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<正> 根据目前我国已加入的国际禁毒公约和我国禁毒法律,在我国,毒品犯罪是指违反麻醉药品、精神药品管理法规,非法走私、贩卖、运输、制造、使用毒品以及与非法走私、贩卖、运输、制造、使用毒品直接相关的破坏国家禁毒活动的行为,如非法种植毒品原植物,非法持有毒品,引诱、教唆、欺骗、强迫他人吸食、注射毒品,窝藏毒品,包庇毒品犯罪分子等行为。我国政府历来对禁毒采取坚决措施并积极开展禁毒的国际合  相似文献   

李娟 《政法学刊》2011,28(2):30-34
二十一世纪,毒品已成为一个国际性问题,对于全球政治、经济、文化构成了严重的威胁,我国毒品滥用及毒品犯罪的形势也日趋严峻。因此,有必要借鉴国际禁毒公约的理念和方法,结合我国具体国情,进一步完善我国禁毒刑事政策,以便更有效地遏制毒品滥用和毒品犯罪。  相似文献   

当前,打击毒品犯罪已成为我国刑事司法重要内容之一。吸食、注射毒品在毒品犯罪中具有核心地位,无论从其社会危害性,还是出于完善我国禁毒法律、加强国际禁毒合作的考虑,都应立法明文将其规定为犯罪。  相似文献   

云南新型毒品滥用群体相关指标及分类实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年《中国禁毒白皮书》指出:“在我国,滥用冰毒,氯胺酮,摇头丸等新型毒品人数不断增多,已形成传统毒品与新型毒品交叉滥用的局面”。在云南,新型毒品滥用的特点主要表现为:1、女性新型毒品滥用者所占比例总体上呈逐年增长趋势。2、滥用新型毒品的“25岁现象”突出。3、新型毒品滥用者多为住在城镇的非农业人口。4、新型毒品已渗入白领精英阶层并逐步蔓延开来。5、新型毒品滥用群体分为三类;“high”妹群体,公司职员、个体、运输工人、商人、教师类群体,无业者群体。  相似文献   

新型毒品的使用以青少年为主体,由主城向郊县、郊区蔓延,并已在吸食者中形成新型毒品亚文化圈。新型毒品在生产方面以当地生产为主,向周边乡镇转移。制毒组织以多人入股为主。制毒方式以高技术性、规模化生产为主。因此,在新型毒品的禁毒斗争中需要调整过去针对传统毒品形成的思路和方法,改变以往的禁毒宣传模式,制定、完善相关法规和标准,明确相关单位职责,协调各单位职能,调整人员配置,加大力度强化易制毒化学品的控管工作。  相似文献   

在新的世纪里,中国将深入持久地开展禁毒斗争。作为禁毒斗争的主力军——公安禁毒队伍的素质高低则直接关系到这场斗争的成败。加强公安禁毒专业教育,提高公安禁毒队伍素质,是时代赋予公安禁毒专业教育工作者的神圣使命。加强公安禁毒专业教育是严峻的禁毒形势的需要当今世界,全球化的毒品问题已经对人类的生存和发展构成重大威胁。据1998年联合国有关资料显示,全世界有2100万人遭受可卡因和海洛因之害,有3000万人因滥用苯丙胺类兴奋剂而受害。在我国,近年来毒品案件不断增多,吸毒人数持续上升,毒品问题处于发展蔓延阶段,与毒品有关的违法犯罪活动涉及到全国各地。中国已由毒品过境受害国转变为毒  相似文献   

海南高院禁毒宣传到校园"6·26"国际禁毒日前夕,海南省高级人民法院和海口市美兰区人民法院的法官深入学校开展内容丰富的禁毒宣传教育活动,拉开了"6·26"国际禁毒日宣传周的帷幕。在禁毒宣传现场,法官们采取列举真实案例、现场讲解、展示禁毒宣传展图、发放禁毒宣传资料等多种形式,宣传国家禁毒法规,让广大师生认识吸食新型毒品的危害、毒贩子推销毒品的招数和防范毒品的办法等内容,从思想上牢固树立"珍爱生命,远离毒品"的意识。同时,倡议广大同学争做禁毒宣传员,把禁毒知识宣传给身边的每一个人。(刘琼黄叶华)  相似文献   

