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Countries meeting in Durban, South Africa, delivered a breakthrough with promises of real action by the international community to reduce the impact of climate change. Delegations recognized the urgent need to raise collective efforts in reducing greenhouse gas emissions to prevent average global temperatures from rising by more than two degrees Celsius. The Durban talks ended on a high point with a roadmap toward an international climate accord that included all of the world’s major carbon emitters for the first time. This accord is to be finalized by 2015 and will take effect from 2020.  相似文献   

CLIMATE change is a major global challenge facing the world today. It relates to the survival of the human beings and the development of all countries, and threatens social and economic development and people's livelihoods. Current research shows that global climate is mainly characterized by warming over the past 100 years; meanwhile, there still remains great uncertainty in the science of climate change.  相似文献   

CLIMATE change is a grave chal- lenge facing humanity in the 21st century, and one to which the Chinese government has attached great importance. It is a key strategy and a resolute policy of the government to actively tackle this issue for the sake of China’s economic and social development. China will continue to take action and make positive contributions in the fight against climate change.  相似文献   

CLIMATE change is a serious and threatening challenge to mankind in the 21st century. This problem is traceable primarily to human activities since the Industrial Revolution in the West, in particular to the industrialization of developed nations, a process powered by fossil fuels and leading to steep accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. It is the developing nations without strong economies or advanced infrastructures that are the most vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change.  相似文献   

正Whether you are a fan of Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg,Belgium's Anuna de Wever or China's Howey Ou,one thing is clear:Climate change is trending and has become a hashtag of great concern to many millennials and Gen Zs worldwide.The year 2021 got off to a promising start in terms of climate change.In February,the United States announced its return to the Paris Agreement.On July 14,the European Union adopted its first ambitious climate bill.  相似文献   

China is poised to play a role in the evolution of the Arctic Council In recent years, the Arctic Council has continued accelerating institutional development to cope with a host of challenges posed by hastening climate change. It is in  相似文献   

Climate change, which is the result of human activities,has wide-ranging impact. It poses a serious threat to human rights.Environmental rights are where the protection of the ecological environment and the development of human rights intersect. In view of the close relationship between the actions for addressing climate change and environmental rights, China should integrate the protection of environmental rights into the actions for addressing climate change,so as to achieve simultaneous devel...  相似文献   

Iran’s new president promises to lift struggling economy and improve ties with the outside world Tehran bid farewell to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with the swearing in of new Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on August 4.Rouhani defeated five rivals in an election campaign bearing the slogan "moderation and wisdom,"capturing the expectations of Iranian people that he could change the country’s deteriorating economic climate as well as its relationships with the outside world. However,observers claimed that Rouhani’s ability to alter Iran’s course is limited,as the current economic climate in Iran is mainly caused by Western sanctions and that it is impossible for Iran to change its position on the nuclear  相似文献   

正The Paris climate deal is only a step forward in a long war with a distant end in sight By Deng Yaqing The possibly catastrophic consequences of a warming atmosphere motivate government officials from countries all over the world to gather together every year and negotiate over fighting global climate change.After a legally binding climate deal was reached in Paris among nearly 200 nations last year,the  相似文献   

<正>International call for a new security architecture to cope with global issues Pandemic, war, climate change, hunger—all are of grave concern to humanity, and all create doubt about the current world architecture, which is seemingly based on control as opposed to collaboration, on power and individual profits as opposed to the common good.  相似文献   

A series of extreme global weather events,like floods in Pakistan and droughts in Russia,should serve as a call to the world to take action against climate change.But worries have been mounting since global climate talks stalled,partly due to rifts between developed and developing countries.What efforts should be made to force progress in the negotiating process?What role has China played in combating climate change?Su Wei,China’s chief climate negotiator and Director-General of the Climate Change Department of the National Development and Reform Commission(NDRC),sat down with Beijing Review reporter Hu Yue to answer these questions and more.Edited excerpts follow  相似文献   

DESERTIFICATION is a major problem across the world, as insidious sand invades arable lands and threatens food production. This problem is likely to get worse with expected climate change. But in the Hobq Desert, the opposite has happened. Over 5,000 square kilometers of barren land has been turned into an oasis, and another area twice that size has been saved from desertification.  相似文献   

INTERNATIONAL developments in response to climate change have gone beyond the climate change issue to become a comprehensive, strategic subject interlinked with international and domestic politics, economics, trade, energy, technology and the environment.  相似文献   

WHEN scholars and politicians are toiling away at research on climate change and pausing only to dispute with each other with faces reddened to the ears, has the public even noticed this phenomenon? What does the man-on-the-street think is behind climate change?  相似文献   

正World Environment Day on June 5 once again reminded people of the pressing need to address environmental issues. Though the world is currently grappling with the novel coronavirus disease(COVID-19) pandemic, climate change is still a potent threat to our planet. Chao Qingchen, Deputy Director General of the National Climate Center  相似文献   

Climate change is an urgent issue for all mankind. But it can be more perilous for developing nations like China, already facing a severe energy deficit and environmental degradation. China has been doing all in its power to reduce emissions and conserve resources in the interest both of checking the trend of climate change and of sustainable development.  相似文献   

正With climate change looming,a new power source is expandingAgainst the foil of blue sky and boundless sea,a slice of pinwheel-like whiteness shines with metal luster under the blazing sun.Having withstood the recent typhoon Hato,the colossus—a5-megawatt(MW)wind turbine independently developed by a Chinese company—now expects more of its breed coming from both home and abroad to settle down in Xinghua Bay,Fuqing,in southeast China’s coastal  相似文献   

Major economies in the world have raised various proposals to reduce carbon emissions by applying clean energies in a bid to tackle climate change. As a major consumer of coal, China is facing mounting pressure, and experts are wrangling about which clean energy should come first on the government agenda. To get a closer look at the current situation in China, Beijing Review reporter Liu Yunyun sat down with Zhou Dadi, Director General Emeritus of the Energy Research Institute of the National Development...  相似文献   

杨欣  CHEN Feng 《人权》2023,(2):257-279
Climate change lawsuits represented by strategic litigation have become a new force to promote global climate governance. Among them, using the norms and theories of human rights law to present litigation claims, conduct legal reasoning, and form human rights-based argumentation has been one of the most successful strategies for climate change lawsuits. The Paris Agreement marked a major watershed for human rights-based argumentation in climate change lawsuits: Before the signing of the Agreemen...  相似文献   

<正>What is the Bandung Spirit,and why is it so important for the future?By An GangIt’s hard to argue with the fact that our world is currently in a process of revolution—a comparison to the global state of affairs even 10 years ago can prove that easily enough.During a time of such change,countries should take care to respect others’rights to develop and change under their respective cultures.  相似文献   

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