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Deaths due to positional asphyxia are most often accidental, associated with alcohol and/or drug intoxication. A 19‐year‐old male is reported who was assaulted and placed in a head‐down position in the back of a car were he was later found dead. Brush abrasions indicated that he had been dragged to the vehicle. The head and right shoulder were wedged into the foot well with the body uppermost. At autopsy, there was marked congestion of the face, neck, and upper chest with conjunctival ecchymoses, bruising of the face and scalp, focal subarachnoid hemorrhage, minor cerebral contusion, and diffuse cerebral swelling with early hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). Toxicology was negative. Death was attributed to HIE resulting from the unusual positioning of the body. Cases of positional asphyxia involving others may not always include restraint, and when encountered should initiate a careful evaluation of the possible events and lethal pathophysiological processes.  相似文献   

The sites, numbers and lengths of wounds of the skin of the scalp and head caused by blunt injuries (falls from standing position, falls downstairs, blows) in an autopsy series. Analysis of the localization, length and number of wounds located at the head in 305 autopsy cases of falls from a standing position (203 cases), falls downstairs (51 cases) and blows with relatively long materials (51 cases). For the distinction between falls and blows, among several other aspects the so-called rule of the hat-brim-line is described: in cases of falls from a standing position down to a flat bottom, contusions can be expected in or near a line which represents the greatest horizontal circumference of the skull, whereas in cases of blows the contusions lay above this area. Although such a tendency was found in our material, a rule could not be confirmed: only approximately 55% of the wound due to blows were above this line, and in cases of falls from a standing position ca. 1/3 of the wounds were above this area. Only in the (dorso-frontal and parietal) region "top of the head" contusions due to falls from a standing position were quite uncommon. The mean length and length distribution of wounds in the hat-brim-zone was not different between the 3 causes of injuries; in positions above this, wounds due to blows were longer compared to those by falls. In falls from a standing position, only exceptionally more than 1 wound was found, whereas in cases of homicide several or many wounds were common. Single wounds due to blows were only found in cases, in which the victims were knocked down but not killed by blunt forces, and death was caused by other methods (e.g. strangulation or stabbing).  相似文献   

In contrary to "physical restraint", describing a fixed body position due to external devices, "positional restraint" is defined as an abnormal body position, resulting from accidental fixation under unfortunate circumstances. We report on a remarkable case of positional asphyxia of an alcoholised young man after a fall down a staircase. On external examination, the body showed petechiae of the conjunctivae and oral mucosa, abrasions on the left zygomatic region and scratch marks, respectively. Neither broken fingernails, etc. nor signs of external violence against the neck were found. Autopsy revealed haemorrhages in the praevertebral cervical musculature and Simon's sign. Haemorrhagic pulmonary edema and cerebral edema were observed; blood alcohol concentration: 2.60 g/l, urine alcohol concentration: 3.26 g/l. As cause of death, positional asphyxia after blunt head trauma has to be considered as well as lethal ethanol intoxication. To us, alcoholisation attributed to the fall and together with unconsciousness following blunt head trauma circumvented self-rescue efforts, and therefore, aggravated the potentially lethal impact of positional restraint.  相似文献   

The article describes the case of a 29-year-old woman who was found dead in her apartment on a bar stool with the body being maximally retroflected in the lumbar region, the head hanging down and the feet and hands barely touching the floor. On external inspection of the body the cuff-like distribution of hypostasis on the forearms and lower legs was consistent with the position in which the body was found. There were no signs of foreign intervention. At autopsy massive congestion was found in the internal organs as well as pulmonary and cerebral edema. In the ventral region of the lumbar intervertebral discs superficial hemorrhages were detected. The alcohol content was 3.40 per thousand in the blood and 4.43 per thousand in the urine. As the essential pathogenetic mechanisms responsible for death reduced venous reflux to the heart in combination with postural asphyxia and the influence of alcohol are discussed.  相似文献   

A 28-year-old man was shot using a pump-gun. The main question to be resolved was whether the biological stain pattern on the suspect's trousers, and in particular the bloodstains, can provide evidence to assess the shooting distance between the suspect and the position of the victim's body. The biological stain pattern (i.e. bloodstains and brain tissue) showed backspatters from the shot entrance wound on the back of the head, while the victim was lying face down and the suspect was standing close behind his head.  相似文献   

Adult male Sprague Dawley rats were euthanized and placed in a horizontal or vertical (head‐down) position at room temperature, after which brain fluid content was measured by a moisture analysis technique at variable time points. No significant difference in brain fluid content was observed between horizontal and vertical postmortem positions. A significant increase in brain fluid content was demonstrated 3, 6, and 24 h after death, with maximal fluid content observed at 24 h. Specifically, the brain fluid content of control animals was 77.79 ± 0.36%, increasing to 80.05 ± 0.22% at 24 h (p < 0.0001). This study has demonstrated no significant differences in brain fluid content related to postmortem position, suggesting that a head‐down position is not associated with increased brain fluid content or swelling. However, significant temporal increases in brain fluid content after death, most likely related to cerebral liquefaction, occur.  相似文献   

