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关于重刑罪犯反社会人格特征的调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
反社会人格与犯罪行为的关系十分密切。通过明尼苏达多项人格调查表(MMPI)分别对服刑中期和新入监的重刑罪犯进行测量,明确重刑罪犯反社会人格存在现状,重刑罪犯组与正常组合在Pd临床量表上比较存在显著意义(P〈0.001);Pd量表T均分高于常模一个标准差;Pd量表T分大于常模的人数和比例较高;Pd量表与其他量表两点编码比例明显,且呈显著相关(P〈0.001),影响因素比较有显著意义。鉴于重刑罪犯反社会人格特征突出,且存在不同的严重程度,需加强对他们反社会人格障碍的矫治研究。  相似文献   

重新犯罪给社会带来严重危害,重新犯罪罪犯的人格特征决定了他们的行为习惯和行为方式。本文对295名重新犯罪罪犯的MMPI测试结果进行统计,通过与正常人及初次犯罪罪犯的比较,分析了重新犯罪罪犯人格偏离常态的现状;通过对单项临床量表超常态、两点编码以及相关系数的统计,反映了重新犯罪罪犯的人格障碍的程度,从而揭示出重新犯罪罪犯的人格特征。  相似文献   

罪犯是犯了罪的公民,服刑中的犯人享有除被依法剥夺以外的广泛的公民权利。同时犯人权利及其行使都有一定的局限性,受到诸多限制。划定罪犯权利的范围及其行使的限度是切实保障犯人权利,遵行宪法保护人权原则的要求。就最低限度而言,对罪犯人格权的尊重和保护是保障犯人权利和人权的集中体现;从更高目标来讲,对法律没有明确剥夺的“当有权利”或“当有自由权”的私法公法的保护,并切实保障其实际享有,有助于犯人人格的完善。  相似文献   

重刑考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高绍先 《现代法学》2003,25(4):104-111
重刑,作为一种制度和理念,在中国刑法史上长期存在。历史上有许多伟大的思想家、法学家发表过不少的宏篇伟论,对重刑高唱赞歌,力证重刑对治国安邦之不可或缺;肉刑的存废之争,更延续了上千年。重刑的价值取向在全社会有相当普遍的共识,不仅统治者对其情有独钟,一般善良百姓也津津乐道,直至现在,重刑思想在中国仍有深厚的社会、文化基础。  相似文献   

尊重罪犯的人格。不是日常话语下对“好人”适用的的“尊重”.不是对道德人格或“正常交往”状态下的人与人之间关系基础上的“尊重”,而是作为一般意义上的对“人”尊重,是对其合法权利的尊重。如果理解为日常话语下的尊重。那就很容易消解对特定对象的理解.进而演化罪犯自身角色认知,淡化警察狱情意识。影响警囚关系的正确定位。弱化狱内管理。增加监狱风险。  相似文献   

重刑主义这粒被历史埋下的种子,一直在国人的头脑中生根发芽,直至根深蒂固。重刑主义严重考验着我们的理性,它有时是群众泄愤的工具,有时是司法机关完成任务追求效率的口实。重刑主义不是安定民心和维护社会安定的良药,它具有极大的社会危害性。为了更好的推进法治建设,保证人权,推动国家的长治久安,我们必须摒弃重刑主义,让法治回归正途。本文将从重刑主义的概述、存在的原因、在中国当代司法实务中的表现、危害以及消除重刑主义的措施等方面进行介绍,以期使我们更加深入地认识重刑主义、果断地摈弃重刑主义。  相似文献   

目的探讨人格责任论和动机理论相结合的方法在精神障碍患者刑事责任能力鉴定中的价值。方法回顾性分析我机构2013年及2014年实施鉴定的101例精神障碍患者的刑事责任能力,分析指标包括:精神症状对人格基本特征的反映;作案动机;被鉴定人对违法行为的评价;刑事责任能力。结果不同的症状反映了人格整体性、一致性和特殊性的异常;当症状不同时,患者实施违法行为的动机也有现实和非现实的差异;人格整体性受损者不能正常和正确地评价违法行为,几乎全部人格一致性、特殊性受影响者能认识到行为的违法性;人格的完整性和一致性受影响者刑事责任能力不完全;人格特殊性受影响者为完全刑事责任能力。结论人格责任论与动机理论相结合应用于精神障碍患者的刑事责任能力鉴定,有实用的临床意义。以行为人作为行动者的同一性进行界定,辨别患者对行为是"不能控制"还是"不予控制",值得在精神病司法鉴定工作中推广应用。  相似文献   

