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At the invitation of theCPAFFC, a delegation ofIlocos Norte Province of thePhilippines headed by GovernorFerdinand R. Marcos, Jr. paida goodwill visit to China in July1999. I was happy to accompa-ny the Philippine friends duringtheir visit in China, thus hav-ing an opportunity to make theacquaintance with Governor  相似文献   

In the vocabularies used by the Chinese today, "Bethune" is the ultimate synonym for the noble figure. It came from the period of anti-Japanese war when a Canadian physician Norman Bethune came to the frontiers of heavy gun fire to treat the great many Chinese wounded soldiers and eventually died in the anti-fascist battlefield himself due to exhaustion and surgical contraction. "What kind of spirit is this",  相似文献   

"While I was in Shanghailast week there were somany memorable events that my73 years of life felt so very spe-cial ," Isobel Easton Thompsontold a friend on her 2-day staythere before her month-long Chinatour's end. The story can be traced back47 vears when China was im-mersed in civil war. lsobel. a  相似文献   

正21.刘鹤:我们看到巨大的市场潜力不断地拉动中国经济长期向好,需要关注大趋势最近我有一个想法,在我们分析经济形势中,有些专家很重视当月的经济数据变化,我们认为这是必要的,比如高一点低一点快一点慢一点,但是更重要的,我们应采取更长期的、结构的分析方法。如果从这一组图来看,我们看到巨大的市场潜力不断地拉动中国经济长期向好,我们需要关注大趋势。所以,不管暂时出现什么情况,长期向好的趋势是  相似文献   

正41.刘世锦:未来十年,中等收入群体扩大一倍应成为新目标在明年我们全面建成小康社会的目标实现以后,应该再用十年左右的时间实现另外一个目标,就是中等收入群体扩大一倍,或者再翻一番。提出这个目标,主要有两方面的理由:第一,增长的需求要有一定的稳定性;第二,社会稳定的问题。——全国政协经济委员会副主任、中国发展研究基金会副理事长(新华网,2019年12月15日)  相似文献   

正81.蔡昉:未来应积极创造第二次人口红利总体而言,第一次人口红利往往属于一种后发优势,其有利于经济增长的特征只是特定发展阶段的产物。一旦发展水平提升和人口发展阶段变化,经济增长就不能再依靠那些与不可逆的人口过程相关的资源,如人口数量和年龄结构,第二次人口红利的获得越来越需要依靠那些可塑造、可培育的资源。经济发展理论和经验表明,这种新增长资源中最重要的是全要素生产率和人力资本,而这两者互为条件、相互促进。创造第二次人口红利,不仅要提高储蓄率,而且要提  相似文献   

正31.傅才武:技术的颠覆式创新推动文化领域进入"奇点时刻"当前我国文化领域总体上进入第四个技术阶梯,已从"量变过程"转向"质变过程"。这一阶段不同于前几个阶段的特殊之处在于,技术的颠覆式创新推动文化领域进入"奇点时刻",即文化生产关系从渐进变革一步踏入颠覆性创新,传统的文化行业部门从管理结构到内容、形式和手段进入全方位  相似文献   

正51.张文祥:舆情记忆不只有七天经验地看,似乎网络舆情"七天传播定律"是存在的,但现实中影响舆情热度和持续时间的因素又是多元的,因此,并不存在一成不变的定律。网络环境、政府对突发事件的态度、媒体行为、网民自身因素等,都会影响舆情的周期演进和热度持续时间。"七天传播定律"只是在一定程度上反映了社交媒体环境下网络舆情生命周期较短的现状,是一种经验性的观察结论,而非有学理支撑的科学理论。  相似文献   

正1.何毅亭:党是最高政治领导力量,不是说党要"包打天下""取代一切"党是最高政治领导力量,不是说党要"包打天下",事无巨细什么都去管;党领导一切,并不是"取代一切",也不是从中央到地方乃至各个领域、各个行业"上下左右一般粗"。习近平总书记在讲到党的全面领导时多次指出,党的领导主要是管方向、管政策、管原则、管干部,发挥把方向、谋大局、  相似文献   

