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第7届国际法医学进展研讨会(7th International Symposium Advances in Legal Medicine,ISALM)于2008年9月1~5日在日本大阪市中央公会堂隆重召开,本文作者和国内部分法医学专家、学者出席了会议,现将本次会议的基本情况作一介绍。  相似文献   

加拿大“刑法改革与刑事政策国际中心”(International Center for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy)是不列颠哥伦比亚大学、西蒙一弗莱舍大学与“刑法改革国际学会”(International Society for the Reform of Criminal Law)于1991年建立的一个旨在从全球范围为促进各国政府与联合国提高刑法效率与公正的研究与咨询机构。加拿大“刑法改革与刑事政策国际中心”已被联合国1991年通过的46/152号总决议“犯罪预防与刑事司法计划”纳入其中,成为联合国在刑事政策上的咨询网络成员。  相似文献   

The oceans once belonged to everyone and to no one. Freedom of the seas served the world well for ages. But this anarchic principle is now hopelessly inadequate given the present environmental crisis involving massive water pollution and widespread extinction of marine species. The U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) is all bark and no bite. Other international organizations are similarly ineffective including the International Whaling Commission, International Maritime Organization, and the International Seabed Authority. And regional bodies such as the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas and the Antarctic Treaty System are not much better. So, at least temporarily, it is up to coastal nations to police the waters of the world. The United States, as a superpower, should lead the way. The unilateral extension of U.S. territorial waters will enhance the prospects not only for environmental protection but also economic development and national security. It will also encourage other nations to do the same.  相似文献   

毒品国际协作测试(ICE)简介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为促进毒品实验室的国际间交流,提高毒品实验室检测能力,联合国毒品与犯罪办公室(United Nation Office on Drug and Crime—UNODC,所在地奥地利维也纳)实验室及科学部(Laboratory and Scientific Section--LSS)从2007起在世界范围内组织国际合作测试(International Collaborative Exercise--ICE),每年进行上、下半年共两轮测试。  相似文献   

宋建立 《法律适用》2012,(12):56-58
一、国际商会国际仲裁院及仲裁规则国际商会(International Chamber of Commerce,ICC)是1919年成立的非政府间国际组织,总部设在巴黎。国际商会旨在加强国际商业交往,促进世界经济的繁荣与  相似文献   

曹银凤 《政府法制》2009,(21):I0002-I0002
腾飞中的沁和能源集团公司厉立于2001年,是由Direct Power International Ltd(恒能国际)、沁水县国有资产经营公司和晋城中嘉煤炭实业有限公司共同出资组建的中外合资企业,  相似文献   

拖延和破坏程序严重威胁着仲裁的质量和生命力,因而,近年来各国纷纷制定或修订其仲裁立法,积极采取措施来防止对仲裁程序的拖延和破坏。一些世界著名的仲裁机构,如国际商会国际仲裁院(the International Court of Arbitration of Intemational Chamber of Commerce.ICIA)、伦敦国际仲裁院(London Court of Intemational Arbitration,LCIA)。  相似文献   

卢一江 《检察风云》2010,(11):46-48
新加坡政治与社会的公正廉洁与这个“花园城市”的清洁整饬一样著称于世,其成效有目共睹。在国际非政府组织“透明国际机构(Transparency International)”近十年来的年度报告中,新加坡廉政指数一直在亚洲各国名列榜首,在世界范围内也紧随北欧传统廉政国家后。大概在第五至第七名间。  相似文献   

程鹏 《中外法学》1990,(6):23-26,80
<正> 一、清代译介国际法的概况 1839年(道光19年),林则徐主持翻译了瑞士国际法学者瓦泰尔(Emmerich De Vattel,1714—1767)的名著《国际法,或适用于各国和各主权者的行为与事务的自然法原则》一书中的若干章节。这是我国首次引进的西方国际法著作。此后,译介西方国际法著作逐渐增多。1864年(同治3年)美国传教士丁韪良(W.A.P.Martin)把美国学者惠顿(Henry wheato)n,1785—1848)著的《国际法原理》(Elements of International Law,1836年)一书译成中文,经总  相似文献   

据路透社报道,音乐界发起了新一轮的世界范网的起诉文件共享者(P2P)的浪潮,以推动打击网络盗版、鼓励使用合法下载服务的活动升级。 国际唱片业联盟(The International Federation of the Phonographic Industry.IFPX)在10月17日宣布,在17个国家起诉约8000件P2P侵权案件.其中巴西、墨西哥、波兰是首次被提起诉讼的国家。  相似文献   

国际法医遗传学会(International Society of Forensic Genetics,简称ISFG)是旨在促进法医遗传标记分析研究的国际科学组织。成立于1968年,现有来自61个国家971名会员。每两年召开一次代表国际科学研究前沿水平的国际会议。国际法医遗传学会的专委会(Working Group,简称WG)不仅  相似文献   

