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肖伟强 《天津检察》2008,(3):59-59,58
一起民事行政申诉案件从受理到审查终结的期限有多长?最高人民检察院颁布的《人民检察院民事行政抗诉案件办案规则》(以下称《办案规则》)有明确的规定。《办案规则》第12条规定:“有下列情形之一的,人民检察院应当自受理之日起三十日内立案”;第14条规定:“人民检察院应当在立案以后调(借)阅人民法院审判案卷,并在调(借)阅审判案卷后三个月内审查终结”。  相似文献   

赔偿义务机关实施国家赔偿法规定以外的限制人身自由行为的处置。根据国家赔偿法第十五条第(一)、(二)、(三)项之规定,公民被限制人身自由有权取得国家赔偿的有下列三种情形,即“对没有犯罪事实或者没有事实证明有犯罪重大嫌疑的人错误拘留的;对没有犯罪事实的人错误逮捕的;依照审判监督程序再审改判无罪,原判刑罚已经执行的。”但在现实中却存在着除上述三种情形以外公民被非法限制人身自由的情形,例如以监视居住为名限制当事人人身自由,无手续非法拘禁、羁押当事人等。这些情形既不是错拘,也不是错捕,是否属国家赔偿法规定…  相似文献   

肖宇 《中国律师》2010,(9):70-72
《中华人民共和国侵权责任法》(下称“《侵权责任法》”)第58条规定:“患者有损害,因下列情形之一的,推定医疗机构有过错:(一)违反法律、行政法规、规章以及其他有关诊疗规范的规定;(二)隐匿或者拒绝提供与纠纷有关的病历资料;(三)伪造、篡改或者销毁病历资料。”笔者认为,该条规定存在逻辑悖论。  相似文献   

最高人民检察检院于2008年2月19日通过了《关于拾得他人信用卡并在自动柜员机(ATM机)上使用的行为如何定性问题的批复》,该批复规定:拾得他人信用卡并在自动柜员机(ATM机)上使用的行为,属于刑法第196条第一款第(三)项规定的“冒用他人信用卡”的情形,构成犯罪的,以信用卡诈骗罪追究刑事责任。对于此批复,笔者认为值得商榷。一般来说,拾得他人信用卡并进行使用的行为有两类情形。  相似文献   

冒充军警人员实施抢劫罪之法定刑设置疏漏   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新刑法第263条规定 :“以暴力、胁迫或者其他方法抢劫公私财物的 ,处3年以上10年以下有期徒刑 ,并处罚金 ;有下列情形之一的 ,处10年以上有期徒刑、无期徒刑或者死刑 ,并处罚金或者没收财产 :(一)入户抢劫的 ;(二)在公共交通工具上抢劫的 ;(三)抢劫银行或者其他金融机构的 ;(四)多次抢劫或者抢劫数额巨大的 ;(五)抢劫致人重伤、死亡的 ;(六)冒充军警人员抢劫的 ;(七)持枪抢劫的 ;(八)抢劫军用物资或者抢险、救灾、救济物资。”在这八种情节中 ,“冒充军警人员抢劫的” ,是其中的第六项 ,由此产生了这样一个问题 :既…  相似文献   

刑法第二百三十六条第三款规定:“强奸妇女、奸淫幼女,有下列情形之一的,处十年以上有期徒刑、无期徒刑或者死刑:(一)强奸妇女、奸淫幼女情节恶劣的;(二)强奸妇女、奸淫幼女多人的;(三)在公共场所当众强奸妇女的;(四)二人以上轮奸的;(五)致使被害人重伤、死亡或者造成其他严重后果的。”  相似文献   

为正确审理工伤保险行政案件,根据《中华人民共和国社会保险法》、《中华人民共和国劳动法》、《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》、《工伤保险条例》及其他有关法律、行政法规规定.结合行政审判实际,制定本规定。 第一条人民法院审理工伤认定行政案件,在认定是否存在《工伤保险条例》第十四条第(六)项“本人主要责任”、第十六条第(二)项“醉酒或者吸毒”和第十六条第(三)项“自残或者自杀”等情形时,应当以有权机构出具的事故责任认定书、结论性意见和人民法院生效裁判等法律文书为依据,但有相反证据足以推翻事故责任认定书和结论性意见的除外。  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》第五十一条规定:“人民法院、人民检察院和公安机关对于有下列情形之一的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人可以取保候审或者监视居住:(一)可能判处管制、拘役或者独立适用附加刑的;(二)可能判处有期徒刑以上刑罚,采取取保候审、监视居住不致发生社会危险性的”,第五十八条规定“人民法院、人民检察院和公安机关对犯罪嫌疑人、被告人取保候审最长不得超过十二个月,监视居住最长不得超过六个月”。  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国合同法》第42条规定:当事人在订立合同过程中有下列情形之有,给对方造成损失的,应当承担损害赔偿责任:(一)假借订立合同,恶意进行磋商;(二)故意隐瞒与订立合同有关的重要事实或者提供虚假情况;(三)有其他违背诚实信用原则的行为。 我国许多民法学者在讲解《合同法》时都认为该条是关于“缔约过失”责任的规定。我们认为,将我国《合同法》第 42条的规定表述为“缔约过失”责任不尽严谨,无论从该条规定的内容还是使用的文字看,将该条表述为关于“缔约过错”责任的规定更为确切。 众所周知,法律概念是十…  相似文献   