正61.中国经济高速增长的动因人口红利是经济高速增长的主因蔡昉:经济史表明,当人口转变处在劳动年龄人口持续增长、人口抚养比相应降低的阶段,人口因素有利于实现较快的经济增长速度,因而带来人口红利。随着2010年以后劳动年龄人口转向负增长,人口抚养比迅速提高,传统人口红利开始加速消失。劳动力短缺导致工资持续提高,迄今已超过劳动生产率提高的幅度,制造业的比较优势减弱。随着新  相似文献   

WUYI Mountain, with its stunning sceneryand wealth of cultural relics, is located innorthwestern Fujian Province. InDecember 1999, it was designated by theUN World Heritage Committee as a World Culturaland Natural Heritage site, thus becoming the fourthin China after Mt. Taishan, Mt. Huangshan, and Mt.Emei.Wuyi Mountain's 108 scenic spots, includingits Jiuqu (Nine-Bend) River, Tianyou Peak,Waterfall Cave, Huxiao (Roaring Tiger) Rock,Wuyi Palace, and Lianhua (Lotus) Peak, are sc…  相似文献   

正67.庄荣文:互联网是信息时代的新基础设施,带来的是"幂数效应"互联网是信息时代的新基础设施,是经济社会发展的"大动脉"。传统基础设施带来的是"乘数效应",而互联网带来的是"幂数效应"。当前正处于全球网络信息技术加速创新变革、信息基础设施快速演进升级的关键"窗口期",人工智能、工业互联网、物联网、大数据中心等新型基础设施将对经济社会发展产生更为重要的推动作用。——中共中央宣传部副部长,中央网络安全和信息化委员会  相似文献   

正91.郑永年:中国需要更多的国际空间就中国和现存国际秩序的关系而言,有几个方面已经是不言自明的事实。第一,中国的崛起是在现存国际秩序内部的崛起。中国实行开放政策,把自身融入到现存国际体系内,并在这个体系中成长。第二,中国在这个体系内部发挥着越来越大的作用,已经具备足够的能力重塑这个秩序。第三,中国也具有了足够的能力来倡议或者建设新的区域秩序。这三方面的因素都在影响着中国和外在世界的关系。现在的情  相似文献   

U .S. President Barack Obama’s second inauguration triggered a new round of discussion among Chinese observers about the U.S. adjustment of its Asia-Pacific strategy. Old questions cropped up again: Is the move targeted at China? Will it lead to confrontational China-U.S. relations?  相似文献   

The first China-US Governors Forum, co-hosted by the CPAFFC and the US National Governors Association (NGA) was held at Salt Lake City, Utah, from July 13 to 16, 2011. The creation of the Forum, a follow-up of the important achievements of President Hu Jintao’s state visit to the U.S. last January, is not only considered conducive to the institutionalization and promoting the growing maturity of the bilateral relationship, but also has significance for the further development of a cooperative partnership.  相似文献   

The issue relating to human rights safeguards in criminal procedure has of late attracted extensive attention.A Human Rights reporter recently interviewed Prof.Fan Chongyi of China University of Political Science and Law on the issue.Following are excerpts of the interview.  相似文献   

At the invitation of the Federation of Canada-China Friendship Associations (FCCFA), a CPAFFC working group paid a goodwill visit to Canada from September 5 to 15, 2008. The two members of the group, who visited Canada for the first time, were deeply impressed by the country's vast land, tranquil and clear lakes, magnificent undulating mountains and hospitable people of various ethnic groups. During the visit, the group through contacting the Canadian friendship-with-China organizations enhanced mutual understanding, visited the birthplace of Doctor Norman Bethune and the cities where he had studied and worked, and had exchanges and sought cooperation with various sides of Canada for the activities to be held in 2009 in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the death of Dr. Bethune and the publication of Chairman Mao's article In Memory of Norman Bethune.  相似文献   

Some of the characteristics that set the Rutgers EMBA program apart from other EMBA programs are: flexibility of schedule, diversity of the student body and quality of the faculty. The unique design of the Rutgers International Executive MBA program allows busy executives to work full time and go to school full time. Courses generally are conducted approximately once a month over a nine-day period. The classes are held all day  相似文献   

The year of 2011 is the 150th anniversary of the birth,and the 70th of the death,of the great Indian poet Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore.He was a literary giant whose 80-year life spanned two centuries.Although he wrote mostly in Bengali,many of his great masterpieces have been translated into different languages  相似文献   

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