马作武 《中外法学》2012,(6):1264-1277
先秦以商鞅、韩非为代表的法家之学,以"刑名法术"为核。其所谓"法"者,若指向法律,则坐实于刑。重刑主义是法家思想的必然归宿,其理论基础包括任力不任德的实力主义、性恶论、重刑爱民论、民众愚昧论等;其内容包括刑主赏辅、"刑用于将过"、"以刑去刑"、"重刑连其罪"等。作为君主专制政治暴力统治的思想基础,重刑主义学说荒谬、残忍,必然导致对生命的蔑视、民生的摧残、基本人权的践踏,秦朝的暴政充分印证了这一点。汉朝以后儒、法合流,重刑主义遂成为中华法系的基本精神之一,影响深远,至今仍有必要认真检视与深刻反思  相似文献   

当前,监狱罪犯劳动报酬制度运行还不规范,不利于刑罚执行的统一。文章借助恢复性司法的有关理论,通过对罪犯劳动属性的分析,较为合理的建构了罪犯劳动报酬的组成结构,提出了设定罪犯劳动报酬水平的标准,明确了罪犯劳动报酬各组成部分的发放方式,有利于规范劳动报酬的应用,确保监狱刑罚执行的统一性,体现刑罚执行的严肃性、权威性。  相似文献   

法家重刑思想的逻辑分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
法家有其独特的重刑思想的逻辑。以“民性”、“民情”为法家重刑理论的归宿,基于人性发展起“以刑去刑”的理论,着眼于轻罪重刑。法家总是把“富国”放在首要地位,否定了“富民”、“足民”的意义,只是单纯使用重刑。法家讲求“胜民”、“制民”、“弱民”,高度发达了告奸理论。法家重刑的出发点和最后归宿,都被说成是善良的,是基于“爱民”、“亲民”而达到“利民”的。法家的重刑思想到秦灭亡前夕,得到了淋漓尽致的表现,致使其二世而亡。  相似文献   

After discussing the interests that ground theright to democratic political participation,arguments for the disenfranchisement of thosewho commit serious criminal offenses areexamined. The arguments are divided into twogroups. The first group consists of argumentsthat are relatively independent of thejustifying aims of punishment. It is concededthat two of these arguments establish thatsome, though by no means all, serious offendersshould lose the vote for a period of time thatdoes not necessarily overlap with the durationof the other sanctions visited upon them. Thesearguments also imply that the state isjustified in attempting to exclude theoffenders in question from all forms ofpolitical participation, a position thatarguably runs afoul of moral limits onpunishment. The second group of arguments makesexplicit reference to the justifying aims ofpunishment. None supports the blanketdisenfranchisement of felons, though some mayjustify it in relation to some seriousoffenders for certain periods of time. All ofthe arguments supporting the disenfranchisementof serious offenders are most persuasive on theassumption that they live in reasonably justsocieties that are genuinely democratic. Ifthat assumption is false or questionable, thenit is argued that the force of such argumentsmay be weakened considerably.  相似文献   

河北省未成年人犯罪的基本情况及个性特点的调查与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李俊丽  于承良  梅清海 《河北法学》2005,23(11):135-139
采用艾森克个性问卷和自编问卷对年龄在16-18岁的218名未成年犯和274名高中生和53名石家庄市少年儿童保护教育中心的学员进行调查,结果显示未成年犯的人格具有偏离正常人群倾向的特点,他们的N分和P分高,而L分低。因此预防未成年人犯罪应注重培养其健全人格。  相似文献   

One of the major innovations in the DSM-5 involves the introduction of evidence-based, dimensional approaches to diagnostic assessment. One way in which dimensions are being incorporated into the DSM-5 is in the form of a trait system that offers an alternative strategy for the diagnosis of personality disorders. The traits that comprise this system rest on the foundation of decades of quantitative research in personality and clinical psychology. Although they are conceptualized in the DSM-5 as primarily relevant to the diagnosis of personality disorder, emerging evidence suggests that these traits offer an evidence-based framework for organizing psychopathology more generally. For instance, trait approaches provide promising solutions to widely cited problems in clinical and forensic assessment such as diagnostic co-occurrence, heterogeneity, and arbitrary cut-offs. In this paper, rather than focusing specifically on the diagnosis of personality disorder, we review the rapidly emerging literature on the DSM-5 traits with special attention to their application beyond personality disorder diagnosis and their use and implications for forensic psychology.  相似文献   