徐燕兰 《政法学刊》2013,(5):113-117
毒品已成为当前全球性最为严重的公害,它危害人们的健康甚至生命,耗费各国大量的人力财力,而毒品犯罪又严重影响了社会的安定,阻碍生产力的发展。禁毒,成了各国政府致力于解决的难题。但国内外的禁毒经验表明,遏制毒品蔓延与降低危害的最有效方法就是开展禁毒教育,因此,必须充分发挥教育在我国禁毒预防中的作用,通过充分运用家庭教育、学校教育、社会教育和媒体的合力,使禁毒预防教育的功能最大化。  相似文献   

毒品,已经成为全人类的公害。世界各国对禁毒工作都十分重视,我国更是如.此。近几年来,禁毒工作取得了明显成效。但在全球毒品持续泛滥的大背景下,我国毒品问题短期内还难以彻底消除,禁毒形势依然严峻。  相似文献   

周永康:巩固深化禁毒人民战争成果实现禁毒斗争形势持续好转各地区、各有关部门要深入贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于禁毒工作的一系列方针政策,推动禁毒人民战争向纵深发展,巩固扩大海洛因治理成果,坚决遏制新型毒品蔓延,有效防止易制毒化学品和麻醉药品、精神药品流入非法渠道,努力实现我国禁毒斗争形势的持续好转,为构建社会主义和谐社会作出新贡献。各地区、各有关部门要紧紧抓住海洛因复吸这一顽症痼疾,推动戒毒康复工作取得新突破;紧紧抓住吸贩冰毒、摇头丸等新型毒品这一突出问题,坚决遏制其蔓延的势头;紧紧抓住堵源截流和缉毒执法这一…  相似文献   

Drug abuse and narcotics offenses have been surging since the economic reforms in China. Accompanied is the dramatic increase of female involvement in the use of drugs and narcotics offenses. As a response, laws and governmental decrees have been promulgated and modified to curb these emerging and changing crimes and social problems. Courts at all levels in China also devoted more resources in handling and processing these particular criminals and crimes. Whether and how these legal initiatives have been translated into punishment that treats male and female offenders equally who committed similar offenses remains questionable. Citing published criminal court judgment documents, this study addressed this issue empirically and offered some plausible theoretical explanations for the treatment of female drug users and narcotics offenders by criminal courts in China.  相似文献   

A longitudinal model was developed relating early deviance, narcotics use, and three types of income-generating crime (property crime, drug dealing, and prostitution) among female narcotics addicts during the first 2 years of the addiction career. The model was tested by a confirmatory structural equation analysis. Early deviance predicted subsequent property crime involvement. Stability across time was demonstrated for narcotics use, property crime, and drug dealing. Strong contemporaneous relationships among these constructs were found. These findings partially replicate patterns found in previous studies for male addicts. In contrast to male addicts, a positive, instead of negative, contemporaneous relationship was found between property crime and drug dealing activities. Between constructs, cross-lag effects were generally small and only that between property crime and later narcotics use was significant. Finally, prostitution was failed to be incorporated in the model. Further research is needed to elucidate the diverse economic support systems among women which may affect the drug-crime relationship.  相似文献   

祖国大陆与我国香港地区毒品犯罪比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毒品犯罪是全球性的问题,引起了全世界的关注。如何减少和预防毒品犯罪,各国和地区都在作不懈努力。从香港地区毒品犯罪的历史发展,比较香港和大陆地区在持有毒品犯罪,走私、贩卖、运输、制造毒品罪,毒品原植物犯罪,非法提供麻醉品、精神药品罪等犯罪上的不同,及香港毒品犯罪的综合治疗措施的差异,有助于大陆和香港地区在求同存异的基础上加大司法领域的合作,共同应付毒品犯罪。  相似文献   

The present study examines the relationships between narcotics use and criminality utilizing a confirmatory structural equation modeling approach. Latentvariable and manifest-variable models are used to represent causal relationships between narcotics use and criminality in both the postaddiction and the pretreatment periods of the addiction career. Latent-variable models include a preexisting deviance construct as an exogenous factor, and manifest-variable models include a measure of drug trafficking, or dealing, as an influencing variable. Both inclusions are made as an attempt to minimize specification error in the models. The results are consistent in showing that, while simultaneous relationships between narcotics and criminality are clearly demonstrable, the prediction of either variable from the other across time cannot be demonstrated. It is concluded that causal relationships between narcotics and criminality are probably not characterized by an appreciable or identifiable time lag. Other theoretical considerations suggested by the modeling results are discussed, such as the role of idiosyncratic approaches to the economics of maintaining addition.  相似文献   

