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ABBAS J. Kdaimy, 51, never thought he'd call China home. He made his first trip to the country from his native Iraq 15 years ago - and has been here ever since.  相似文献   

蟹之乡愁料理 我是崇明籍,70年代末跟随父母,一路晕着船到的上海,其实骨子里,直到今天,还是不太喜欢这么喧嚣繁复的地方。很多年以后,发现不少和我类似经历的人,都不愿意承认自己的户籍,—定要拿不标准的沪语,  相似文献   

芦山“4·20”地震发生后,灾区收到了各种各样的捐赠物,其中最稀奇的要算是壹基金收到的230多个比特币了。  相似文献   

The UK sent its first envoy George Macartney to China for Qing Emperor Qianlong's birthday celebration in 1793. The occasion marked the first official contact between the two empires. Britain had emerged from the industrial revolution as a world power at the time, while the Qing regime remained complacent and insular.  相似文献   

THE Chinese Dream is closely linked to the dreams of other nations. Realizing the Chinese Dream will therefore benefit other countries, including France, and so contribute to world peace and prosperity.  相似文献   

“思路开阔全面。对改革有着清晰议程和充足自信,这对奠定中国未来发展基础和坚定外国投资者信心非常重要。”  相似文献   

Changing Dreams     
The Chinese Dream, pursued by 1.3 billion Chinese people, is the object of nmch study today. If you're talking about China and you don't mention the Chinese Dream, it even seems a little strange.  相似文献   

Iam writing with reference to "Sustainable Development," by Zhang Shifu and others.
In 2011, nay wife and I spent a month visiting Shanghai, Beijing and other cities of China. It was a rewarding experienee to see a vast country on the march.  相似文献   

Home Swish Home     
LIN Chi-Jung likes to tell a comely story he once got from a veteran devel- oper. “He said that he felt so touched when seeing houses with their light lit up at night, it touched his heart to know that there are so many families living happily in those houses that he built.” Now the chairman of Sunrise Real Estate, Lin says see- ing “laughter and happiness” in family hearth is the reason he’s in business. It helps that Sunrise makes plenty of money doing so. Headquartered at hold- ing…  相似文献   

“低碳”成为今年大会的一个重要关键词。从代表的生活细节、会务安排到热议的话题,“低碳清风”吹遍了大会的每一个角落。在历年“两会”热点民意调查中,2010年“低碳经济”关键词首次出现。“低碳”为什么这样火?现实需求和时代潮流正推动着我国走向低碳经济的时代。在政策退出的背景下,各发达国家均在寻找新的经济增长模式,低碳经济因此被寄予厚望,它不仅是传统的环保手段,而且有望成为全球经济增长的新动力。  相似文献   

正THE Chinese dream and the Mexican dream have many similarities,but the two countries take different paths to pursue them.What the two national dreams have in common is the determination to resolve such issues as the rich-poor divide,uneven regional development,  相似文献   

THE women of Yongyi Village gather most days under a century-old banyan tree to weave Li brocade on crude looms that resemble little more than stacks of wood. The fabric that takes shape over this contraption, however,is dazzlingly splendid.This reclusive rural community is part of Qianjia Town, Ledong Li Autonomous  相似文献   

交锋:当代中国的八种思潮   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国经济迅猛发展,邓小平思想功不可没;“老左”与“新左”呼唤“文革”,自由主义“挤出门缝”又进“夹缝”;民主社会主义刚刚抬头,民族主义与民粹主义“杀声一片”;新儒家却在提倡尊孔子为全民导师……各种思潮的喧嚣与交锋正使中国进入“春秋时代”.喧嚣并不可怕,可怕的是理性声音被淹没,理性变革得不到积极推进.  相似文献   

A lot of Chinese painters today work in a realist style because they believe it is more objective in dealing with current events and that seems to be popular. I work in an expressionist style and thematically, I deal with that which is eternal.  相似文献   

刘世锦 《政策》2006,(12):21-24
如何看待和评价中国已有的经济增长模式对改革开放以来中国经济发展的成就,国内外的评价总体上说相当高,但说到中国的经济增长模式,看法就大不相同,经常听到的说法是“粗放”与“低效”,如此等等。对中国经济增长的“绩效”和“模式”评价如此不一,颇令人困惑。对中国增长模式的评价,当然可以列出许多数据加以论证,这里不妨作一个简单的逻辑推论。近些年来,中国吸引外资数量在全球位居前列,这是一个基本事实。如果中国的增长模式仅仅是“粗放”、“低效”,那么外资为什么不留在其他国家“集约”、“高效”的模式内,而要到中国来呢?逐利是资…  相似文献   

PREDICTABLY the U.S.A. is still regarded as the world's greatest power, according to an opinion poll carried out by Harris Interactive of America. The 6,645 respondents aged between 16 and 64 came from Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Britain and the U.S. Perhaps more surprisingly for Chinese people, Some 93 percent of the French, 90 percent of Americans, 88 percent of Italians, 87 percent of Germans and Britons, and 86 percent of Spaniards rated China as the world's second greatest oower.  相似文献   

IT was April 1964 when the f irst Africa-bound Chinese medical team touched down in Algeria, at the invitation of its govern- ment. Since then, Chinese med- ics have landed in 48 African countries. By the end of 2005, the total number of Chinese medical personnel that had vis- ited Africa had amounted to 15,841. Be- tween them, they had treated some 170 million African patients. Today, there are 98 Chinese medical clinics in 35 Af- rican nations. During the past four decades, Chi- nese m…  相似文献   


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