This article will consider the following questions: What is the current state of the European data privacy and transfer regime? What are the challenges the regime is facing and what are the modifications being considered to address them? What role can the Sedona Conference play in reconciling personal data regulations and cross border discovery? We will explore the following critical issues: 1. The position taken by the European Commission (EC) in its proposed General Data Protection Regulation (2012) that the current regime, as embodied in the European Union (EU) Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC, has not fully achieved the harmonization of its member state's legal systems that was originally envisioned; 2. How the regime can adapt to the challenges and be driven by dynamic legal, technological and economic environments? The paper will conclude by examining key provisions of the EC's proposed regulation within the context of the Sedona Conference's International Principles and offer recommendations on implementation.  相似文献   

海牙国际法学院(法文名是L’Academie de droit international de La Haye,英文名是The Hague Academy of International Law),创办于一九二三年,设在荷兰海牙的和平宫院内。和平宫即有名的国际法院所在地,海牙国际法学院就在和平宫左侧。一九八○年九月八日至十二日,第二届国际法律科学大会(Second International Congress on Legal Science)在荷兰首都阿姆斯特丹举行。笔者乘参加该会之便,曾前往海牙参观国际法院与海牙国际法学院。在参观海牙国际法学院时,承该学院秘书处主任热情接待,并介绍  相似文献   

中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(以下简称贸仲)和香港国际仲裁中心、中国仲裁论坛及伟凯国际律师事务所于2006年2月23日在北京建国饭店共同举办了中国仲裁研讨会。  相似文献   

2009年5月28日至30日,第21届国际法医学会大会(XXI Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine)在葡萄牙的里斯本(Lisbon,Portugal)召开。司法部司法鉴定科  相似文献   

On June 19, 2014, the third Renmin University International Virtual Workshop (RUIVW) was held at Renmin Law School. Professor Jacques deLisle from Pennsylvania Law School gave a talk based on his recent work on Chinese tort law -- A Common Law-like Civil Law and a Public Face for Private Law China's Tort Law in Comparative Perspective.1 The article illustrates two characteristics of China's tort law: First it has been influenced by common law and, second it contains public law elements.  相似文献   

十九世纪后期,科学技术和工业的发展推动了国际贸易的进一步扩大,工业产权保护的国际协调问题也在一些国际会议上进行了讨论,并于1883年在巴黎召开的一次外交会议上正式通过了“保护工业产权巴黎公约”。在这些会议上有人进一步提出应该成立国际组织来审查和讨论涉及工业产权国际范围的所有问题。于是在1893年成立了保护知识产权联合国际局(United International Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual Property),这是一个政府性组织。国际保护工业产权协会(International Association for the Protection of Industrial Property,法文简称“AIPPI”)便是在这种情况于1897年成立的非政府间国际组织。它的宗旨是促进人们认识工业产权国际保护的必要性;研究、比较现有法律和拟议中的新法律,以求改进和统一;促进有关保  相似文献   

国际商会(The International Chamber of Commerce,简称ICC)于1920年成立于法国巴黎,是当今世界上最著名的商业民间组织。ICC自成立时起便一直致力于国际商贸领域的协调与合作,因而在处理国际商事争议方面积累了丰富的经验。值得一提的是,虽然ICC内部设有国际仲裁院(the International Court of Arbitration,简称ICA),并制定有比较完备的仲裁规则,但在解决国际商事争议方面,ICC并未将目光仅局限于仲裁这一种方式上,而是始终关注仲裁以外其他争议解决方式的作用,并通过制定相应的规则,为争议当事人提供更多的选择,从而实现圆满解决商业纠纷的目的。2001年7月1日生效的《国际商会友好争议解决规则》(The ICC Amicable Dispute Resolution Rules,以下简称《ADR规则》)便代表了ICC在这方面努力的最新成果。  相似文献   

How could Critical Legal Study's insights benefit China? When Chinese scholars at the inaugural session of Renmin University International Virtual Workshop (RUIVW) meet Duncan Kennedy, akey figure in the Critical Legal Study Movement, they seek to find out the answer.1 Kennedy's work on the globalization of law offers an ideal topic for the discussion.  相似文献   

The development of e-commerce and the desire for the development of the integrate inner-market leads to a high regulatory need, the European legislators finally seek to the approach of harmonizing the contract law and draft out the Proposal for a Common European Sales Law (CESL). However, this regulatory instrument is still faced with heavy criticism and the unknown fate in the future. This paper will analyze the commercial transactions in Europe from the perspective of comparative private law under the framework of CESL, Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) and German provisions on sales contract and hope to provide reference for the participants or those who have potential investment intention on the European market.  相似文献   

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