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<正>An Israeli self-defense system gains popularity among Chinese fans By Jacques FourrierMost people might think that introducing Krav Maga to the Chinese would be like carrying coals to Newcastle.After all,China is famous for the diversity of its martial arts styles,and household names such as Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan have greatly contributed to the worldwide promotion of the kungfu phenomenon.How could an Israeli self-defense and fighting system created only a few decades ago appeal to the Chinese?  相似文献   

ZHEJIANG is a magic land.Located on China's south-east coast at the southernsection of the Yangtze RiverDelta, it has a subtropical mon-soon climate. It borders Shanghaito its north, and at its rear is a vasthinterland. Within its territory arebeautiful landscapes, and monu-ments to China's long and splen-did history, such as the HemuduCulture of 7,000 years ago, creat-ed by the forefathers of Zhejianginhabitants, and the QiantangRiver tides, known as a "wonderunder Heaven." The combin…  相似文献   

NEW trends unfolded in China’s stable relationships with Latin American countries in the year 2012,apparent in more diversified economic and trade cooperation.China’s proactive application of its strategies in the region has brought about greater global interaction.Achieving common trust and understanding,however,entails greater cultural and educational exchanges.  相似文献   

PROFESSOR Justin Lin Yifu is nothing if not a patriot. "The main reason I returned to China was because I wanted to make a contribution to the economic development and economic transition of China," the World Bank's new chief economist once famously said while delivering a talk at the Marshall Lectures at Cambridge University in 2007. Lin was trying to explain why he left Yale in the late 1980s after spending time there as a senior research fellow, and the implication was that he could well have chosen to stay on in the West, as so many of his fellow Chinese graduate students were then doing,  相似文献   

AS tens of millions of viewers around the world are fascinated by the Oscarwinning film Avatar, few know that the occult extrasolar planet Pandora, including its blue-skinned feline-featured Navi residents, both bear made-in-China tags.  相似文献   

MOTOR vehicle temporary entry administration began in Chongzuo City on November 20, 2007. On that day, 100 Vietnamese motor vehicles bearing temporary license plates issued by the Chinese transport department entered Chongzuo. They were allowed a free run of the city, in line with the relevant regulations of the People's Republic of China.  相似文献   

构建和谐的中国农村社会   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
当代中国农村的变迁过程就是“类单位制”的建立与解体过程,当代中国农村的社会秩序正面临着重建的问题。在重建的过程中,由于缺乏民主理念和民主意识,村民自治制度的实施举步维艰。开展村落社区建设的案例,为我们提供了解决问题的一个新的途径,优秀的传统文化在构建和谐农村社会的进程中,有其积极的现实意义。  相似文献   

SHAOXING City in Zhejiang Province is a veritable treasure chest for Chinese culture buffs.The city’s long history,rich culture and graceful natural beauty have inspired many Chinese men of letters to write lyrical poems extolling its charm and romance.On the historical menu are:a temple commemorating prehistoric clan leader Shun and the tomb of his contemporary,Yu the Great; the ruins of the capital of  相似文献   

<正>乡村振兴战略是一个需要不断努力和完善的巨大工程,关系到全面建成小康社会的成功,也关系到我们每个人的生活和健康。中共十九大报告提出了乡村振兴战略,中共中央农村工作会议研究实施乡村振兴战略的重要政策,这决定了未来30多年中国农村发展的宏伟蓝图。农业农村农民问题是关系国计民生的根本性问题,也是国家现代化进程中的短板所在。没有农业农村的现代化,就没有国家的现代化。乡村振兴决定着中国全面小康社会的成色和社会主义现代化的质量。  相似文献   

正National rural vitalization strategy invigorates villages across the nation Despite being only 10 minutes by road from the nearest city now, Gaohuai Village, located in Deyang in Sichuan Province in southwest China, was once a poor and isolated backwater. Now it has been reborn into a place for urbanites to get together and relax at weekends. The cafés in the village are a symbol of  相似文献   

CHINA's rapid and sustained economic growth since implemen- tation of the reform and opening policy in 1978 may be gratify- ing, but is nonetheless at the root of the central government's emphasis over the past year on maintaining social stability. In his address to a high-level seminar at the Party School held in Beijing in February 2005, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, President Hu Jintao, stated that "... building a harmonious society" would enable "... all citizens…  相似文献   

