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JU QING 《人权》2007,6(3):24-26
On December 29, 2006. the revised Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Minors(hereinafter referred to as "the revised Law" for short) was approved at the 25th meeting of the Tenth National People's Congress (NPC), China's highest  相似文献   

Li Shaoming, research fellow of the Sichuan Provincial Institute of Nationalities: The core of Qiang culture is intangible cultural heritage, and the protection of Qiang intangible cultural heritage depends on protecting the Qiang people. I suggest setting up a Qiang Culture Conservation Area in Sichuan, so as to reestablish an “ecological environment” for Qiang culture.  相似文献   

法院作为国家重要的司法力量,目前在司法体制、监督机制及内部管理等方面存在诸多问题。改革法院的人事、财政及领导体制,强化监督机制,加强法院内部管理,努力实现公正与效率已成为当务之急。  相似文献   

本文以关于边检机关是否应查验中国公民前往国签证问题的讨论为背景,结合我国现行出入境制度的发展进程,对查验前往国签证的原因和适法性进行了深入分析,就边检机关如何应对我国适时取消该项查验措施后在出入境领域引发的新变化,提出了若干建议和意见。  相似文献   

在数字网络时代,采取数字加密技术加密隐私信息是权利人保护个人隐私的重要手段。而在第三方例外原则下,权利人将丧失对该隐私信息的合理期待。在美国,关于加密信息是否可以获得美国宪法第四修正案的保护,学界存在不同观点,实践中还没有相关判决。为了维持国家安全和公民隐私保护之间的利益平衡:公民应对其数字加密信息享有合理的隐私期待,任何人未经许可不得破解该密码;但警方为了获取犯罪证据并申请搜查令的,可获取加密数字信息;对于已经合法获得的加密信息,警方无需再次申请搜查令即可破解。  相似文献   

黄恬恬 《理论月刊》2010,(4):103-106
通过研究发现我国基本形成了以宪法为核心,以体育基本法为主干,以其它体育法规为基础,以有关法律法规规定为补充的较全面的大众体育法律保障体系,但是尚存在立法滞后、规范位阶低、法律监督与法律救济不完善和法制宣传不到位等问题。通过对其原因的分析,提出了适时加快立法速度和提高立法质量,健全维护公民体育权利的法律监督与法律救济机制和深入进行体育法制宣传教育,增强体育法制观念等建议。  相似文献   

孙发锋 《前沿》2011,(4):90-92
中国公民社会政策参与的特征主要是:参与动机是实现、维护、增进特定群体的利益或公共利益;参与方式以舆论参政和人格化参与为主;参与意向是构建与政府间的良性互动合作关系;参与领域从回避敏感政策问题到逐步介入敏感政策问题;参与主要指向行政部门。  相似文献   

Some, not all, journalists in southwest China’s Yunnan Province have been promised greater access to the local judiciary after the provincial higher court, the highest local court, granted 14 reporters "specially invited press observer" status in early April.  相似文献   

The National People's Congress comes into session annually each March. During this month several thousand NPC deputies from around China gather in the capital to discuss and examine laws relating to the national economy and people's livelihood. Deputies bring with them the relevant opinions and suggestions that they have amassed from local inhabitants of their native provinces.  相似文献   

我国未成年人案件审查批捕制度存在诸多问题,导致未成年犯罪嫌疑人的批捕率非常高,这与当前加强对未成年人的司法保护趋势不相适应,改革现行的未成年人案件审查批捕制度势在必行。从我国未成年人案件审查批捕工作的现状出发,分析未成年人案件审查批捕制度存在的问题,借鉴域外相关制度的立法规定及司法实践,提出具体的改革构想。  相似文献   


This exploratory study focuses on the relationships between professionals working in the juvenile dependency system, including judicial officers, attorneys, social workers, and court-appointed special advocates. It includes an examination of the quality of professional relationships, factors contributing to tensions, the consequences of difficult relationships, and strategies for improving relationships. It utilizes interviews and focus groups with professionals and focus groups with clients involved in the juvenile dependency system. The major findings address: (a) the nature and quality of professional relationships, (b) the structural and operational factors contributing to tension in those relationships, (c) client perceptions of professional relationships, and (d) respondent recommendations for improving professional relationships. This study is a contribution to the small but growing literature on the complexity of the interface between public child welfare services and the court system.  相似文献   

公民能力浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建设民主政治,一方面要加强制度和法治建设,另一方面要提高公民意识和公民能力,以实现人与制度的良性互动。本文从公民能力的含义、公民能力对民主政治建设的意义以及提高公民能力的途径三个方面,进行了论述。  相似文献   

The Three Gorges Dam holds up two flood flow peaks in less than two weeks China’s Three Gorges Dam on the swollen Yangtze River stood its second test this year on July 28,holding back flood flows  相似文献   

China’s disability-related expenditure at all levels has increased year by year. Last year saw the completion of the National Ice Sports Arena for People With Impairments in light of the Beijing 2022 Paralympic Winter Games. The Games officially opened on March 4, marking not only a great event for the Olympic family, but also the advancement of China’s path for developing the cause of people with disabilities.  相似文献   


This article describes the Parent Education and Custody Effectiveness Program (P.E.A.C.E.), a series of interdisciplinary educational seminars for persons going through the divorce process; reports on the results of three P.E.A.C.E. Program pilot studies that occurred in New York State; and describes the crucial role of mental health professionals in this program.  相似文献   

"未成年人事件"有狭义、中义、广义之分,狭义指未成年人的严重违法和犯罪行为;中义则在狭义的基础上包括轻微违法和14岁以下的严重犯罪;广义则在前二者的基础上涵盖未成年人所有的不良行为以及违法和犯罪的行为.本文对未成年人事件的诸种概念进行对比分析,阐述未成年人事件诸概念之间的逻辑关系,借鉴日本少年法的立法经验,对我国<预防未成年人犯罪法>相关概念作出评析.  相似文献   

APHYSICALfitnesscenterforseniorcitizenshasrecentlybeenopenedinBeijing'sYuetanGym."Ourcenterisaschool,akeyandabank,"saysLiuXuecheng,manageroftheBeijingYinxuanFitnessCenterfortheElderly."Itisaschoolbecauseourcenterteachestheelderlyabouthealth;itisakeyb...  相似文献   

Our story goes back to late April 2006, just before May Day. In Beijing, a local newspaper reported that at a construction site, migrant workers from poor rural villages across China were often given leftovers to eat as their employer tried by every possible means to reduce the cost. The news report instantly aroused public indignation, and Cui Ruilan, a local union leader, felt uneasy about what had  相似文献   

魏毅力 《北京观察》2005,(10):20-23
随着社会主义市场经济步伐的加快和民主法治进程的推进,公民的法律意识逐年提高.  相似文献   

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