“新的证据”论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
三大程序法关于“新的证据”的规定;三大程序法关于“新的证据”的规定;三大程序法均在审判监督程序中规定“新的证据”条文,即当事人申请再审(或申诉)时,人民法院应予再审的“符合情形”之一。刑事诉讼法第204条第一款第一项之规定“有新的证据证明原判决、裁定认定的事实确有错误的一;民事诉讼法第179条第一款第一项之规定“有新的证据,足以推翻原判决、裁定的”;行政诉讼法虽无“新的证据”的直接规定,但行政诉讼法之司法解释同时规定“行政诉讼法无规定的适用民事诉讼法的有关规定”。这就是三大程序法中涉及“新的证据”部分…  相似文献   

《Federal register》1995,60(10):3405-3410
This notice establishes special payment limits for standard home blood glucose monitors, identified as code E0607 of the HCFA Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS). This final notice is intended to prevent excessive payment for these items. Currently, payment under the Medicare program for home blood glucose monitors and other items of durable medical equipment (DME) is equal to 80 percent of the lesser of the actual charge for the item or the fee schedule amount for the item. This notice requires that payment for standard home blood glucose monitors be equal to 80 percent of the lesser of the actual charge or a special payment limit.  相似文献   

Score-based approaches for computing forensic likelihood ratios are becoming more prevalent in the forensic literature. When two items of evidential value are entangled via a scorefunction, several nuances arise when attempting to model the score behavior under the competing source-level propositions. Specific assumptions must be made in order to appropriately model the numerator and denominator probability distributions. This process is fairly straightforward for the numerator of the score-based likelihood ratio, entailing the generation of a database of scores obtained by pairing items of evidence from the same source. However, this process presents ambiguities for the denominator database generation - in particular, how best to generate a database of scores between two items of different sources. Many alternatives have appeared in the literature, three of which we will consider in detail. They differ in their approach to generating denominator databases, by pairing (1) the item of known source with randomly selected items from a relevant database; (2) the item of unknown source with randomly generated items from a relevant database; or (3) two randomly generated items. When the two items differ in type, perhaps one having higher information content, these three alternatives can produce very different denominator databases. While each of these alternatives has appeared in the literature, the decision of how to generate the denominator database is often made without calling attention to the subjective nature of this process. In this paper, we compare each of the three methods (and the resulting score-based likelihood ratios), which can be thought of as three distinct interpretations of the denominator proposition. Our goal in performing these comparisons is to illustrate the effect that subtle modifications of these propositions can have on inferences drawn from the evidence evaluation procedure. The study was performed using a data set composed of cursive writing samples from over 400 writers. We found that, when provided with the same two items of evidence, the three methods often would lead to differing conclusions (with rates of disagreement ranging from 0.005 to 0.48). Rates of misleading evidence and Tippet plots are both used to characterize the range of behavior for the methods over varying sized questioned documents. The appendix shows that the three score-based likelihood ratios are theoretically very different not only from each other, but also from the likelihood ratio, and as a consequence each display drastically different behavior.  相似文献   

运用项目反应理论分析不同认知特点的题目   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
项目反应理论和认知心理学是两个不同的研究领域 ,把它们结合起来可以得到更多的题目信息。通常人们只是利用了项目反应理论提供的项目难度、区分度等统计指标 ,本研究发现对于具有不同认知特点的题目 ,它们的项目特征曲线和差异性系数是有显著差异的。高分组和低分组在认知结构上的差异 ,也可以通过项目特征曲线反映出来  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Assessment of violence risk in youth for juvenile court needs to be improved. AIM: To determine which items of the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth (SAVRY) are recorded in pre-trial mental health evaluations and which of these items are associated with the clinical judgment of the risk of violent recidivism. METHOD: A total of one hundred forensic diagnostic juvenile court files were rated with regard to the presence or absence of the thirty SAVRY risk items: ten historical, six contextual and eight individual items, and six protective items. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis were used to examine the relationship between SAVRY risk items and the clinical judgment of violence risk. RESULTS: Most SAVRY-items had been recorded in the files. However, five historical items and the contextual item 'rejection by peers' did not appear in 25-62% of the files. Especially SAVRY items like 'negative-attitudes' and 'psychopathic traits' were the most powerful predictors for clinical judgment of high violence risk. Unexpectedly, historical items played a minor role in clinical judgment. CONCLUSION: Prospective research is needed with the use of SAVRY-items to improve evidence based violence risk assessment in court ordered mental health evaluations of youngsters.  相似文献   