ZANG YAN 《人权》2009,(6):32-37
This year marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. It is also the 50th anniversary of democratic reform in Tibet. People of all nationalities in China, be they in Beijing or Lhasa, live in peace and prosperity and celebrated the arrival of the National Day falling on October 1. Over the last 60 years a new China that is democratic, harmonious and strong has risen. Over these same years, Tibet, an inalienable part of China, has also gone through great changes.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,农村所发生的经济、社会变迁推动着我国乡村治理结构的转型,也催生了村民自治这一新型的基层民主制度。在村民自治这一制度架构下,一种基于治理理念的新型农村社会治理模式成为可能,即以村民委员会民主选举制度为核心,以村务公开为制度保障,通过培育具有自主治理性质的乡村社团组织,发掘传统乡村社会的文化资源,将制度创新与本土资源的发掘结合起来。  相似文献   

党的十九大报告将乡村振兴提到了战略高度,在重视城乡融合的基础上推行农业农村优先发展。除吸引优秀人才返乡创业、返乡就业外,中国的乡村振兴战略还必须调动农村现有劳动力的积极性和创造性。但中国长期以来的工业化和城市化进程已经使流动人口与留守人口现象发生了很大的变化。流动人口的急剧增长和留守人口相对减少相辅相成。农村留守妇女在总体数量上已经大大减少,留守地也从农村转向乡镇乃至县城。概言之,现阶段的农村留守妇女是经过长期市场和政策筛选后的剩余群体,她们面临着更为沉重的照料负担、更为严峻的婚姻危机和更难启齿的疾病困扰。农村留守妇女的这些新特点和突出问题需要得到政府更有的放矢的关注和干预,使她们能够更好地参与到乡村振兴中来。  相似文献   

吴佳 《中国发展》2007,7(4):71-77
该文基于中国农村医疗救助政策的实施状况描述,分析了医疗救助政策上存在的问题与挑战。同时,通过对东亚国家医疗救助社会政策的比较与借鉴,提出在目前新型农村合作医疗制度逐步推进的基础上,中国应构建一个政府主导下,以“健康卡”为媒介的,医方和社会工作者共同提供医疗救助服务的发展型农村医疗救助制度。  相似文献   

We Chinese who traveledhalf way around the worldto seek their fortunes in theAmericas have overcome greatobstacles, cruel treatment, dis-crimination and prejudice, theloneliness and isolation of beingstrangers in strange lands to be-come vibrant and enterprisingbuilders of prosperous communi-ties. We are proud of our Chineseheritage, but also loyal citizens ofour adopted homelands.  相似文献   

刘长 《思想战线》2004,30(2):72-75
浮士德是歌德一生都在庸俗与伟大、妥协与叛逆的两极之间痛苦摇摆的产物。作者的双重性格使得浮士德身上呈现出二元对立的性格倾向:看思想伟大而崇高,看行动卑劣而渺小。浮士德的意义正在于揭示了当时追求进步的新兴资产阶级想有作为而又不知如何去实现自己的理想,以致行动起来总是与理想背道而驰的困惑,乃至于生活在那个时代的人类的困惑。  相似文献   

Li Zhao 《当代中国》2011,20(71):679-698
Along with the emergence of the ‘three rural issues’ and rural crisis, a new co-operative movement has been witnessed in rural China, which is different from the former revolutionary communalist co-operative movement. This social movement can help to understand and rebuild civil society in China, which has, more often than not, been criticized as not genuine, civil nor society-based. Following the debate's background of the juxtaposition of a fast economic reform together with slow social and political reforms in China, the paper addresses a crucial question on the impact of economic development on civil society dynamics in China. By identifying the causal mechanisms of the new co-operative development and the conditions needed for them to develop, the paper presents some implications of the co-operative model in today's society. These causal mechanisms are set within the context of one historical process evolving with a path dependency. Using this theoretical framework, it further presents the empirical observations. Through the findings it is concluded that the new co-operative movement in rural China can be considered as a mild liberalization within civil society's sphere. While questioning a popularly used perspective examining the voluntary/non-profit nature of civil society organizations and excluding the economic aspect within civil society studies in China, the paper suggests an alternative approach representing an inclusive third sector with diverse organizations that combine both economic and social aims.  相似文献   

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