuses committed by individuals representing these institutions. Accordingly, the relationship between security sector reform and transitional justice mechanisms, such as vetting, the representation of ethnic minorities in key institutions, the resettlement and reintegration of the former combatants deserve special attention from scholars. This article presents a comparative analysis of the reform of police and security forces in Kosovo, and explores the causes of different outcomes of these two processes.  相似文献   

The first ever UK National Security Strategy statement reflect shifts in perspective on the nature of security concerns and the character of risks and threats in an era of globalisation. However, the UK National Security Strategy itself is a major disappointment. It fails as an attempt to conceive of a genuine strategy. It also fails to engage explicitly and fully with key imperatives for UK security policy, such as Islamist terrorism and the emerging power of China. However, the UK National Security Strategy, despite being weak and disappointing, offers important new bearings on where the National Security Strategy and the government's means to security policy should go from here, identifying areas to strengthen and develop national security structures.  相似文献   

治安拘留是一种最严厉的治安行政处罚。合理合法适用治安拘留处罚执行转换 ,正确理解拘留执行“限定时间” ,及时合法执行治安拘留 ,完善立法 ,将“治安拘留”纳入听证范围 ,依法行政 ,规范公安机关执法行为 ,保障公民合法权益 ,这是公安行政执法日益民主化的需要。  相似文献   

This article considers the specific mode of visualization that is at work in contemporary border security practices. Taking inspiration from art historian Jonathan Crary's genealogies of attention, it situates homeland security visuality in a particular economy of attention or attentiveness to the world. How is it that we come to focus on some elements of our way of life, establish them as normal and designate deviations from the norm? How does this algorithmic attentiveness break up the visual field, ‘pixelating’ sensory data so that it can be reintegrated to project a picture of a person? The pre-emptive lines of sight emerging in contemporary security practice become precisely a means of visualizing unknown futures. The article concludes with reflections on the creative artistic forms of attention that flourish even where the lines of sight of the consumer, the citizen, the border guard, the traveller, the migrant appear ever more directed and delimited. It is in these more creative modes of attention that we find one of the most important resources to contemporary political life – the capacity to question the ‘better picture’, to disrupt what we see as ordinary or out of the ordinary and confront the routines of our lives anew.  相似文献   

我国的公安机关与其他国家的警察机构相比较 ,行政性质是十分典型的 ,过多的干预司法活动的现状 ,改革是必然的。我国的公安机关应将从事社会管理职能的行政执法警察与从事犯罪打击职能的司法活动警察严格划分开 ,这种划分包括机构设置上的单列和权力行使上的相对于政府部门的独立 ,以及受司法监督的独特性质。  相似文献   

杨嵘均 《政治学研究》2020,(2):38-51,M0003,M0004
在国家治理现代化进程中,网络空间政治安全治理是主权国家必须担负的政治责任和时代使命,也是必须履行的政治义务,它体现着主权国家的现代治理能力。事实上,在网络化、信息化、技术化和全球化时代,网络空间国家政治安全已经发生了很多不同于物理时空环境中的变化。这是建构网络空间政治安全观以及国家治理责任的根本前提。在此前提下,网络空间政治安全观以及国家治理责任的建构,还需要以网络空间中技术环境、政治权力与政治权利的结构与配置、各政治主体的利益诉求与表达以及心理认知等为核心要素。因此,网络空间政治安全的国家治理应从两个方面进行:即在物理层面上,国家对于网络和通讯通信基础设施的保障和创新;在治理层面上,国家应从网络空间政治安全的制度化能力、控制能力和控制智慧、国家认同与国家合法性以及治理体系建构能力等方面理性、科学、协同地维护和捍卫网络空间政治安全。  相似文献   

高速铁路的护路保安队伍是高铁安全保障体系中的一支重要力量。为更好地发挥这支队伍的作用,铁路公安机关应十分注重保安员综合素质的提高,切实加强信息保障和后勤保障,着力完善人员招录机制、奖惩激励机制和日常管理机制。  相似文献   

公共安全危机中谣言的探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今社会,各种公共安全危机事件频频发生,严重影响了社会稳定。而谣言作为舆论的一种畸形形态,无疑诱发和加剧了这种危机状况,其危害后果不言而喻。因此对公共安全危机情景下谣言的研究是十分必要的。本文分析了公共安全危机下谣言产生的机理和影响因素,并提出了有针对性的抑制谣言的建议和对策。  相似文献   

构建中国的就业保障体系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文提出,依据失业保障自身特点、保障目的、制度演变规律、现实状况和未来挑战等多因素,中国失业保障体系未来发展的目标是建立就业保障体系.从如何保障就业的角度出发,设想未来的就业保障体系由就业预备、就业预告和就业保险三部分组成.就业保障体系的建立需要科学的规划和系统的过程,具体可分为突出就业导向、完善就业制度和整体协调运转三个阶段.  相似文献   

There has been dramatic global expansion in the national provision of social security programs throughout the twentieth century. This has provided very fertile ground for the comparative analysis of social security programs and systems over the last forty-five years. Most comparative studies, however, have, been content to describe and compare strategies, programs, institutions and values at the multinational or regional levels. There has been considerable reluctance either to engage in global studies or to embark on comparative-evaluative studies. This paper seeks to fill this gap by providing a framework for an evaluation methodology that permits the global ranking of social security systems and programs.  相似文献   

In this paper I suggest that we might understand some features of contemporary populism by reworking the concept of ‘authoritarian populism’ first proposed by Stuart Hall in his analysis of ‘Thatcherism’. Following a brief review of my earlier analytics of ‘governing through freedom’, I suggest that while the political movements identified by the names of Trump, Wilders, Le Pen, the Austrian Freedom Party, the True Finns etc. may be ephemeral, it is worth considering whether they are beginning to articulate a new set of rationalities and technologies for governing ‘after neoliberalism’. I analyse some key elements of these movements, the new epistemologies that they employ and the ethopolitics that they espouse, and suggest that the key operative concepts may be ‘the people’, security and control. We may still be ‘birds on the wire’ as Leonard Cohen once put it, but perhaps what we are enjoined to seek in these strategies for ‘governing liberty’ is not so much freedom but security.  相似文献   

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