Trace DNA analysis is a significant part of a forensic laboratory's workload. Knowing optimal sampling strategies and item success rates for particular item types can assist in evidence selection and examination processes and shorten turnaround times. In this study, forensic short tandem repeat (STR) casework results were reviewed to determine how often STR profiles suitable for comparison were obtained from “handler” and “wearer” areas of 764 items commonly submitted for examination. One hundred and fifty‐five (155) items obtained from volunteers were also sampled. Items were analyzed for best sampling location and strategy. For casework items, headwear and gloves provided the highest success rates. Experimentally, eyeglasses and earphones, T‐shirts, fabric gloves and watches provided the highest success rates. Eyeglasses and latex gloves provided optimal results if the entire surfaces were swabbed. In general, at least 10%, and up to 88% of all trace DNA analyses resulted in suitable STR profiles for comparison.  相似文献   

两种价值序列下的程序基本矛盾   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
20世纪中期以来的程序价值理论把程序的价值区分为两个序列 ,一曰程序的外在价值 ,一曰程序的内在价值。正是因为程序存在这两个序列的价值标准 ,所以法律程序存在着若干对相互矛盾的结构性要素 ,它们在程序运行中构成了四对基本矛盾 ,即 :程序目标 (产出 )与程序手段 (成本 )、大众生活逻辑与职业专门逻辑、实体思维倾向与形式思维倾向、职权主义与当事人主义。这四对基本矛盾分别属于程序外在价值 (标准 )的派生物和程序内在价值的派生物。它们在程序制度运行中成为既相互关联又相互排斥的对立关系 ,它们既带来无限可利用的公正资源 ,足以影响程序的公正质量 ,又产生程序技术构成中的诸多缺陷和两难境地。这些基本矛盾使得我们对它无法进行单向思考 ,而只能将它们并列在一起通过辩证的方法根据特定的时间与空间进行衡量。  相似文献   

The 21-item Social Issues Advocacy Scale (SIAS; Nilsson, Marszalek et al. in Educ Psychol Meas 71(1):258–275, 2011) was developed as a concise measure of social justice advocacy for people in the helping and health professions. Recent scholarship has indicated a need for a broader measure. The present study seeks to continue development of the SIAS into an expanded version, the SIAS-2. A sample of 284 helping and health professionals and college students in related fields was administered 117 items, which was reduced to 78 items for the final instrument through item analysis and exploratory factor analysis. Eight factors emerged explaining 61.5% of the item variance. Corresponding subscales ranged in reliability from .88 to .94. Additional validity evidence is discussed.  相似文献   

These studies were designed to assess ethnocentrism and stereotypes as possible mediators of intergroup fairness biases. In Study 1, subjects wrote fair and unfair behaviors about their own sex (the ingroup) and the opposite sex (the outgroup). More fair and fewer unfair behaviors were written about the ingroup than about the outgroup, supporting the ethnocentric hypothesis. In Study 2, subjects rated the fairness and frequency of random samples of each item type. Half the subjects rated these items as they were originally written, and half rated them with the gender of the actor reversed. Ethnocentrism was evident in ratings of ingroup actors as more fair than outgroup actors when both performed fair behaviors, but this bias was reversed in favor of outgroup actors for ratings of unfair behaviors. In addition, the items written about women were rated more fair than those written about men, and men rated the reversed gender items less fair and less frequent than did women, supporting the influence of gender stereotypes in intergroup fairness biases.  相似文献   

Abstract: The selection of the appropriate method of collection of biological material from crime scene items can be crucial to obtaining a DNA profile. The three techniques commonly used for sampling items are: cutting, swabbing, and taping. The tape sampling technique offers an advantage, in that it enables the collection of a potentially highly informative source of DNA, shed epithelial cells, from selected areas on crime scene items (the inside fingers of a glove, for instance). Furthermore, surface collection of biological material by taping reduces co‐sampling of known PCR inhibitors such as clothing dyes. The correct choice of tape for crime scene item sampling is important. Not all tapes are suitable for biological trace evidence collection as well as DNA extraction. We report on one tape that met both these criteria. Three different cases are presented which demonstrate the usefulness of adhesive tape sampling of crime items. Finally, the advantages of the tape collection technique are discussed and guidelines for preferred areas of tape sampling on various casework items are presented.  相似文献   

The current study examined the impact of item wording on self-reported sexual assault perpetration and victimization rates. The Sexual Experiences Survey (SES; Koss et al. in Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 55, 162–170, 1987) is a self-report assessment of female sexual victimization and male sexual perpetration. Studies using the SES consistently report a marked discrepancy between victimization rates and perpetration rates. The wording of the SES items asks respondents to report whether experiences occurred in the absence of female want. It was hypothesized that modified items, which did not require an analysis of female want, would yield increased male response rates compared to the original SES, but that female rates would be equivalent across versions. Parallel male and female SES items, for coercive sexual contact and intercourse, were compared with modified items. Analyses of the data confirmed the hypothesis that modified items yielded increased reports for males in the contact and intercourse conditions. Female response rates on modified items were increased in the contact condition, but not the intercourse condition. Implications of these findings were discussed.  相似文献   

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