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胡照青 《中国发展》2007,7(4):41-46
世界各国对金融机构业务范围的制度设计不尽一致,大体可概括为“分业经营”与“混业经营”。该文以银行业为例,通过对几个发达国家银行业实行混业经营制度的介绍,揭示了采用“混业经营”是当前金融监管的发展趋势。中国加入WTO之后,正逐步从“分业经营”向“混业经营”过渡,目前,中国不仅在立法上逐步肯定了混业经营在一定范围内存在的合法性,而且还在实践操作中通过有针对性地选择试点,逐步实现向混业经营的转变。  相似文献   

LASTJuly,oneofChina'sleadingeconomicnewspaperswarnedagainstinvestinginISP(InternetServiceProvider),becausethesectorwasstillrunningataloss.Thiswassurprising,ascustomers,advertisersandinvestorsarepouringintothishigh-techbusiness.Butthen34-year-oldZhangZhaoyang(CharlesZhang)camebackfromtheUS,andfoundedSohu,partofInternetTechnologyChina(ITC).InOctober1998,Timemagazinenamedthe50mostinfluentialcyberspacepeopleintheworld.Ofthem,twoareChinese.OneisLiuYunjie,whoisinchargeofthedatacommunicat…  相似文献   

IT was April 1964 when the f irst Africa-bound Chinese medical team touched down in Algeria, at the invitation of its govern- ment. Since then, Chinese med- ics have landed in 48 African countries. By the end of 2005, the total number of Chinese medical personnel that had vis- ited Africa had amounted to 15,841. Be- tween them, they had treated some 170 million African patients. Today, there are 98 Chinese medical clinics in 35 Af- rican nations. During the past four decades, Chi- nese m…  相似文献   

Chen Ji  Steve Thomas 《当代中国》2002,11(33):673-682
Financial services, particularly securities markets, insurance and commercial banking, have played a crucial role in China's post-1978 economic reforms. China has so far established a market structure and a legal framework, and has a growing understanding of how financial services operate in the modern world economy. We will review China's progress in financial services reforms over the last 22 years, describe the commitments China has made to gain WTO entrance, and then evaluate the potential benefits and costs to China's financial sector of WTO accession. We conclude that even with the substantial challenges presented by greatly increased post-WTO foreign competition, China will benefit from the WTO because of a number of factors including a growing pool of well-trained personnel, lessons learned from domestic and foreign development experiences, increasing Chinese economic strength, and continual advancement of China's financial infrastructure.  相似文献   

邓小平关于金融工作的论述博大精深,涉及金融领域中诸如指导思想、金融体系体制改革、工作方针、融资政策等一系列根本性、战略性问题。论述系统而完整,内涵极为丰富。  相似文献   

At the opening of the 2013 Understanding and Cooperation Dialogue held by the Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU) on July 23 in Beijing, former President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Olusegun Obasanjo expounded his understanding of the Chinese dream and its implication for Africa. The full text of his speech as follow:  相似文献   

IN post-World Cup South Africa, the droning of the vuvuzelas has faded away and the crowds of spectators have dispersed,  相似文献   

目前,我国的城市反贫困主要依赖财政方法.事实上,城市反贫困是一个复杂的系统工程,需要各种政策方法的良好搭配.强调财政方法在城市反贫困中主导作用的同时,我们绝不能忽视货币政策或金融方法在城市反贫困中的重要性.央行的货币金融政策应该惠及城市贫困人口,货币政策要有针对性地治理失业和反贫困.  相似文献   

BEFORE Zhu Min took the podium at the Beijing Symposium on World Economy and China: Post-crisis Global Economic and Financial Situation, in mid November 2009, the chair made an intriguing introduction to the newly appointed deputy governor of the People's Bank of China: "Though we haven't as yet got official confirmation on Mr. Zhu's next post, one thing we're certain of is that he will be assuming a bigger role in international affairs."  相似文献   

谢业祥 《理论月刊》2003,(10):55-57
近年来,货币政策作为宏观调控的重要组成部分,对我国经济发展作出了一定的贡献,但是,其效果并不理想。本文从我国货币政策的传导效率出发,阐述我国货币政策效应不显著的原因在于传导机制存在阻滞,其实质是货币政策不能有效地从金融领域传递至实质经济领域。因此,要求央行的货币政策有效地调控经济运行,促进经济增长,适度放松金融监管、疏通货币政策的传导机制、保持银行体系的正常运行应是基本的选择。  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, China has accumulated over US$3.4 trillion of official foreign exchange reserves as it rises to become a global power. Do China's financial assets increase its ability to pursue its national interests internationally? With the globalisation and rising influence of Chinese state-owned enterprises, state-owned banks and sovereign wealth fund, as well as China's growing clout in several regional groupings, it is clear that China does possess the necessary mechanisms to assert its financial power. This article examines the efficacy and limitations of these mechanisms in Africa and Latin America, in the economic and political domains. In the economic domain, China has consistently used foreign oil contracts and acquisitions to secure direct oil flow from developing nations. An analysis of recent cases shows that while China is able to successfully harness its financial power in its pursuit of oil, it needs to fulfil its promises to the satisfaction of the recipient countries in order to maintain the value of its offers. In the political domain, China has used its financial assets to purchase diplomatic allegiance from various African and Latin American countries in support of its One-China policy. Studying both successful and unsuccessful cases reveals that while China is generally able to use its financial power in third-world countries against Taiwan successfully, its national goals have, in recent years, shifted to the economic realm, even with countries that still recognise the Taipei government.  相似文献   

