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Ihappened to read an edition of your journal published in2008 at the home of a friend of mine in Mexico.I found the report on the Beijing Olympic Games so interesting that I kept on reading your magazines from then on.I have since amassed a large collection.I enjoy their high quality content,and appreciate the design.I am looking forward to reading more interesting stories about what is happening in China.I wonder whether it would be  相似文献   

I was very pleased to read .your April, June and July 2010 editions. They are very well informed, written in excellent English, and they reminded me of how many things the people in China, USA, Europe, UK, Canada,  相似文献   

As an avid reader of China .Today to which I first sub-scribed in 1981 at the Guangzhou Fair, I would like to take the liberty now to put something right concerning Valentine's Day. This is not a Westem festival and it has nothing to do with a saint or religion. It used to be an Anglo-Saxon habit to dedicate one day per year to present flowers to a person you treasure (friend, lover, nice colleague, etc.),  相似文献   

It has been three years since the devastating earthquake hit Wenchuan.Though the disaster brought heartache to all,it brought us together as a nation.The local people,with help from all over the country,have risen from the ruins.They've managed to reconstruct their homes,restart their business and rebuild shattered  相似文献   

I work for a Lama Temple in Beijing.In your August issue,your discussion on the preservation of historic sites and objects is much appreciated.It is true that China’s protection of cultural relics still faces many problems.Fortunately we are taking diverse measures to help restore and preserveour heritage.  相似文献   

More about Ordinary People and TourismI have saved every copy of your magazine sinceI became a regular subscriber in 1986. As a memberof the China Stamp Society of San Francisco, I havecollected Chinese stamps for more than 4o years.I have noticed the changes in your publicationover the years. I preferred your style when the mag-azine was called China Reconstructs, as there weremore stories about various ethnic groups and theirlife-styles. It seems to me that nowadays you pub-lish more a…  相似文献   

Good Memories of chinaI find your articles interesting and pictures excellent. Your magazine gives a concise, but well documented glimpse of what is happening in the vast territory of China, as the country grows and changes. All thechanges in your magazine that I have observed over theyears have been steady improvements that make youarticles even more interesting.I was deeply impressed by your article on theThree Gorges Project - an engineering feat that willhave an impact on China for year…  相似文献   

More Opportunities for Participation I like to read articles on science and technology,culture. history and tourism, and I also like to look atpictures about history, and of natural scenery, becausethey enable me to see China's unique landscape, andlearn about its long history and splendid civilization.I hope you continue to publish articles and pic-tures on the latest achievements in science and tech-nology,especially in the field of computers. I also liketo read articles about life in diff…  相似文献   

China’s state-funded healthcare system has made remarkable progress over the past years following a slew of reforms. It now covers 96 percent of the population,and the share paid by each individual has also fallen steadily. But there is still a lot of room for improvement. There remain people, especially senior citizens of  相似文献   

正Thanks to better nutrition,improved clinical solutions and more state spending on healthcare services,China is seeing a healthier generation growing up.However, that healthcare services are being commercialized too quickly has become a top concern  相似文献   

Suggestions and CommentsI enjoy reading articles about Chinese folk artsand the development of western China Where thereare many tourist attractions. The Language Cornerhelps me learn the Chinese language and know moreabout the standard of living of the Chinese people. Ilove the arts. And through China Today magazine, Ihave learned that traditional Chinese arts have beenwell maintained in portraying the lifestyle of theChinese people from various aspects.I love most the photographs of Em…  相似文献   

When I was a young boy, I was fascinated with dinosaurs. I read many books on them, and used to draw pictures of T. Rexes, Stegosauruses, and many more. But I never knew that China had so many dinosaurs... until I read the Special Report in Volume 55, Issue 12, titled "The Middle Dinosaur Kingdom." Not only did the articles in the Special Report rekindle my interest in the subject, but I also learned a wealth of new and fascinating information about the ancient rulers of the earth. Paleontologist Xu Xing deserves great credit for his work in bringing dinosaur research in China up to international standards, and spreading interest in the subject among young people today. If he keeps up his good work, Western boys today will not be as ignorant about China's dinosaur situation as I once was.  相似文献   

Iam writing you to share on "out of the mouths of bobes" story Ithink your readers might enjoy.  相似文献   

I am unimpressed by the news in the Focus column of November 2007: "Average RMB 120,000 Wedding Price Tag." There is no denying that the wedding industry contributes much to GDP But from a different angle, weddings are nothing but extravagance and waste. In our country, there is an extreme disparity between the rich and poor.  相似文献   

I would like to say how much enjoy reading China Today.I have been reading English magazines and newspapers for a long time, but ever since the English-language journal Beijing Weekend stopped publishing because of financial problems last year,  相似文献   

I am a teacher of politics who enjoys reading and speaking the English language. I have been a loyal reader of China Today for many years, and take this opportunity to thank you for producing such an attractive and informative magazine.  相似文献   

I have been reading China Today since I was a college student, and have accumulated stacks of this wonderful magazine. Every time the postman calls with the latest issue I immediately read it from cover to cover. It's good to enjoy a magazine  相似文献   

I am a new reader who was attracted by your coverage of the OLympic Games, Since then I have read China Today and like it very much.  相似文献   

Iam an ordinary wogeearner who has been living in Beijing for almost six years.With rapid economic development,  相似文献   

正Employment,or unemployment,will remain a big issue for Chinese leaders in the new year.But it is primarily something that the individuals concerned,rather than policymakers,must deal with.Jobs give people dignity and the means to a living.Finding good jobs in such a populous country is not easy,but where there’s a will there’s a way.There are those  相似文献   

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