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正China needs to invest more in preschool education and distribute funds more fairly between public and private facilities Ababy boom in China after 2005 means that young parents are now locked in fierce competition for sought-after kindergarten slots.  相似文献   

IN the 1990s, rural laborers started to migrate as family units rather than individuals, to the cities and towns that would provide them a living. In order to save on their urban living costs, many left, and still leave their school-age children in the care of grandparents or relatives, taking with them only the youngest. This has led to a steady increase in the number of preschool children in urban China,  相似文献   

本文结合2005年度上海市2163位拥有0-25岁子女的父母问卷,用年龄模型分析了现阶段上海各年龄段城市独生子女的比例。研究发现1979年以前出生的独生子女维持在相对较低的比例,1979年以后迅速增加,成为城市未成年人口的主流。而在夫妻一方或双方为独生子女的“独生父母家庭”中,以祖辈为主照料的育儿模式远远高于非独生父母家庭。  相似文献   


国外奥林匹克教育研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教育是奥林匹克主义的核心内容,顾拜旦创立奥林匹克运动的真正目的就是为了传播奥林匹克理想,以一种新的角度、新的方式去教育青年,促进青年身心的和谐发展.奥林匹克教育是沿着由个体到社会、由微观到宏观的逻辑顺序构建的.  相似文献   

自本刊刊出《王朔与流氓文化》一文后,来稿踊跃,远在韩国的中国通韩恒瑾博士特惠赐力作,他对中国文化的评析十分独到。同时,我们欢迎更多的作者参与讨论中国当代文学的走向,对诸如余秋雨的大散文,唐浩明、二月河的历史小说,以及风靡都市的风花雪月文学、小男人和小女人文学等进行评论、争鸣。  相似文献   


While there is considerable awareness and knowledge on the part of the health and human service community on the problems of the misuse and abuse of alcohol and other drugs in the general population, this unfortunately often does not extend to older adults, those who are 60+. Problems with alcohol and other drugs in older persons is in itself not a sudden crisis or new problem. However, as with any health problem affecting a specific demographic group, when the problem is not recognized and appropriately dealt with the repercussions pose greater risks for the individuals with the problem as well as for the larger community. This is particularly true in regard to older adults where natural physical changes and increased age related health risks can only be exacerbated by the misuse and abuse of substances.  相似文献   

CHINA has eight political parties in addition to the ruling Communist Party of China (CPC) that participate in the managment of state affairs. They are the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang, the China Democratic League, the China Democratic National Construction Association, the China Association for Promoting Democracy, the Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party, the China Zhi Gong (Public Interest) Party, the Jiu San (September 3) Society, and the Taiwan Democratic Self- Government League.  相似文献   

作为行为规范,进取互利有互利、互容两个层面,有利己不损他、利己利他、利他不损己三种形式;它在互利、互容两个层面体现了主体间的交互性,在利己不损他、互利、利他不损己三种形式上体现了主体性;它有三个原则:“利他”最高原则、“共生共进”基本原则和“无损”底线原则。  相似文献   

A baby boom in China after 2005 means that young parents are now locked in fierce competition for sought-after kindergarten slots.When a reputed kindergarten opens for new student registration it is now common for parents with children of eligible age,3 years old,to queue for hours and even days outside the front gate.Armed with food,tents and quilts,parents are willing to sleep rough in order to land a spot for their children.In one extreme case,the parents of more than 100 children camped out all night in front of a kindergarten in May in Guangzhou,capital of southern Guangdong Province,despite torrential rains.  相似文献   

Fudan University,originally Fudan Public School,was founded in 1905 in Shanghai.It has since become one of China's leading universities with an international reputation for academic excellence.In Chinese, Fudan means new morning. The university was named in honor of a line from the Confucian classic  相似文献   

我国的移民安置工作主要是由各种建设事业引起的,大多在农村进行并具有多种类型。农村移民安置中的人口管理工作,不仅是各项建设事业的重要组成部分,而且也是公安机关实践“三个代表”,为全面建设小康社会提供有利条件的重要举措。然而,由于受多种因素的影响导致移民安置中的人口管理工作存在诸多困难。解决这些困难的主要对策是加强教育、强化服务、预先协调、重点保护、沟通信息。  相似文献   

Brazil GDP in 2008: $1.26 trillion GDP per capita in 2008: $6,626 Growth rate in 2008: 5.1 percent Foreign trade volume in 2008: $371 billion Foreign exchange reserves by the end of 2008: $187 billion Foreign investment: Foreign direct investment amounted to $45 billion in 2008, which set a new record. Competitiveness  相似文献   

当我们把城市中的一切都变成游戏的时候,突然发现“另类”可爱。“新生代”们先创造了“另类”,再创造了“时尚”,循环往复,其乐无穷。当一个物件的分类不好归位时,人们常常叫它“另类”。的确,音乐评论人实在无法将臧天朔的《老玉米》归入哪一类?通俗,民谣,还是ROCK?那些崇尚伟哥的男人们扯着嗓子在歌厅里一路狂吼:“要有一副好身体,就请你吃老玉米……”似乎唱出了阳刚。“新生代”们先创造了“另类”,再创造了“时尚”,循环往复,其乐无穷。“另类”前卫,而“时尚”大众。“另类”并非时尚,但可以变为时尚。面对传媒一…  相似文献   

社会治理实践的伦理追问是指导社会治理的前提。社会治理他者所指为社会和社会多元主体,社会治理的他者伦理问题据此有两个面向:一是需要考虑他者的需求,从伦理角度考虑治理行为的正当性,省思复杂社会治理关系背后的伦理意蕴;二是确证社会治理中多元社会主体的他者地位,承认他者的存在,与他者合作共治,并能够在社会治理过程为他者负责。社会治理他者伦理的基础在于社会诚信,实现目标是社会公正,具体涉及社会治理过程中自我与他者的商谈伦理、责任伦理、制度伦理与发展伦理。社会治理的他者伦理问题在理论层面提供一种学科交叉的视角,实践层面为国家治理能力和治理体系现代化提供了内在支撑。  相似文献   

全球伦理是由1993年第二届世界宗教会议签署《走向全球伦理宣言》而引起世界关注的。然而我国除旅居海外的个别人士外,各宗教团体并未参与《走向全球伦理宣言》的制定,因而对这一问题知之者甚少。在新世纪来临之际,本文对这一问题作些简要的介绍,并探讨其与佛教伦理的关系。 最早关注全球伦理的是 宗教界人士 最早关注“全球伦理”的是德国汉斯·昆,是一位基督教神学家。在1989年,他提出各宗教之间应宣告一种“新的伦理上的共识”,并在1990年他撰写的《全球伦理》一书中综合阐述了他关于全球伦理的观点,受到世界的重视…  相似文献   

HAVING arranged to meet a friend of mine from the Netherlands for lunch in downtown Beijing recently, we both turned up wearing exactly the same color and style of sweater. After remarking on this coincidence we forgot it, but at our next lunch we found that our pocket books were the same color - red. On closer investigation of each other's back-  相似文献   

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