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Climate change is an urgent issue for all mankind. But it can be more perilous for developing nations like China, already facing a severe energy deficit and environmental degradation. China has been doing all in its power to reduce emissions and conserve resources in the interest both of checking the trend of climate change and of sustainable development.  相似文献   

正The accusation that China is seeking to overhaul the current international order is often lobbied by Western nations in their attempts at provocation and containment.But is China really fomenting such a change?The remarks of Chinese President Xi Jinping on numerous international occasions suggest not.China is in fact a beneficiary of the current international system,and the process of reform and opening up continues to adapt China’s domestic conditions to better fit this global  相似文献   

正Pakistan-China ties mark 69 years of concord,cooperation and connectivity Reflecting on the monumental journey traversed by Pakistan and China over the past decades calls to mind the Chinese proverb"finding a soul mate who knows one's heart is far harder than striking gold."On the international stage,where ceaseless change is the only certainty along the long road to harmonious interdependence,I marvel at the wisdom of successive generations of our two nations in forging a bond stronger than steel,and bequeathing this invaluable legacy to those to follow.Our  相似文献   

正The Paris climate deal is only a step forward in a long war with a distant end in sight By Deng Yaqing The possibly catastrophic consequences of a warming atmosphere motivate government officials from countries all over the world to gather together every year and negotiate over fighting global climate change.After a legally binding climate deal was reached in Paris among nearly 200 nations last year,the  相似文献   

GLOBAL warming is the main feature of climate change. Climate change is related to human survival and the well-being of all countries and as such poses a great challenge to mankind in the 21 st century. Joint efforts by the international community are needed to deal with it. A large developing country with a huge population, complex climatic conditions and a fragile ecological environment, China is most vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change.  相似文献   

CLIMATE change is a grave chal- lenge facing humanity in the 21st century, and one to which the Chinese government has attached great importance. It is a key strategy and a resolute policy of the government to actively tackle this issue for the sake of China’s economic and social development. China will continue to take action and make positive contributions in the fight against climate change.  相似文献   

LI YUNLONG 《人权》2007,6(1):22-26
Dialogue is a major form of international cooperation on human rights issues. It is also instrumental in settling human rights dis-putes between nations. In this age of globalization, exten-sive global dialogues on human rights serve to deepen mutual understanding between nations, speed up the formation of international norms governing human rights, and hasten the advent of a harmonious world.  相似文献   

<正>Mutual confidence is key to a cooperative relationship between China and the United States Held after a year of tension between China and the United States,and following a meeting between the presidents of both nations in January,  相似文献   

IT is an honor and a pleasurefor me to join in celebratingthe 50th anniversary ofChina Today, born in 1952as China Reconstructs.Then the People's Republicof China was a new, bright star inthe galaxy of nations, the signifi-cance of which many of theworld'…  相似文献   

正China’s recent relaxation of its family plan-ning policy is a landmark change that is poised to contribute to a lasting and bal-anced development of the population and a healthy,stable development of society as a whole.The new policy allows couples to have two children if one of the parents is an only child.Previously,a couple in urban areas could generally only have a second child if both parents were only children.Issued last November,the policy is now in full swing in Beijing,Shanghai and China’s  相似文献   

Culture is a physical and mental product created by human race in the long-time subsistence and multiplication and in labor and life. Different nations create and develop different cultures and own them, so culture is an important part of an ethnic group, or even an important indicator distinguishing one ethnic group from another. The cultural rights is the rights of one ethnic group to  相似文献   

<正>What is the Bandung Spirit,and why is it so important for the future?By An GangIt’s hard to argue with the fact that our world is currently in a process of revolution—a comparison to the global state of affairs even 10 years ago can prove that easily enough.During a time of such change,countries should take care to respect others’rights to develop and change under their respective cultures.  相似文献   

Honestly, aren‘t you sometimes getting just a little fed up with the noise and the grime of the city? So why not do something about your frustrations and head out to the Fragrant Hills? The place is well-known for its breath-taking views in autumn, when the leaves of the sumac trees change from a dusty green to brilliant gold and red, and the capital‘s citizens arrive in their thousands. In summer, walking in the shade of those trees is a welcome respite from the heat of the city, a popular place to cool down and chill out.  相似文献   

<正>Latin America is perennially used by economists as an example to illustrate the term middle-income trap.China is similar to many Latin American nations in a number of ways:All are developing countries and emerging economies and all face the challenge of overcoming the middleincome trap.Against this backdrop,Chinese Premier Li Keqiang focused on the  相似文献   

LIKE any great World Exposition, this year's event held in anhanghai is at times a trade fair d other times an amusement park, but always and foremost a platform for the nations of the world to present their most innovative concepts for the futtLre. The theme of a Better City, Better Life for the 2010 Shanghai Expo gives countries a chance to exchange their experiences in innovation and development and draw some conclusions about how ingenuity and hard science can mold our cityscapes for the better.  相似文献   

A state visit to China during the first year in office is unprecedented for a U. S.president, but Barack Obama has made it. Moreover, the fact that President Obama spent four days and three nights of his seven-day visit to four Asian nations in Beijing and Shanghai has demonstrated the importance his administration attaches to China and to Sino-U.S. relations in its global strategy.  相似文献   

CLIMATE change is a major global challenge facing the world today. It relates to the survival of the human beings and the development of all countries, and threatens social and economic development and people's livelihoods. Current research shows that global climate is mainly characterized by warming over the past 100 years; meanwhile, there still remains great uncertainty in the science of climate change.  相似文献   

Ozone is becoming a primary air pollutant in China,especially during summer months Chinese urban residents,vexed by the persistent smog that shrouded large parts of the country in winter and spring,can finally breathe a sigh of relief in summertime as the weather begins to change and helps to dissipate the particulate matter responsible.  相似文献   

Good morning,
ladies and gentlemen,
I am very delighted to be here at the Vrije Universiteit Brussels, a prestigious and privileged university in this beautiful country of Belgium, to discuss the issue of human fights pro- tection with you today. Human fights are great, and respect for and protection of them have been a long-cherished common aspiration and pursuit of the peoples of all nations in the world. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, issued 61 years ago, proclaims the protection of human fights to be "a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations."  相似文献   

正State Council restructuring moves to improve governance One of the central concepts in Chinese philosophy is the perpetuity of change,and as a great number of scholars have pointed out,it is an extraordinary capacity for change,even radically when necessary,that is the hallmark of the political system of the People’s Republic of China.  相似文献   

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