The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of Maryland recorded a total of 149 drug abuse deaths of teenagers aged 13-19 years between 1991 and 2006. Of these deaths, 96 (64.4%) were caused by the use of narcotic drugs only, 29 (19.5%) by both narcotics and cocaine, four (2.7%) by both narcotics and methylenedioxymethamphetamine, six (4.0%) by cocaine only, and 14 (9.4%) by volatile substances (e.g., butane, Freon, nitrous oxide, and propane). The annual death rate from drug abuse for teenagers increased from 1.4 deaths per 100,000 population in 1991 to 2.7 deaths per 100,000 population in 2006 (chi-square test for time trend, p<0.01). The increase in teenager drug abuse deaths occurred in 1999 and since has remained at a higher rate. Further analysis revealed that the increase in drug abuse deaths was attributable to a large degree to narcotic drugs, particularly heroin/morphine and methadone, and was confined to teenagers residing in the suburban and rural areas.  相似文献   

Various addict behaviors that are relevant to the narcotics-crime relationship are examined throughout the course of the addiction career. Anglo and Chicano methadone patients are studied and several methodological approaches are utilized. The data are representative of numerous critical periods within the addiction career as well as periods immediately preceding and subsequent to it. The results from the various methodological analyses converge to indicate that while involvement in property crime activities generally precedes the addiction career, after addiction occurs the highly elevated property crime levels demonstrated by addicts appear to be regulated by similarly high narcotics use levels. During periods of curtailed narcotics use produced by treatment, property crime levels are significantly reduced and become extremely low after termination of the addiction career. The findings are compared with results previously reported and new results are presented. Theoretical consideration of circumstances that significantly moderate the narcotics-crime relationship, such as geographic and sociodemographic differences, drug trafficking, and other behaviors, are discussed.  相似文献   

走私、贩卖、运输、制造毒品罪的概念应当全面含盖刑法第347条、第350条第2款、第355条的规定,作者据此对本罪的概念和特征作出了重新界定。文章还列表表示了本罪数额与情节和刑罚适用的关系,列表界定了毒品再犯制度与累犯制度的联系和区别。  相似文献   

Structural-equation modeling is used to test causal relationships between narcotics addiction and the associated cost-support activities of property crime and drug dealing across four critical periods of the addiction career. It is argued that structural-equation methodology yields greater insight into the causal dynamics of such activities than the typical methodologies of comparing means and proportions. Using structural coefficients of longitudinal models to infer causal relationships and stability, it is found that (1) dealing is often a predictor of future narcotics involvement; (2) narcotics use, property crime, and dealing are mutually interrelated during periods of elevated narcotics use and are not related during periods of reduced narcotics use; (3) dealing appears to be the most stable of the three variables, although narcotics use and property crime show appreciable stability as well; and (4) property crime and dealing appear to be inversely related to a moderate extent. The relevance of these findings to the understanding of the economic behavior of addicts during the initiation and cessation of addiction, relapse, and maturing out is discussed.  相似文献   

Morphine and methamphetamine, which are excreted in the sweat, are detected by the use of routine serological and physicochemical techniques for urinary examinations. Screening for drug abuse can be done with the same accuracy of that of urine. Rapid excretion of the drug via kidney (within one day) is followed by a slow but steady excretion of the sweat gland. Methamphetamine given orally in a dose of 10 mg is excreted in the sweat at a constant rate (1.4 microgram/ml). No significant difference of the amount excreted by both systems is found. Alveolar lining seems to prevent the elimination of the volatile methamphetamine via respiration. Not only narcotics and stimulants, but also many alkaloids and barbituarates are excreted in the sweat and detected quantitatively by the same principles. The toxicological analysis of the sweat promises a new scope of forensic investigation.  相似文献   

《Russian Politics and Law》2013,51(2-4):343-376
Ethyl alcohol is classified as a narcotic, i.e., a substance that acts primarily on the central nervous system. Repeated use of narcotics leads to addiction, and a morbid need to consume them is called narcomania. As a rule, an organism that has become addicted to frequent use of narcotics reacts pathologically to being deprived of the habitual stimulant. A picture of "narcotic hunger," i.e., a withdrawal syndrome [abstinentsiia], develops. This characteristic phenomenon is similar in its general features for all addicts, regardless of the drug used.  相似文献   

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