农村金融服务失效的成因及对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈峰燕 《桂海论丛》2006,22(2):30-32
农村金融服务对农民增收具有重要的促进作用。当前,农村经济对金融服务的需求呈现日益扩大及多元化的趋势,但农村金融服务不论是在体制设计,还是在需求的满足程度上,都存在缺陷,已经成为农民增收、农村经济发展、彻底解决“三农”问题的一大制约因素。为此要进行农村金融服务的创新,完善农村金融体系,引导各类金融机构增加对“三农”的支持力度,提高服务效率,为农民增收提供完善的金融服务。  相似文献   

我国农村金融服务现状及发展建议   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
深化农村金融体制改革是完善社会主义市场经济体制的基本要求,更是建设社会主义新农村的重要保障.从当前农村金融服务覆盖面、农业贷款情况、小额信贷情况、农村金融机构的可持续性、农村政策性金融等方面来分析,我国下一步农村金融体制改革应在发挥农村政策性金融作用的基础上,形成多种形式的金融机构并存、分工合理、功能互补、适度竞争、并且可持续发展的多层次农村金融体系,为建设社会主义新农村和构建和谐社会营造良好的金融环境.  相似文献   

近年来,包括我国在内的世界各国的金融欺诈案件迅速增加、损失日益加剧,伴随着我国改革开放的发展,金融领域内的欺诈犯罪行为也在蔓延,且呈迅速上升之势。可以说,金融诈骗已成为当前我国经济犯罪活动中危害最大的犯罪类型之一。为了打击金融犯罪、保护国家和人民群众的财产权益、维护金融秩序、保护国家经济安全,应注重相关的立法与执法、协调各方面的力量、共同打击金融诈骗犯罪,从而有效遏制金融诈骗犯罪的产生和蔓延。  相似文献   

财政分权与中国房地产业困境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
华伟  艾华 《探索与争鸣》2007,(11):56-58
现阶段,我国实行财政分税制,在中央财政收入迅速增长的同时,中央政府承担的相对义务大幅减少,地方政府则承担了过重的财政支出责任。在此分税制下,地方政府及地方官员的经济行为,对我国房地产行业产生了深刻的影响;因此亟待从地方政府财政收入与支出的角度进行变革,使地方政府和地方官员的经济行为能够最大化福利于社会。  相似文献   

Even with an upturn in the Chinese economy, many economists still hold doubts. The consensus among those who took part in the Sohu  相似文献   

At the invitation of the gov-ernment of Northern CapeProvince of the Republic of SouthAfrica, a Chinese local govern-ment delegation organized by theCPAFFC paid a goodwill visit toNorthern Cape from October 31to November 7,1998.The airplane of the South Af-rican Airways that we weretraveling by took off from Johan-nesburg and after a flight of onehour and 20 minutes landed  相似文献   

武汉与广州天津南京沈阳成都五市相比较,无论是金融发展基本状况比较,还是金融竞争力定量分析,武汉在六市排名中均较靠后。衡量金融竞争力的一些主要指标质量不高影响了武汉金融竞争力排名,最大的问题是城镇居民可支配收入及地方一般预算收入、进出口总额、存贷款总额等水平较低。而相比金融发展的现状水平,武汉金融发展的经济基础和潜力劣势更为明显。因此武汉金融业加快发展,必须创新金融工作理念;必须加快组建“武字头”金融控股集团,打造武汉金融航母;必须完善金融市场体系,构建多层次资本市场体系,并积极争取建立中部地区或全国性的产权交易市场。  相似文献   

Amid the escalating global financial crisis, books on the gloomy topic are flying off the shelves. Which Way Should China Turn - When the Sub-prime Crisis Changed the World gives one Chinese economist's take on the cause and effects of the current crisis - and how one of the world's few growing economies should respond.  相似文献   

中国金融分业经营体制的形成反映了特定历史时期管理层对金融安全的关切,也是符合我国金融业实际的理性选择,这一过程与主要市场经济国家金融业发展的起始阶段基本一致.但由于分业经营在效率方面的损失以及由此带来的更高层次上的风险,它必然要为混业经营所取代,但这种取代不是在现在,而是在将来,过程应是渐进的.  相似文献   

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