Suicide was initiated by several incisions in the skin; the resulting hypovolemia resulted in fatal hypothermia. The unusual autopsy findings in this case due to hypothermia were focal hemorrhages and necrosis of the pancreas and hemorrhagic infarction of the descendending colon. The pathophysiological relevance of the autopsy and histological findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Issues of distribution of kinetic energy of traumatizing object in direct contact interaction with head during impact are discussed from position of biomechanics. It was stated that kinetic energy is directed at deformation of head tissues and object as well as at head displacement after impact and overcoming neck tissue resistance. Experimental studies confirmed theoretical principles. Results obtained can be used in expert practice and in scientific research.  相似文献   

Suicidal gunshot wounds from a livestock stunner with infliction of two shots against the head are extremely rare events. A case with these characteristics is presented and the corresponding literature is reviewed. A 61-year-old butcher was found dead with two entry wounds of the forehead on the right side and in the centre being typical for captive bolt pistols (symmetrically localized powder burns). The issues of the sequence of shots and the capacity of action are discussed on the basis of morphological findings and pathophysiological considerations. A literature review revealed only 4 case reports with double gunshot wounds of the skull caused by "humane killers" (Tovo 1956, Wolff and Laufer 1965, Schiermeyer 1973, Pollak 1977).  相似文献   

Spinal epidural haematomas (sEDH) can be regarded as rare events, in principle a spontaneous and a traumatic aetiology can be distinguished. Spontaneous spinal epidural haematomas can arise, e.g. from vascular malformations, coagulopathies, etc. On the other hand, traumatic sEDH are related to, e.g. spinal trauma or intraoperative vascular injuries. With regard to clinical significance, spinal epidural haematomas accompanied by transient mild neurological symptoms up to lethal outcomes have been observed. We report on a 53-year-old male alcoholic who was found in the kitchen of his asylum in a grotesquely fixed body position, with his head and cervical spine in a maximum anteflected position. A general practitioner had ruled for a non-natural manner of death due to "broken neck" and alcohol intoxication, therefore, the prosecution authorities called for a medicolegal autopsy. At autopsy, paravertebral soft tissue haemorrhage in between the shoulder blades was disclosed. Furthermore, a spinal epidural haematoma, extending from the foramen magnum down to the middle portion of the thoracic spine was found. No fractures of vertebrae nor lesions of spine ligaments or bleedings of intervertebral discs were found. Blood alcohol concentration was determined 1.92 g/l and urine alcohol concentration was 1.76 g/l. Further morphological findings were cerebral oedema and cardiac hypertrophy; the urinary bladder was found filled to bursting. Neuropathological investigations confirmed the presence of the spinal epidural haematoma and assigned lethal significance to this finding. There were no histological signs of axonal injury. Reconstruction revealed that when sitting on a chair in a drunk condition, the individual's upper part of the body had fallen backwards in the corner and subsequently got stuck with maximum anteflection of the head and cervical spine, causing rupture of vessels and spinal epidural haematoma. Acute respiratory failure caused by impairment of the phrenic nerve following spinal epidural haematoma with potential synergism of alcohol intoxication was ascertained as the cause of death.  相似文献   

While lying down, a 23-year-old man detonated an improvised explosive device placed behind his head. The posterior neck and shoulders were singed, and much of the brain was avulsed. Death was due to laceration and partial avulsion of the cerebrum, midbrain, and brain stem. The injuries had a directional nature. Facts derived from the scene investigation and gross dissection, including nature, distribution, and extent of the wounds, in conjunction with preceding medical and social history, allowed for a reasonable reconstruction of the circumstances.  相似文献   

Postmortem red coloration of teeth (pink teeth) was found in 26 of 119 consecutive autopsy or forensic dental identification cases during 1973-1984. The present study confirms that red coloration of teeth may occur some time after death under conditions that promote putrefaction and adipocere formation. The red coloration is due to hemolysis after exudation of hemoglobin derivatives through the dentine tubules in cases in which blood has accumulated in the head, either due to congestion or by a postmortem head-down position, as after submersion in water.  相似文献   

In the case of a thorax stab wound and an intrapulmonal position of the glass fragment (fall from a ladder into a glass door) an extrathoracic cardiac massage had been carried out. The result of which, an extremely unusual "reanimationtrauma" and the problems connected with it are discussed. In another case of a stab wound of the right iliacal vessels and the position of the glass fragment in the minor pelvis (jump through a thermopane glass of a door, followed by a fight) investigations were first conducted because of the suspicion of manslaughter. The autopsy, however, completely excluded death through fault of another. Further an unusual figured glass cut wound on the left side of the head (fall into a glass brick wall) led to death through gradual bleeding. The question arose whether death was caused by failure to give assistance.  相似文献   