The present study focused on both the MMPI-2 scales and the 16PF-5 primary and global factors, involving 213 individuals who were court-ordered to undergo a personality assessment in neglect and/or abuse cases. Results showed a defensive approach to the assessment and specific psychological characteristics indicated by moderate range elevations in the MMPI-2 clinical scales 4 and 6 and in the 16PF-5 Tough-Mindedness, and high scores of 16PF-5 Self-Control associated with low scores of PSY-5 Disconstraint. Finally, this study revealed strong associations between MMPI-2 PSY-5 and 16PF-5 global factors, offering a detailed picture of psychological functioning.  相似文献   

The present study examined actor and partner effects of the Big Five personality traits, assessed by the NEO Five-Factor Inventory, on physical aggression within sibling dyadic interactions. Data were collected from 86 target adolescents receiving counseling services, their mothers, and closest-age siblings in South Korea. Mothers rated their children’s personalities. Target adolescents and siblings reported their own personality, as well as their sibling’s and their own perpetration of physical aggression against one another. Substantial self-other (i.e., mother and sibling) agreement was found for personality traits. Both actor and partner effects were found for the negative associations between extraversion, openness to experience, and conscientiousness and physical aggression among siblings. The current findings increase our understanding of personality traits implicated in physical aggression in general, and specifically aggression among siblings.  相似文献   

张淼  孙常平 《政法学刊》2011,28(6):101-104
特殊的任务和使命使反恐基层一线的警察承受着较大的职业压力和职业风险,而他们所承受的压力源和应激源又完全不同于其他的警察,因此探索反恐基层一线警察的心理健康状况、人格特征及应对方式,对于提高他们的心理健康水平,工作效率以及维护社会稳定有重大意义。  相似文献   

The general assumption has been that male batterers from clinical samples were mostly insecurely attached as compared to non-batterers. Recently, a large group was found (39.4 % of batterers in a clinical sample) whose main attachment style was secure. No previous studies have examined specifically the securely attached batterer. The aim of the present study was to test whether antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) and narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), but not borderline personality disorder (BPD), traits may be related to battering among securely attached individuals. Twenty-seven securely attached batterers, 45 insecurely attached batterers, 40 securely attached controls, and 22 insecurely attached controls who lived in the Netherlands, filled in self-report measures of personality disorder traits (i.e., antisocial, narcissism, borderline) and attachment (i.e., avoidant and anxious). Results showed that ASPD traits explained 19 % of the variance of battering in securely attached individuals. NPD and BPD traits are related to battering among securely attached individuals when NPD and BPD traits were entered alone in the equation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between intimate partner violence (IPV) and personality disorder symptoms controlling for depressive state. Victims of IPV (n?=?176) and non-abused women (n?=?193) completed the Dimensional Assessment of Personality Pathology-Basic Questionnaire (DAPP-BQ), Index of Spouse Abuse (ISA), and Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II). IPV victims scored higher than non-abused women on Intimacy Problems, and scored lower on Rejection traits, after adjustment for depressive symptoms. Severity of the IPV was related to Cognitive Distortion, Suspiciousness, Restricted Expression, and Intimacy Problems, and the length of the IPV was negatively associated with Rejection. The current study suggests only modest differences in personality traits between IPV and non-abused women. The DAPP-BQ traits associated with severity of IPV, in a dose-response manner, would partially reflect the symptoms of complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD), although this possibility deserves further study.  相似文献   

This study compared authoritarian traits as determined by MMPI-2 scores between inexperienced versus experienced police officers. The purpose of this comparison was to investigate whether experienced police officers possessed higher levels of authoritarian traits which may be related to years on the job. Results found that inexperienced and experienced police officers tend to be psychologically healthy and do not possess high levels of authoritarian traits. Some specific differences emerged with inexperienced police officers demonstrating higher scores on ASP (antisocial practices) but lower scores on HY (emotional reactions to stress). Possible reasons for these results are discussed.  相似文献   

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