Xie Y  Yi XF  Chen XG  Lin X  Guo SF  Wang Q 《法医学杂志》2006,22(4):299-300,302
通过对2例颅脑外伤后假性癫痫的法医鉴定案例的分析,总结假性癫痫发作的临床特点及外伤后假性癫痫发作与外伤性癫痫发作的鉴别要点。其法医学鉴定应结合颅脑外伤的程度、部位、颅内有无后遗病灶及临床发作特点等综合分析。  相似文献   

肩袖位于肩峰、肩锁关节和肱骨头骨性结构之间,是由冈上肌、冈下肌、肩胛下肌及小圆肌包绕在肱骨头周围并与肩关节囊相混合围绕肩关节形成袖套状结构的一组肌腱复合体,在肩关节活动功能中起重要作用.常见的损伤原因包括肩峰下撞击综合征、血管异常相关因素、关节功能退行变和外伤暴力因素等,是一类多因素参与的复杂病理生理过程.通过对肩袖的...  相似文献   

Based on the results of examinations of craniocephalic characteristics in 47 corpses of adults of both sexes, a method for identifying the head circumference and hat size has been developed for expert evaluation of skeletonized rudiments. Hats known to belong to the lost subjects are proposed to be used as the reference samples. The author emphasizes the importance of the time when the hat was made and its position on the head.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Pontomedullary lacerations (PMLs) have often been reported in car occupants and pedestrians, are less frequently described in motorcyclists, and are very rarely described in bicyclists. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of brainstem PMLs among fatally injured motorcyclists and bicyclists as well as the frequency of concomitant cranial, facial, and cervical spine injuries in such cases. A possible underlying mechanism of PML in fatally injured motorcyclists and bicyclists might thus be established. Of 443 cases of fatally injured motorcyclists and bicyclists, a sample of 381 cases of fatally injured motorcyclists and bicyclists with head injury of Abbreviated Injury Scale score of 3 or greater was formed and further analyzed. This group was composed of 345 men and 36 women. The average age was 48.8 ± 20.8 years (range, 15-99 years). In the analyzed sample group, there were 158 motorcyclists and 223 bicyclists. Partial PMLs were present in 44 cases (12%) within the sample of 381 head injuries, which breaks down to 40 men and 4 women. In our study, the impact area on the head and the specific skull base fracture type were good predictors of either PML occurrence or absence (B = -2.036, Wald = 161.312, P < 0.01, for the whole model). Impact to the chin, with or without a skull base fracture, most often led to this fatal injury due to impact force transmission, either through jawbone or vertebral column. Also, lateral head impact, the most frequent in bicyclists, with subsequent hinge fracture, PML, and frontoposterior hyperextension of the head that is associated with upper spine fracture, could be possible mechanisms of brainstem injury in fatally injured motorcyclists or bicyclists. Our study showed that the jawbone, as well as other facial bones, could act as shock absorbers, and their fracture could diminish energy transfer toward the skull and protect the brain and brainstem from injury.  相似文献   

There is significant disagreement among medical professionals regarding the mechanisms for infant brain injury. This disagreement is due in part to the failure by some to acknowledge and incorporate known biomechanical data and models into hypotheses regarding causes. A proper biomechanical understanding of the mechanisms of traumatic brain injury (TBI) challenges many published and testified assumptions regarding TBI in infants and children. This paper analyzes the biomechanical relationship between the causes of TBI in infants and children, and their physiological consequences. Loading characteristics, injury parameters and criteria, scaling, failure characteristics, differences between infants and adults, and impact due to falls are described and discussed in the context of the laws of mechanics. Recent studies are critiqued with reference to their contribution to an understanding of brain injury mechanisms. Finally, methods for improving our currently incomplete knowledge of infant head injuries, and their mechanisms, consequences and tolerances are proposed. There is an urgent need for close collaboration between physicians and biomechanicians to objectively and scientifically evaluate infant head injuries to further define their mechanical bases, and to assist in their diagnosis and treatment.  相似文献   

Pipe bombs are crudely constructed improvized explosive devices which are easily made at home. They are increasingly used by terrorists and others, and may inflict serious injuries and cause death. Four fatalities have occurred in association with their use in Northern Ireland between 1998 and 2002. In 2 cases, death was due to penetrating shrapnel injuries to the chest causing laceration of the great vessels, and a third fatality occurred due to a bomb fragment penetrating the cranial cavity. A pipe bomb exploded close to the back of the head of a fourth victim and this was associated with a severe brain injury. The pathologist was able to determine the position of the victim in relation to the explosion by interpreting the pattern of injuries. It seems likely that 2 of the victims had been involved in the construction, transport, or use of the devices. A third victim was entirely innocent and had been in the process of removing a pipe bomb, which had been thrown through the window of her home, when it exploded. The fourth victim was a member of the security forces who had been struck by a bomb fragment, in the region of the right eye, during a period of sectarian unrest.  相似文献   

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